Chapter 746

Two days passed quickly.

After breakfast, Jizhou's army marched out of the city, Xu Ding's troops also came out from various barracks, and the two armies formed a formation on the open ground in the east of the city.

Yuan Shao moved with all his strength, including some of the family's private soldiers, who were also sent out by Yuan Shao.

However, these Youzhou aristocratic families did not send a single family member to fight, and completely sent these private soldiers to Yuan Shao.

It doesn't matter whether they are dead or alive.

Although the result was predictable, they still wanted to block it.

Horses stumble and people stumble.

What if Yuan Shao successfully counterattacked in his last stand.

This kind of thing has not existed since ancient times.

On Xu Ding's side, there were several troops that did not participate, such as Tai Shici's third school captain and Xu Huang's left cavalry.

These two troops went south to Jizhou under the leadership of the deputy captain.

Of course, Tai Shici and Xu Huang stayed by Xu Ding's side as personal guards.

There are more than 1 people missing, but the number is still huge.

In terms of momentum and formation alone, the Jizhou Corps is weaker than the Donglai Army.

The two sides set up a long table in the middle of the battle, Xu Ding and Yuan Shao were followed by two generals, they both raised the wine glasses on the table at the same time, made a gesture of invitation, and then drank each.

"Go to war!"

"Go to war!"

Then the two turned around and went down, and someone withdrew the long case.

The two returned to the main formation, Xu Ding rode on the horse claw Huang Feidian, and Yuan Shao stepped on the chariot.

One drew his sword and pointed forward.

"Beat the drums!"

The battle drums on both sides were beating.

"Wen Chou, you are the vanguard of our army. You can only advance and not retreat in this battle. Take a step back and come to see me!" Yuan Shao ordered forcefully, his face showing a domineering look, but the gray hair on the temples made people look The feeling of a hero's twilight.

In two days, Yuan Shao aged a lot, and his hair turned white a lot, but it also added a trace of heroism for nothing.

Wen Chou cupped his fists and said, "Here!"

After receiving the order, Wen Chou went down to lead the front.

Then Yuan Shao said again: "Sui Yuanjin, I want to recruit you two to serve as the left and right wings of our army to protect our central army."

"Here!" Sui Yuanjin and Qianzhao cupped their fists at the same time to accept the order, and then stepped down to take over the two wings.

"Cui Zhongping, go to the rear, supervise the battle for me, and stabilize the rear of our army. If there are deserters in my rear after the battle, you have the right to deal with them at will." Yuan Shao stared straight ahead, Cui Zhongping and Zhao Rui thought this The order was wrong.

They were all stunned for a while, logically it should be Zhao Rui who came to supervise the rear team, and Cui Zhongping was a scribe, who wanted to stay by Yuan Shao's side to analyze the situation on the battlefield and make strategic deployment and adjustments.

But Yuan Shao didn't say anything more, this order is just like that.

Zhao Rui and Cui Zhongping looked at each other, and then Cui Zhongping said: "Here!"

After Cui Zhongping went down, Yuan Shao murmured to himself: "People who don't deserve to die should not die. This duel has nothing to plan and discuss carefully. It doesn't need a plan or make any adjustments. Attack is the only thing to do." Target.

Defeated, lost, means it's over. "

"This... what my lord said is true, and I will swear to follow it to the death." Zhao Rui bowed on one knee while holding his sword.

Promise this side!
When he drew his sword, no orders were issued, nor was any battle plan discussed.

Because Guo Jia, Xu Shu, Xun You and others have already done the previous work in place, and explained the deployment to the generals.

The Xiaowei Army and the Jinwu Guard were also set up after leaving the camp.

Led by Xu Ding, the Chinese army is dominated by Qianwei and Modaowei.

Gongsun Zan's White Horse Army on the left.

On the right wing Zhang Liao guarded the Xuanjia army on the right.

The rear team is dominated by Zhang Yan, Tian Yu, the Tenth School Lieutenant Army, and Zou Dan, the Youzhou Army.

The front team is dominated by Zhang Fei, Guan Yu and others from the fourth and fifth school lieutenants.

