Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 720 The Instructions Enter the Customs from Gongsun Zan

Chapter 720 The Instructions Enter the Pass from Gongsun Zan (Two in One)


Yan Gang and others didn't know that there was such a profound intention in it.

It wasn't that Gongsun Zan didn't care about things, but that he believed in Xu Ding's ability to handle everything well.

And I also want to take the opportunity to test my son.

Xu Ding helped him look at Gongsun Xu more reassuringly than he looked at it himself.

Gongsun Zan is arrogant and paranoid in some respects, but he is definitely not an idiot.

It's just that some defects in character limit the final development.

After finally coaxing Yan Gang and the others away, Xu Ding stretched his waist and walked out of the room. Looking at the sunny outside, he went to Guancheng to inspect.

Then ask someone to find Xu Huang.

"My lord, I heard that you sent someone to find me." Xu Huang hurriedly asked when he went to the city.

Xu Ding asked: "How do you feel about Baima Yicong when we get along these few days?"

Xu Huang looked around and saw that there was no one from Youzhou, so he thought about it and replied: "My lord, the most elite Baima Yicong lost in the duel with the seventh school lieutenant. Said it was a pity.

However, the remaining Baima Yicong is still a very good cavalry, their riding skills are still very good, and the conditions in all aspects are also good.

If the lord wants to refine them into an army, it's not impossible. "

Xu Ding smiled, and then said as he walked: "You can tell, that's right, Baima Yicong is the elite cavalry brought out by Gongsun Zan. Although he lost the most elite five thousand soldiers, he kept more, as long as there is a way." Properly, the physical fitness has been strengthened, the military discipline has been readjusted, and soon a strong army will be formed.

In fact, I intend to keep a white horse army, but Gongsun Zan has been hiding in Juyong County. "

"My lord, if you want Gongsun Zan to leave the mountain, why not ask Mr. Gongda, he is a counselor, and he has more ways to do it. If you ask me, I can't answer." Xu Huang rolled his eyes and suggested.

Xu Ding pointed to Xu Huang, shook his head lightly and said, "Gongda is good at strategizing, but don't let him participate in this kind of thing. You are the commander of the cavalry, you know the cavalry better, and you are capable of writing and military. You can't be lazy if you want to be lazy, you must find a way, otherwise I will let you manage the White Horse Army."

"Hey my lord, it's so tiring to lead the army abroad. It's better for me to serve as the left cavalry guard for you." Xu Huang smiled modestly, but after thinking about it, he said:
"My lord, why don't you take advantage of the fact that there is no opportunity to go south now, and first train Baima Yi into the army. If you don't worry, I will take the left cavalry to teach these boys what is military discipline, what is a real cavalry, and let them see what is called a magic weapon." ride."

"You, you! Come on, I can trust you in your training, go ahead, don't worry about their rebellion, the more you struggle, the more Gongsun Zan can't sit still, I will allow you to expand the army of the left cavalry to eight thousand." Xu Ding I don't know Xu Huang's little thoughts.

Said that he didn't want to leave the Jinwu Guard, and he was ready to follow and fight at any time.

In fact, as a general who can be a strong general and can block the commander in chief, he is naturally eager to be released to the outside world to command the army to fight independently.

This is the highest aspiration of all soldiers, and no one can escape it. Of course, this is also the right mentality.

A soldier who doesn't want to be a marshal is not a good soldier.

Think about it, it's time for his Jinwu Guard to expand its army.

The top ten colonels will basically be finalized in this way in the future. The five Davids will definitely be added, and the famous army (New Japanese Army, Guiyi Army) will also be added.

But everyone knows that the guards are the most trusted by Xu Ding, and the Xiaowei army is the most affectionate and most recognized army.

The famous army should be ranked at the back. After all, it is still necessary to distinguish which one is the real son, which one is the godson, and which one is not even a son.

With the promised warrant and guarantee, Xu Huang led his staff, and then began to practice Baima Yicong.

Xu Huang's training method is different from Yu Jin's. He likes to train officers, pays attention to teaching and learning, and pays attention to the training and training of officers.

So he picked out all the officers of Baima Yicong and formed a team for personal training, including Yingyu.

As for the ordinary soldiers below, he handed over the training to Huang Xulai, who was born in the martial arts hall.

Huang Xu was not only born in the martial arts hall, but also Huang Zhong's son, whether it was passed down from his family or taught at school, he must be proficient in military training.

