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Chapter 755 Li Su's Reaction

Chapter 755 Li Su's Reaction (Two in One)

Xun You pointed to Jingxing (Tumen Pass) with a long pole, then tapped Shangai, and said to Yuci and Jinyang:
"Taking down Jingxing (Tumen Pass), and then going all the way to Bingzhou, Li Su will panic, and immediately chase back to Bingzhou, not even daring to turn his head."

Whether it is Changshan County or Bingzhou, it is easy to make a decision.

The benchmark is there, just like Xu Ding's previous operation, when he received Yuan Shao's department to fight him decisively, and when the situation in Youzhou became clear, he gave the order to the Guiyi Army to go west and merge the state.

Forcing Liu Bei to return to the defense of Bingzhou.

Now here is a reprint, which can also attack and save.

If they don't return to rescue, they will take Bingzhou directly and slowly eat up Li Su.

"This is a difficult operation, and it is beyond the reach of ordinary people."

This time, it doesn't look like the Guiyi Army is just deterring Yanmen County, but it's really piercing the knife into the heart of the enemy.

Ordinary generals can't complete this task at all, and even if they succeed, they will easily be blocked by Li Su and unable to get out of Bingzhou.

So far, only he brought three thousand left cavalry guards or ordered Zhao Yun near Xiaquyang to complete this strategy and tactic.

It will take time to contact Zhao Yun, and Li Su already sent someone to watch Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun's every movement and Li Su are in control.

"It seems that I can only come in person." Xu Ding couldn't help showing a wry smile.

Xun You said: "My lord, you think it's better to let General Zilong do this. The left cavalry guard is more suitable for restraining the first boarding camp. The sixth school captain can only fight with the first boarding dead at a tie."

Qu Yi's first ascending army, like the left cavalry guards, is good at bows and crossbows, and it is difficult for ordinary human troops to stop and restrain them.

With the left cavalry guard around, Qu Yi did not dare to leave the city for half a step, so he had to be on guard all the time.

Xu Ding shook his head and said, "I'll go, even if I leave Qu Yi, I won't dare to go out of the city, because you are here, and Gongming and Daijun are almost over.

At that time, you will be able to control the army first when you are transferring to the south.

Even without these things, our Youzhou army marched southward in mighty force, and Qu Yi could still turn against the sky. "

Speaking of Xu Huang, Xun You didn't say anything else.

Xu Huang is also a wise general, brave and resourceful, and capable of commanding and training troops. There are also [-] left cavalry guards over there, so they can be used.

So Xun You said: "Since the lord is determined, you should be the lord to solve Qu Yi."

Qu Yi is an ordinary general, and Xun You is also confident in taking him down.

This was another time Xu Ding fully relaxed and allowed him to do something. Naturally, he had to continue to perform and show off his abilities in order to gain a position in the Donglai military system.

After all, he has not joined Xu Ding for a long time. Although he has made some contributions in Youzhou, it is not enough. Compared with Guo Jia and other Donglai old people, his achievements are still very weak, not even as good as Xu Shu.

Xun You knew very well that he was from an aristocratic family, and most of Xu Ding's other civil servants were from poor families.

He must lay a foundation and set a benchmark for the children of the family in Xu Ding.

Let the Xun family take root in Xu Ding and gain a firm foothold.

Xu Ding didn't know what Xun You was thinking at this moment, even if he knew, he would laugh it off and didn't care.

He doesn't reject the aristocratic family, as long as they follow the rules, are willing to obey, and are willing to play the promised rules, they can all be attracted.

Regardless of whether it is a gatekeeper or an ordinary gate, after the development and growth in essence, there will be new aristocratic families and nobles. This is something that the feudal system will never avoid. Don't think about cutting them off once and for all, once and for all.

Existence is reasonable, good control and management, good guidance is the kingly way.

The matter of Lunu City was handed over to Xun You. After nightfall, Xu Ding took three thousand cavalry and quietly bypassed Lunu City from the south, then went to Changping to meet Zhang Bao and others, and went north to bypass Jiumen City He and others crossed the river from the north of Zhending to Jingxing.

Along the way, he stayed day and night, concealed the flag, and traveled lightly.

Next, outside Quyang City.

Li Su's camp!

Li Su's generals were full of joy, and both Changshan County and Zhongshan Kingdom were taken down.

Swallowing Jizhou is in sight.

"Military Master, when we attack Quyang City, brothers can't wait any longer. If we kill that judge and Zhao Yun, my army will be able to go all the way south without any hindrance, and go directly to Yecheng."

A future named Luo Dapao raised his glass and asked.

Luo Dapao was originally the leader of a gang of bandits in the Taihang Mountains. He was arrested by Liu Bei and surrendered to Bingzhou. He had [-] soldiers and horses. Although Liu Bei sold half of them, there were still [-]. You're welcome.

Even Liu Bei had to talk to him well and be polite to him, so Luo Dapao spoke very loudly.

