Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 728 Response from the Great Princes

Chapter 728 Response from the Great Princes (Three in One)

In Ganling City, after seeing Han Heng and Yin Kai leaving the city, Gao Gan and others did not leave the city immediately, but saw the troops of Han Heng, Yin Kai and others lighting up torches in the north, and heard shouts of killing in the distance After seeing the Donglai army in the west city lighting torches and sending reinforcements to the north, they decisively came out from the west gate.

It's just that not long after they left the city, they even went around the Donglai military camp, only to see torches lit up in the south, and countless shouts of killing came out.

"Let's go, high-ranking cadre, leave your life behind!"

Gao Gan, Cui Lin and the others were also shocked, and hurriedly said to their subordinates: "Let's go! Don't love to fight, don't get entangled with Donglai Army."

Gao Gan and the others were also decisive, urging the horses to rush, and without looking back, they went straight to the west.

At this time, if you run slowly, you will be killed and ambushed, and you can only rush forward, walking as much as you can.

Sure enough, a Donglai army with torches came from the north at the next moment. This group of troops was originally going to reinforce the west, but it was just to confuse Gao Gan and others, so they turned back immediately.

Gao Gan and other soldiers did not dare to light the torches, so they fled incessantly in the vast night.

His approach was extremely correct, as the shouting and killing sound became less and less as he ran, and of course there were fewer and fewer teams that could follow him.

And they were all riding war horses, and those who didn't ride horses would have lost their lives long ago.

Gao Gan, who became a small target after dawn, breathed a sigh of relief, and Daqing escaped unharmed.

Just counting back, there were only more than 100 riders who followed him.

"Where's Wen Hui?"

Gao Gan didn't find his cousin in the team, his brows tightened, and he felt sorry for him.

The general Xia Zhao said: "When I was running away, I saw that Wen Hui seemed to have been chopped off by a red-faced enemy general with a big knife, a long beard, and a green robe."

"That should be Guan Yu from the Fifth School's Lieutenant Army, General Liu's condolences." Cui Lin comforted with a slight sigh.

Guan Yu made a move, let alone Gao Rou who was born as a civil servant, even Xia Zhao, Deng Sheng and others couldn't take three swords and would die.

"Well, Guan Yu, I will avenge this revenge in the future." Gao Gan swore viciously.

"General, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's enter Wei County and go to Hanoi earlier." Cui Lin said.

Gao Gan glanced at the tired soldiers, turned around and beat his horse to urge him to gallop again.

After one night's harvest, Gao Gan and Cui Lin's army was basically wiped out. Although Gao Gan and Cui Lin could not be captured, Guo Jia and others were still satisfied.

Gao Gan and others are nothing, even if they escape, there will be no trouble.

Going to Qinghe County, Guo Jia and others are thinking about going to Youzhou to fight Yuan Shao's army for a decisive battle, to eliminate this great prince, and take a solid step towards establishing the world.

On the other side, Shenpei and others also attacked all the way, and soon Changshan Kingdom and Zhongshan Kingdom were eaten.

However, he did not continue to go north to Youzhou, but turned around and deployed troops in Changshan Kingdom. He judged that Yuan Shao would definitely ask Liu Bei for help.

And Li Su, who likes to play black hands and play dirty tricks, will definitely take the opportunity to send troops to Jizhou. Whether it is fighting the city or supporting Yuan Shao, Li Su will definitely make a move.

Therefore, the commissioning cannot give Li Su a chance, at least he cannot be allowed to invade Changshan Kingdom, and he cannot be allowed to attack the mighty military power that the Donglai Army has just established in Jizhou.

Xu You's letter was first sent to Liu Bei in Dai County.

After receiving the letter, Liu Bei returned his confidant Liu Yan to Jian Yong to find him.

Asked: "Yuan Shao wrote a letter saying that Xu Ding attacked Jizhou. Xu Ding's target is not Youzhou but Jizhou. He has the ambition to swallow the sky. This time he wants to get rid of Yuan Shao and his army and solve the problem of Jizhou at once.

