Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 759 Guangling Showdown

Chapter 759 Guangling Showdown (Three in One)

"Bo Yan, Sun Ceyi took down the other four counties, and now occupies more than half of my Guangling City. He is going to attack Jiangdu. Should we change our strategy?" Zhao Yu asked Lu Xun, who was only 12 years old.

That's right, when Xu Ding went north to make an appointment with Gongsun Zan to destroy Yuan Shao in Youzhou, he sent three apprentices, Lu Xun, to stabilize Guangling.

This is a late move. Whether Sun will make a move is a [-]-[-] split.

So Xu Ding only sent Lu Xun over, and did not send any other troops, just to support Zhao Yu.

Zhao Yu is a civil official, a scribe but not a counselor. He is good at government affairs, but obviously insufficient in military affairs.

And he doesn't know how to adapt, once Sun Ce attacks south, he will be unable to parry.

That's why the flexible Lu Xun came.

In Wu Jun's performance, Lu Xun fully demonstrated his ability.

Talent is such a wonderful thing sometimes, it cannot be learned by human beings.

Lu Xun said with a smile: "You don't need the lord, Jiangdu will be fine. I guess Sun Ce dare not take all the troops to attack Jiangdu. After all, what he wants to take is our current Guangling City.

We will stick here, we will not be fooled by him, and we will not listen to it. If he comes to attack us, we will fight and drag it down. Once the war in the north is over, Sun Ce will retreat. "

What the hell Sun Ce was up to, he understood too well.

Otherwise, all the soldiers and horses from the four counties would not be drawn.

"That's fine, we'll stay the same and respond to all changes!" Zhao Yu had no problem at all. He had a strong personality, and he wouldn't surrender to Sun Ce even without Lu Xun around.

Since a clever ghost like Lu Xun says he can't leave the city, he will continue to defend the city and Sun Cegang to the end.

Sun Ce saw that Guangling City had not sent reinforcements for a long time, and there was no movement.

So they had to regroup the soldiers and horses to Guangling City.

However, Deng Dang is still stuck on the official road that Lijiang never ends.

Sun Ce looked at the tall Guangling and asked: "How to attack this city now, who of you has a plan? If not, then I will attack during the day. I don't believe that Zhao Yu's generals can beat me."

Sun Ce clenched his fists in disbelief.

Chen Duan and Lu Fan looked at each other, and Lu Fan signaled that it was Chen Duan who spoke.

Chen Duan said to Sun Ce: "My lord, let's not be in a hurry to attack Guangling City first. Since Zhao Yu is going to be unable to defend and we can't lure him, why not do the opposite and lure Lu Chang from Jiangdu to Guangling City.

It doesn't make much sense for Lu Changshou to stay in Jiangdu, and he certainly won't just sit back and watch Guangling be taken away by us. We won't visit and forge a letter of plea for help and ask Lu Chang to send troops to help.

Then he trapped Lu Chang, so that Zhao Yu would know that he wouldn't be desperate for help. "

That's right, Guangling City can't save Jiangdu, can Jiangdu come to save Guangling?
If Lu Changruo was trapped, Zhao Yu dared not remain indifferent.

"But we don't have a navy here, so it's hard to trap Lu Chang." Sun Ce is not an idiot, he is able to lead a party of troops, and he is still very talented and experienced in fighting.

Lu Chang's troops can only be navy troops, and then come along the dushui.

Donglai's warships are big and tall, and the elite navy is equipped with crossbows and bed crossbows. The unbelieving navy warships can't stop Lu Chang's progress.

Chen Duan caressed his beard and smiled: "My lord does not have to use corresponding warships to deal with the inland water army. We can set up hidden stakes in narrow waters and tie chain nets in the water. Even if Donglai's ships are big rushed over.

Then we are looking for some water-savvy drills with hammers and irons to lurk in the water, and cut through the last boat that Lu Chang came to, so that Lu Chang can't move forward or retreat. Siege and strangle.

If we can get rid of Lu Chang, the front line of the river will break the blockade of the Donglai navy, so that we can also have contact with the third son. "

Chen Duan is from Guangling, and he is very familiar with Guangling.

The methods he provides are all valid.

Sun Ce said: "Okay, let's wipe this one first, we really can't attack Guangling again."

Quan Heng, it is more valuable to kill Donglai's navy than to get rid of Zhao Yu.

After the discussion, Sun Ce ordered General Ding Feng to assist Chen Duan.

