Chapter 756 Li Su's Retreat


A stone egg flew into Xiaquyang, smashed heavily on the city wall, and lifted several soldiers of the Ninth School's comfort army into the air.

Then more stone eggs were thrown, or hit the wall, or hit the wall.

Or it flew into the city, or it hit the attacking soldiers of your own side.

In short, the accuracy of the trebuchet is not very good, and it hurts the enemy and hurts itself.

The stones bounced off one by one, causing both the enemy and us to yell at each other.

However, Li Su issued a death order, and Xia Quyang must be captured today.

Luo Dapao and others also issued a death order, whoever retreats will be killed, and they personally supervise the army.

Although terrified, no one in Bingzhou dared to retreat, and rushed forward desperately.

It should be because Li Su is really ruthless, and he feels that he can't do what he says.

And these bandit-born leaders and generals also crawled out of the sea of ​​corpses and blood. It may not work to let them rush to the forefront and climb the ladder to kill the enemy, but the warlord will not hesitate and be kind when he kills the defectors.


The ninth school lieutenant army defending the city also had no one to retreat and steal the battle. Facing the constant stone bombs, they still maintained their counterattack power.

Xu Rong didn't change his face, and he continued to dispatch troops as usual to make up for what was missing.

After dispatching, ask: "Is my trebuchet ready?"

At that moment, a general replied: "Return to the general, our trebuchet is ready to continue, the operator has locked the enemy's trebuchet, and we just wait for the general to fire it."

Only then did Xu Rong nodded in satisfaction and said, "At a moment's notice, the trebuchet was launched. First use solid bullets to destroy the enemy's trebuchet, and then use oil bombs to burn the enemy's attacking troops."

Looking at the densely packed Bingzhou army under the city, Xu Rong thought to himself: "It's a pity not to burn it."

It is so dense that when it is flicked down, a sea of ​​flames will be created.

Once a large area was burned, there was nowhere to escape.

Li Su, you want to break fast, but I want to interrupt you.

Soon the catapults in the city fired stone bullets, hitting Li Su's catapult array one after another.

Destroyed all his trebuchets.

This made Li Su depressed for a while.

"The equipment of the Donglai Army is really the best in the world, and it can hit so far, but it is a pity that it was not able to capture the prisoners. It seems that the judge kept a hand and deliberately lured me to the east, trying to delay the time and carry out layers of blocking.

Or does he have other conspiracies..."

Just when Li Su's brain was wide open, what was thrown out of the city were burning oil tanks one after another.

With a sound of "bang", a large sea of ​​flames burst out, and then one after another, one after another.

Countless seas of flames engulfed the lives and bodies of Bingzhou soldiers.

There was a terrible scream.

At the same time, the judges on the city wall also directed the people, husbands and people to start pouring oil on the fire, and some soldiers of the Ninth School Lieutenant Army also replaced ordinary arrows with rockets.

Shoot arrows where the oil has been and where the oil has been poured.

Wherever the rocket touches, it bursts into flames.

Immediately, there was a sea of ​​flames outside the city wall, and thick black smoke soared into the sky.

Li Su's army was unable to attack effectively, and the rhythm was completely disrupted.

The Bingzhou army retreated one after another under the risk of losing their heads, and they couldn't stop killing them.

Luo Dapao and the others were paralyzed, and had no choice but to withdraw their swords in the end.

Li Su went straight back to the barracks without any orders. All the generals looked at me and I looked at you. They were all there.

Neither advancing nor retreating.

Luo Dapao, who was always more arrogant, said: "Let's retreat, the military divisions have returned to camp, there is no way to fight today."

Only then did everyone breathe a sigh of relief, appease the generals one after another, and pulled the troops back to the barracks.

Back at the barracks, everyone in the tent knew what they were thinking when they saw Li Su's dark face.

"military adviser!"

"military adviser!"

"military adviser!"

The crowd changed their voices three times, then Li Su turned his face away, and replied with half of his face: "They are all back."

"They're all back, military advisor." Everyone's voices were a little low. They didn't know what Li Su wanted to do. If he wanted to get angry, he would get angry. What does it mean to be silent.

"Yeah, I'm underestimating the trial match. It's a fire attack. I guess all the fuel in Quyang City has been used up. Let's see what you can use to block it tomorrow." Li Su muttered to himself, then looked up at everyone :

"What are you doing in a daze, why don't you go back to rest? Everyone has worked hard today, and we will continue to work hard tomorrow. By the way, let someone build a trebuchet for me overnight, and tomorrow we will continue to blast!"

Everyone looked at each other, and then replied: "No!"

After everyone left, Li Su let out a long breath.

"Damn it, the trial match, it must have been settled long ago, just wait for me to send the head over like today, it's so old." Li Su knew that he still underestimated the trial match, so he was still impatient.