You said whether I should send troops to support Jizhou to save Yuan Shao. "

Liu Yan said: "My lord, Jizhou must be rescued. We are now at odds with Yuan Shao. If something happens to Yuan Shao and Jizhou Youzhou is captured by Xu Ding, then Xu Ding should do something to us next.

At that time, no one will help us deal with Xu Ding, and no one will help us attract Xu Ding's attention, so we should send troops into Jizhou to attack Xu Ding's troops. "

Liu Bei nodded slightly. In fact, he had made up his mind a long time ago, but he wanted to show modesty and courtesy so that his subordinates would look at you and treat you courteously.

So he looked at Jian Yong again, this is his earliest scribe, and he has been following him conscientiously.

Although his ability is limited, his feelings cannot be ignored.

Jian Yongdao: "Wei Shuo's words are justified. Once Yuan Shao dies, we will be under great pressure, but how can we rescue Jizhou? Now that Huang Zhong's troops have entered Dai County, they have been eclipsed. They will not fight us head-on, use his The cavalry has the upper hand to sneak attack on various departments of our army, and we still can't fully grasp the Dai County.

It is really no soldiers and energy to go south. "

Liu Yan said: "We won't go south, but the second general can do it. Didn't the second general always want to lead troops out? This is an opportunity, and it's time for the second general's troops to fight against a strong enemy, otherwise Always a mob, unable to grow.

Now is a great opportunity. "

Liu Bei pretended to think about it, and then decided: "Okay, let the second brother go, let him bring more troops and horses to go east to Jizhou, and we must not let Xu Ding take Jizhou, otherwise it will be a disaster for me and the state."

Not being on the border with Xu Ding is an opportunity for Liu Bei's development over the years, which has led to its current scale.

He knew that if Zhong Zhong bordered Xu Ding, not to mention big battles, small battles would be unavoidable, and his little civil and military skills were really not enough for Xu Ding to see.

So he has been growing stronger and stronger, waiting for this day to be evenly divided with Xu Ding.

Now there is still a lot of gaps, he really doesn't want to be neighbors with Xu Ding like this, but he can't bear Yuan Shao's death.

Here, Liu Bei sent someone to notify Li Su, and soon Li Su received the news, and tens of thousands of people entered Changshan Kingdom without saying a word.

Only then did Li Su move, but the people Yuan Shao sent to Lu Bu in Puyang hit a snag.

Lu Bu directly refused at first, and he was not familiar with Yuan Shao. If he hadn't stared at Cao Cao's vacant territory, he would have wanted to take a bite of Yuan Shao.

Therefore, after Lu Bu rejected Yuan Shao's envoy, he went to Chen Gongdao: "Gongtai, today Yuan Shao sent someone to form an alliance, and wanted me to go north to help him, but I refused, what do you think?"

Chen Gong Fuxu pondered slightly and replied: "General, let's not talk about whether we have friendship with Yuan Shao, even if we send troops, I don't think we can save Yuan Shao with the current situation in Jizhou.

The Marquis of Weihai made up his mind to destroy Yuan Shao. He mobilized elites from all over the country to weave a big wind. How can it be so easy to break? In my opinion, Yuan Shao will perish this time.

So there is no need for us to wade into this muddy water. After all, my Yanzhou’s food supply is still supported by the Marquis of Weihai. Once we fight against him, the people of Yanzhou will run out of food, which is extremely detrimental to the development of the general’s team. "

Lu Bu nodded naturally when he heard the words, he didn't intend to help Yuan Shao in the first place.

Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu are both from the same path. The Yuan family doesn't have a good thing. He already has a grudge against the Yuan family, so how can he save Jizhou?

What's more, even Xu Nuo, Yuan Shaote, was taking advantage of him, saying that he would let his son marry his daughter, and Yuan and Lu's family would make a good deal between Qin and Jin.

Who is saving whom? Your daughter should marry me.

