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Chapter 727 Yuan Shao asks for help from Gao Gan and abandons the city

Chapter 727 Yuan Shao Asks Gao Gan for Abandonment

Yuan Shao waved his hand to signal everyone to go down.

Sui Yuanjin, Zhao Rui and others wanted to say something, but they knew their weight, so they bowed and retreated.

Xu You didn't leave, but waited for everyone to leave before closing the door.

"Ziyuan, what do you think we should do now? We have to rescue Jizhou when it is in trouble, but we have just started fighting with the Xu Ding tribe in Youzhou, and we have not lost a single soldier to them. I am not reconciled to leaving like this. .”

Xu You looked at Yuan Shao on the bed, and thought that you are not reconciled, you don't know whether you can keep Jizhou if you withdraw your troops back to Youzhou, and you are weighing which one is more cost-effective.

Seeing through all this, Xu You clasped his fists and said, "My lord, we will suffer chaos if we continue to stop. We must go back to Jizhou and we must save it. Jizhou is our foundation. If there is no Jizhou, even if we get the present Youzhou, It has also become a catch in a urn, so we must train and go all out to take back Jizhou."

"Ziyuan's words are reasonable, and I think so too, so what do you think is the best way for us to do now?" Yuan Shao asked again.

I lost track of it just now, and even forgot that my Jizhou is more important than Youzhou.

Xu You said: "Four points, my lord, we have to do four things now, one is to take back the four counties of Yichang, Xinchang, Linxiang, and Fangcheng, open up positive contact with Yuantu and the others, and restore their communication to normal.

The second is to immediately let the soldiers and horses of Youbeiping retreat to Yuyang County to the west, and the soldiers and horses from the north of Yuyang County to retreat to Guangyang County to the south, and build a defensive system in Lu County, Yongnu, and Quanzhou to protect us in Youyang County. The state has a temporary foothold to deal with the Donglai army's attack, otherwise we will lose Jizhou, Youzhou will also lose, the two ends will be empty, and we will get nothing in the end. "

Yuan Shao nodded, this is exactly why he struggled to balance.

Then Xu You said: "Thirdly, immediately send envoys to state the key points to Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Yuan Shu, Lu Bu, Sun Jian and others, analyze the future situation, and ask for reinforcements.

Once I die in Jizhou, then Xu Ding will beat them next time. If they stand by at this time, they will surely perish in the future. "

"Okay! Just do as you say Ziyuan, send me to ask for help immediately, let Cui Yuanping, Chunyuqiong, Guo Yuan and others withdraw quickly, let Ma Yan, Zhang Yi and others think of all ways to take back Yichang, Xinchang, The four counties of Linxiang and Fangcheng must get in touch with Yuantu and the others, and only after getting through with them can we know the news from Yecheng." Yuan Shao ordered anxiously, and coughed as he spoke, a mouthful of black blood was printed on his face. palm.

Xu You said: "My lord, please rest more. It is important to protect your health. I will arrange the following matters."

Yuan Shao nodded slightly, he didn't want to talk now, and closed his eyes to cultivate himself.

Xu You went down to arrange errands to send orders to all parties. Among them, in the letter to Cao Cao, Xu You especially mentioned his childhood friendship, and sent the most capable personnel to send it.

"It's hard to keep the best of the best, a thunder strike." Xu You shook his head, then jumped, looked to the south and murmured:
"The little tiger needs to see the future clearly, otherwise the world will really belong to the Xu family. No one in the Kanto region will dare to defy his prestige, the world will change drastically!"


Gaoyang City!
Guo Tu, who has been devastated recently, has one head and two big ones.

Looking at Yuan Shang in front of him, Guo Tu's energy seemed to be drained.

"Guo Gong! Guo Gong!"

Yuan Shang whispered a few words, he is now the voice of fleeing, he abandoned Ye City first, so he was naturally shorter, and he didn't dare to speak too loudly to Guo Tu.

After all, he needs Guo Tu's support in exchange for his favor in front of Yuan Shao.

Guo Tu recovered from his absence and asked, "What do you want to do next, Third Young Master?"

Yuan Shang had already discussed with his subordinates on the road, so he said: "The situation in Guo Gong's city of Ye is in crisis, and we need reinforcements. I am here to report this important news to my father, and second, I want to ask Guo Gong for help. Send an army to Yecheng, Yecheng must not be lost, once I lose Jizhou, it will be completely over."

After Yuan Shang finished speaking, he quietly waited for Guo Tu's next words.

Guo Tu stared at Yuan Xi, who was talking wrongly, thought for a while, and then said: "The third son has a heart, and I will send people to Ji County as soon as possible. As for helping the terror in Yecheng, I can't do anything here. Recently, Zhang Fei and His Fourth Colonel's army is too aggressive, General Zhang Jaw and I can't get away, and we have no troops to move, otherwise, if Gao Yang loses, Jizhou will be even more vulnerable, and even the Lord will lose his way back."

