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Chapter 721 Gongsun Zan takes over as Tian Kai and withdraws troops

Chapter 721 Gongsun Zan takes over as Tian Kai and withdraws troops (two in one)

"That's right, if Bogui really wants to be a rich man at home and live a happy life from now on, then it's not easy to force it. After all, my Donglai employers have always been fair and voluntary, and will not force anyone." Xu Ding met Gongsun Zan There was still some hesitation, and he said again: "If there is really no suitable candidate, I guess I will let Huang Xu wipe it out. The so-called tiger father has no dogs, and boldly using young people is also a major feature and tradition of our Donglai."

Gongsun Zan felt as if he had been stabbed tens of thousands.

Let Huang Xu be the commander of the White Horse Army, isn't this a slap in the face?
Huang Zhong knocked out their Baima Yi from the elite, and now his son is leading the Baima army again.

I can't do it, and I can't compare with a junior.

So Gongsun Zan replied directly: "Master Hou said let me take care of it, so I will take care of it. I just happen to have some experience in commanding cavalry."

"It's going to be hard work, Bogui. I'm relieved that the White Horse Army will be in your hands in the future. I hope that the White Horse Army will become famous overseas like the White Horse Yicong, and deter all barbarians." Xu Ding's tone this time became extremely serious. Officially, he took out a booklet from his cuff and said:
"This is the roster of the White Horse Army, Bogui, take care of it."

Gongsun Zan took the roster, glanced at it, and his face darkened suddenly. There were only a few lists of officers in it, all of whom had asked Xu Ding to withdraw from training, and ran to Juyong County to complain to him.

There is not even a soldier below.

"Soldiers are still your veterans. After Huang Xu's training is over, he will return to the team. The generals who were not selected into the left cavalry will all be included in the White Horse Army." Xu Ding laughed.

This time Gongsun Zan felt much better, but he was still a little shocked.

The strongest ones have been picked away, and the remaining ones still have much fighting power.

Thinking of this, Gongsun Zan became furious. Looking at the group of guys behind him, he shouted, "From now on, you are all officers of the White Horse Army. You have all of them. Go and train for me immediately."

Under the urging of Gongsun Zan, these people immediately ran to the open space next to the phalanx trained by Xu Huang and stood up. same pose.

Once Gongsun Zan is settled, Xu Ding will not care about it. The White Horse Army is settled, and the next thing is Gongsun Zan's.

In fact, Gongsun Zan didn't stay in the training ground for long, he borrowed some people from Xu Huang to train his subordinates, and then found an excuse to come to Xu Ding.

"Master Hou, what's the situation in the pass?" It's not that Gongsun Zan doesn't care about the affairs of Youzhou, it's just that he deliberately made things difficult for Xu Ding.

In Guangyang County, there are not only his sons, wives and concubines, but also his Gongsun family.

How could he not be in a hurry.

Xu Ding said: "Bogui, you should call me by my name, it sounds more comfortable this way, and you don't have to be so embarrassed."

"Uh! Alright Bokang!" Speaking of which, Gongsun Zan also had a Marquis, but he was a little lower than Xu Ding, and it made him feel uncomfortable if he kept calling him Marquis Xu Ding.

He can help Xu Ding do things, but if he really relies on Xu Ding as his master, he can't get over that hurdle now, unless Xu Ding can enter the Ninth Five Supreme one day.

Only then did Xu Ding briefly talk about the situation in Youzhou.

After listening, Gongsun Zan sighed quietly: "It is said that the tiger father has no dogs, but my son is so incompetent. The future of my Gongsun family is worrying."

"Bo Gui doesn't have to worry too much. There are many paths to success and glory in this life. You don't have to be in the army to be a general, and you don't have to be in politics to be an official. If your son is not suitable for these, you can do something else in the future. of.

I, Donglai, pay attention to all-round development and improve all walks of life as a whole. In the future, the powers of all walks of life will become more and more important, so that a hundred flowers can truly bloom, each has its own strengths, and each has its own respect. I don’t think you need to be too harsh on They, let them choose what they like to do, it may not be impossible to become a dragon among men and flaunt the annals of history. "Xu Ding said soothingly.

In history, Gongsun Zan's son did not leave any records, because he was really not good.

Gongsun Xu himself also died in a battle with foreign races, and the Gongsun family had no follow-up.

Thinking of Gongsun Zan killing his wife and children before committing suicide in Yi Jing, at least one conclusion can be drawn, that is, apart from Gongsun Xu, the other sons are even more unbearable. No matter what, send someone to cover and break through to let them develop by themselves and give them a hope.

Since he didn't do this, it can only be said that these sons are worse than Gongsun Xu.

It was no wonder that Gongsun Zan sighed and was disappointed.

Even the successor he is most optimistic about and specially trained is not good, and the entire Gongsun family is still talking about the future.

