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Chapter 757 Mutual Contest in Lunu City

Chapter 757 Mutual Contest in Lunu City (Two in One)

After venting the resentment in his heart, Qu Yi sat on the mat and began to think about how to deal with the next dangerous situation.

The north, east, south, and west sides are surrounded.

I became a catch in the urn of the Donglai Army.

Don't rely on Li Su and Liu Bei to save yourself.

Everything depends on oneself.

If you rely on mountains, mountains will fall, and if you rely on water, water will flow.

My fate is up to me, I can't help it, I don't rely on anyone, I have to rely on myself.

After thinking about it, Qu Yi felt that it would be better if Lunu City was abandoned earlier.

There's no point in staying here anymore.

So he hurriedly called all his subordinates, and then gave an order: "Pass down my military order, and send troops out of the city tonight to go to Shangquyang!"

The generals were taken aback for a moment, why were they about to withdraw.

Aren't we confronting the Donglai Army and fighting for the control of Zhongshan Kingdom?

How to withdraw.

Isn't this an admission of defeat?
Let's go, what about Li Su's army division?

Qu Yi didn't say much, just said: "Follow the order, this is the tactics of the military division, don't ask more questions."

When everyone heard that it was Li Su's plan, they didn't hesitate to ask more questions except for complaining.

When the crowd dispersed, Qu Yi stopped the two generals who had entered the camp first.

The situation in Lunu City was quickly discovered by the people in the city, and they were sent out through special channels.

Soon Xun You and Tai Shici both knew the news, and couldn't help but like it very much.

"Mr. Gongda, it seems that the lord has succeeded and captured Jingxing in one fell swoop. Now that Quyi can't run away, the war in Jizhou will come to an end." Situation said excitedly.

Xun You said: "That's not necessarily the case. Qu Yi is still very brave and good at fighting. After all, he holds an army that ascended first. The elite soldiers are not inferior to my Donglai's elite soldiers. We should not underestimate them."

"Also! Qu Yi retreated so blatantly, instead of gathering all the generals and leaving quietly at night, it shows that his intentions are not pure!" Xun You stroked his beard, half-closed his eyes, and smiled slightly.

It's like seeing through the whole world.

Tai Shici showed a hint of suspicion. When these scribes used this expression, they were probably adulterous.

"Mr. Gongda means that Qu Yi is deceitful?" Tai Shici asked uncertainly.

Xun You smiled and said, "General Ziyi, we are doing this tonight, and we will know if there is any fraud."

Tai Shici still had doubts on his face after listening carefully, but Xu Ding confessed that everything was up to Xun You.

Although Tai Shici had doubts, he carried out as required.

After nightfall, the west gate of Lunu City opened, and then a large army fled in a panic to the northwest towards Quyang.

Not long after the army left, a small group of elite soldiers came out from the north gate, but instead of fleeing, they quietly went around to the Donglai barracks at the east gate.

At this time, the Donglai military camp was completely silent and peaceful.

There are not even many soldiers guarding the camp.

Even when you get close, you can find a scarecrow tied to a wood.

"There is really no one in the Donglai Army camp to inform the general!"

Soon the army coming out of the north gate quietly touched the camp gate, and then gave an order, broke open the camp gate, and rushed in.

These people had an orderly division of labor, and small groups rushed along the gaps between the tents of the military camp, and then raised their crossbows at each military tent in groups of two.

Anyone who rushes out of it is pulling the trigger and shooting.

However, apart from one or two people rushing out from the first few camps, there was no one in the other military tents.

These people are Qu Yi's elite first-timers, they are not only courageous and brave, they are also flexible and ingenious.

I saw that the noodles were full of scarecrows, and there was a smell of oil.

"Not good! General, we have been fooled, and there is no one in the camp!"

Qu Yi was shocked, he was leading the team himself.

Just when they found out that it was an empty camp, countless Donglai Army soldiers with torches gathered outside the camp.

They are all from the third school lieutenant army.

At least 800 of them drew their bows and arrows, and the arrows were still on fire.

"Qu Yi, our army had expected that you would come to attack the camp, so we didn't go to ambush your large army, but pass the door to wait for you here, surrender, so that your first army can survive. Save some vitality for the big man, if you refuse to surrender, you can only be sacrificed to heaven with fire." Tai Shici pulled a rocket in his hand and aimed it at a certain military tent in the camp.

"Hehe...hahaha, that's how it is, that's how it is, so powerful, you actually let go of those [-] people in order to deal with me, you really know how to choose!" Qu Yi suddenly laughed.

Originally, he thought he had seen through the changes in the Donglai Army camp, that is, the cavalry was gone.

Then where did this cavalryman go? Thinking of Li Su's retreat, he must have attacked an important checkpoint city.