Although Guo Tu was angry with Yuan Shang, he didn't scold him, let alone point it out.

If something happened to Yecheng, Yuan Shao's wife and children would all be ruined, and the only heir would be Yuan Shang.

Yuan Shao reprimanded Yuan Shang at most, and Yuan Shang will be his future successor.

The young master they support is still Yuan Shang, and there is nothing to complain about because it happened, because Yuan Shang may take the blame.

Yuan Shang understood this point better, and Guo Tuzhiqu didn't mention that matter, so he was quite generous and asked, "Guo Gong, what should I do then?"

"There are two ways, one is that the third son will go directly to Ji County, and the other is that the third son will stay here with us to defend against Zhang Fei's tribe, and wait for the army sent by the lord to go back to aid Yecheng.

I suggest that the third son stay here temporarily, and it will not be too late to make new plans when things become clearer. "Guo Tu gave a pertinent suggestion.

Yuan Shangdao: "Okay, I will listen to Mr. Guo."

As soon as Yuan Shang was appeased here, Guo Tu received the news that the four counties of Yichang, Xinchang, Linxiang, and Fangcheng had been captured by the Jinwu Guard the next day.

Compared with the siege of Yecheng, this news made Guo Tu and others even more anxious.

Xu Ding's appetite is really big, not only has Yecheng besieged, but now even we are not spared, he wants to completely block Yuan Shao in Youzhou.

Therefore, Guo Tu asked Zhang Yun to quickly gather his soldiers and horses, move closer to his side, and give up Rao Yang and Wu Heng directly.

At this time, he understood very well that Jizhou was hopeless, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, Yuan Shang has given up Yecheng, why does he have any reason to manage Yecheng, it is far better to save his strength and withdraw to Youzhou first.

Xu Ding's troops are all out, this is a decisive battle, and the soldiers and horses must be used together, otherwise they will be defeated one by one.

So he ordered the army to attack Yichang, Xinchang, Linxiang, Fangcheng and other places.

This is exactly the same as Xu You's opinion, but Cheng Yu is in command of the three guards. Cheng Yu also has a plan. The three guards are here. The picture will not be released.

At the same time, let the navy land in Mashui and Yishui one after another to reinforce the three guards of the four cities, and stick them here like nails.

At the same time as the large-scale fighting began in Youzhou, the final battle of Qinghe County also started.

With the return of Guo Jia, Guan Yu and others, Yu Jin and others finally stopped pretending and besieged Ganling City again.

"Listen, the defenders in the city. Yecheng was broken by our army, and Yuan Xi died. Our army is like a broken bamboo in all parts of Jizhou. It is attacking Changshan, Zhongshan and other counties. Now the huge Jizhou is surrendering to us. host.

Those who are sensible immediately open the city and surrender. My lord has the virtue of being good at life and is willing to treat the prisoners well. If we wait until we capture the city, then those who have blocked our army from taking the city, whether they are generals or soldiers, will be hit ten thousand times. "

The Donglai Army kept promoting at the four gates of Ganling City.

After hearing the news, everyone in the city panicked.

Ganling City was besieged, and it was surrounded by three elite school lieutenants, how to fight this, it can't be beaten.

With the loss of Yecheng, Weijun, Zhaojun, Anle, and Julu all surrendered, what are we going to fight in Qinghe?
All of a sudden, there was chaos in the city.

Even high-ranking cadres were disturbed and confused.

So he brought all the generals to ask Cui Lin.

Cui Lin smiled wryly and said: "The Donglai army has sharp weapons to attack the city. Yecheng is taller and stronger than Ganling, and has more soldiers and horses, but they failed to defend it, and our Ganling is even more impossible.

And the lord will not send troops to rescue us, so there is no hope of defending the city, let's break through separately. "

"Break out separately? Can we get lost?"

"That's right! The Donglai Army should still have cavalry. I'm afraid we will be killed if we flee."

"Shall we surrender?"

"But can Xu Ding treat us kindly? I heard that he doesn't use surrendered generals or captured generals. They have all been sent overseas. Surrendering him is not the same as exile."

For a while, the generals talked about everything.

Gao Gan pulled Cui Lin aside and asked in a low voice, "Sir, are we really hopeless? How can we break through the siege?"

"It seems that the decision will be based on the scriptures, so I think it's closer to Youzhou or Sizhou." Cui Lin asked.

Gao Gandao: "Of course it is Sizhou. Qinghe County is only separated from Hanoi by Wei County, while Bohai County and Hejian Kingdom are separated from Youzhou by Zhang Fei."

Cui Lin said: "That's right, the general can go out of the city to the west, we will break out directly from Guo Jia's front, casualties are inevitable, as long as we break out, we will be like a bird out of a cage and a fish into the sea."

"Thank you sir, do you want to leave together, sir?" Gao Gan was overjoyed and thanked him with cupped fists.