I don't know how many soldiers and horses were lost in the fire today.

The most important thing is that the morale hit is too great.

It is estimated that the Bingzhou Army has cast a shadow.

It is impossible to have the momentum and courage of today in the siege.

The prestige accumulated after entering Jizhou was weakened by a battle.

So Li Su had a headache.

"Wait! Come on, send me a team to check Zhending and Jingxing, and tell the guards there that there must be no mistakes."


When he woke up the next day, all the generals came over to point their guns. Sure enough, as Li Su said yesterday, the army came out to attack the city again, but today Li Su changed his strategy and bombarded the city gate with trebuchets first.

The army watched the show.This made the generals and ordinary soldiers breathe a sigh of relief.

How did this guy Li Su become the Holy Mother of Mercy?

"it is good!"

A stone bomb hit the city wall, Li Su clapped his hands and applauded.

Everyone followed suit, completely unaware of what Li Su was up to.

But after dropping a few more stone bullets, they seemed to understand Li Su's intentions.

It should be because the emotions of the soldiers were mobilized, one by one consciously clapped their hands and cheered.

However, Li Su himself raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a hint of complacency.

This is what he wants, and he must regain his prestige.

However, he was not happy for long, and saw more than a dozen stone bombs thrown from the city, destroying the trebuchet of the Bingzhou Army.

Don't forget, the catapults of the Dongrae Army can hit farther.

The shouting of the Bingzhou Army stopped abruptly.

He watched helplessly as the Donglai army destroyed his trebuchet.

"What should the military division do now?"

All the generals looked at Li Su, it seemed that Li Su was beaten in the face by Donglai Army.

Li Su's face turned half green, half red, and then spit out two words: "Attack!"

"Uh, attack!" Luo Dapao and the others were stunned for a while, and then responded to Li Su's meaning, and hurriedly shouted:
"What are you waiting for, attack!"

Immediately, the Bingzhou army rushed towards Xiaquyang City.

This time they have learned their lesson and are no longer attacking intensively.

So as not to be killed by fire oil on a large scale again.

The result, of course, was that the army was quickly repulsed.This time, even the top of the city was not afraid to go up.

The generals were so angry that they jumped and cursed, and Li Su also showed such an expression.

Just when he had a headache, another flying horse came to report: "Military Master, something is wrong! Something is wrong!"

Li Su frowned, his face became darker, and he asked someone to bring the scouts over, and then repeatedly said: "Don't panic and talk nonsense. Tell me in a low voice."

Only then did Tanqi return in a low voice: "Military division, Jingxing was attacked by the Donglai army, and the Donglai army killed and went to Jinyang."

"What?" Li Su's head exploded when he heard this, his head went blank, and he fainted instantly.

The generals were also terrified. What kind of news could make Li Su lose his composure and faint.

Under the pressure of the generals, Tanqi had no choice but to tell the truth to everyone.

"The Donglai cavalry went to Jinyang City, it's over!"

Everyone's brains are about to explode.

This is shocking news.Bingzhou is about to end, and Liu Bei is about to end.

It's all over.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!" Luo Dapao was the first to give the order to retreat, and everyone followed closely behind.

A large swath of black has all been evacuated.

When Li Su woke up, the sky was already approaching twilight, and the sunset glowed across the sky.

"What should the military division do now?"

"Is the military division Bingzhou going to end?"

"Military division, where are we going?"

Seeing Li Su waking up, everyone asked in a hurry.

This made Li Su's head even bigger, so Li Su simply shouted: "Withdraw our troops, immediately withdraw our troops back to Bingzhou, and take back Jingxing (Tumen Pass)."

"Um...Military division, Jingxing (Tumen Pass) has not missed, it is still in our hands.""

"Well, what did you say, the Tumen Gate is still in our hands, how is this possible, no..." Li Su was a little confused, what is this and what is it?
"Military division, Tumen Pass is indeed still in our hands. After the Donglai cavalry was defeated, no troops were left to garrison it. We took back the pass city." Someone explained.

It's good if you don't leave troops, no, it's a lonely ambition to take Jinyang City.

"Hurry up, withdraw the troops immediately, don't delay for a moment, go back to Bingzhou as soon as possible." Li Su hurriedly shouted and ordered.

If Jingxing (Tumenguan) was gone, he would really not be in the mood to go back.

Unlike Donglai, there are not many cavalry, and no one is left to guard Jingxing (Tumen Pass). This is an oversight.Just let him see the hope of life.

There is nothing to do here in Jizhou. Going back to Bingzhou is his home field and his heaven.

In the afternoon of that day, Li Su withdrew all his troops to the north towards Zhending City.

"Zhengnan, Li Su has withdrawn his troops, do you want to go out of the city to pursue them?" Xu Rong asked.

Li Su withdrew in a hurry and could pursue him.