Chen Duan had known Zhao Yu before, and he remembered Zhao Yu's handwriting and cursive style, so he copied a letter and made a fake seal, and then ordered someone to send it to Jiangdu City.

When Lu Chang received this letter, he hesitated.

But as soon as he thought that Lu Xun was in Guangling City, he led the army to set up a boat out of Jiangdu and headed for Guangling City along the waterway.

Halfway through the march, suddenly the warship in front appeared to be stranded.

"Report! General, our warship ran aground, and someone planted a hidden stake in the water."

Lu Chang frowned, and hurriedly said: "Retreat! The rear team has changed to the front team, and withdraw from this section of the river."

The flagship waved the semaphore and directed the ships to retreat.

Suddenly there was a booming sound from the last warship underwater, and countless blisters popped out.

The soldiers at the bottom of the ship ran up and told the captain, the captain immediately sent someone to repair it, and at the same time gathered his men to both ends of the ship, and then shot arrows underwater to find the enemy.

"Report! General, the rear ship was attacked by the enemy, and a hole was dug out of the bottom of the ship."

Lu Chang hurriedly said: "Tell the boat on the back boat to send someone into the water and kill the enemy's water ghost for me."

In water contests, their navy is the boss.

At that moment, dozens of people jumped into the water and got into the bottom of the boat with short daggers in hand.

Soon countless blood bubbles appeared in the river, dyeing a large area red, and then dozens of specific corpses surfaced.

Then Dongnae sailors got out.

"The enemy can be cleaned up, but most of the ships are leaking, and they cannot be repaired now, and I am afraid they will slowly sink."

The person who reported had just finished speaking, only to hear the sound of killing from both sides of the rear boat, and then countless arrows shot over.

In the water, the deck of the ship was attacked crazily.

The ships started to fight back, pulled out the bed crossbows, and fought against the Yangzhou army on both sides of the strait.

Lu Chang drew his sword and pointed to the rear: "Raise the flag, let the rear boat turn the rudder and adjust the direction. If other ships hit the rear boat for me, whether they are smashed or hit the shore, they must be rushed away."


The ships received the signal and acted immediately.

While fighting back against the Yangzhou army, the Donglai army turned on the horsepower to turn the warship into motion.

With several bangs, the deck of the leaky warship was smashed, and the entire hull turned back towards the shore.

But when they crashed away, many small boats rushed out of the river behind them, and then these small boats were all lit up with water, and under the push of manpower, they rushed over densely.

"Damn it, I want to attack with fire, give me the strength to charge back and knock them over."

The ships made the warships rush towards the densely packed small boats. For these small boats, they only need a light bump to capsize them all.

However, Sun Ce also has a navy army, and Chen Duan is also from Guangling, and he is also familiar with water skills, and he knows the method of restraint in water battles.

So when the Donglai warship slammed into the vicinity, the soldiers on the deck suddenly discovered a problem.

These small boats have long gun heads stuck in front of them.

The tips of these guns are worn thin and long.

Suddenly bumped into it, and the two forces collided.

These gun heads were stuck firmly into the outer panel, and they couldn't get rid of it no matter how they were shaken.

Then the raging fire on the boat spread and burned.

The big ship was also quickly ignited.

Flames came out from the bow of the ship, and the ship immediately commanded the navy to put out the fire, then gritted its teeth and said, "Go ahead and tell the people in the ship's cabin that even if you are burned to death, you can't let this ship stop in the middle to stop my army from advancing." road."


The above said harsh words, and for the elite Donglai fighters, there was no complaint, let alone disobedience.

Instead, they all gritted their teeth and carried it out.

Soon the burning ship smashed away all the small boats and rushed to the shore.

When they reached the shore, the whole ship was on fire, and only then did the people on board jump off the ship and abandon the ship.

Only then did Lu Chang's army rush out, and then found that there were small boats and boats on the river behind, but these people were quickly knocked over by Lu Chang and others' warships and wiped out.

In the end, the Donglai Army sacrificed two ships and more than a hundred people, and successfully broke through and returned, but Sun Ce did not get his wish.

"It's ruthless enough, no wonder they can win the battle. The discipline of the Donglai Army is really rare in the world."

Seeing that Lu Chang and others retreated safely, Sun Ce and others were disappointed but also had to admit that the Donglai Army was strong.