Thinking of the benefits, Lu Bu suddenly had a flash of thought, and asked Chen Gongdao: "Gongtai, you said that Xu Ding's elites have been transferred to Jizhou in the north, so Taizhou, Xuzhou, and Qingzhou are not very empty. If someone provokes trouble at this time, is it right?" Doesn't mean..."

Lu Bu couldn't say what he said next, and Chen Gong understood what shit Lu Bu wanted to do, shook his head and said, "General, don't think so, Wei Haihou's subordinates have a three-dimensional military system, not only the most capable Jinwu Guard and the school The Wei army, as well as the equally well-trained county soldiers, county soldiers, many of these soldiers are retired from the elite army, and they have rich combat experience.

Moreover, the county soldiers and county soldiers in various places also have strict military laws, so they can't be taken lightly when they fight.

At the same time, there are still a large number of militias that can be continuously provided as backup. Once the battle is stalemate, they will fall into it and be dragged to death. "

Chen Gong felt that the most terrifying thing in Xu Ding's side was not the regular elite field troops like Jinwu Guard and Xiaowei Army.

Instead, there is a three-dimensional military defense system, with efficient and strict regulations from top to bottom to ensure that his war potential is continuously unlocked.

Once he fights to the death with someone, whoever will do evil.

Naturally, Lu Bu was not advised to provoke Xu Ding.

"Eh... I'm afraid that Yuan Shu won't be safe." Lu Bu was embarrassed, and said with a smile: "It just so happens that I can return a favor to Marquis Weihai."

Chen Gong didn't know Lu Bu's careful thinking, seeing that he gave up such childish thoughts, he didn't say much, but silently expressed concern about Lu Bu's future.

It's good for Lu Bu to be a fierce general, but he still lacks a lot of things to be the protagonist.

Yuan Shao's envoys failed to get what they wanted from Lu Bu, so they rushed to Cao Cao in Yingchuan.

It was Xun Yu who received him, and Xun Yu said: "I'm sorry, my lord has no time to devote himself to the affairs of the Guandong. The army is heading west. I'm afraid I won't be able to help Jizhou Mu. But for the sake of the world and the rise and fall of the great man, I suggest Your side and the Marquis of Weihai can sit down and discuss it carefully, slowly."

"Negotiation ass." Karasuma Chu really wanted to scold her, Cao Ah would not save him if he couldn't hide it, talking so much nonsense.

Karasuma came out of Yingchuan, went all the way south and then went to Yuan Shu, hoping that Yuan Shu could save Yuan Shao.

After all, they are all from the Yuan family.

When Yuan Shu met Karasuma Chu, he was a little disbelieving at first.

"General Empress, this matter is absolutely true. Xu Ding's troops sent out their best troops to sneak attack on Jizhou, and surrounded my Lord in Youzhou with heavy troops. If the general cannot help, my Lord's life is in danger. I am the King of Jizhou." Karasuma Touching the voice complained bitterly:

"The general understands righteousness. You should understand that there is great right and wrong in the world. Brothers fight against the wall, and they are humiliated outside. The Xu family and the Yuan family have irreconcilable hatred. If my lord makes a mistake, the general will face Xu Ding alone in the future, and the pressure will be overwhelming." multiply.

I ask the general to send troops to help them, and you must not learn from Lu Bu, Cao Cao and other ordinary people who only want to be happy for a while, but regret it for life. "

Yuan Shu wanted to reject it straight away, but he was very happy to see that concubine's elder brother being deflated.

Yuan Shao, whom everyone was optimistic about, had a worse time than him, so Yuan Shu was naturally refreshed and secretly proud of himself.

However, Karasuma Touch's words are not without reason.

I can't write a Yuan character in one stroke.

The Yuan family and the Xu family have had a great hatred accumulated since Luoyang.

Yuan Shao died, and he just made a promise to take revenge.

So he thought for a while and replied: "You came all the way from Youzhou, take a rest first, let me think about it."

