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Chapter 734 Lu County Xia Guo Aids Death

Chapter 734 Lu County Xia Guo Aids Death ([-] in [-])

"That's right, don't be surprised, a dead Chunyu Qiong has no effect on us." Tian Yu said with a smile:
"As for the captives, will my master lack such generals?"

"Ah!" Gongsun Xu, Gongsun Yue and the others were all taken aback.

Even Chunyu Qiong, who was suffering so much not far away, blushed with shame and wished he could find a hole to get in.

Am I so fucking bad?

No one wants to surrender, or be so irritating.

If it weren't for Tian Yu's words to let him go first, Chunyu Qiong felt that he would draw his sword and fight desperately, blood spattering five steps.

But thinking about it carefully, Chunyu Qiong suddenly fell silent again.

Because of the three battles with the Donglai Army, he was defeated by others.

And got stuck twice.

"Let go!"

Tian Yu urged the horse to reach the fence, and a group of Youzhou soldiers began to tear down the fence. Yuan Jun inside was also embarrassed, and shot at the same time. The two waves of people pulled it down together harmoniously, as if they were comrades in arms rather than enemies.

"Chun Yuqiong, my master said that we are all Han people, there is no need to beat you to death, can we sit down and discuss it? I hope you will think about it after you go back." After finishing speaking, Tian Yu left.

Chunyu Qiong was taken aback for another moment, then he clasped his sword into a fist in respect, and then walked out in a state of embarrassment.

Zhong Jian and a group of Yuan Jun soldiers also cupped their fists to thank the Youzhou soldiers who helped them dismantle the fence.

This made the Youzhou soldiers embarrassed for a while.

Are we at war tonight or are we at war?

It is said that Chunyu Qiong and others narrowly escaped, and walked back to Luxian city with a sigh of relief, but when they reached the city, they shot dozens of arrows from the city, scaring Chunyu Qiong and others outside the moat.

"Who is coming, we will shoot arrows as we move forward."

The defenders in the city lit torches and stared carefully at the incoming army, and found that the enemy was not armed, so they couldn't help being curious.

"You bastard, you don't even know General Chunyu anymore, you still dare to shoot arrows, why don't you hurry up and open the city gate."

Zhong Jian said angrily, and the other soldiers also shouted loudly.

He didn't die in the hands of the enemy, but was almost shot to death by the friendly army, what a fucking bad luck.

"General Chunyu, how is this possible? Could it be that you are trying to defraud the city?" The guard didn't look like it. In fact, Chunyu Qiong and others were all black from the smoke, and the sky was dark. How could the torches shine on the city? So far away, I can't help being suspicious.

"Cheat your mother, keep your eyes open, and take a good look, this is General Chunyuqiong, and I am Zhongjian!" Zhongjian became even more angry when he heard this.

We really want to cheat the city, but the problem is that the Donglai Army will not accept it, and they will come back to cheat the city.

"Sorry, please come here, General. General Guo has an order, no matter what, you can't open the city gate tonight, otherwise you will have a little head." After the guard finished speaking, he pulled a personal guard, and then told him:

"Go and invite General Guo, and tell him that General Chunyu is back."

Zhong Jian wanted to curse, but Chun Yuqiong stopped him with his hand, then cut a small piece from his robe, rubbed it on his face with the inside, and walked towards the gate of the city.

Soon the defenders on the city saw Chunyu Qiong clearly, and they all muttered in low voices.

"It's really General Chunyu."

"Didn't General Chunyuqiong fall into the enemy's camp and not come out? Isn't Donglai Army trapped in a row tonight? How did they come back?"

"Look, they didn't even bring back their weapons. Could it be that they were brought back by the enemy?"


There was constant discussion on the top of the city, the guard coughed, and stopped the soldiers from discussing, then the guard clasped his fists and said to Chun Yuqiong: "I'm sorry, General, General Guo hasn't come here yet, I have no right to open the door, please, General, please wait." wait."

Chunyu Qiong didn't speak, and looked up at the guard. The guard felt a little uncomfortable being stared at, so he backed away from Chun Yuqiong's eyes.

Soon Guo Yuan came, came to the battlement and looked down, and it was Chunyu Qiong who came back.

Guo Yuan's complexion couldn't help changing, and he suddenly became troubled.

Logically, Chunyu Qiong would not be able to come back, but he is now under the city.

Did he let it in, or did he let it in?

Originally, he was going to support Chunyu Qiong, but because he didn't send troops, the other party was besieged in the enemy camp.

So Guo Yuan had a headache, and secretly said Xun You's ruthless plan.

As expected of an old veteran of Yingchuan celebrities, he has a big pattern and is ruthless.

It would be better if you killed Chunyu Qiong than letting him back now.

"Why doesn't General Guo want me to come back? He still doesn't want me to enter the city. If he doesn't want me to enter the city, let it be. I'll go to Ji County first."

At this time Chunyu Qiong was full of resentment towards Guo Yuan, and turned around to leave after speaking.

Guo Yuan only felt that he was struck by a bolt of lightning, and suddenly remembered the matter of Yuan Shao.