Zuo Baique, the leader of the bandits who also came from the Taihang Mountains, licked his lips and said, "That's right, military commander, when can we kill the Donglai Army in Xiaquyang? Brothers are so hungry and thirsty."

When they were bandits, they often went east to plunder Jizhou, and places like Changshan, Zhongshan, and Zhaojun all got tired of going crooked.

Now years of wars have caused the population of Zhongshan and Changshan to wither, and the prosperity of the past has long since ceased to exist.

They want to go further, plundering and controlling counties such as Julu, Anping, Hejian, Bohai, and Qinghe.

Li Su glanced at the crowd, and said with a smile: "Hurry up! Soon, when the three generals attack Anping Kingdom, and transfer some soldiers and horses, we can attack the city."

Although he won Changshan County, Li Su knew very well that the judge still held the elite of the Donglai Army in his hands.

The sixth school captain has always been a pain point for him.

It's not that there are no cavalry in Bingzhou, but most of them were taken away by Liu Bei.

Li Su's troops to attack Jizhou were all infantry.

The momentum is very large, known as an army of 20.

It seemed that Mount Tai was rushing towards the top, but in fact the trial and dispatch also deliberately retreated strategically, defending the city with infantry, and ordered the captains and captains under Zhao Yun's name to guerrilla in Changshan County and Zhongshan Country.

In this way, it would be difficult for Li Su to let go of what he did.

If the troops are scattered, it is easy to be gathered and wiped out by the sixth school lieutenant army, and they will be defeated one by one.

So Li Su also felt a bit bitter. If he had a cavalry in his hand, why bother to make calculations with Qu Yi.

Now I can only hope that Qu Yi will be stronger, continue to crush Zhang Bao and others, enter Anping Kingdom, and disrupt the strategic deployment of the trial.

"Wait for Qu Yi, how long will it take?" Luo Dapao muttered, then poured two glasses of wine by himself.

No one answered, and Li Su didn't reply to Luo Dapao, what do these vulgar warriors know?
The atmosphere was awkward for a while, and the generals drank in silence.

Just then someone hurried in.

"Report! Military division, there is an important news from the three generals. Xu Ding led the army of left cavalry to go south, and now they have arrived at Lunu City..."

"What? Xu Ding has gone south!"

Li Su was half drunk in an instant, and the other generals also came to their senses, and then stood up one by one.

Li Su asked: "The news is true!"

"Return to the military division. The third general personally sent someone to contact us. The third general said that the battle in Youzhou is over, and Xu Ding's army will march south. I hope the second general can think of a way to deal with it."

The person who answered also knew the seriousness of the situation and what it meant for the end of the Youzhou war.

This time, the whole hall could hear the sound of a needle dropping, and it was extremely quiet.

The war in Youzhou is over, and it's too soon.

Yuan Shao's so many soldiers and horses were all gone within a few days of tossing.

The Donglai army is so terrifying.

All the generals were wondering whether they could withstand the attack of Xu Ding's army.

It's just a sixth school lieutenant who has diverted a lot of their energy. Facing an elite army of tens of thousands, do they still have any hope of winning?

This time, even Luo Dapao, who was always arrogant, did not dare to speak presumptuously, but looked at Li Su.

Li Su has to come up with the big idea, they are mud-legged people who only know how to beat and kill people.

Li Su glanced at everyone, although he was worried, but he was also secretly proud, look, you bastards, you have encountered a big event, you are like frightened quails.

"Ahem!" Li Su waved his hand to let the messenger go down, and then said to everyone:
"Xu Ding's Ministry has just ended the battle in Youzhou. Presumably, the battle was fierce and there were countless casualties. I don't know how many generals were lost, how many soldiers and horses were lost, and how much food was consumed.

Even if they go south, there are bound to be not many troops, and the ones coming now must be the vanguard, and the follow-up army will be delayed for a while, so don't panic. "

Everyone felt a little relieved after hearing this.

That's right, if Xu Ding fought Yuan Shao to death, it would be inevitable to lose troops.

In other words, Yuan Shao is also a powerful force among the princes of the world.

Not so easy to destroy.

Li Su went on to say: "At the same time, Daijun is in the hands of eldest brother and the others, and the situation is relatively stable. If Xu Dingruo's army goes south, eldest brother and the others can take the opportunity to attack Shanggu and conquer Youzhou.

In addition, my third younger brother, Qu Yi, took control of Zhongshan Kingdom, and my elder brother echoed from afar in the north, and I supported him in the west.

The first thing Xu Ding's army went south was to pass by the third brother, and it was no problem to block Xu Ding's mere vanguard with the third brother's talent. "

Everyone nodded frequently, there is nothing to say about this point, Liu Bei really has few people who can compare with Qu Yi in terms of fighting skills.

Even bandit leaders like them who have been wandering around the Taihang Mountains all year round are not content with it.

A regular army is a regular army, and there is nothing comparable to guerrilla bandits.

"So I decided!" Li Su suddenly stood up again with a serious expression, and the generals also stood up, Li Su ordered:

"Starting tomorrow, we will launch an attack on Xia Quyang, and strive to resolve Shenpei, Xu Rong and Zhao Yun before Xu Ding's army arrives, and take down Julu County and Zhao County."