"So, let's attack Guangling City by force. It will be easier to deal with some county soldiers." Sun Ce didn't want to stay any longer, and led the army back to Guangling City.

After so many days of delay, in fact, the Yangzhou Army did not do nothing.

They have been building siege ladders, and hitting logs to protect the well.

Jinglan was invented by Mozi during the Warring States Period, but later King Chu used Jinglan to attack Song State.Mozi used fire to defend against Jing Lan's attack, but Jing Lan moved very slowly and was often easily destroyed.

Jinglan is a mobile archery tower, which can attack the enemy's siege weapon on the city wall.With it on the shelf, any arms can shoot from a long distance.Generally, it is built to a height of 3 and a half floors, with pulleys installed underneath, and it is condescending to move and shoot.Features: wide range, strong dynamic strike power; Weaknesses: slow movement, no close combat capability.

So Sun Ce built one here, firstly because time did not allow it, and secondly because there was no need to build so many.

With Jing Lan and Sun Ce and others, it is easier to know the dynamics in the city, and they can know the deployment and deployment of troops on the Guangling City Wall, so as to adjust their own offensive rhythm and method.

The Yangzhou Army was finally about to attack the city, and Guangling City began to get busy.

Lu Xun saw the wells that were constantly being built outside the city, took out the binoculars on the box, looked towards the opposite side, saw the excited faces of Sun Ce and others, then put down the telescope and asked the guards on the city: " Can the bed crossbow hit the opponent's well?"

The guard shook his head and said: "This distance is a bit far, unless the opponent pushes over and wants to suppress and shoot arrows at the top of my city, then I can wipe it off."

Lu Xun picked up the binoculars again and shook his head lightly: "Sun Ce doesn't seem to intend to do this! He only made a well fence, and it took a lot of effort to make it, so it is impossible to push it over. It seems that he just wants to do it. Use this to observe the situation in my city, observe the situation, and make new deployments."

After thinking for a while, Lu Xun turned around and went down from the top of the city, then returned to the city, contacted people from all over the world, and asked, "Among you, who have been staying in Jiujiang and Lujiang recently, do you know the semaphore of Sun Ce?"

Someone stood up and said that they had paid attention to Sun Ce and others, and inquired about the news of the Sun family's military training.

So Lu Xun took him back to the city wall, and at this time Sun Ce began to command the army to attack.

Lu Xun handed the binoculars to the person next to him, and the person took over and inspected Sun Ce's command on the well fence, and hurriedly said: "Young master, Sun Ce said to break through in the middle and attack with both wings, trying to break open the city gate with a ram."

Lu Xun smiled slightly, and then said to the guard: "Strengthen some troops here at the gate tower, and prepare more hot oil arrows."


Soon the majestic Yangzhou army began to attack the city. As I said just now, Sun Ce tried his best to break through the city gate. The shield soldiers, archers, and strong men who hit the city were arranged extremely closely, and rushed towards the city gate fiercely like a tide. Come.

"Smashing stones! Pour oil!"

With an order from the top of the city, the Yangzhou army that had just rushed in was severely hit, and countless stones, trees, and hot kerosene were poured down.

The momentum of Sun Ce's offensive was immediately suppressed.

The bumper that Lux picked up also fell to the ground.

However, Sun Ce's troops did not retreat in fear. The shield soldiers all stepped forward, covered the front, and then moved forward bit by bit, while the archers came out from time to time to shoot arrows towards the city.

However, they were quickly targeted by the archers in the city, and they were shot one by one, and then dragged behind by their teammates.

"Let the rocket!"

A few pots of hot oil were poured down in the second concentration, and as soon as the rocket was ignited, the entire city cave was engulfed in flames, causing Sun Ce's army to flee, rolling all over the ground to fight the fire.

The attack in the middle was repelled without even touching the city gate.

Sun Ce was furious watching from the well.

The small Guangling City couldn't even touch the city gate, so Sun Ce was about to go down to Jinglan to fight in person.

Chen Duan and Lu Fan hurriedly persuaded: "My lord is urgent, why not strengthen the attack on the two wings first, and avoid the enemy's falsehood."

Sun Ce is like this, he wants to do everything by himself and go to battle in person.

Other places are fine, you can go up in the field, this siege battle has the highest death rate, if Sun Ce wants to play like this, he will get lost if he is not careful.

The two naturally strongly opposed it.