After Huang Xu took over, he immediately led his subordinates to manage the gang of white horses.

Of course, the first thing Huang Xu came up was the most basic military discipline and formation drills.

There is not much time for them, and it is impossible to practice anything. It is better to come to the most basic physical training. This is simple and effective, and it is the most grinding.

Of course, soon some soldiers couldn't stand it and came to Xu Ding to complain. Donglai's methods were really too harsh and severe, which made them really uncomfortable for those who are usually free.

The level of training with Gongsun Zan was not so strong before.

And the officers don't have to train, but train others, drinking a little wine every day, kicking their butts, yelling and cursing their subordinates, now it's their turn, it's really uncomfortable.

Xu Ding greeted all the people who came here with a smile, and told them that if they couldn't accept it, they didn't have to go, just come to him to sign.

"Master Hou, do you really not need to be trained if you sign your name?" The crowd didn't expect Xu Ding to be so easy-going, and they asked in disbelief.

Xu Ding said: "Of course, this is voluntary. Our Donglai Army has always been the most fair and never forced anyone. You can go back to rest or go to Juyong County to find Bogui."

"Thank you, Lord Hou!" Everyone was overjoyed when they heard the words, and signed their names happily.

After returning, these people should really eat and drink, and some people went to Juyong County, but when they wanted to take their troops there, they were told by Huang Xu that the soldiers had to be trained, and no one could be transferred away for the time being. , and tell them that your positions will not change after you return, and the soldiers under you will still be your soldiers.

Soon those who did not receive education were all gone from the training team. For those who were willing to stay, Xu Huang trained hard and carried out physical and ideological education, and occasionally popularized professional knowledge for them to broaden their world and knowledge reserves.

Gongsun Zan fed and drank well in Juyong County every day. After a few days, the dissatisfaction in his heart basically disappeared.

I also figured it out a lot, and started to care about the situation of Youzhou and Xu Ding.

As a result, subordinates kept coming to him to eat, drink, and show their loyalty by the way.

This made Gongsun Zan cry.

"You idiots." Gongsun Zan saw that all of them were bare-handed commanders, and also heard that Xu Ding was integrating and training his white horse Yi Cong. He immediately became impatient, and said to Yi Gan's subordinates who hadn't understood yet:
"I asked you to follow Xu Ding so that you can learn some skills and keep an eye on him. If you come to Juyong County one by one, Baima Yicong will be completely defeated by you."

The 5000 people who were the most elite were defeated by him, which is nothing. Anyway, there are still more than [-] people, at least not all of them were destroyed, and there are still some families.

"My lord, why do we sound confused." One of his subordinates asked incomprehensibly, and most of them were also puzzled.

Those who can come here are those who really don't understand Xu Ding and Xu Huang's little tricks, and they think they have escaped the physical training, and they are having fun.

Unexpectedly, Gongsun Zan said in a bad mood, "When you go back, all your soldiers will be picked up by Xu Ding, and you will be bare-boned soldiers with you when you go back. The last bit of my family background, Xu Ding you!" It really worked.”

As Gongsun Zan said, he kicked them one by one, and each person was kicked in the buttocks or thighs. Gongsun Zan hated that iron could not be broken: "Get on my horse, let's go to Juyongguan."

Everyone followed Gongsun Zan back to Juyongguan.

Xu Ding was waiting for Gongsun Zan at the gate of the city.

"General Bogui is recovering from his injury? It's nothing serious, don't let anything happen to you."

Looking at Xu Ding, who was smiling and full of irony, Gongsun Zan was furious, clasped his fists and tilted his face, and said, "Thank you Wei Hai for your concern. I heard that Marquis Wei Hai has made a lot of achievements in military training. I want to see my Did the useless wolves make trouble for Lord Hou?"

"No, no, it's okay. I have to say that General Bogui is well trained. No one troubles me. Those who are not used to our military training methods will go back to eat and drink. If General Bogui is interested, let's go together." Take a look." Xu Ding had an expression of being cheap and obedient, which made Gongsun Zan really want to beat him up.

But his strength doesn't allow it, not to mention Xu Ding, even Huang Zhong can't beat him.

Thinking of Huang Zhong, his chest and shoulders still ached.

"Master Hou is inviting us, so let's go and have a look." Gongsun Zan still had a good face, of course he wouldn't say that he was really anxious to go and have a look.

Xu Ding didn't want to show his face, anyway, Gongsun Zan lost in the scriptures, and he was rather cute.