So it can only be played in Bingzhou, and it is Xu Ding who leads the team.

Only he dared to fight a state with three thousand horses.

Since Xu Ding is not there, the third colonel's army will be weak.

He wanted to lure Tai Shici, the third lieutenant, to pursue him when he withdrew Lu Nu, and then attacked the camp, and then turned back and surrounded the third lieutenant's army with the army, so as to attack the Donglai army and accumulate power.

Unexpectedly, Xun You saw through it.

Xun You's strategy is to catch the turtle in a urn.

Try to let go of the [-] miscellaneous troops, and kill him and the dead soldiers first with the value of a battalion.

Really good skill.

Really courageous.

"Surrender, Qu Yi, if you surrender, I can ask the lord to forgive you first. The first to enter the camp is the big man's first camp. They are all my good sons in Han. It is a pity to die under the fire attack." Xun You took a step forward, In the end, Jue decided to persuade.

This is his greatest sincerity, he can save Koji's life, but as to whether he will reuse it, then he can't give an answer.

"Surrender! What a joke! When did I, Koji, surrender?"

"It's a pity! A joke! This is my first step into the army, not some bullshit guy, and it's not his promise."

"You think it's over, you think you've got the chance to win? No! No, it's not yet time. Let me tell you what a real dead soldier is, and what it means to be the first to join the army." Qu Yi roared angrily, Then shoot a loud arrow into the sky.

Then the pioneers in the camp gathered together, roared and accompanied Qu Yi to charge towards the gate of the camp.

"Stubborn, shoot arrows...!" Tai Shici yelled angrily, and shot the rocket in his hand.

The eight hundred crossbowmen of the third school lieutenant army fired their arrows together.

Eight hundred arrows flew past.

Some shot at Xiandeng dead men, and some shot at military tents and scarecrows.

The fierce fire blazed up all at once.

"Cum and release!"

Tai Shici fired rapidly one after another, and soon all five arrows were fired.

The soldiers of the [-]rd School Lieutenant Army also sent out two more arrows, and the third arrow was still on the string or had just been drawn from the quiver.

The soldiers led by Qu Yi went up to the dead one after another, not afraid of being hit by arrows, and then fell down one after another.

These guys still hit hard.

As if not dying.

"Establish the shield, block it, and fire the gun!"

The third wave of arrows was shot out again, and nearly 2000 people of Xiandeng died, and more than half of them were weakened.

However, Qu Yi and his first ascended soldiers did not stop, they continued to rush towards the gate of the camp, and fired the Liannu in their hands.

Counterattack the soldiers of the third school lieutenant army outside the battalion.

But soon they were stopped by the shield soldiers of the third school lieutenant army in front of the camp gate.

The shield was full of arrows, but the Xiandeng dead soldier was still rushing forward, hitting the shield directly, trying to rush out.

"Kill!" At this moment, countless arrows were suddenly shot from the back of the third colonel's army.

A lean team of 2000 people appeared behind them and attacked the Donglai Army from behind.

This surprised Tai Shici and others.

There are also Xiandeng dead soldiers here.

"Hahaha, you're dumbfounded. I haven't finished what I said. I left 2000 people behind. How could I not be caught in the trap? It's so naive." Qu Yi laughed wildly.

It turned out that there were only [-] Xiandeng dead soldiers who followed him, [-] stayed behind, and [-] followed in the main force for fooling around.

Unexpectedly, these 2000 people became life-saving straws.

With the attack of these two first-time dead soldiers, the original airtight blocking line of the third school lieutenant army was pierced at once.

This is something Xun You didn't expect, that Qu Yi, an ordinary man, is also playing tricks.

The key is that he climbed to the dead first and was more than twice as many as himself.

Helplessly, Xun You and Tai Shici had no choice but to make an opening, allowing Qu Yi to escape.

Of course, the dead warrior Xiandeng who had regained his life would not be flying moths into the flames like just now, beating desperately, but turning around and fleeing with Qu Yi.

Even the crossbow was lost.

Without a large source of income, they would have to pay a huge discount to go to the army first, and they couldn't support the use of arrows alone.

So throwing it away at this time is better than throwing it away later.

After all, now is the time to escape and save your life.

Tai Shici led his men to chase after him for a little while, but was stopped by Xun You and came back to put out the fire.

Fortunately, the entire camp did not really burn, only one third of it was destroyed.

The loss is not too big.

After all, 4000 people from the first ascending army were left behind.

Weakened half of the Koji elite.

"If you give me more miscellaneous soldiers from the two armies, I can leave two thousand more dead soldiers." Tai Shici blamed himself angrily.

A good net was pierced.