"I hope so." Gongsun Zan was a paranoid man, and of course he would not change his old thinking just because of Xu Ding's words.

Either learn martial arts, or write, and don't think too much about the others.

"By the way, Bokang, what do you plan to do with the Youzhou matter? Now Yuyang and Liaoxi are in dire straits. Your troops have not yet entered Youzhou. If you give Yuan Shao a firm footing, then I will be powerless." Gongsun Zan is serious. He really didn't want Youzhou to fall into Yuan Shao's hands. At present, the two major subordinates were struggling to support Yuyang and Liaoxi, while Xu Ding was still standing still in Juyongguan, training his white horse Yicong. He really couldn't understand.

What kind of grand strategy is there, he can't figure it out.

Just take this opportunity to ask and learn.

I have to admit that Xu Ding is not only the best in martial arts in the world, but his strategy is beyond the reach of all the princes.

Now that Yijing lost, and took over the preparation of the White Horse Army, they all worked under others, and Gongsun Zan was also a lot of bachelors, so there was nothing to estimate.

"I didn't want to say it at first, but Bogui is not an outsider now, so it's okay to tell you." Xu Ding thought for a while and said:
"It's very simple. This time I want not only Youzhou, but also Jizhou. Now that most of Yuan Shao's army has entered Youzhou, I will let him stay here. He intends to harm Youzhou, so I will take his Jizhou first. Cut off his foundation, dig his grave, and slowly fill him up..."

Speaking of this, Xu Ding's domineering aura and fierceness gradually revealed, changing from his usual refined aura.

Gongsun Zan's eyes were also radiant and sparkling.

It is indeed a good plan to fight Jizhou. It is really high to plan the world not to fight Youzhou for the sake of fighting Youzhou.


Haiyang City.

Gongsun Zan's prefect Tian Kai is commanding the generals to counterattack the besieging Yuan Shao's army.

In the end, Yuan Shao's army was repelled by virtue of geographical advantages.

In fact, this battle was not easy but easy. Although there were many enemy troops, they were not all Yuan Jun from Jizhou, but many private soldiers from Zuo Beiping's family.

These people's combat effectiveness is not strong, and it will be difficult to attack the city as long as they can't frighten Tian Heng.

However, there are not many generals under Tian Kai, and the pressure is great.

Originally, he dealt with Yuan Jun in Zuo Beiping, but the counties in the south of You Beiping rebelled against Yuan Shao, so he was defeated and had to retreat to Haiyang City.

Fortunately, there is no decent family in Liaoxi County anymore, Yuan Shao still wants to use this routine to launch a wolf pack attack on him, but it is impossible.

This is one of the reasons why he persisted.

"When did you fight like this, sir? I heard that Jixian County fell to Yijing. The eldest son and the others fled north, and the master was also killed by the Donglai army. What should we do if we are alone and helpless?" one of the subordinates complained. road.

Now they are not close to their grandmothers, not loved by their uncles, and have no children from their natal families, so their future is bleak.

I don't know who to fight for and who to defend.

Tian Kai snorted and said: "Don't talk about being discouraged, keep the city well, I believe the lord will be fine, the eldest son is only retreating strategically, it is impossible for the Marquis of Weihai to harm the lord, this is Yuan Shao's poisonous plan, he thinks Trick us into being fooled."

Tian Kai is also the Tian family, although it belongs to the Zuo Beiping Tian family, but the Tian country in Youzhou comes from the same line, and it is also an ancestor to catch up, so it is somewhat related to the Tian Yu family.

Knowing Xu Ding's character, and knowing Tian Yu's position in Donglai's army.

Let him choose, he would rather vote for Xu Ding, who has more potential and is the number one prince in the world, than Yuan Shao.

So in the face of Yuan Shao's instigation and wooing in recent days, he has been unmoved.

This was also very frustrating for Yuan Shaofang. Most of the civil servants under Gongsun Zan rebelled quickly and responded to Yuan Shao very quickly, but his generals were also as hard and smelly as Gongsun Zan's stones in a latrine.

Tian Kai did not surrender, and neither did Zou Dan. This forced Yuan Shao's two partial armies to continue their onslaught, and they were confined within these two counties, unable to make an inch of progress for the time being.

After nightfall, a horse came from the east and asked to see Tian Kai.

Tian Kai received the visitor and asked, "You are from Liaodong."

"It can be said to come from Liaodong, or it can be said to come from Shanggu." The visitor smiled and handed over the letter.

Tian Kai's expression moved slightly when he heard the words, Shanggu County was the place where Gongsun Zan and Huang Zhong had a duel.

Then he took it, and hurriedly opened the letter and read it.

The content is very simple. It was written to him by Xu Ding, with the signatures of Yan Gang, Wu Mian, and Yingyu Gongsun Zan's important subordinates below.

The letter stated the fact that Bai Ma Yicong was defeated by the Wei Army of the Seventh School, and also told Tian Kai that Gongsun Zan had only suffered minor injuries and was not in danger of life.

