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Chapter 741 Guo Tu Yuan Shang died, Zhang Jaw back

Chapter 741 Guo Tu Yuan Shang died, Zhang Jaw back
"Surrender! Hahahaha..." Xia Houlan sneered a few times, pointing her spear at Yuan Shang, Guo Tu and others in the city:

"It should be you who are going to surrender. Now that you are captured without a fight, you can still leave you with a whole body. The consequences are definitely not what you think."

Everyone was taken aback, Xia Houlan must have lost her mind.

Now you are the ones who are blocked, and the moat after leaving the city is gone, and you are the ones who are besieged.

Who are you going to scare with such irony?

Guo Tudao: "Xia Houlan, I think you are Xu Ding's confidant, surrender, I can promise not to hurt you, and I can let you go back, you just need to go back and have a word with Cheng Yu, if you want to take Zhuo County Attack head-on and win with what you can."

"Okay! Based on Guo Tu's words, I can save your life and let you have a good talk with my lord. Maybe you can continue to contribute to the big man and use your talents to avoid wasting my big man's life." Resources." Xia Houlan also responded bluntly, without any panic or fear on her face, and she did not order to withdraw from the city gate.

Guo Tu's face was slightly condensed, and Xia Houlan's reaction was a little abnormal.

Could it be fraud.

Suddenly Guo Tu seemed to realize something. At this time, someone hurriedly rode to the west gate and shouted in panic: "Master Guo, the third son, something is wrong. The Donglai army entered the city from the north gate. If it is lost, the military mansion will be lost, and the enemy army is coming here."

With a bang, the entire soldiers of Yuan Shang and Yin Kui were panicked.

North City is broken.

how can that be.


Suddenly Yuan Shang, Yin Kui and others heard a shout, and then Yin Kui's subordinates in the row behind drew their swords one after another, stabbing at Yin Kui, Yuan Shang, Yuan Shang's personal guards and Guo Tu's personal guards.

"Puff..." Yuan Shang, Yin Kui and others were stabbed one after another, and they turned their heads to look at the person who gave the order in disbelief.

This is Yin Kui's personal guard captain, Yin Kui's letter, and also Yuan Shangan's secret son placed beside Yin Kui.

" could you?"

As a high-ranking person, it is normal to put eyeliner on subordinates. Yuan needs to monitor the situation of subordinates to see if they are loyal and can be used to great effect.

"I'm sorry, but I also feel that your Yuan family is finished. The death of the third son and General Yin can reduce the innocent bloodshed of many soldiers and allow more people to have sons, husbands, and fathers."

Of course, the real identity of this rebel general is actually one of the members of Yuan's Group that has been infiltrated by the sky and the earth. Although it is clearly the opposite, the medical regulations still cannot reveal the identity, so there is no too much explanation.

Not to mention the enemy generals of these soldiers, even Xia Houlan has no right to know the list of their nets.

Guo Tu saw that the city wall was controlled by the Donglai army again in a blink of an eye, and the forces belonging to the Yuan family collapsed in an instant, so he couldn't help showing a wry smile.

Seeing Yuan Shang fell to the ground slowly, bleeding profusely, looking like he was about to die, Guo Tu snatched the sword from a person beside him, and then punched him on the neck.

With a sound of "Puff!", the whole person fell to the ground slowly, and there seemed to be a vague sentence before landing.

"So fast..."

Su You was shocked by all of this. In such a short period of time, the reversal and reversal was really frightening.

"General Su, why are you still standing there in a daze? Let someone open the city gate and let's enter the city, otherwise Military Master Cheng will have to wait." Xia Houlan smiled at Su who was a little dazed.

Su You said: "Oh, good good good good good good good good!"

Neither of them went to see the corpses of Yuan Shang, Yin Kui, and Guo Tu, and went straight into the city to meet Cheng Yu in Fucheng.

After taking down the city and eliminating Yuan Shang, Yin Kui, and Guo Tu, Cheng Yu felt a little sorry for Guo Tu's death, then looked at the crowd and said, "Send a signal to the outside of the city to tell Zang Ba and Yu Jin that it's time to finish."

"It's a military officer!"

The south gate of Zhuoxian City quickly burned a large fire, and the flames soared into the sky, which was extremely eye-catching.

Zang Ba and Yu Jin, who discovered this signal, were overjoyed.

The city was taken down, so the morale was extremely high, and the soldiers worked even harder.

"This is?" Zhang Jai's army was about to tear through Yu Jin's last line of defense and eat Yu Jin completely, but suddenly Yu Jin opened the camp wall on the left rear wing, and all the troops withdrew, leaving the grain storage camp for Zhang Jai .

Zhang Jai felt weird, and then found the fire in Zhuo County, and his heart skipped a beat, with a bad premonition.

"Zhang Jaw, the camp will be given to you. Zhuo County has been taken by our army. At this time, Yuan Shang, Guo Tu and others are either dead or taken prisoner. You can surrender. It is meaningless for you and my army to fight. "Yu Jin took out a loudspeaker made of iron and shouted at Zhang Jaw, who had captured his camp.

Zhang Ja's army stopped chasing immediately, and all turned their heads to look at Zhang Jai. Under the light of the torches, Zhang He's face turned white and blue.

It seems to be struggling and thinking happily.

Zhang Ja understood at this time that Yu Jin was not trying to scare him, Zhuo County might really have fallen.

Although I don't know which environment caused the problem, but this battle he won a small victory, the Donglai army won a big victory, and the Jizhou army lost.

"Attack, chase the enemy chieftain." Suddenly, he opened his jaw and raised his gun and pointed at Yu Jin outside the camp, and still issued a decisive order.

Zhang Jaw's subordinates heard the order and continued to chase them out.

Yu Jin shook his head slightly and then ordered to withdraw to Zhuo County.

Zhang Jai chased him for half the distance, but seeing that Yu Jin and his troops could not be left behind, he gave another order: "Everyone listen to the order, we will retreat to the east!"

Zhang Jai, who didn't dare to chase down the city, led his men to extinguish the torches, and then walked east.

Soon Zang Ba came after him with his troops, and he was a little disappointed when he found that he couldn't block Zhang Jaw.

Only then did Yu Jin fight back to the barracks and put out the fire in the barracks.

Fortunately, the back camp was not burned before Zhang Jaw left, and basically all the food was saved.

After the information flowed into the city, Cheng Yu thought for a while and said, "This jaw is indeed a good general, well trained and well commanded. As the lord said, he is not easy to deal with."

Xia Houlan said: "It's a pity that he escaped. We might as well chase after him with scattered soldiers. I believe he can't run very far, and he can kill as many as he can."

"No need, he must have gone to Anci City. Although we can catch up, he and the euphorbia soldiers under him are elite soldiers. They will be needed in the future if they stay. These powers are the power of my big man. , it should not be consumed by civil war." Cheng Yu looked at Xia Houlan who didn't understand and said:

"Zhang Jai captured our camp, but he didn't vent his anger and set fire to it, let alone destroy food, which shows that he had plans and preparations in his heart. It was a gesture of goodwill to us.

When the opportunity comes, he will surrender. For the time being, we can ignore Anci City. Once Yuan Shao dies, Anci City will collapse without attack.

Whether it's soldiers, generals or civilian advisers, it's all ours. "

It turns out that, Xia Houlan clasped her fists and saluted, and Cheng Yu's advice was very helpful to you.

After all, civil advisers are more suitable for using their brains than they are.

(End of this chapter)

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