Xu Ding took them to the place where the soldiers were trained first, and saw Huang Xu training these ordinary soldiers to stand in line, all of them standing there stupidly, especially the young Huang Xusui asked: "Master, what are you doing?" What are you practicing, why are you standing still?"

"This is to practice standing posture. It mainly trains the coordination and unity and military discipline of the soldiers. This is the most basic subject for us, whether it is cavalry, infantry, or naval navy." Xu Ding saw that Gongsun Zan did not take it seriously. He pointed at Huang Xu and said:
"This is Huang Xu, the son of Han Sheng. He is one of the most outstanding graduates of the second phase of my Donglai Lecture Hall. Wen Tao and Wu Lue are not inferior to his father."

Hearing that it was Huang Zhong's son, all the generals in Youzhou, including Gongsun Zan, immediately became respectful.

Gongsun Zan stared at Huang Xu and looked at Xu Ding, his eyes shone with a gleam of light.

But he was not talking, but followed Xu Ding to the officer training ground.

The scale here is much smaller, and the training is basically the same as before, but many other courses will be added, not a single queue.

There are no prickly and sneaky people, these officers have been trained very hard.

After a few days, he looked good, his kicks were sonorous and powerful, his formation was neat and uniform, and his mental outlook was completely renewed.

This surprised Gongsun Zan.

He knows best about his subordinates.

In just a few days, these guys had undergone a rebirth-like change, which made him see the most elite five thousand soldiers again.

"Master Hou, who is training them? This person has great abilities." Gongsun Zan looked at Xu Huang who was practicing and praised.

He felt that Xu Huang must be responsible for these credits, and only a strong general can bring out a nest of strong generals.

Xu Ding knew what Gongsun Zan meant, and said with a smile, "He is Xu Gongming, who led the left cavalry guard of my Jinwu Guard. .

The second is that Gongming set a condition for them, that they will be selected from the group of them who train the hardest and perform best into my left cavalry guards. "

"This..." Gongsun Zan thought that Xu Ding would pick someone from his White Horse Army, otherwise he wouldn't have made such a move. He didn't expect him to do it so directly, and he didn't even hide it.

When the generals who belonged to Gongsun Zan heard the words, they all felt as if they had overturned the jar of vinegar.

It turns out that Xu Ding's purpose of training officers is to be selected into Shenjiqi, to become his own son in the army.

Everyone couldn't help shouting regret in their hearts. If they knew this was the case, they would not quit the training and not go to Gongsun Zan.

This was an opportunity to become the general of Xu Ding's personal guard, but they missed it.

Xu Ding didn't shy away from it, and said directly: "I will pick some of the soldiers you saw Huang Xu training just now as the left cavalry guards. Our army is very fair. Excellent and hardworking people will be rewarded, and they should be rewarded." corresponding treatment."

Not only officers have to be transferred, but ordinary soldiers have to be selected as well.

Gongsun Zan felt that he was going to play it off this time, Xu Ding really dared to think and do it.

"Of course! The rest of the soldiers and officers are also excellent soldiers and shouldn't be buried. I will form an army named White Horse. As long as they continue to train and train according to this method, they may not be worse than the Left Cavalry. Without a suitable general, it can only be put on hold for the time being." Xu Ding glanced at Gongsun Zan who was depressed, and then changed the topic and brought up the matter of the White Horse Army.

Isn't that what Gongsun Zan came to Juyongguan for?
Gongsun Zan raised his head abruptly when he heard the words, with a look of shock on his face: " want to build the White Horse Army?"

Baima Yicong was originally his army, and now there are around Wanqi. It's just that the most elite group has been lost, but the foundation is still there.

"Of course, White Horse Army is a good title. I wonder if Bogui is interested?" Xu Ding was more direct this time, looking directly at Gongsun Zan and asking him for an answer.

People like Gongsun Zan don't want ink marks, if they can do it, they can't.

Gongsun Zan said, "You really dare to let me take charge of an army?"

"Why don't you dare, Bogui's ability is obvious to all. He has always been brave and valiant in battle on the battlefield. Baima Yi has made a great reputation since then. I don't think Bogui will want him to be buried and disappear." Xu Ding slightly tilted his head. The corners of his lips curled up. Gongsun Zan asked this question just now, and the basic thing is almost the same.

But Gongsun Zan didn't answer directly, but asked again: "If I say I don't want to, will you change immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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