Others are not mentioned half a sentence.

"So, now that Youzhou belongs to the Marquis of Weihai, are you here to take over Haiyang City?" Tian Kai sighed, the men of Marquis of Weihai were indeed too strong, even their lord could not be shaken.

The number one prince in the world deserves his name.

The person who came shook his head and said: "No! We are here to persuade Fujun to retreat, you can retreat to Feiru and rest there."

"I... withdraw from Haiyang City, did you give the wrong order?" Tian Kai was in a daze, who made this stupid move to let Yuan Shao's army into Liaoxi County.

The visitor said with a smile: "This is an order from my army division Xu. If the general can trust us, we will temporarily retreat to Feiru. What we need now is time, not territory. Youzhou is here and it can't run away, and neither can Yuan Shao." Walk."

Xu Shu's idea.

Originally, Tian Kai wanted to complain, but he knew Xu Shu's ability. Last time, this guy blocked their two attacks from Youzhou, Bingzhou, and the central Xianbei army with tens of thousands of people.

"Okay, since Youzhou is yours, it's up to you to deal with it." After thinking about it, Tian Kai couldn't afford to argue with Xu Shu, he could go to Feiru, he could rest and see how Xu Shu would fight Yuan Shao.

As soon as he said he would leave, Tian Kai withdrew his soldiers and horses and withdrew from Haiyang City that night.

When Yuan Shao found out that he wanted to follow the scriptures, there was no hurry.

"Come on, go east to investigate for me. Is it Xu Shu and others from Liaodong who have sent troops? Otherwise, why Tian Kai ran away suddenly? It doesn't make sense." The probing horse had already sent to the east, but the news reported back was that the Liaodong side stood still.

But now there was a new situation. He was afraid that there would be a problem with the previous wave of scouting, so he sent another wave.

"General, it may be that Tian Kai's army has become unstable. We have been attacking the city for days and consumed a lot of his generals. Now that Gongsun Zan's life and death are unknown, he is afraid that he will not be able to appease the generals, so he has no choice but to retreat to Feiru. We fought with Xu Ding's troops in Liaodong first, and he was watching from the sidelines so that he could get away and rest." General Peng An said.

Yan Liang nodded slightly, and said with a sneer: "Maybe, but now that most of Youzhou is occupied by us, it's not so easy for Xu Dingbu to come in now. He sent a team to the coast to guard me, and found that the east came from the east. Lai warship, report immediately."

"Then general, are we going to chase Tian Kai?" Peng An asked.

Yan Liang wanted to chase after him, and solved the problem completely, but Cui Yuanping, who was with the army, persuaded him: "General, don't chase after the poor. Dogs are eager to jump over the wall, and rabbits are eager to bite people."

Cui Yuanping, Boling Cui family, a family of officials and eunuchs, has a younger brother Cui Zhouping.

Cui Yuanping has a straight personality and likes to be straightforward, so sometimes what he says is not so nice.

Although Yan Liang's face was slightly displeased, when he thought of Cui Yuanping's family background, this is not an ordinary small family, at least his Yan family is not as powerful as others, so he had no choice but to say: "Okay, according to Yuanping's words, let the fields go. Kai Yima, as long as he stays obediently in Feiru, he will be fine, if he dares to come south to harass him, he will be killed."

Soon Yan Liang's scout came back to report.

"Report to the general, Xu Ding's troops in Liaodong have moved westward, and they have arrived at Linyu City at this time."

"Report! The general found traces of the Donglai Navy along the southern coast, suspected to be Lu Su's department!"

"Sure enough, Xu Ding's troops came. Luckily, Yuan Ping was right and didn't go after Tian Kai. Otherwise, Xu Shu would have blocked my way out and joined forces with Tian Kai to attack me near Guzhu." Yan Liang felt a little lucky.

Under Xu Shu's command were several elite troops from Xu Ding, namely the Third Colonel's Army, the Tenth School's Captain's Army, the Guiyi Army, the New Japanese Army, and Lu Su's Navy Army.

There are many soldiers and horses, more troops than he can move, and he is a great enemy.

"General, report this matter to Ji County in the morning, and we should also do a good job of defending against the enemy." Active attack is impossible. Linyu City is more than 100 miles away from here, which will lengthen the logistics supply.

In addition, the Donglai navy is watching and can land at any time, so Cui Yuanping does not recommend attacking. He can only immediately establish a defense line and prepare various defense materials.

The order Yuan Shao gave was not to fight the Liaodong vassal state, but to fight the Donglai army in Youzhou, so Yan Liang said: "That's right, notify the cities and counties in the rear to prepare to defend against the enemy, and prepare for me in the city." In order to resist the counterattack materials from the Donglai Army's attack, let's have a good fight with Xu Shu in Haiyang City first, and I want to see how powerful Xu Shu is."

(End of this chapter)

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