"I would like to obey the command of the military division!" The people in the big tent and the generals of Bingzhou were gearing up.

They even had some predictions in their hearts. If they couldn't win the judge and the others, maybe this time the troops to Jizhou would almost come to an end.

With the arrival of Xu Ding's army, it would be great if they could defend Changshan Kingdom.

The next day!

Li Su's army drove out of the camp, and then surrounded Quyang City, and all the siege equipment was ready.

A massive siege battle is about to start in Xiaquyang again.

The last time a war of this scale occurred in Xiaquyang was the Yellow Turban riot ten years ago.

Go to Quyang City!

On the head of the city, Shenpei and Xu Rong will come to command after hearing the news.

Seeing the mighty Bingzhou soldiers and horses below the city, who were about to attack the real Bingzhou, Xu Rong wondered: "Why is Li Su suddenly about to attack the city? It stands to reason that he should wait for Qu Yi to attack Anping State first, and mobilize Zilong and the others to rescue them eastward." , we will go down to Quyang with one blow."

The examiner squinted his eyes and said: "Li Su made such a strange move, it can only be said that there was an unexpected incident. I guess there was a result in Youzhou, which forced him to act in advance."

After the words fell, I saw Yiqi came to the bottom of the city, and then trotted up the city wall.

While running, he shouted: "Good news! Good news! The lord led the army to defeat Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao himself was beheaded, most of the generals surrendered, and Youzhou was merged into our Donglai army..."

"Great! Great! My lord, they won again!"

"Yuan Shao has been wiped out, and Youzhou is ours now..."

The ninth school lieutenants on the city were ecstatic, this was the best medicine for them to defend the city.

Xu Rong clasped his fists and said, "Mr. Zhengnan is really good at predicting things!"

The examiner nodded and smiled. He was a serious and upright person. After receiving the letter and reading it, the smile on his face became even stronger. He handed the letter to Xu Rong and then looked at Li Su's army outside the city and said:

"It turned out that it wasn't just Youzhou's big victory, the lord personally led the third school's lieutenant army and the left cavalry guards to Zhongshan country."

After Xu Rong read the letter, his face became even more excited: "That's right, once the lord arrives, the situation in Jizhou will change drastically. General Zhang Bao and Zhongtai returned to Zhongshan with the help of classics. Qu Yi did not dare to move.

Naturally, Li Su couldn't wait anymore, otherwise he wouldn't even have a chance if he waited any longer. "

The examiner nodded approvingly and said: "Based on the master's habit of playing grand strategies, I'm guessing that he will send troops to attack Wuruan Pass, cut off the connection between Qu Yi and Liu Bei, and even increase his troops to enter Dai County, or He might as well..."

Speaking of this, the judge suddenly frowned, Xu Rong said: "What else is possible?"

"Nothing?" The judge shook his head and did not continue.

After all, Xu Ding was born as a general, with high military power and great courage, the judge actually didn't want Xu Ding to really use that trick.

Now Donglai's military family has a great career, and everything is inseparable from Xu Ding.

Xu Ding is the leader, and there must be no accidents, otherwise the great situation will easily collapse.

Although Xu Ding has many heirs, they are still too young.


Just when the judge and Xu Ding started daydreaming, Li Su gave the order to attack the city.

The generals of the Bingzhou Army below also heard the order to attack, and gave the order to attack and fight to the death, and those who retreated would be killed.

They had to go all out to take down Quyang, otherwise they would not have this chance.

The city is here, the enemy is in the city, and the beauties and treasures are also in the city.

If you want to get it, go all out.

"Kill!" Countless Bingzhou Army soldiers began to flock to the city wall, densely packed, like ants coming out of their nests.

However, there are Shenpei and Xu Rong in the city, and the two will command the soldiers to carry out an effective defensive counterattack. After all, Xu Rong has been guarding the city in the northeast all year round.

The Ninth School Lieutenant Army also has experience in this area and knows how to deal with it.

So don't panic at all.

And the trial and distribution department organizes people's power to carry out material supplies and transport the wounded to ensure the power output of the city.

The two armies fought frantically above and below the city, arrows flew back and forth, ladders were built and pushed, pushed down and pushed down again.

"Come on! Throw stones!"

Li Su suddenly ordered.

It turned out that he also carried a trebuchet, but his usage was different from others. Instead of smashing it first, he let the troops rush to the city to fight the enemy first, and then smashed the stones.

Such a bomb can kill and injure more defenders in the city.

This method is really powerful, but the disadvantage is that it is easy to accidentally injure one's own people, and it also brings psychological depression to one's siege troops.

But Li Su didn't care about this, it didn't matter to him how many people like Luo Dapao and Zuo Baique died.

Even all the low-level generals in Bingzhou have nothing to do with him. What Li Su wants is success, what he wants is military exploits, and what he wants is victory.

You can do anything in order to win, and it's nothing to die with muddy legs.

(End of this chapter)

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