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Chapter 745 How Big is the World?

Chapter 745 How Big is the World?

When Yuan Shao woke up, Xu Ding's iron cavalry rushed to the city of Ji County with the scriptures.

The soldiers and horses of various ministries also gathered together.

Xu Ding naturally knew what happened to the armies in various places.

An Ci was also properly surrounded to death, and Xun Kan and Zhang Jaw were unable to move.

Yuan Shao, Wen Chou, Qianzhao and others were left in Jixian City, with less than [-] troops, and this was with the private soldiers of some aristocratic families. The Jizhou soldiers who followed Yuan Shao were far from enough.

But it's not too small compared to defending the city.

But under the city is the Donglai Army, the most powerful army in the world.

Gathered the five major lieutenants, and all the soldiers and horses of Jinwuwei except Fawei.

At the same time, there is also the Gongsun Zan Department of Youzhou Corps.

A total of about [-] soldiers and horses, twice as many as the defenders in the city.

It can really be said that it is vast and densely packed. One camp after another surrounds the entire Jixian City on three sides, leaving only the west city for Yuan Jun to go in and contact the outside.

But now Yuan Jun didn't need to use the scriptures, except for Ancicheng, it was worth Yuan Shao's contact.

Besides, Anci City was besieged by Cheng Yu and Lu Qian.

Xun Kan and Zhang Jai are not going to contact Jixian either.

Yuan Shao woke up again and asked about everything. This time he only coughed up blood but did not faint.

The blows that should be suffered have also been endured, and the things that should be lost have also been lost.

He himself knew the general ending, so he was more calm on the contrary.

All three sons are dead, civil and military are dead, and the territory is almost lost.

There is nothing he can't bear.

The state of mind has changed, and the whole person is more relaxed.

So he asked someone to help him to the east gate.

When he came to the east gate, he saw that the camp outside had expanded a lot, so Yuan Shao sent envoys to Xu Ding's camp.

"Yuan Shao wants to see me." Xu Ding looked at the person who came, heard Yuan Shao's thoughts, thought for a while and said: "Okay, you go back and report, I will go to the city gate in a moment."

Soon Xu Ding arrived at the east gate with five hundred riders.

He stopped within a stone's throw away, looked up at the gate of the tower and said, "Yuan Benchu, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Yuan Shao saw Xu Ding in high spirits, Xu Ding who was more imposing than before, felt bitter in his heart, pursed his lips and said, "Xu Ding, you won't let me go, right?"

Xu Ding nodded: "Of course!"

"If I am willing to surrender, you will not let me go." Yuan Shao asked again.

Xu Ding's face remained unchanged: "Of course, whether you surrender or not doesn't affect me very much. You are very clear about the grievances between the Yuan family and me. Even if you surrender, you can't change your fate. Of course, if you surrender, your subordinates can be treated well, after all. They are all the courtiers of the big man, so there is no need to be compromised by this kind of internal friction."

"Very good! I'm relieved now. Your persistence has given me a little confidence and made me understand that I, Yuan Shao, are not such useless people who need pity." Yuan Shao shook his head lightly, smiled and then said with determination:
"Xu Ding, I will fight with you in two days' time, outside the city, how dare you!"

"Field battle..." Xu Ding was a little surprised. The battle of defending the city is the most beneficial to Yuan Shao. He actually chose to fight in the wild, but Xu Ding did not refuse, and proudly replied:
"Okay! If you have the courage, I will help you. You, Yuan Shao, are considered a figure among the world's lords. You have the appearance of a hero. If you lose in a serious manner, it will not insult your name as the fourth generation and the third lord!"

"Thank you! Thank you, Xu Bokang, for acknowledging the false name of my Yuan family." Yuan Shao suddenly smiled, a very bright smile, and then he looked up to the sky and sighed again:
"Success is Xiao He, and failure is Xiao He. Fame for many generations is only a foreign thing after all."