Because this is the same as what his cousin Gao Rou said.

Cui Lin said: "If I don't leave, will I still do this for the general?"

If he surrendered to Xu Ding, of course he would first sell Ganling City and the gang of high officials.

But Cui Lin really didn't plan to surrender, because the Cui family had to split their bets.

It is enough to have Cui Yan alone with Xu Ding, even if he surrenders to Xu Ding, it will not change the fact that the Qinghe Cui family has been suppressed and weakened.

It's not enough to find a next family, set up another family, pull up the Cui family, and pass on the Cui family.

Cui Lin was also willing to leave, Gao Gan smiled brightly, and then expressed another concern of his own.

It turned out that the reason why Yuan Shang and Feng Ji sent Han Heng and Yin Kai to assist him was actually to monitor him.

If Gao Gan chooses to go west to Hanoi, he will be opposed by Han Heng and Yin Kai.

The two are loyal to the Yuan family and must break out in the direction of Youzhou.

Cui Lindao: "General, it's simple. Let the two of them be the vanguard, let them attract the attention of the Donglai Army, and we will break through to the west from behind."

Gao Gan's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he gave a thumbs up: "It's still Mr. Gaoming."

Next, the high-ranking officials approached Han Heng and Yin Kai and explained the key relationship, expressing their intention to break out and go to Youzhou.

Han Heng and Yin Kai didn't want to sit still and wait to die in Ganling City, so they agreed and accepted the order of the senior officials to let them take the lead.

If being a vanguard at other times means losing troops and taking the lead, but being a vanguard at this time means that the probability of escaping is the highest, so the two of them gladly took orders.

At night, the cold wind is biting, and the north wind howls.

The four gates of Ganling City deliberately did not light any torches, as if they were not afraid of the Donglai army attacking the gates at night.

Without it, it was only because Gao Gan and others were about to break out of the siege, so they deliberately did not light the fire, in order to be more silent when they left the city, and no one could be seen.

Han Heng, Yin Kai and others led the army out from the north first, walking quietly and making noise is strictly prohibited.

Bypassing the camp of the Donglai Army, Han Heng, Yin Kai and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and then glanced at the direction of Ganling City. Go to Youzhou."

Han Heng frowned slightly and said: "Aren't we waiting for the senior officials and Cui Lin? If they get into trouble when they go out of the city, we can help them."

Yin Kai said with a smile: "What are you waiting for? If Gao Gan and the others are discovered, they are just used to hold back the Donglai Army. Now that we are safe, why don't we go back and jump into the fire pit?"

People don't kill heaven and earth for themselves, and Yin Kai is not a good stubble, so it doesn't matter if he sacrifices a high-ranking official for his own life.

Han Heng hesitated a little, but did not refuse to object.

Right now, the Donglai Army is powerful, and it is still a dilemma whether it can really break out of the power of the Donglai Army and go to Youzhou to find Yuan Shao.

However, before Han Heng and Yin Kai traveled far, countless arrows were shot from the front and the two wings.

All the soldiers who were running forward were shot by arrows and fell to the ground.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack..."

Han Heng and Yin Kai were shocked, how could there be enemy soldiers ambushing here.

Didn't he break out of the encirclement?
But at this time Yijing didn't have time for them to think so much, and the two of them led the soldiers and could only swing their swords to block them.

The enemy soldiers around them didn't light torches, so they didn't know how many there were and which direction to charge.

The arrows kept coming like they didn't want money, continuously, and Han Heng and Yin Kai's men were getting fewer and fewer. Yin Kai couldn't take it anymore, and ordered: "Follow me!"

He rushed directly to the front, the guards hurriedly followed, and the soldiers behind also ran like crazy, no matter what else.

Suddenly a torch was lit up ahead, and a general with a long spear blocked the way of Yin Kai and others. There were dozens of cavalry in front of him, and there were countless people behind him.


It was Tai Shici who blocked Yin Kai's way, and he, Cui Ma, came down to meet him, Yin Kai swung his spear and stabbed him, Tai Shici swung his spear to block, then turned his stick and pressed, hitting Yin Kai's shoulder directly, knocking him down. Get off your horse and go.

Then Tai Shici turned around and stabbed, and Yin Kai who fell to the ground screamed and gasped and died.

Tai Shici killed Yin Kai, swiping his spear left and right and stabbing into the enemy army, the guards behind him were also like tigers, culling among the flock of sheep who seemed to have little fighting power.

After killing Yuan Jun, the soldiers fled and broke up, crying for their father and mother.

As soon as Yin Kai died, Yuan Jun's soldiers either surrendered, died, or a few escaped.

Han Heng himself was also shot by arrows in the chaotic battle, and then trampled to death by his own soldiers.

After annihilating this enemy army, Tai Shici ordered people to check the situation and found the enemy generals Han Heng and Yin Kai, then touched his chin and said: "The army teacher expected it to be true. gone."

(End of this chapter)

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