Chapter 735
After half an hour of fighting in Lu County, the north gate opened, and a group of people hurried towards Ji County.

After walking for less than ten miles, suddenly countless torches lit up in front of him.

"Where is Guo Yuan going, don't dismount and surrender!"

It was Tian Yu who stopped this group of Yuan Jun. Tian Yu urged his horse out and pointed his gun at the general Yuan Jun who was running in the front.

This is none other than Guo Yuan.

Guo Yuan wanted to turn around, but a troop also rushed out from behind, holding torches and shouting to kill.

"Hmph, you want me to surrender, let's see if you have the ability!" Guo Yuan was also the pride of his family since he was a child.

"Stubborn, die!" Tian Yu urged the horse to charge forward, stabbing with the meteor gun.

With a sound of "Clang!", the weapons of the two collided, and then they attacked each other from behind.

"Clang!" Another sound of gold sounded.

But when Guo Yuan was attacking with the saber, Tian Yu flicked the tail of the gun that Tian Yu had just bumped into, and the meteor hammer hit Guo Yuan's arm.

Guo Yuan tilted his body in pain, and then Tian Yu took the opportunity to turn the stick and pick it.


Guo Yuan flew out and landed one step away from the horse. He twitched on the ground and then became silent.

The remnants of Guo Yuan threw away their weapons and shouted: "I am willing to surrender!"

Hula all surrendered.

The main general is dead, and they have no ability or possibility to avenge Guo Yuan as small soldiers, unless they are brainwashed by Guo Yuan since childhood, they will be loyal.

After the prisoners were surrendered, Tian Yu and others returned, and when they arrived in Lu County, Xun You and others rushed from the barracks to the city.

Then the north gate of Lu County was opened wide, and Chunyu Qiong and others went out of the city to ask for surrender, offering the city on their own initiative.

"The surrendered general Chunyu Qiong welcomes the Donglai generals." Chunyu Qiong bowed his head and twisted his fists to one side and said.

Xun You hurriedly got off his horse and helped him up, saying, "General Chunyu Qiong doesn't need to be like this. The old general is a veteran of my man. He understands righteousness and cares for the soldiers and people of the two armies. I thank the general on behalf of my lord."

"It can't be done!"

The other party stepped down the steps and gave such a good name, Chunyu Qiong finally stopped being hypocritical, the trace of grievance in his heart was gone, and he felt much better, so he hurriedly stood up and supported Xun You.

Xu You is Xu Ding's literati and counselor, and also a famous scholar in Yingchuan. He was praised a lot when he was in court, so how dare he accept his worship.

"Hehe, I can afford it, I can afford it, general, let's go into the city together, stay here, and the soldiers will complain that we don't give them time to sleep." Xun You looked at the sky with a smile, it was gray , The distance is as dark as secluded.

Chunyu Qiong also smiled and said: "Mr. Xun is very right. The soldiers are all tired and really need to rest very early, so as not to delay tomorrow's appointment."

Xun You and Chun Yuqiong entered the city chatting and laughing, Tian Yu followed behind, and a group of people entered the city.

Gongsun Xu, who was at the back, whispered to Gongsun Yue: "Uncle, this Xun You is really powerful. He didn't want him yesterday, and he accepted him today. How dare he conclude that Chunyu Qiong will turn against Guo Yuan and escape from the city?" It must be Guo Yuan?"

"Hehe, nephew, let's learn. This Xun You is a master. We can't easily understand this kind of tricks. Master Hou really has a lot of talents. The elder brother's defeat is not wronged. My Gongsun family is also lucky. "Gongsun Yue smiled slightly, and then sighed that he didn't answer Gongsun Xu's words at all.

This nephew has too much to comprehend and learn.

After taking down Luxian City, everyone finally realized one thing and made many contributions. They were ready to listen to Xun You's next arrangement, whether to go west to Jixian, go south to join Yongnu and Xu Shu and other tribes, or go north to take back the military capital.

But Xun You didn't say anything, and the generals got together the next day, when another good news came.

"I want to tell you a piece of good news. The cavalry of Yan Liang's tribe were encircled and wiped out by the lord and General Gongsun, and none of them escaped." Xun You put the good news he just sent on the desk in a happier mood, and said happily to everyone .

"Good! Great!"

Everyone applauded one after another, this is more worthy of celebration than they won Lu County.

Yuan Shao's cavalry were all gone, and the meat on the chopping board couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

Chunyuqiong and Zhongjian looked at each other, and both secretly sweated.

Even Yan Liang is doomed, and Yuan Shao is even hopeless. Fortunately, they surrendered and offered the city early, otherwise they would die like Yan Liang.

Yan Liang is a fierce general in Hebei, one of the most capable generals in Jizhou, Xu Ding did not survive, he Chunyu Qiong and Zhong Jian are nothing.

"So, we can leave Lu County with confidence and boldness. I decided to go to the north, and we will recover Changping and the military capital." Without Yan Liang, Xun You is not afraid of Yuan Shao's cavalry attacking him, and now he can fully counterattack the attack. , As for Xu Ding and other cavalry, they will definitely catch up, so he has to go one step ahead.

All the generals stood up: "Follow the orders of the military division."


Ji County!

Yuan Shao received letters from Guo Yuan, one first and two older.

At the most critical time, such a terrible thing happened.

You idiot Chunyuqiong, what are you doing in a sneak attack?
Do you think you are Xu Ding?
You dare to attack the camp of the Donglai Army at night, the old birthday star eats arsenic.

Soon Xu You came over, and Yuan Shao pointed to the letter on the table for him to read.

After Xu You finished reading, he frowned, turned pale and said to Yuan Shao: "My lord, Lu County is over, and Chunyu Qiong has fallen into Xun You's trick again. This is a way of alienation. Guo Yuan and Chunyu Qiong will fight each other. Not sure."

"This! It's not that serious. Chunyu Qiong has been with me for so many years so he won't rebel against the enemy, and Guo Yuan can't rebel. They just have some conflicts and can't cooperate with each other. I'll just call one of them back." Yuan Shao said a little I didn't believe it, so I hurriedly wrote a letter to transfer someone back, but the pen I was writing stopped again.

It's better to call whoever comes back. Calling Chunyu Qiong will chill his heart.

Transferring Guo Yuan hit his enthusiasm again.

It's not good to call anyone back.

"My lord, don't reply for now. Tomorrow there may be new news from Lu County. We have to make plans early and take down Juyongguan as soon as possible. Once Lu County is lost, our right wing will be exposed. The enemy can directly attack Ji County. Restricting our activities is very disadvantageous." Xu You thought for a while and said:

"Yongnu City can also be abandoned. Without Lu County being connected, Yongnu will become a bridgehead hanging outside. Once Wei Wenchou, Xun Kan and others can't defend it, it's better to withdraw to strengthen the strength of other city guests. defense."

Yuan Shao thought for a long time before saying, "Okay, let Wen Chou and the others get ready, and the cameras retreat."

Yuan Shao did not order a direct retreat, but gave Wen Chou and Xun Kan very flexible combat authority.

The next day!

Sure enough, news came from Lu County that Guo Yuan and Chunyu Qiong fought each other, Guo Yuan was killed by Tian Yu, and Chunyu Qiong surrendered to Xun You and offered the city.

"Report! My lord, something is wrong. Guo Jia and other troops have entered Youzhou and are heading towards Zhuo County."

(End of this chapter)

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