Chapter 718

"Attack!" Gongsun Zan also pointed at the gun, the army beat, and the iron cavalry rushed towards the seventh school's cavalry.

The two iron streams were full of murderous intent, and they were equally powerful, and no one was worse than the other.

Everyone has the same equipment.

Baima Yicong is also equipped with horseshoes, saddles, and stirrups, and he can also display superb skills on horses, and exert his strongest combat effectiveness.

The two coaches rushed over with their fine cavalry. Not far from the field were cavalry onlookers from both sides. Everyone secretly cheered for their troops.

Soon the two armies collided with each other.

Although Gongsun Zan and Huang Zhong were both at the front of the team, they did not face each other. After all, the probability of deliberately meeting each other is not very high.

And even if they bumped into each other, it was impossible for the two of them to kill each other off the horse. After all, the purpose of their duel was not to prove the strength of each individual martial arts, but the strength of the entire army.

So everyone avoided it like a gentleman.


The two cavalry collided and swung their weapons at each other.

All of a sudden, the sound of Jin Ming continued, and the sound of sharp objects piercing and scratching the body came and went, one after another.

Countless soldiers fell from their horses.

Soon the two iron streams rushed through each other's teams, and then the two troops with different armor and armor separated, turned their backs to each other and rushed into the distance.

Countless uncontrolled horses were left behind in the battle, and countless corpses and wounded and groaning iron-blooded men fell on the ground.

"Quick! Save people!"

The cavalry who watched from the side urged their horses to rush over, and then rescued the wounded soldiers of the enemy and us who were not dead.

Gongsun Zan has a lot of people, and the seventh school captain has more hemostatic medicine and military doctors.

The two teams worked together to help the wounded.

Huang Zhong and Gongsun Zan ran not far away, then turned their heads, and the two armies rushed towards each other in the other direction.

The two of them glanced around and understood that the losses just now were similar, and no one was less than the other.

The two torrents of steel collided and rushed towards each other again, this time the fight was more intense, and they fought each other more fiercely.

After a test of blood and fire, corpses and wounded soldiers were left in the battleground, as well as horses neighing messily in the wind.

"Come again!"

The two sides rushed over and turned back, and once again rushed towards each other.

This time the fighting spirit was stronger, and they all held the belief that they must win, and used the strongest style of play.

After fighting again, the number of both sides dropped by more than half.

From the perspective of scale, it seems that the seventh school Weiqi has a bit more advantage, and Baima Yicong has more losses.

The Dongrae army has the upper hand with a slight advantage in hedging.

However, Gongsun Zan and his Baima Yicong hadn't lost their belief in fighting, and once again assembled and pulled up the team and rushed over.

Huang Zhong also adopted the same style of play, adjusting the entire army into a one-two-three formation.

What is the formation of one, two and three, that is, Huang Zhong is the first to rush to the front, which is one, and behind him are two teams of guards side by side, which is two.

The entire army at the end is lined up with three people in a row, and the whole army becomes a long snake with one, two, and three shapes when it has strength.

Seeing that Huang Zhong had changed his formation, Gongsun Zan waved his gun and waved his flag, and the whole team became a horizontal line of six cavalry.

Every two people formed a column, so the whole team became three teams and charged side by side. When they were about to rush, the left and right wings scattered to the outside, and hit the middle and rear waist of the seventh school lieutenant.


Huang Zhong swung his sword, and Gongsun Zan stabbed him with a spear.

The weapons of the two briefly touched in the air, and Gongsun Zan only felt a huge force that he had never endured hit his whole body, and his face was horrified.

However, he quickly dodged it, and the two horses missed him. Huang Zhong's direct contact with the saber failed to kill Gongsun Zan.

I don't know if the water was released or if Gongsun Zan really couldn't be killed.

However, after he passed Gongsun Zan, the sword in his hand didn't stop or resist at all. He kept slashing past Gongsun Zan, and all the riders behind Gongsun Zan were killed and dismounted one by one.

The entire squadron was completely broken up and collapsed.

Gongsun Zan himself didn't feel well either. He endured Huang Zhong's blow. Although he didn't fall off his horse and didn't suffer any injuries, the seventh school lieutenants behind him greeted him fiercely one by one, especially the one who was in tenth place. Xian Yuyin slashed towards his neck.