The judge said: "No need, let Zilong's men chase after us, and we will do our job well."

At present, the army has not yet arrived, and everything is safe, and it is enough for the sixth school lieutenant to chase and intercept.

A guess is always a guess, and one cannot act recklessly without definite news.

Withdrew to Zhending, and soon Li Su continued to retreat to Jingxing (Tumen Pass).

But this time it was not so easy. Zhao Yun's various ministries continued to launch attacks. The cavalry came and went like the wind. From time to time, they came out to shoot a shot and fired a thousand or eight hundred arrows, and then disappeared.

Constantly biting.

Li Su had to leave some troops to stop him.

But these troops often ran away before Zhao Yun came, and went directly into the nearby mountains.

Bingzhou still doesn't know if it can be recovered, who will be the scapegoat.

So all the bandits and generals from the Taihang Mountains ran away.

When they arrived at Jingxing, Li Su looked at Luo Dapao, Zuo Baique and others beside him, and asked curiously: "Why didn't you leave, and you still follow me back to Bingzhou?"

Li Su was also a little surprised that the biggest bandit generals did not leave.

Luo Dapao sneered: "Run, where are you going? Will you be able to survive if you run away?"

These disdain can be described as quite contemptuous.

Zuo Baique said: "Wei Haihou is not an ordinary person. Although he has a reputation of being kind and helpful, don't forget that he will also show his teeth and retaliate. Anyone who offends him will have no good fruit to eat, even if you have power over the world." , even if you come from a noble background, you will not end well, such as Dong Zhuo and Yuan Shao, do you think Xu Ding let them go?

We attacked Jizhou with the army division and injured the members of the Ninth Colonel, how could Xu Ding let us go so easily.

Moreover, he has always liked to suppress bandits and fight chaos. We probably have already been labeled as sure to kill by him. Only by firmly relying on the lord and the military advisor can we fight Xu Ding to the end and see who will die and who will survive. "

If it was possible, Zuo Baique wanted to say that he should have followed Zhang Yan's Black Mountain Army and joined Xu Ding in the first place.

In this way, at least he can be a school captain and a captain.

Look at how majestic Zhang Yan is, the tenth school captain is the school captain, most of his subordinates are either captains or deputy captains.

Although there are not many soldiers and horses under his command, they are majestic, well-equipped, and they don't have to worry about wine and food, as well as housing and concubines.

Where can I find such a good thing.

I regret that I listened to Liu Bei's mouth.

Li Su didn't expect Luo Dapao, Zuo Baique and others to have such awareness.

Yes, wherever you can go in the huge Jizhou, the Donglai Army will slowly level it out.

Even if you get into the Taihang Mountains, it will be a matter of time, but it will be sooner or later.

"I didn't expect you to understand people. That's right. We and Xu Ding will only stop if one of us dies. In the future, there will be many wars between Bingzhou and Jizhou." Li Su felt that he had underestimated Luo Dapao and others before. , these old bandits are quite cunning, so they bowed and said:

"In the future, the survival of Bingzhou will be up to you."

Li Su also learned Liu Bei's tricks, which surprised Luo Dapao and others. Li Su is usually very arrogant and arrogant, and never takes people seriously.

Especially after he planned to take down Shangdang County.

Except for Liu Bei, he hardly looks at anyone.

Even in front of Liu Bei, he often takes credit and pride, calling himself No. 1 in Bingzhou.

"If you can't do it, you can't do it, how can the military division think so highly of it, I'm so disappointed." Zuo Baique and others hurriedly said.

But no one entrusted Li Su's hand, so if you want to pretend, just pretend.

If it's Liu Bei, everyone will take one bite at a time, and then hold it on one knee.

Li Su was a little embarrassed, but fortunately, he only bowed lightly. If he bent over and bowed, the price would drop.

Without mentioning Li Su, Qu Yi in Lunu City was dumbfounded!

He was so angry that he frankly went to the desk, chopping around with his sword.

"Bastard Li Su, you hurt me again. I and your Li family are at odds with each other. If you don't avenge me, you will be justified!"

Li Su ran away, and after only one day of beating Quyang, he ran away, and retreated all the way to Jingxing.

And then he didn't fucking remind him, just let Xu Rongshenpei get back Zhending and Jiumen.

Isn't it obvious that he made himself the bait and threw it to the Donglai army to eat?

Do you think Qu Yi can't be angry?

Broken Arm Survival is not such a game.

If you annoy Lao Tzu, at worst, you will surrender.

But when he thought of this, Qu Yi had a severe headache again, stomping his feet and wanting to kill.

I just beat Xu Ding a few days ago.

If Qu Yi didn't want to lose face, how could he have the cheek to surrender.

He is also a well-known No. [-] figure. He has fought so many big and small battles, and he has waded through water and fire.

(End of this chapter)

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