"Hey! General, don't delay for too long. The military situation is like a fire, so there is no delay." Karasuma felt relieved when he saw that Yuan Shu didn't refuse on the spot, but seeing Yuan Shu's hesitation, he reminded him, and Yuan Shu's people took him down to rest .

Karasuma moved away, and Yuan Shu called his three advisers over.

Yuan Huan, Yan Xiang, and Yang Hong came and sat down one after another.

Yuan Shu said: "Yuan Shao sent Karasuma to ask for help. He said that Xu Ding's elite had gone out to attack Jizhou. He was planning to destroy him and take over Jiyou. What do you think I should do?"

All three were taken aback.

It wouldn't be strange if Yuan Shao and Xu Ding beat them in Youzhou, because there were already signs of this.

Now Xu Ding not only wants Youzhou, but also wants to eat Jizhou.

This is a big deal.

Yuan Huan immediately stood up and said, "Your Majesty, you should immediately send troops to help. If the land of Jiyou is promised, the entire Kanto land will be finished. The next step will be to attack us or Liu Bei calmly. With the foundation of Jizhou and Youzhou, swallow the entire Kanto."

Yuan Shu said: "I also want to send troops, but there is Lu Bu in the middle. Karasuma said that Lu Bu refused to send troops to Jizhou to help Yuan Shao. We can't make it through."

Lu Bunas had a grudge against him. Last year Lu Bu was the first one to vote for him when he left Wuguan, but he slipped away to Hanoi because of his restlessness.

The two had animosity first, and with the addition of the scramble for Liang and other places, they added a new enmity.

He wanted to send troops to pass through Yanzhou, maybe Lu Bu would take a bite and take the opportunity to weaken Yuan Shu.

Yang Hongdao: "My lord, we can't go north, so let's go east. We are attacking Xuzhou. At this time, Xu Ding's troops have sent out all the best, and even the fifth school's Lieutenant Guan Yu's department has been transferred to Jizhou. Xuzhou is empty at this time. If we attack Xuzhou, we should also take back the land on the front line of Peiguo."

Yuan Shu was very moved by this suggestion. In fact, that was what he wanted to do. Xu Ding’s elites were transferred away, and he took the opportunity to seize his city, attack his land, and kill his soldiers, generals and officials. What better time than this opportunity? .

But Yan Xiang, who was always rigid and serious, said, "My lord, no!"

Yuan Shu was delighted, but he didn't attack, but asked, "Why not?"

This Yan Xiang likes to fight with him the most. Whatever Yuan Shu likes to do, Yan Xiang mostly opposes or does not support it.

If it wasn't for Yan Xiang's reputation and great talent, Yuan Shu really didn't want to use him, so most of the big and small things were left to Yuan Huan and Yang Hong.

"My lord, it is obvious that the elite from Shangweihai was transferred to Jizhou from the north, but who knows how many soldiers and horses he sent in Xuzhou, his sailors Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin did not leave.

The original Xuzhou soldiers and horses have not left!

And whether Li Jin and the First Army were quietly transferred from Weiyuan Island, we didn't investigate these, if we can easily move eastward again.

What if Lu Bu and the Marquis of Weihai had a private agreement to divide Yuzhou equally like the division to Yanzhou? "

Cao Cao's lesson from the past is just ahead, Yuzhou soldiers and horses have marched eastward, won't Lu Bu come to sneak attack?
Xu Ding didn't need to do anything, as long as he promised Lu Bu that he would capture Yuzhou. Except for Pei, all the counties belonged to Lu Bu.

You must know that Lu Bu is a mother if he has milk.

Yuan Shu felt a little itchy in his heart, and the restlessness just now was poured out again. This is one of the reasons why he didn't like Yan Xiang, so he asked, "Then what do you want to do! Let's just do it and watch."

Yuan Shu said this with a hint of childish resentment.

"My lord, of course we can't just do nothing. Dealing with the Marquis of Weihai is not a matter for one family and one state. We should at least invite Yangzhou to participate, otherwise we might as well not do it!" Yan Xiang replied.