Gongsun Zan hurriedly retracted his gun to block it, the blade almost scratched his ear.

Although Gongsun Zan's squadron was blown up by Huang Zhong, the middle and rear squadrons of the Seventh Colonel Weiqi didn't have a good time either. Bai Mayi from the left and right rushed over, equally aggressive.

Fortunately, Han Dang, who was in the middle army, fought back with his gun and repelled Baima Yicong who was rushing from the right wing, and did not let the opponent smash through the middle of the long snake.

Therefore, the tail of the seventh school lieutenant cavalry was also not feeling well, being overwhelmed and scattered by the left and right Baima Yicongjun who rushed up, and also suffered a lot of losses.


"Report! Your Majesty, there is a Han army blocking our way ahead."

Not long after coming over from Danhan Mountain, the Xianbei army discovered the infantry of the Han army blocking the road ahead. This is the new Japanese army.

Bu Dugen was familiar with this, and when he saw another pawn in the same attire, his face darkened.

Ke Bineng said: "This Han army is looking for death, and dare to block the way. When did the Han army's pawns become so arrogant?"

Bu Dugen knew that Ke Bi Neng had never suffered from this kind of army, so he sneered and said: "Although this infantry soldier is short and poorly equipped, but their combat effectiveness is very high, so we just stay there and don't move. It would take the same casualties to completely eat him."

In fact, up to now, Budugen has not understood what the Han army is playing.

Leaving an army of infantry as a living target for them, I don't know what to draw.

It's really weird.

"There's also this kind of thing. Last time you fought against them, you were beaten one-to-one by an infantry army. Could it be that they have some mechanism." Ke Bineng was a little suspicious, but he didn't dare to be careless.

I have suffered losses in the hands of the Han people, but I dare not despise the Han people, especially the Donglai Army headed by Xu Ding.

Bu Dugen said: "Don't look at the small number of infantry and the poor equipment, but they cast nails on the front of our army's attack, passing the door to the soles of our horses.

Moreover, they also have a sword and shield for anti-cavalry collision, which is also specially designed to injure the legs of war horses.

In the end, they fought very tenaciously. Even if the whole army was wiped out, they still fought back crazily. They were not afraid of death at all, but were proud of death. I don't want to be with such lunatics, because I don't know how many such lunatic troops they have. "

There is a large population of Han people, and Bu Dugen knew that with this one-for-one style of play, he would be cheated out of his pants.

"So, you mean that we go around. This is not to grow the ambition of the Han people and destroy my prestige of the Great Xianbei." Kebi can be the No. 1 Xianbei in the east, the best fighter, and naturally he refuses to accept it and does not want to do it.

Bu Dugen: "Whatever you want, anyway, I will not order an attack. This is just a tactic of the Han people to delay their troops, in order to delay time. If too much time and energy are spent on these Han troops, they will wait until Gongsun Zan and Xu Ding If the cavalry decides the winner and escapes, then our trip will be wasted."

Ke Bi Neng thought about it, and saw that Budugen was determined not to attack until he died, so he wanted to go around, so he sighed and said: "Then go around, and when we come back, we will deal with this group of Han infantry. .”

Facing the new Japanese army of [-] infantry, the [-] Xianbei army did not fight, but circled around from both wings.

That's right, now the central Xianbei can only get together [-] yuan, and there are old, weak, sick and disabled people in the [-] miles, including other miscellaneous beards. It was Bu Dugen and Ke Bineng who managed to gather them together.

If they were losing, they could really be doomed.

The Xianbei army bypassed the [-] New Japanese army and continued on for less than three miles, when suddenly there was the sound of rumbling horses on both wings.

"Not good! It's Han Qi, it's Han Qi..."

The two cavalry that suddenly appeared from the left and right wings rushed forward under similar banners.

The Xianbei army suddenly panicked, and Han cavalry intercepted and attacked them.

Bu Dugen and Ke Bineng exchanged glances instantly, and Bu Dugen said: "I'm on the left and you are on the right."

"Okay!" Kebi did not refuse. Although the number of Han cavalry on the right was more than doubled, the equipment was not as good as that of the left wing from a distance, so he directly led his men to meet the right wing.

