Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 726 The Bad News Comes

Chapter 726 The Bad News Comes

Xu Ding hadn't really entered the customs yet, so the earth in Youzhou was shaken by the scriptures.

Like the return of a king, it makes people nervous, not to mention the local family in Youzhou, even Yuan Shao and Xu You are a little scared.

After all, they didn't know how many troops Xu Ding brought to Shanggu County, and how many people would go south.

Xu Ding has the main force of the ten major lieutenants and five guards.

The number of guards alone is as many as [-].

Moreover, each of the five guards has its own characteristics, and they are all elites who have achieved great fame.

Needless to say, Shenjiqi has the highest attendance rate and the most kills.

The rain of arrows all over the sky is frightening.

Xuanjiawei heavy cavalry, sweeping invincible, unstoppable, rampaging and crushing everything.

Mo Daowei, people move like a wall, sword moves like thunder, destroying all enemies standing in front or rushing.

Although the legal guards and guards are not as famous as the other three guards, they are also brave troops, which are not comparable to ordinary soldiers.

However, the information sent back later made Yuan Shao and others feel cheated.

Xu Ding went south, but there was only one guard, Shenji rode seven thousand soldiers south, and another thousand stayed behind or recuperated in Juyongguan.

Only seven thousand rides.

"How is this possible? He only brought such a small number of people. He doesn't want Youzhou anymore. He doesn't want to scare our army out of Youzhou by relying on these 7000 people and Gongsun Zan's white horse army." Yuan Shao After hearing the news, I couldn't believe it, and I laughed very contemptuously.

This Xu Ding really didn't take him seriously, did he still want to drive him away from Jixian County and Youzhou just like how Zhao Yun captured Yecheng with thousands of cavalry?

"My lord, the news is true. Xu Ding took seven thousand to the south. According to the information disclosed by Gongsun Zan's subordinates, Xu Ding first led the Guiyi Army, the New Japanese Army, and the Shenji Riding on the Great Wall to intercept the central Xianbei army. They went south." Xu Yousheng was afraid that Yuan Shao would not believe him and doubt his intelligence system, so he said again:

"When he arrived in Shanggu County, he took another three or four thousand from Baimayi to give to Huang Zhong, and asked Huang Zhong to fight Liu Bei's department in Daijun. His Shenjiqi also recruited more than 2000 people from Baimayi. There are only eight thousand people."

Yuan Shao asked: "Then what do you think he wants to do? It's impossible for this kind of person to defeat our Ji County. His cavalry didn't bring any siege machines, and Gongsun Zan's men didn't have any decent siege machines. Instead, we had the advantage. He can't use cavalry as infantry."

"I can't see through it, and I still can't see through it now. If he hasn't shown up with a large force, he must be gathered somewhere, so that we can be paralyzed and then punch him hard." Xu You promised himself to be smart. I can't understand it either.

Xu Ding's use of troops has always been weird and unpredictable, it can be fierce or ghostly, it is really difficult to deal with.

Especially when he hides heavy troops.

Xu You's eyes were still fixed on the coastal area of ​​Youzhou map.

Only here is the most suitable and convenient place for the Donglai Army to attack.

But it's always been a small fight, not for real.

This made Xu You also depressed.

"Forget it, no matter how much it is, send an order to Zhaozhao. If Xu Dingruo storms Changping City, he must stick to it and not be scared off. Once he abandons the city, he will be finished. I will support Changping when the time is right." Yuan Shao didn't think so much, either. Wait for Xu's next move.

Xu Ding either stormed Changping, or crossed Changping and went south, and then used the advantage of cavalry to raid cities and counties, using the strategy of fighting if he could, and wandering if he could not.

After all, this is the most suitable tactic for cavalry.

So Yuan Shao ordered Yan Liang and others to withdraw from Haixi, the infantry guard You Beiping, and the cavalry returned.

Xu Ding and Gongsun Zan's cavalry would be passive without cavalry.

Then he asked all the families in Youzhou and his generals to guard the cities, not to engage in field battles with Xu Ding's cavalry, and it would be better to force Xu Ding's cavalry to attack the city.

Whoever does it will be rewarded.