"Let Yangzhou participate, please be more specific." Yuan Shu suddenly became interested, feeling that Yan Xiang should be able to say something he likes to hear today.

Yan Xiangdao: "Tell Karasuma Chuming directly, let him go to Sun Jian, if the Sun family is willing to support Yuan Shao to attack Xu Ding, we will send troops to the east, if Sun Jian does not move, why should we fight alone, if the Sun family is not in the future If you don't care about the survival of Yangzhou in the future, then what are we afraid of in Yuzhou? At worst, we all die together?"

This time Yuan Shu nodded with great satisfaction: "That's right, that's the reason. Why is it that I, Yuzhou, always send troops to deal with Xu Ding? They sit and watch the show one by one, and they want to fight together, or they don't fight at all and wait to be punished." die."

With an idea, Yuan Shu asked Karasuma to be brought in, and told him what he wanted.

Karasuma was in a dilemma for a moment.

It is a bit difficult to persuade Sun Jian before Yuan Shu can be persuaded to send troops.

Even the Yuan family who had a grudge against Xu Ding did not send troops, but the Sun family who had a friendship with Xu Ding sent troops.

Just thinking about it makes my head dizzy.

Karasuma felt that he was going to get away for nothing this time.

Yang Hong saw that Karasuma was silent, so he pulled him out of the house and said, "Actually, my lord wants to send troops, but the generals below are extremely difficult to explain and appease. At the beginning of the year, the soldiers were lost and their vitality was severely injured. All the generals are afraid. , if there is no ally, who would dare to advance eastward.

So you should go to Yangzhou early and persuade the Sun family more. With the Sun family attacking on the right wing and my lord attacking on the left wing, there is a great chance of winning. "

"However, I don't have the confidence to persuade the Sun family. Sun Jian and Xu Ding are old, and didn't he move at the beginning of the year?" Karasuma didn't know what Yang Hong and Yuan Shu meant, but his Karasuma touch was not strong enough Allowed, along the way, it was covered in ashes, and there was no piece of meat.

Yang Hong said with a smile: "At one time and another, at that time everyone wanted to eliminate Xu Ding and focus on attacking. The reason was a bit far-fetched, but now it's different. Youzhou and Jizhou both have Xu Ding. After that, there will be no one in the Kanto region." Don't worry, the Sun family is not in a hurry, they will wait for death, you just do what I say, and the Sun family will definitely send troops."

"Excuse me, Yang Changshi, for your advice." Karasuma finally had some joy on his face when he heard the words, and hurriedly asked for advice.

Yang Hong murmured a few times in his ear, and Karasuma's eyes became brighter the more he listened, and finally left satisfied, and rushed to Jiujiang County instead of Jiang Xia and Yuzhang.

Soon Karasuma came to Jiujiang Shouchun in Jiangdong.

When Sun Ce heard that Yuan Shao was here as an envoy, he was also very surprised.

The Sun family had no intersection or contact with Yuan Shao, so it was really strange for Yuan Shao to send an envoy here suddenly.

Sun Ce ordered Zhang Hong, Lu Fan and others to be summoned, and they met Karasuma together.

"The envoy of Jizhou has seen the Major General!" Karasuma Chuo spoke extremely respectfully. During the journey south, none of the princes spoke to Yuan Shao, which made Karasuma Chuo, as an envoy, put away his original arrogance.

Sun Ce smiled and greeted him, "You're welcome, sit down."

"Young General Xie!" Karasuma sat down, and Sun Ce said, "I have never had any connection with Yangzhou and Jizhou. Why did Yuan Shao send you here?"

Sun Ce himself is also a fierce and arrogant person, famous for dominating Jiangdong, so he doesn't like Yuan Shao who has no friendship.

What's more, it was only an envoy from Yuan Shao's subordinates who came here, and he was not an important minister or son, so in his opinion, he could completely lose face.

This is how Sun Ce does it. People he likes will respect him very much, and those who don't like him just look like he doesn't answer.