His subordinate Mi Jia and his younger brother Ju Luohou followed suit.

Bu Dugen didn't look lucky either, because the Han Qi was very elite and powerful. Although the left wing was only about [-], he also went all out to deal with it, and led his men to take the initiative to meet it.

The Han cavalry on the left wing is exactly Xu Ding and his left cavalry guards, there are no more than [-] people, and each of them has a continuous crossbow.

But this time, the soldiers on the two wings used their crossbows to rush forward, and the soldiers in the middle charged forward like a blade with long soldiers in their hands like him.


The two armies collided, Xu Ding shot out his spear like a dragon and swayed left and right to knock down Bu Dugen's men, and Xu Huang swung his battle ax behind him, also chopping one at a time.

The two of them killed Budugen's army one after the other, and the soldiers were even more desperate, waving their weapons constantly, and also killed the Xianbei army one by one.

Budugen's eyeballs were red, how could there be such a strong general? Fortunately, he didn't rush towards Xu Ding and Xu Huang just now, otherwise he would have fallen off the horse.

Of course, he didn't feel well, because he rushed to the left flank of the left cavalry guard, and here the Han cavalrymen kept pulling the trigger of a repeating crossbow.

Short, powerful, and extremely penetrating crossbow arrows rushed towards him like rain.

Budugen was also accidentally shot by an arrow, and there was a pain in his arm. Others around him were not so lucky, and they all fell off their horses, and there was nothing behind them.

He was so frightened that he hurried out to avoid attacking the Han cavalry formation.

Seeing that Bu Dugen retreated to one side, the others also ran over. After all, the general will follow the commander, and the soldiers will follow.

No matter what happened to Bu Dugen, Xu Ding and Xu Huang went forward like killing gods. Although Bu Dugen had many brave generals, they were not their opponents at all. Wear it over.

The soldiers with crossbows on the left and right wings shot all the way over, beating the almost chaotic Xianbei army into a mess.

Xu Ding and Xu Huang then turned around and came back to attack again.

Bu Dugen had just gathered his soldiers and horses, and his heart ached. Seeing Xu Ding coming again, he glanced at Ke Bineng's direction, then gritted his teeth and said, "Withdraw!"

The army heard the order to follow Budugen to retreat to the north, Xu Ding did not pursue it, and visually estimated that Budugen escaped less than [-] people, and the remaining Xianbei army was the leader, so after chasing for a while, they led the army to East around to kill Ke Bineng.

Here, Ke Bi Neng and Yan Rou, the Guiyi Army, had already collided with each other. Both of them had a lot of troops, but Ke Bi Neng had more people, more than twice as many.

The Guiyi army led by Yan Rou only had [-] cavalry, and he did not bring all the Guiyi army.

However, Yan Rou's fighting style is also brave and staunch, and she is not afraid of competing with others. The two armies collided, soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, fighting each other.

Ke Bi Neng slashed at Yan Rou with a heavy blow with a knife, and swung his spear to block, feeling terrified, he hurriedly turned his spear and struck, and then missed her.

A master fight can determine the outcome with one move. Yan Rou didn't expect Ke Bineng's strength to be so high, which is rare in Donglai, so she didn't fight him for the second time and hurriedly avoided the tie.

Ke Bineng didn't expect Yan Rou to be so strong. He thought he could easily kill the commander-in-chief of the Han general, but he was forced to take a trick by the opponent and cleverly dodged it.

However, Ke Bineng didn't have time to turn around and fight Yan Rou, so he had to swing the knife in his hand and slash all the way.

Soon he ran into another enemy general, swung his knife and slashed again, and the opponent also slashed at his life with a knife.

With a sound of "Puff!", Ke Bi Neng was still superior and beheaded the other party.

Then there were some birds chirping all around.

Only then did Ke Bineng hear clearly that it was a man named Wu Yan who he beheaded.

However, he was not happy at all, because this was not a Han, and he had seen the face of the other in a hasty fight just now, which was also different from the Han.

But what made him even more unhappy and even saddened was that Yan Rou, who had just rushed over, also killed his younger brother Ju Luohou.