"Attack!" Same as Yuan Shao, Xu Ding also only had one tactic here, attack, push horizontally, and directly attack the opponent.

There are no gorgeous moves, and no contingency tactics.

The two armies confront each other, marching forward without hesitation, drawing their swords out of their sheaths, the brave are far away.

With an attack, the two armies rushed towards each other.

Xu Ding put away his sword and dismounted, jumped onto the wooden platform behind him, and personally beat the drums to cheer for the army. He turned his back on Yuan Shao's attacking army. He didn't care about the result or the situation. His self-confidence and trust were the best support for his opponents.


The two armies rushed towards each other, and Yuan Shao's troops were like three fists, advancing side by side. The speed and momentum of Sui Yuan's advance and attack were no worse than Wen Chou's.

On the Donglai army's side, there are four fists, which were shot out from left, middle and right angles.

Gongsun Zan and the others are all light cavalry, with a high speed, and with a swish, they are shot like arrows that leave the string.

As for the right cavalry guard of Zhang Liao's tribe, although they were also galloping horses, they were a beat slower than Zhang Fei and Guan Yu, which seemed sluggish instead.

"Fire arrows!"

Gongsun Zan swung his spear, and the officers and men of the White Horse Army drew their bows and fired their arrows, letting go and shooting.

Wanqi's arrow pierced through the sky and plunged into the charging Sui Yuan Jinbu.

"Puff puff puff..." Thousands of arrows shot into the army, and Yuan Jun, who charged countless times, fell down.

Then the second wave of arrow rain came again, falling down in pieces again.

Gongsun Zan swung his gun and pointed to the left, and the four thousand cavalry immediately separated to the right, and then went from the open space on the left, and then adjusted the shooting position, and it was time to shoot to the right to attack and kill Yuan Jun.

Gongsun Zan collided with Liuqianqi head-on, smashing and trampling Yuan Jun who had been scattered and killed most of them. Liuqianqi swung his weapon and killed Yuan Shaojun who was still standing when Yu Ma rushed over.

Just like plowing a field, the two white horse armies, with [-] riders, cooperated to crush and push Sui Yuanjin here, and plowed all of them for refurbishment.

The horses galloped, overturned the river and the sea, Sui Yuanjin's troops were all wiped out, and all died in battle.

In the middle position, Wen Chou and Zhang Fei and Guan Yu collided with each other, their shields topped their shields, and they slammed into each other. One fell to the ground, and the other immediately pressed up, and then rushed forward. Strive to hack and kill.

Every army has advantages and disadvantages, some elite and some weak.

So all of a sudden, dogs and teeth crisscrossed, stalking a group, fighting bloody melee.

Zhang Fei, Wen Chou, and Guan Yu are all fierce generals in the world, and the three of them are indomitable and unstoppable when they charge forward.

The targets are all the frontmost positions of the enemy's and our own military flags, where Yuan Shao and Xu Ding are located.

To capture a thief first capture the king, to shoot a man first shoot a horse.

Winning the head of the opponent's coach is the beginning of victory.

Therefore, when the front teams of the two armies are fighting, the main generals of each other have no chance to fight against each other, and each fights its own way.

Zhang Fei and Guan Yu competed with each other in speed to see who could take Yuan Shao's head first, and they were also competing with Gongsun Zan at the same time.

Although they were pawns, they didn't want to give up the first achievement to Gongsun Zan. They wanted to make a great contribution to the pawns as well.

"Wen Chou is here to kill him, he has some skills, you go or I go." Tai Shici asked Xu Huang.

Xu Huang said: "Whoever stops it first will be the one to count."

After speaking, Xu Huang urged the horse to rush out with the scriptures, Tai Shici secretly called out cunning and hurriedly urged the horse to rush, then drew the bow and stringed it, aimed at Wen Chou and shot it with an arrow.

Xu Huang only felt an arrow on the left passing through the wind, and he also let out a cunning cry.

There is no need to guess that this arrow must have been shot by Tai Shici.

Except for Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun, no one is better at archery than him.

(End of this chapter)

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