Xun You sighed, "I don't blame General Ziyi, it's not because I didn't try my best, but because the enemy is really strong. It's really tough to go to the army first, but it's a pity."

The 1000 elites were wasted for no reason. They died just to keep Qu Yi alive, and to let the more than [-] Xiandeng troops escape.

Could have left it all.

A good man and boy.

After breaking out of the siege, Qu Yi took the remnants of his troops and rushed to Shangquyang overnight. Thanks to the lack of cavalry around Xun You and the others, otherwise it would be hard to say whether he could escape with these dead soldiers.

Xun You acquired Lunu City, and quickly got in touch with all parties. Zhang Bao and other ministries also continued to march northward. Xu Huang and other ministries also learned that Daijun Liu Bei had retreated, so they led the Zuo Qiwei to go south to Quyang.

At the same time, the army from Youzhou also arrived southward one after another, and transferred to Shangquyang one after another.

Donglai's heavy troops advanced into Shangquyang, which put a lot of pressure on Quyi who had fled to Shangquyang, and a layer of haze shrouded the city of Shangquyang.



Xu Ding led a surprise attack on Jingxing with [-] iron cavalry, and then marched all the way west, attacking and breaking, Shangai, Yuci and other cities did not expect that the Donglai army would suddenly come, and they were captured without any precautions.

After capturing Yuci City, Jinyang is within easy reach.

At this time, Xu Ding's troops were divided into three groups, one thousand defended Yuci City, and one thousand went south to attack Yangyi.

Then he raised the banner and announced that [-] troops would enter Bingzhou, and then he brought [-] soldiers and horses to kill Jinyang City.

All of a sudden, the whole Bingzhou was shocked and terrified.

The Donglai army actually broke into Bingzhou, and even killed near Jinyang City. The two armies entered the country, gods block and kill gods, and demons should kill demons.

All of a sudden, there was turmoil in various places, and the counties were in danger, and began to think about what countermeasures to take next.

Surrender or surrender or stubbornly resist.

Soon Xu Ding went to Jinyang City, facing Xu Ding's arrival, soon the defender abandoned the city and fled.

Leaving the Yigan family to guard the city, for some reason, Jinyang City obediently opened the city gate and welcomed Xu Ding into the city.

Seeing that only 1000 people entered the country, the Jinyang City family members who greeted them looked around, feeling a little regretful.

Xu Ding stopped his horse and asked, "Do you know why I only brought 1000 people to Jinyang City?"

The largest Bingzhou family in Jinyang City is the Wang family.

An old man in charge of the Wang family replied: "I dare not speculate on Lord Hou's intentions!"

Old fox, people from other aristocratic families couldn't help but secretly praise him.

Older gingers are more spicy.

Xu Ding glanced at the old man, and replied unexpectedly: "Because, I think Jinyang City is a good city, and I don't want to destroy it because of the flames of war. I think that bringing too many soldiers and horses will make this place tense." , Everyone is in danger, resulting in anxiety and uneasiness, which leads to resistance to resistance.

You can see that my guess was right, I only brought a thousand soldiers and horses here, but Jinyang City was safe and sound, and embraced me with the kindness of Jinyang City, so I decided that no one should disturb the people, and anyone who violated it would be executed. "

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, we were powerless to refute this.

Really can brag, everyone has a new understanding of Xu Ding, it turns out that the majestic Marquis of Weihai has such a thick skin.

But they still had to reply flatteringly: "Hou Ye is righteous, and Hou Ye is really strict in running the army. Hearing a hundred times is worth seeing once. I really admire it."

"Everywhere, this is what our army should do. After all, Jinyang has given us goodwill, and our Donglai Army can't humiliate this goodwill, so I made it clear that no one should disturb the people or do something illegal. It's not just my Donglai army, but also those illegal ways in the city, I hope everyone will supervise." Xu Ding said to everyone:
"By the way, our army doesn't have many soldiers and horses, and some places can't be taken care of. We have to rely on everyone's help to organize and organize the city defense and on-duty management of the city."

One hundred of the people were willing, so why did they get involved, and the decision was made on the street without giving them a chance to postpone.

Can they say no?


But if Xu Ding leaves and fails to gain a foothold in Bingzhou, and we work with Xu Ding today, will Liu Bei kill them when he comes back?

"Why are you Xiangda unwilling to do what you can for the stability and prosperity of Jinyang?" Xu Dingwen said angrily.

Everyone hurriedly said: "How dare you! How dare you! I was moved by the sincerity of Lord Hou, and I was fascinated by it for a while, and I hoped that Lord Hou would be happy."

"Okay! Now I'm relieved. With everyone's help, I believe that there will be no youngsters in the city who dare to act presumptuously." Only then was Xu Ding satisfied and urged his horse to go to the State Shepherd's Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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