The two armies charged and killed each other, leaving countless corpses and horses on the ground.

Although the number of the Guiyi army was smaller than that of the Xianbei army, the battle losses were the same.

This made Ke Bi Neng extremely depressed.

But when he saw the ownerless man riding a horse, he suddenly realized.

"Look, Your Majesty!"

Suddenly, one of his men pointed to Bei Xiang and reminded him angrily.

Ke Bi Neng looked north and saw that Bu Du Gen Yi Jing had fled a long way with the remnants of his troops. Ke Bi Neng was so angry that his nose almost crooked.

"Damn Bu Dugen, I knew I couldn't believe it." Ke Bi Neng was furious in his heart, furious, and hurriedly asked, "Where are you venting to the mud?"

"Back to your Majesty, just now... I just fell off the horse with an arrow, and we don't know whether it is death or injury!"

A subordinate who specially guarded Xie Guini bowed his head and replied.

Immortal is also useless.

"What should the king do now?" When Mi Jia asked, his eyes aimed at the five thousand Han cavalry who circled to the east and surrounded them.

Ke Bineng also noticed this, and after a little thought, he said, "Retreat to the west, let's go back!"

Bu Dugen ran away, and Xie Guini died. It is meaningless to fight this battle. At this time, getting rid of these Han cavalry, bringing more soldiers back, and retaining more vitality is the most important thing.

As soon as he said a word, the army quickly followed Ke Bineng to retreat westward.

As soon as he moved, Yan Rou led the Guiyi army to charge from the north, and Xu Ding also led the left cavalry to chase after him.

But Ke Bi Neng didn't walk a few times, and the way back to the west was blocked by the new Japanese army.

This group of pawns that they looked down upon at first became a big obstacle at the moment.

However, Ke Bineng was the bravest person in Xianbei, and he didn't pay attention to the mere [-]-step clan. If the pawns were equipped with excellent bows and crossbows, he would be afraid.

It's just ordinary infantry with long spears and long shields.

But I regretted it soon, especially when the new Japanese army retreated, the ground where they had been originally shone with a few refracted lights.

Only then did Ke Bineng remember Bu Dugen's words.

When attacking the Han infantry head-on, they will scatter horse nails to pit horseshoes.

All those in the middle fell off their horses, and all were injured.

As soon as these words sounded in my ears, I wanted to remind Yijing that it was too late, and the countless war horses in front of them wailed and fell down.

The people on the horse also fell, and the horse team behind them confiscated them and ran into them one after another, falling down one after another.

They stepped on each other, causing countless casualties.

"Come on! Kill me!"

Ke Bineng deserves to be Xianbei's No. 1. At this time, there is no way out, but to fight to the death.

Yijing was injured, and Yijing's thunderstorm was over, so there was nothing to hesitate, and he decisively ordered to continue the attack.

The huge cavalry continued to rush past the place where nothing happened.

However, the retreating new Japanese army finally stopped, and immediately formed a dense phalanx, with swords and shields at the forefront, all of them looked excited, and it was time to change their fate.

Withstand the Xianbei cavalry, keep them all, and die.

If you live and make great contributions, rewards are also indispensable.


The torrent of steel crashed into the strong fortress.

Immediately there was another bloody baptism, countless cavalry were knocked to the ground, and countless new Japanese soldiers were overwhelmed by the horses.

"Come on, go on, go on!"

Ke Bi Neng's eyes were already red at this time, and there was only one thought left in his mind, rushing, killing, killing.

The Xianbei cavalry continued to attack, and soon the sword and shield were smashed and destroyed, and there were horses and injured Xianbei cavalry on the ground.

There were Xianbei cavalry rushing in from behind, but the new Japanese army was not afraid and did not retreat timidly. Instead, they bravely stabbed with their spears or swung their knives.

Ke Bineng's cavalry entered the new Japanese army and kept rushing forward, and the number of the new Japanese army dropped sharply.

However, the Xianbei cavalry could not continue to collide, let alone pass through, and the whole team stagnated.

At this time, Yan Rou and Xu Ding came with fine horses, one north and one east, like two sharp knives.

The two fast and fierce cavalry smashed Ke Bineng's midfielder like a cutting machine in an instant, and then quickly ate it.