Chunyu Qiong must not be allowed to go to Ji County, otherwise he will be done playing, so he hurriedly said: "General, please slow down, how can I not want the general to come back, but the military situation is urgent, it is expedient, the general also knows that Xun You is cunning, it is not me tonight If you don’t send troops, it’s because Xun You has ambushed a team outside the city, if I send troops, I will defend the city, and we will all be loyal to our lord.”

Although this was the truth, to Chunyu Qiong and the others at this time, it was uncomfortable no matter what.

Compared with Donglai Army, the gap is too big.

Others and enemies helped us out of trouble, but our own people hid in the city for fear of sacrifice.

The feeling now is the word chilling.

"Hehe!" Chunyu Qiong only sneered back twice.

Guo Yuan didn't mention that he just settled his grievances with Chunyu Qiong, so he waved his hand and said, "Hurry up and open the city gate, you should open it when General Chunyu comes back. General Chunyuqiong is loyal to the lord, isn't it? It’s not enough to surrender to the enemy and betray the lord, a group of things that don’t have eyes.”

Following Guo Yuan's scolding, the guard hurriedly nodded and bowed, and the commander urged his subordinates to open the city gate.

The creaking city gate was opened, and Chunyu Qiong and others entered the city.

However, Chunyu Qiong and the others did not greet Guo Yuan and the others, and directly returned to their original residence in the city.

Guo Yuan looked at Chunyuqiong and others who disappeared from the main street, and then looked at the fires still burning in the Donglai army camp and the west camp outside the city, feeling very unwilling.

Soon Guo Yuan also returned to his residence, and wrote a letter before the case, secretly instructing his cronies to leave the city overnight and send him to Ji County.

Soon Chunyu Qiong and others' residence suddenly had a hidden arrow shot in and stuck on the door.

Zhong Jian took it off and glanced outside, then turned around and entered the room and gave it to Chun Yuqiong.

"Who sent it?" Chunyu Qiong was a little surprised.

At this moment, he was thinking about what to do next. He and Guo Yuan had a gap, and he might not be able to cooperate closely to defend the city.

Zhong Jian said: "I don't know, the general should take a look first."

Chunyuqiong took it and looked at it, and was immediately furious: "What a good guy, Guo Yuan, but the villain is the first to sue, and I believe you so much."

In fact, the letter didn't say anything, it only mentioned that Guo Yuan sent people to Ji County to deliver the letter.

It did not say what Guo Yuan wrote in the letter.

But Chunyuqiong automatically figured out that Guo Yuan must have shirked responsibility, and first went to Yuan Shao to enumerate Chunyuqiong's faults.

Once Yuan Shao was preconceived, he must blame Chunyu Qiong. After all, Chunyu Qiong had a case of losing first, and today he insisted on going to war and attacking.

There's really no reason to argue.

Chunyu Qiong was very clear about Yuan Shao's personality.

The two had served as captains of the Eighth School of Xiyuan together. In fact, Chunyuqiong had been a disciple of the Yuan family and had been loyal to the Yuan family.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to become the eighth captain of Xiyuan, because this official position was planned with the help of the Yuan family.

Zhong Jian, who didn't know anything, naturally had a better brain, and immediately held the hilt of the sword and said: "General, I will kill Guo Yuan and avenge the dead brothers."

In Zhongjian's mind, the reason why they were defeated today was entirely Guo Yuan's fault. If he hadn't refused to send troops to support them, they would not have been trapped in the enemy's camp and sent back in humiliation, let alone questioned by the soldiers in the city.

The source of everything is Guo Yuan.

"Don't be reckless. At this time, Guo Yuan doesn't want you to go and make a scene." Chun Yuqiong sneered:
"He must have ambushed the troops a long time ago. If you go there, you will be beheaded directly by him, and then you will accuse us of defecting to the enemy and dedicating the city to the enemy. By then, there will be no cure for death. All the slanders will be confirmed and cannot be washed away."

Chunyuqiong was also someone who had been in Luoyang, the capital city, and he knew how black politics was.

The Guo family is a big family and Zhong Yao's nephew, so they are even more scheming and scheming.

"Then what should we do, just watch him destroy us like this, he has the intention of killing us, why should we sit and wait for death." Zhong Jian's mind is simpler, he only knows how to fight and kill, and his nostrils are full of cold air.

Chunyu Qiong said: "Don't worry, Guo Yuan doesn't dare to turn against us for the time being, first gather some soldiers and horses, seize at least one city gate, and slowly settle accounts with him."

Chunyuqiong estimated the time it would take to go back and forth from Lu County to Ji County, and he was also making a bold plan in his heart.

Chun Yuqiong is also the main general after all, although he lost the battle, but his status is still there.

So when he got up early the next morning, he began to collect the military power in the city, and took over the defense and power in the city from the soldiers who brought him back last night and had life and death troubles with him on the grounds of strictly investigating the spies of the Donglai Army.

Guo Yuan controls the North Gate, as well as the private soldiers of the Youzhou family, county soldiers, etc. in the city.

The number of soldiers and horses of the two was almost the same. Although they were evenly matched, it made Guo Yuan more vigilant and worried.