In short, there is one thing, try to destroy Youzhou as much as possible, that is to play siege warfare, every city must be defended, and every defense must be fought to the death.

It's just that Xu Ding didn't go south again in the military capital.

Only Gongsun Zan's White Horse Army sent news from various places, and persuaded all cities and counties to submit to them, telling Yuan Shao's sinister intentions.

He also told everyone that the Marquis of Weihai really didn't want to fight in order to preserve more vitality in Youzhou, and hoped that everyone would drive away Yuan Shao and his army by themselves.

Otherwise, with the flames of war, the lives of Youzhou will be ruined, and it will be Youzhou and Youzhou's aristocratic families who will suffer.

"Hahaha, Xu Ding, Xu Ding, do you think that everyone loves Youzhou as much as you do? It's too simple to make Youzhou change course by passing a few words." Yuan Shao couldn't help laughing when he heard the report. It was the first time since the start of the war that he laughed so well.

He vented out the dull emotions that had been suppressed in Youzhou for a long time.

But he didn't laugh for long, Xu You hurried in, changed his original self-confidence and pride, but rushed in rashly wiping away his sweat.

"My lord, something is wrong, Jizhou is in trouble..."

"Ziyuan, what are you talking about? How is Jizhou? Why is Jizhou in trouble?" Seeing Xu Ding's loss of composure, Yuan Shao's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Xu You breathed a sigh of relief before saying: "My lord, Xu Ding's troops attacked our Jizhou, and the Donglai Second School Weijun stationed in Dongjun, Taizhou suddenly attacked our Qinghe County with a whole army, and surrounded Qinghe County with heavy troops. Xiaowei's army attacked Anping State, took Xindu, and then went to Julu County, and all parts of Jizhou rebelled, and countless unscrupulous people besieged the county town and Xiangting, and we lost contact with Yecheng."

"This... this... how could Xu Ding hit Jizhou? Didn't he just want to scare me? How could he really hit Jizhou?"

It was expected that Zhang Fei and other troops would attack, and now the second and eighth school lieutenants are also dispatched.

Then the other school lieutenants don't have to agree to this reason and go to Yecheng.

Yuan Shao is not a fool, Xu Ding's trick is too obvious, basically there is no need to guess.

He set his sights on Youzhou, but he set his sights on Jizhou and Yecheng, my hometown.

"Pfft!" Suddenly Yuan Shaole felt extremely sad, he vomited blood, his eyes darkened and he passed out.

When he woke up, not only Xu You was by the bed, but also the generals Sui Yuanjin, Zhao Rui and others were there.

"My lord! You finally woke up? We don't know what to do if we don't wake up." Sui Yuanjin and Zhao Rui looked anxious.

Yuan Shao looked around at the lit candles, raised his hand, and asked feebly, "How long has it been?"

Xu You replied, "My lord, it's night by the scriptures."

It's been a long time, and I'm not dazzled, but really lit the lamp.

"What's the latest situation?" Yuan Shao asked again.

Sui Yuanjin, Zhao Rui and the others looked at each other, not daring to speak.

Xu You also hesitated for a while, and then sighed: "Master, Xu Ding's subordinate Cheng Yu led Xu Ding's right cavalry, vanguard, and rear guard to attack Yichang, Xinchang, Linxiang, and Fangcheng. County, blocking us and Yuantu and their southern route.”

"Well... what a big hand, cut off our army one by one, and ate them batch by batch, what a sharp technique."

Although only the four counties of Yichang, Xinchang, Linxiang, and Fangcheng were lost, and the connection between Guo Tu, Zhang Ja and Ji County had not been completely separated, Guo Tu, Zhang Ja and others had to go around a circle if they wanted to get in touch with him. Take the northern line from Rongcheng and Fanyang to Zhuxian County, and from Zhuxian County to Jixian County.

In this way, whether it is to transfer information or transfer troops to each other, the distance is doubled, and it is not very easy to walk there, which belongs to the mountain trail.

This had a great impact on the battle situation, so Yuan Shao couldn't help exaggerating Xu Ding's plan.

This is called strategy, and this is called the classic reference of Ming Xiu Plank Road and Dark Chen Cang.

Not accept it.

So now Yuan Shao's head hurts again, how to break this situation?
(End of this chapter)

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