Seeing that the two stopped him, Sun Ce had no choice but to say: "That's okay, I'll just wait, strengthen the offensive on the two wings, and make a breakthrough with the right wing as the main one."

Soon Sun Ce's troops changed their strategy and launched a two-wing attack.

However, Lu Xun and others who discovered Sun Ce's deployment in advance also changed the distribution of troops.

The fierce counterattack on the city was stronger than before.

The direct suppression prevented Sun Ce's army from reaching the top of the city.

The two-wing siege also failed.

Seeing the calm deployment of troops in the opponent's city, the command of the defenders is orderly.Sun Ce and others doubted whether the defenders in the city were the county soldiers of Guangling City.

"Ding Feng comes with me, I want to attack the city myself!"

Sun Ce stomped down the well with his sword in his hand, then took General Ding Feng with him, led the Chinese army and elite personal guards, and headed towards the city cave to kill.

At the gate tower, Lu Xun found that Sun Ce had sneaked into the Chinese army, and a smile appeared on his face, and then said: "Sun Ce has come to attack the city gate himself, and sent all the soldiers and horses under the city to guard the gate tower, and at the same time, we will attack the gate tower. The hundred people beheaded and the thousand people beheaded brought up.

Send me as much kerosene as you have, I want to burn enough and kill enough at one time! "

"Here!" Everyone was very excited when they heard that Sun Ce had ended in person. If Sun Ce was killed immediately, the battle would be prosperous.

There is no credit for defending the city, only a little hard work, and there is no reward after the battle is over, but if you can kill Sun Ce and kill the opponent's general, then the reward will be generous.

Xu Ding's military law is strict here, but the same reward mechanism is also good.

All are equal.

"Everyone will be rewarded for killing Sun Ce, if you defeat the enemy and regain Guangling, you will be rewarded with a three-day banquet!" Lu Sun encouraged everyone.

This time the entire city, the soldiers inside and outside the city were all excited.

One by one more positive.

Even Zhao Yu showed a slight smile on his rigorous face.

Sun Ce's son deceived Donglai Wubing to come to offend in the south. If he can beat them hard, he will let them suffer the consequences.

"Attack! Attack! Attack!"

Sun Ce's elite guards, each with a hammer, followed Sun Ce and marched towards the city gate under the cover of shield soldiers.

This time, Sun Ce's army launched a fierce attack from the left, center and right at the same time to conceal their true intentions.

But it was all in vain, because Lu Xun had already seen through his little tricks, so he naturally focused on the middle lane.

When Sun Ce's troops had just resisted under the city gate, the counterattack from the city was not very violent, only stones, wood and a few arrows were shot down.

Seeing this, Sun Ce continued to order Cui to advance, and the one in front of him was killed, so he personally took the lead to boost morale.

The entire army of the Chinese army charged very quickly, rushing into the city cave all at once.

Sun Ce was overjoyed, and then led a group of guards to storm the city gate.

At the same time, the soldiers carrying the hammer swung the hammer to knock on the city gate and the city wall at the same time.

The sound of bang bang kept coming out.

"pour oil!"

With a bang, countless hot oil poured down again.

The golden juice was also splashed in a ladle, and the stones and wood fell like raindrops.

Sun Ce's shield soldiers fell and scattered, and then countless arrows poured down.


Sun Ce's troops suffered heavy casualties for a while.

The rocket ignited the thick oil and gas on the ground, and it burned with a bang.

The entire front of the city cave was directly burned into a large area, and the thick smoke billowed away.

This frightened Sun Ce's army who did not keep up.

General Ding Fenghong, Sun Ce's subordinate, hurriedly shouted, "Quickly, spread the sand over it for me quickly, and save the eldest son!"

"Thousands of people beheaded, let me go!"

Lu Xun was quite satisfied with the result. This fire should be able to burn Sun Ce to death.

Ding Feng's men rushed forward desperately, but the countless honeycomb arrows shot by Qian Zhan turned into honeycombs and fell down in pieces.

The crossbows of the defenders on the top of the city kept shooting arrows, and all the Yangzhou soldiers who tried to rush over to put out the fire were shot without exception.

Inside the city cave, the eyes of Sun Ce and others were almost swollen from the smoke, but he knew that he had to blast through the city gate.

So he led his elite subordinates to beat on the city gate continuously, knocking constantly, and crashing wildly.

The fire was burning, the smoke was overflowing, and the smoke was unbearable.

