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Chapter 733 Release Chunyu Qiong

Chapter 733 Release Chunyu Qiong

But after killing here, suddenly countless arrows were shot from the front, there were countless bows and crossbows in the Dongying camp, and the arrows flew like money.

Chunyuqiong's chasing troops fell to the ground one after another, frightened Chunyuqiong rushed to block with his sword and called for shield soldiers.

"Rush for me, we will win if we rush over."

The West Camp was captured, and it would be impossible to have fun if we didn't take the opportunity to capture the East Camp.

Chunyuqiong's general Zhong Jian hastily dispatched shield soldiers and crossbowmen to fight back and advance.

Standing on the tower in Dongying, Xun You and Zou Dan saw that Chunyu Qiong's troops entering the camp didn't panic at all. The Youzhou soldiers who rushed into Dongying also let go of their panic and began to take weapons in an orderly manner one by one.

"Mr. Xun, the prey has entered the camp. It's just as you expected. Chunyu Qiong couldn't bear the loneliness, and wanted to avenge his shame." Zou Dan held the hilt of his sword in one hand, looked at Yuan Jun in Xiying, and complimented him.

Xun You wrapped himself in a big quilt and said coldly: "Since the prey has entered the camp, let's set fire to it. It's so cold at night."

"No! Just wait for the words of the master." Zou Dan smiled slightly, waved his hand down, and all the archers in Dongying immediately changed their arrows.

This is the rocket used by Chuanmen to set fire, and when it is moved to the brazier beside it, the oilcloth tied to the arrow immediately ignites.

The next moment the rocket shot out and plunged into the West Camp.

The rocket hit the false shield, which instantly ignited.

Shooting in the tent, the whole tent also burst into flames with a huff.

Then there was another bed crossbow with a rocket flying towards it, igniting the middle of the west camp. In addition to the fire that Yuan Jun set off when he entered the camp just now, countless fire dragons were intertwined at once, and then they continued to gather.

The entire West Camp was on fire quickly.

Chunyu Qiong was shocked, and only then did he realize something.

Hastily said: "Withdraw, quickly withdraw!"

It's a pity that it was too late, a group of troops came up from outside the West Camp at some point, and then began to attack Chunyuqiong's rear, preparing to block the camp wall.

The fire in Xiying was blowing from the north, and the fire was even bigger, quickly surrounding and burning Chunyuqiong's army.

Chunyuqiong's rear team failed to get out of the camp wall after several counterattacks, because there were too many enemy troops outside, and many of them were cavalry. They were Gongsun Yue and others who had just retreated from the direction of the capital. .

This time Xun You was specially transferred here, the military capital was lost, they had it before, if Chunyu Qiong escaped from their hands, they probably would have no chance of atonement, and they would never even think about messing around with the military and government in the future .

So they played extremely resolutely and fiercely.

"Go north, quickly, break out of the camp from the north."

The wind blows from north to south, so the south side of Xiying is downwind, and the burn is the worst. Chunyuqiong, Zhong Jian and others hurried to the north to survive.

It's just that when they reached the north, the fire here was not strong, but when they tried to push it to the camp wall, they found that it was extremely strong. Not to mention that they didn't hit the wood now, they couldn't break it even if they were afraid.

"General, we have been fooled and cannot rush out."

Zhong Jian, who was roasted by the smoke, had a sad face, and murmured extremely pessimistically.

The officers and soldiers of Yuan Jun who came to temporarily save their lives also looked anxiously at the slowly engulfing fire and the entire barracks wall that could not be moved, also feeling helpless.

"Don't panic, we still have reinforcements, Guo Yuan should come to rescue us." Chun Yuqiong reassured everyone:
"Be prepared, the enemy army in Dongying is about to attack, we will win if you stick to it, Zhong Jian, you go to isolate the kelp."

When everyone heard Chunyu Qiong's words, they felt relieved.

Yes, we still have Guo Yuan, this guy will come to rescue us.