Karasuma Chukura had originally planned to make a fuss, knowing that Sun Ce would not agree easily, but this guy was too arrogant, ignorant, arrogant and rude.

It is extremely rude to call Yuan Shao by his name directly.

Although Karasuma was indignant in his heart, but this time he was carrying a heavy responsibility, and the life and death of Yuan Shao and Jizhou were at stake, so he had no choice but to bear it, and clasped his fists and replied:
"Major General, Xu Ding has sent troops to Jizhou. He wants to swallow the two states of Jizhou and Youzhou in one go. The general situation of the world will be completely changed. The land of Guandong will belong to the Xu family. My lord sent me to rescue the Sun family."

"What?" Sun Ceteng stood up.

This news was indeed shocking. The news about Youzhou was reported every day in the newspapers. Xu Ding and Gongsun Zan had a duel outside the pass. The winner would get Youzhou, and the loser would never get involved.

In the blink of an eye, such a big news broke out.

Xu Ding still wants to eat Jizhou, he hit Jizhou.

Sun Ce glared at Karasuma and said with a sneer, "Yuan Shao sent you to rescue my Sun family. It's ridiculous. I'm afraid his life is in danger. My Sun family and Yangzhou are not at war. Why do you need Jizhou to rescue me? It's really slippery." It's a big joke."

After finishing speaking, Sun Ce flicked his robe, and sat back down again, but his eyes were still sharp as a knife, staring at Karasuma.

Karasuma Chu could obviously feel Sun Ce's anger and killing intent, but now that Qihu appeared, he couldn't get down either.

Yang Hong taught him that when he came to Jiangjiu, he first angered Sun Ce, and only by angering Sun Ce can he gain the support of the Sun family, so Karasuma bit his head and said:
"It is because my Jizhou is in crisis that your Sun family needs to be rescued. Once my Jizhou falls, I promise that the next step will be swallowing Yangzhou, and then the north and south will encroach on Yanzhou, Yuzhou, and Jingzhou, unify the land of Kanto, and rule the world.

So Yangzhou is not far from being destroyed. Doesn't it need to be rescued?Can your Sun family beat the Xu family? "

Karasuma touch himself didn't know how he had the courage to say such words, he just prayed secretly, hoping that Yang Hong would not lie to him or push him into the fire pit.

Although Sun Ce was dissatisfied, what Karasuma Chu said was indeed reasonable, being suppressed by Xu Ding, this was a thorn in Sun Ce's thorn, and it hurt if he picked it lightly.

If it wasn't for the fear of going to war with Xu Ding in the future, his Sun family wouldn't go to war with Jingzhou without even recuperating.

The purpose is to increase some chips after the war in the future.

Seeing Sun Ce's face turning blue, Zhang Hong coughed and said, "Ahem, the envoy may not know the situation in my Jiangdong. The land of Jiangdong is full of talents, civil and military gatherings, no matter who dares to offend I, Jiangdong, will be hit mercilessly.

Jingzhou is an example. Huang Zu was known as the Jingxiang tiger and wolf. As a result, he was defeated by our army in World War I and killed in World War II. All parts of Jingzhou were afraid of our Jiangdong soldiers and surrendered.

My lord and Marquis of Weihai are close allies, and it is appropriate to cull the Yellow Turban and attack Dong Zhuo's alliance. The relationship between Xu and Sun is irreversible. It is impossible to attack each other. Where is the fallacy of who wins and who loses? I hope the envoys will not Instigate me to wait for the situation. "

Listen, it's not that my Sun family can't beat Xu Ding, it's because I don't want to fight Xu Ding.

We have a good relationship and we must develop harmoniously. There are many talents in Jiangdong, which are not inferior to Xu Ding's civil and military skills.

Sun Ce cast an approving glance at Zhang Hong, then leaned back in the chair, continuing to stare at Karasuma Touch with an arrogant expression.

He wanted to see what else the guy had to say.

How dare you be so arrogant and rude when begging for help?

(End of this chapter)

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