In particular, Xu Ding killed directly from the middle like a flower, until he reached the front of the new Japanese army's position.

At this time, Ke Bi Neng led his troops into the position of the new Japanese army, and he couldn't control the rear. The infantry and cavalry, cavalry and cavalry fought in a melee.

The entire battlefield is like a meat grinder, the fighting is fierce, and blood flows like rivers.

In the time of a cup of tea, Ke Bineng's troops were completely divided and eaten one by one, leaving only the cavalry he had led to the new Japanese army still fighting with the new Japanese army.

At this time, the new Japanese army has completely lost its formation, suffered heavy losses, and there are not many people left, but they are still working hard to fight and intercept, constantly rushing towards Ke Bineng and others like moths.

Ke Bineng was a little numb to killing.

What kind of pawn is this f*cking pawn? It's almost dead, you don't want to fight, you have to continue fighting, when will it be the head.

It was also the first time for Xu Ding to see the new Japanese army fighting so aggressively and bravely. Before, he only heard reports about how brave the new Japanese army was, so he didn't have an intuitive feeling.

Seeing this scene now reminded him of World War II.

The brainwashed Japanese people have a tough character and fight like a lunatic.

"Outflank the left and right wings, raise your bow and shoot arrows!"

However, when he thought of the number of Japanese people and the terrifying fighting power they could unleash, as well as the flattery and capriciousness in their bones, Xu Ding's unbearable feeling was still diluted.

The cavalry surrounded the Xianbei people and the New Japanese Army, and did not participate in the battle group. Instead, they raised their bows and found a chance to shoot. They immediately shot arrows at the Xianbei people and carried out long-distance sniping.

Soon there were less than five hundred new Japanese troops left, including the wounded.

And Ke Bineng had only a dozen riders left around him, and the rest were killed in battle.

Xu Ding waved his hand, commanding the generals of the new Japanese army to shake the gold, and the remaining new Japanese army retreated.

Ke Bineng looked around, then closed his eyes.

They were all killed in battle, and he had no chance to live.

But he was still not reconciled, opened his eyes and said: "Please answer the commander of the Han army, I want to know who lost today."

Xu Ding urged his horse out of battle, stared at Ke Bineng and said, "Big Han Wei Haihou!"

" are Marquis of Weihai!" Ke Bi Neng looked at the heroic young man who came out of the cavalry and sized him up over and over again.

Unexpectedly, it was Xu Ding who led the team in person, and this battle was not unjustly lost.

It wasn't the first time he lost to Xu Ding, the last time he lost all 2 troops, this time there were only more than [-] people, so it's normal to lose.

Xu Ding said: "What last words do you have?"

Ke Bi Neng shook his body, thinking that this is not going to save my life.

The dignified Xianbei No.1 is not worthy of Weihai Hou's acceptance, not even the treatment of such a mess as Wuhuan.

Ke Bi Neng couldn't help but let out a chuckle, shook his head, then raised his head, clenched his weapon tightly and looked like a raging fire of fighting intent, and said: "Master Hou, I want to fight with you."

I am Xianbei No. [-], Xu Ding is the No. [-] man, and if I die, I will die at the hands of No. [-] in the world. If I fight against No. [-] in the world, I will die in peace.

"Sorry, I'm not free, and you are not qualified." Xu Ding replied lightly, then turned around and said to Xu Huang:
"Gongming, come and see him off!"

"It's the lord!" Xu Huang urged the horse to get out slowly.

Ke Bi Neng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled wryly.

That's right, I'm not qualified anymore, but I should be qualified if I killed this Xu Huang.

You will regret it Weihaihou.

The anger in Ke Bi Neng's heart was even higher, and he urged the horse to stare at Xu Huang as well.

Suddenly the two speeded up, and the two war horses galloped as if they were stepping steadily, and soon the two horses came together, and the horses neighed at the same time.

The two in the air split their weapons to attack each other, and finally the one in the air collided, shooting sparks, and then before the two horses crossed over, the two turned around and waved their weapons again.

The robe was stained with blood, the war horse stopped, and a figure with hair scattered and a sword fell on the withered grass.

Then there was enthusiastic cheers and celebrations all around.

(End of this chapter)

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