So Zhong Jian led people to open up an isolated kelp to ensure that the fire would not burn over.

Chunyuqiong led others to hack and push up the wooden fence frantically, trying to save himself.

But soon outside the camp was surrounded by Donglai army, these are Gongsun Xu and Gongsun Yue who cut off their back just now.

"Fire arrows!"

Seeing the fire in the West Camp, the two of them had no reinforcements to rush out, so they moved here to kill the enemy. Seeing that Chunyu Qiong and others were there, they couldn't help but smile brightly on their faces.

This time, he should have caught a big fish, and his merits and demerits can be offset by a lot.

"Establish a shield! Establish a shield!"

Although Chunyu Qiong and the others made various defenses, they still couldn't hold back Gongsun Xu and the others. There were too many people and arrows, and they were shooting casually at live targets.

So soon half of Chunyuqiong's remnants were killed or injured.

But suddenly Gongsun Xuwai stopped attacking and stopped shooting arrows.

"Listen, people inside, hand over your weapons and surrender. You have nowhere to escape. If you don't surrender, we will continue to shoot arrows and kill you all."

Gongsun continued to let people pass the message, and kept shouting to surrender.

Yuan Jun's officers and men looked at Chunyuqiong one after another.

Chunyuqiong said a little unwillingly: "Persevere, and wait, Guo Yuan should be here, we can't give up."

All the generals and soldiers did not respond or object.

Apparently they're starting to waver.

Chun Yuqiong shouted to the outside: "Dare to ask which general is in charge outside, can you let us discuss it and make preparations."

Gongsun Xu quit immediately and wanted to reprimand Chunyuqiong, but the person who came to deliver the letter persuaded: "General Gongsun, the military adviser said that it's okay to let them think about it. Let's wait for Yuan Jun from Lu County to come out. Another great achievement."

"Okay, give them some time for now." Gongsun Xu gave up after hearing that he still had merit.

Soon after the time for a cup of tea, no soldiers from Lu County came out, and Tian Yu, who was in charge of ambushing Guo Yuan, returned with the soldiers.

"Mr. Xun Guo Yuan never went out of the city to save people. Lu County has been closed since Chunyu Qiong came out. It seems that he still has some skills." Tian Yu jumped off his horse and came to Dongying to report to Xun You.

Xun You said: "Last time he was able to rescue Chunyuqiong from your encirclement. Of course he was difficult to deal with, but it was fine. Chunyuqiong was trapped. The battle tonight will also greatly weaken Lu County's defense."

"Mr. Xun, should this Chunyu Qiong be killed or taken away!" Zou Dan asked.

Now that Chunyuqiong Yijing is of no value, it's time to settle it by staying in Beiying.

Xun You looked at Tian Yu: "Zixuan, what do you think?"

After all, he was also Xu Ding's apprentice, and Xun You wanted to test him.

Tian Yu said: "Let's let it go, kill the waste, and it's useless to take it away."

"Let it go! This... the beating tonight is not for nothing." Zou Dan didn't react for a while, but seeing Xun You's smiling expression, he suddenly realized, and slapped his head and said, "You guys are so bad!"

Xun You said, "Zixuan, go for a visit."

"Understood!" Tian Yu cupped his fists, and then rode around to the north of the camp.

At this time, Gongsun Xu and Gongsun Yuezao were impatient with waiting, and wanted to issue an ultimatum to Chunyuqiong.

Seeing Tian Yu coming alone, he was a little disappointed and asked, "General Tian, ​​the city gate..."

Tian Yu said: "Guo Yuan didn't go out of the city, and Lu County was not broken, so let Chunyu Qiong go."

"If Guo Yuan didn't come, then we'll attack and kill Chunyuqiong...wait a minute." Gongsun Yue drew his sword and was about to give the order, then turned to look at Tian Yu: "Let... let Chunyuqiong go? General Tian, ​​that's right. make?"

(End of this chapter)

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