He was even more worried about Chunyu Qiong, which further confirmed his inner judgment.

One night passed, and the fire outside the city was extinguished!
With Dongying as the main force, Xun You, Tian Yu, Gongsun Xu, Zou Dan and others re-established a new camp.

At this time, there are more soldiers and horses outside the city than before, and the deterrent effect on the city is stronger.

However, many people still couldn't understand Xun You's intentions, and even had some opinions about him besieging Lu County instead of taking back the military capital.

"The capital city of the army has been lost, and it is not easy to take it by force. Moreover, our army has tossed back and forth to the capital city, and its morale and physical strength will be severely reduced. If we can capture Lu County in one fell swoop, the stronghold of Yuan Shao's army will really become a siege. The winding serpentine formation, then we can eat any bit, hit him anywhere, and make him more passive, which is why the lord asked me to stay and take down the military capital first." Xun You didn't want to explain at first, but yesterday Chunyu Qiong was released at night, and the people below did not understand and were dissatisfied.

Moreover, he is not an old man from Donglai, and his prestige is not enough. If Tian Yu hadn't supported him, these people might not have listened to him.

So a proper explanation is also possible.

Tian Yudao: "Mr. Xun's strategy is correct. Our army doesn't have many soldiers in Yuyang County or the entire eastern and northern part of Youzhou. We can't fight tough battles to consume our troops, otherwise we will easily get into trouble.

During the battle last night, we got a lot of information about the enemy, and the enemy will be sent back to disintegrate the enemy in the city. Everyone is waiting patiently for one more day. I believe that as long as one day, Lu County will be ours. "

Gongsun continued: "We all know that Mr. Xun is a great talent, and we also recognize that Lu County will definitely be captured soon. It's just that there will be problems with Juyongguan. Yuan Shao won the military capital, and he must storm Juyongguan. Lost Yuan Shao and ran away."

There was a lot of discussion below.

But most of them were Donglai Army and Zou Dan's generals looking at Gongsun Yue and Gongsun Xu with strange eyes.

You have the nerve to mention it, if you hadn't lost the military capital, where would the Juyongguan crisis come from?

Xun You looked at Tian Yu, Tian Yuqing coughed and said, "You don't have to worry about this, the city of Juyongguan, guarded by General Huang's son Huang Xuduwei, and with Shanggu County as its back, it is not so easy to be breached.

Besides, after we attacked Lu County, Yuan Shao didn't dare to attack Juyongguan with all his strength. "

Everyone was having a meeting when someone came in and whispered in Xun You's ear. Xun You walked out of the tent and soon saw an ordinary middle-aged man who handed the letter to Xun You.

After opening it and reading it, Xun You showed a smile on his face, and immediately wrote a letter and said: "Give it to that person, and my lord will not let them forget."

"Here!" The sender accepted the letter, then left the barracks with a whip and headed towards Changping City.

After dealing with this matter, Xun You went back to the army tent, and seeing everyone looking at him, the tent was extremely quiet, Xun You said: "Most people are watching what I do, if you have any different opinions, please continue to express, our army is not always Do you pay attention to discussion and argumentation, and you will not suppress and restrict everyone because of inappropriate words and different prejudices."

Zou Dan said: "Mr. Xun, we don't have any objections anymore, everyone has finished discussing it."

"It's over, that's good. I'm here to tell you some good news. You don't need to worry about the military capital. Someone has done the preliminary work for us, and there will be no problems in Juyongguan." Xun You took the main seat, and then said:
"I'll make some arrangements next. Everyone may have to work hard tonight. We're going to stay up all night to catch people..."

After the curtain fell, the atmosphere in Lu County became more and more uncomfortable.

Guo Yuan became more and more uneasy, walking back and forth in his own residence, and soon his confidants came to report: "General, there is no enemy situation outside the city, Zhong Jian is dispatching troops again, and Chun Yuqiong has also gone to inspect the various cities."

"Chunyuqiong is going to inspect the city." Guo Yuan's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly walked out, saying as he walked, "Keep watching him, I'm going to the barracks."

When he arrived at the barracks, Guo Yuan assembled his troops and was ready to fight at any time, but he was still uneasy, so he sent an order to recruit other aristocratic families and county captains.

Soon many troops came, and everyone noticed the uneasy atmosphere in the city. After Chunyu Qiong came back, Lu County changed.

"The general is not well, Zhong Jian has attacked us, please make the decision for me, the general!"

Suddenly a general ran in and complained.

"Okay! Chunyu Qiong, you really want to rebel." Guo Yuan didn't hesitate at the moment, drew his sword and shouted:
"Go back, get rid of Zhong Jian first, then capture Chun Yuqiong alive and plead guilty to the lord!"


Guo Yuan rushed out of the barracks and headed towards the place of battle, and soon fought with Zhong Jian on the street.

Zhong Jian didn't bring many soldiers and horses, so he was defeated all of a sudden and fled to Chunyu Qiong.

Guo Yuan ordered the pursuit again, since the war started, there was no need to hesitate, either he died or Chunyu Qiong died today.

(End of this chapter)

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