Sun Ce's subordinates fainted and fell to the ground one by one, and Sun Ce was still hammering desperately.

His team is really elite.

In this way, the city gate was smashed abruptly, and finally broke through the city gate under the final impact.


Sun Ce looked into his eyes, held the spear and roared, leading the remaining subordinates to rush in.

But what was waiting for him were countless city guards with bows and crossbows, as well as two boxes of arrow boxes for killing hundreds of people.


In an instant, countless arrows flew towards the narrow city gate.

"Puff puff……"

All Sun Ce's subordinates fell to the ground with arrows, and no one survived.

Sun Ce swung his spear to block, and was also hit by four arrows, but fortunately he missed the vital point.

Sun Ce had no choice but to retreat back to the city gate and pull up a gate to block the defenders of Wengcheng.

"Zhao Yu counts you as amazing!"

Sun Ce didn't expect that the other party had reserved so many crossbowmen in Wengcheng. The wave of arrows just now was too fierce and swift.

Although there is only a small group of people, even if there is a large force, it may not be able to rush through.

Killing is impossible, Sun Ce swallowed his throat, then looked at the raging fire outside the city cave, couldn't help taking a deep breath, then stretched out his hand to dip the blood flowing on the ground, and smeared it all over his body , and finally lifted a huge corpse, gritted his teeth and rushed out into the fire.

"Fire arrows!"

Lu Xun and others found someone rushing out from under the city cave, and hurriedly gave orders.

The crossbowmen shot towards the figure.

Sun Ce broke through the fire with the dead body in his hand, without hurting his front body, but his back body was covered with fire and burned again.

Facing the arrows on the city, he could only run forward as fast as he could.

"Puff!" Two times, Sun Ce was hit by an arrow in the back, and then his right thigh was also hit by an arrow, and he rolled to the ground and fell down.

Seeing this, Ding Feng shouted anxiously: "Save the eldest son!"

Speaking of which, Ding Feng rushed straight up, and his subordinates also stepped forward with their shields.

The arrows on the city did not stop, but became more violent, because Lu Xun also spotted Sun Ce.

Ding Feng was the first to rush forward, but even though he raised his sword to block, he was also hit by several arrows, blocking the fatal arrows for Sun Ce.

Ding Feng's subordinates arrived, protected the two with shields, and then retreated slowly.

Seeing that Sun Ce and Ding Feng were injured, Lu Fan and Chen Duan ordered their troops to withdraw and return to the camp.

The crowd carried Sun Ce and Ding Feng back to the camp, and immediately rescued them. Sun Ce was fine, and he was not seriously injured. He was just mentally ill, and there was no serious problem.

Ding Feng passed out directly, and died of serious injuries several hours later.

"Old man Zhao Yu, I will kill you to avenge Cheng Yuan!" Sun Ce held Ding Feng's hand and swore through gritted teeth.

The loss in this battle was too great, many soldiers died, and Ding Feng also died because of saving him.

Lu Fan and Chen Duan looked at each other and persuaded: "My lord, please mourn!"

"Ziheng and Zizheng, how else can they take down Guangling City?" Sun Ce asked without turning his head.

Both Lu Fan and Chen Duan looked bitter, and Lu Fan replied: "My lord, it seems that it is very difficult for us to capture Guangling City at present. The defenders in the city are determined, have excellent weapons, and have enough arrows. The people around Zhao Yu are extremely capable. military affairs.

If we want to capture Guangling, we will have to wait for news from Gongjin unless we increase our number of troops several times. "

With the loss of soldiers and generals, there is no way to attack Guangling City at present, unless Zhou Yu's side wins, and then the two armies join together to attack Guangling and Jiangdu.

"Then contact Gongjin and see what's going on with him. If Yijing takes Huaiyin, don't rush to advance north. Come and join me as soon as possible, and take Guangling to avenge Chengyuan." Sun Ce didn't even think about it. He ordered when he thought about it.

Lu Fan and Chen Duan looked at each other again, then bowed to Sun Ce and sang "Okay", and then backed out.

"Ziheng, the Eldest Young Master is still angry, so don't let it affect Gongjin's plan!" Chen Duan sighed slightly and worried.

Although the small Guangling County is so difficult to attack, it takes more effort than Lujiang County and Jiujiang County.

Lu Fan agreed: "It's true that Gongjin can't be affected, but it's better to contact Gongjin first. It should be smoother to come to him."

(End of this chapter)

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