"Yuan Benchu, if you have nothing else to do, I'll go first." There was nothing to chat with Yuan Shao, so Xu Ding urged the horse to turn around and want to leave.

At this time Yuan Shao shouted: "Wait! Xu Bokang, I have another question?"

"Ask!" Xu Ding spit out.

Yuan Shao looked at the clouds in the blue sky and asked, "How big is the world?"

This question seems to be an idiot to ask, because Xu Ding's Donglai Newspaper has mentioned it in the daily, ten-day newspaper, and monthly newspaper.

And published a simplified version of the map.

Everyone knows that the world is very big, and there is still a lot of space outside except for the big man.

But this is just a newspaper, and everyone, especially Yuan Shao, still knows very little about it.

So Wen Chou, Sui Yuanjin, Zhao Rui, Qianzhao and others also listened attentively, waiting for Xu Ding's answer.

They are also curious about how big the world is.

"It's really hard to say how big the world is. I can only tell you this. The maps published in the newspapers don't have this..." Xu Ding pointed and said: "The place we live in is called the Earth. Nearly round, we actually live on a sphere, and the map you see in the newspaper is not one-tenth the size of this sphere.”

None in ten.

So big, this world is too big.

The territory of the Han Dynasty has made the aristocratic family feel extremely difficult to rule.

However, the big man on the map in the newspaper only occupies a very small part. One can imagine how big this so-called earth or world is.

"Of course, if this world doesn't just refer to the ball we are in, then no one knows how big it is, because it is so big that it has no borders. Even if the sky was opened from Pangu and the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors began to ride horses, you can't touch it. The edge." Xu Ding pointed to the sky at this time and said: "The sky is not empty, but stars like the ball we are in. They are big and small, vast and boundless. The stars and moons in the world are actually one by one. Balls, some of them are very close, like the moon; some are far away, just shining a faint light, like stars, so no one knows how big the world is."

Although everyone didn't understand these words, they didn't understand it, and it made people feel extremely profound. At the same time, it also made people understand that the world, another world, is so big that they can't think about it, because they can't touch it after thousands of years of horseback riding. Edge, how big is this?
After finishing speaking, Xu Ding really ignored Yuan Shao this time, and then went back to the camp.

A group of Yuan Shao's generals who were somewhat dazed and sighed were left behind.

Yuan Shao let out a long sigh: "Perhaps, this is the reason why I lost to him. My vision is not as good as his. This is really a terrifying person. He knows everything, as if he is a heavenly king. I, Yuan Benchu, did not deserve to be defeated." .”

After saying that, Yuan Shao also turned around and returned to the city. He needs to recuperate well in the past two days, he needs to cheer up, and use his best state to compete with Xu Ding.

After leaving the city, Yuan Shao suddenly turned around and came back to the crowd of civil and military officials: "I hope to fight with you in this battle two days later, but I also hope that if you don't participate, don't participate. You don't have to avenge me after I die." , although Xu Ding and I have grudges and feuds, but he can really suppress other races, open up territory for my great man, spread his might, and he will not be humiliated!"

After speaking, Yuan Shao got on his horse and ran back to Zhoufu City.

Wen Chou glanced at the crowd, then clenched his fists and said, "The Hebei Shuangxiong lost me, brother Wen Heng, so what's the point of keeping me. I should live and die with the lord."

Zhuanzhao didn't say anything, he was able to come to Ji County to show his attitude, and he didn't need to explain to others.

Sui Yuanjin and Zhao Rui looked at each other for a long time, then shook their heads and got on the horse.

Only Cui Zhongping stared at the backs of the Jizhou generals and Yuan Shao after they left, standing for a long time.

"Forget it, although it's late to serve, there's no such thing as taking the lead or not obeying, there is a beginning and an end, and you brother Zhouping will not decline in the Cui family, so let me, a so-called so-called counselor who is ineffective, accompany you all for a while. "

(End of this chapter)

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