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Chapter 740 Zhang Jaw wins, Xia Houlan is besieged

Chapter 740 Zhang Jaw wins, Xia Houlan is besieged
"Fire arrows!"

The crossbowmen on both sides fired at each other in the narrow fire belt safety zone.

People on both sides were constantly shot with arrows and then carried to the rear by others.

This is a war of mutual attrition in which one thousand enemies are killed and eight hundred are self-destroyed.

What is compared is psychological quality, and what is compared is vigor and endurance.

Whoever survives to the end is the winner.

Zhang Jai stared at the sharply decreasing number of crossbowmen on both sides, with a tense expression, seeing that the flames were about to decrease.

Suddenly, a strange light shot out from his jaw-opening eyes, and he called a confidant general.

"Yes! Take a team and set fire to me in the north of the Forbidden and Disabled Department."

"It's the general!" His subordinates led people out of the camp immediately, and then went around to the north of the camp, but it would take some time and effort to get through the trap outside the camp.

Soon Yu Jin's subordinates discovered Yuan Jun who had circled out of the camp to the north with a torch.

Report this situation to Yu Jin immediately.

Yu Jin said: "Send a team to watch, first isolate a firebreak in the camp, and don't let the enemy set fire to come in."

Zhang Jaw and Yu Jin each use their own abilities to make moves and dismantle each other's moves.

Soon the crossbowmen on both sides were basically eliminated.

No one gave an order to withdraw, and endured the bloody blessing until the end.

At this time Zhang Jaw smiled.

His crossbowmen are not precious to the Second Colonel Lieutenant Army in essence.

It can be said that inferior soldiers are used against superior soldiers and horses that have been banned.

And without the crossbowmen, Yu Jin's army couldn't stop his own euphorbia soldiers from advancing.

However, the explosive oil bottle still makes the Euphorbia warriors a little afraid.

Zhang Jai thought for a while and then ordered: "Set up a large formation, pour water first, stack two layers, and rush for me!"

Jaw-opening euphorbia warriors are carefully trained, and the so-called diamond-shaped shuttle array can be changed.

Small formations form large formations, large formations become smaller formations, and after training for a long time, they can be converted into each other, and there is a tacit understanding between each other.

It's just that a large formation requires higher coordination ability and training intensity.

This newly formed team of euphorbia warriors hadn't practiced a few times, and the tacit understanding was still lacking, so Zhang Jaw was actually a little worried.

However, the situation is urgent right now, so we can be invincible by killing Yi Yujin and others as soon as possible.

So he had to use it.

Soon, the large formation composed of several small diamond-shaped shuttle formations was arranged hastily, and then began to enter again under the command of Zhang Jaw's most capable subordinates.

"Get ready!" Seeing that the diamond-shaped shuttle array of the euphorbia warriors came again, and it was a bigger one, Yu Jin, the commander, and others frowned.

Seeing that the distance was quite close, Yu Jin waved his hand.

Immediately the drum beat.

The Donglai army holding the oil bottle ignited and threw it out in one go, with coherent movements.

The expected explosion sounded, and oil stains with sparks splashed all over the sky.

The large diamond-shaped shuttle formation was only slightly stagnant, and the formation was crooked, but it was not blown up. Only a few of the euphorbia fighters inside were burned, and there was no serious problem.

"Okay! If it works, attack! Attack! Take down the enemy camp..."

Seeing this situation, Zhang Ja was immediately relieved, and a smile finally appeared on his excited face.

All of you who Yuan Jun is also screaming.

Yu Jin's brows frowned even tighter, and he hurriedly asked people to continue throwing shots.

If one batch is not successful, then two batches will be made, and if the second batch is not successful, three batches will be made. In short, until it is successful.

Of course, after giving this order, he glanced to the north, and then looked at the direction of the west gate of Zhuo County.

"Hope comes in a hurry, Zilan don't let me down, don't let my second general's sacrifice be in vain."

Originally, Guo Jia not only left the second school lieutenant army to Cheng Yu, but also Xia Houlan as the main Fawei.

Tonight, Cheng Yu and Guo Tu not only fought wits and bravery, but both of them played tricks and tricks, and they also used hidden tricks to confuse each other.

Cheng Yu not only sent Zang Ba to ambush Guo Tu's bait.

Guo Tu laid out the bait and sent Zhang Jai to attack the Donglai barracks, while Cheng Yu personally went into battle to accompany Xia Houlan to attack Zhuo County.

You lied to me and I lied to you on both sides, and they were all calculating.

When attacking the camp outside the city, Ximen Fawei of Zhuo County quietly touched the gate with his scriptures.

Three laps of shaking in the rear.

Then the west gate opened quietly, and a torch under the city cave was shaken five times, and then Fawei quickly entered the city.

It was Yuan Shang's subordinate Su You who released Xia Houlan and other troops privately.

It turned out that this person had intended to surrender a long time ago, and Guo Jia sent someone to contact him early.

Seeing that the current situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to Yuan Shao, and the foundation of Jizhou has been lost, Su You no longer has any hesitation, so he took the initiative to contact Cheng Yu, willing to be the vanguard to accept the surrender.

Only then did the West City Gate open.

"Which general from Donglai is the visitor?" Su You asked.

Xia Houlan urged the horse to enter the city and saw Su You who greeted him at the bottom of the city and said, "The French guard under the name of Lord Hou leads Xia Houlan."

"It turned out to be General Xiahou. He has admired his name for a long time, and the general entered the city quickly."

When Su You heard that he was the commander of the Jinwu Guard under Xu Ding's name, he was secretly delighted and excited.

Although the French Guards are not the strongest in combat power, they are the most powerful. They are used by the military governors, in charge of the military's punishment and discipline, ideological education, and information transmission.

It is the most trusted unit in the army, and it is Xu Ding's sharp knife against the knife.

This time, the other party sent the Fawei to Xiancheng, and they definitely paid enough attention to it. They have a good relationship with Xia Houlan, so that they can get along in the Donglai system in the future.

"Su You, you bastard, the traitor is indeed you." Suddenly there were countless screams in the city, and Su You's subordinates were hacked to the ground one after another.

The head of the city was taken over by another army.

The people who came were Yuan Shang, Guo Tu and Yin Kui.

And it was Yuan Shang who scolded Su You, and when his words fell, the inner city gate was closed abruptly, and then the moat suspension bridge outside the outer city gate was also put away.

Xia Houlan and Su You couldn't help being shocked, and their faces turned pale.

"Third Young Master, you..." Su You didn't expect Yuan Shang and others to appear suddenly and take over the city defense.

Yuan Shang yelled angrily: "Su You wasted my trust in you. I didn't expect you to be a traitor. You betrayed Yecheng, and you want to sell Zhuo County. You want to claim credit for our heads. You are worthy of the trust of my father and me." ?"

"Third son, this is really helpless. The situation in Jizhou and Youzhou is very obvious. Your Yuan family is doomed. Why can't we make the search for the Ming Lord? If it is meaningful, you will lose your life in vain." Su You lowered his head slightly, and half of his face turned red with embarrassment.

"Hahaha, my Yuan family is doomed. Who said that, you? Or Xia Houlan? Or Cheng Yu? Or my father? My Yuan family will not perish. Today, your clumsy plan will be seen through by Guo Gong. There is no way to escape, and I can save you from death if you surrender." Yuan Shang said with a contemptuous smile.

Even if you are as clever as a ghost, you have fallen for Guo Tu's trick. Guo Tu has already guessed that you will play serial tricks, play serial tricks, and have traitors.

It happened to be a plan to catch you all in one go.

(End of this chapter)

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