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Chapter 760 Zhou Yu's Trick

Chapter 760 Zhou Yu's Trick (Two in One)

Zhou Yu went all the way south from here, with the wind and the water, until he hit Huaiyin, and Huaiyin didn't fight for long before he fell.

But Zhou Yu was not at all happy to win here, because he didn't meet the real main force of the Donglai Navy.

Neither Jiang Qin nor Zhou Tai made a move to fight him.

Song Qian and Zhou Shan looked at each other, and then asked: "Captain, we have captured Huaiyin, why are you so sad and worried?"

Zhou Yu shook his hair with the cold wind blowing the folding fan, his young face showed the sadness that shouldn't be someone at his age, his red lips slightly parted and said: "Don't you think we played too smoothly? Although Xuzhou joined Weihai Not long after his name was taken down, Wang Xiu did not have much energy to train Xiapi and Guangling counties.

But now the combat power shown by the two counties is too weak, this is not what I imagined the enemy army should be like at all.

Especially Zhou Tai, Jiang Qin, none of the giants from the Huaishui River appeared.

Donglai's navy has been avoiding the battle, they have a conspiracy. "

"There is a conspiracy. Could it be that the Donglai army expected us to attack and wanted to block our retreat and counterattack." Song Qian asked.

Zhou Shandao: "Could it be that Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin's troops have moved to Pengcheng and Xiapicheng to defend against Yuan Shu, so strategically give up the southern part of Xuzhou temporarily, and the Donglai Army likes to retreat strategically, and then use the lost land to save people?" It is impossible to counterattack in the end, in order to avoid multi-line combat and fully maintain the superiority of troops on one side."

Zhou Yu's eyes were far-reaching, he jumped to the north, and said calmly: "Both are possible, but I prefer the former."

"Captain, what should we do now? Don't we continue to move eastward, the Huaipu will not go down, and the Huaihe River will not be calm." Zhou Shan asked.

Zhou Yu thought for a while and said, "Of course we must continue to attack, but we must also take precautions. If the Donglai navy enters the Huaihe River from Surabaya, which one of you would like to garrison Suiling?"

Zhou Shan clasped his fists and said, "The last general is willing to go!"

"Well, I'll let you go." Zhou Yu nodded and agreed to let Zhou Shan go.

In this way, it is more reassuring. Zhou Shan is a general of the Sun family. He was trained by the Sun family since he was a child. He grew up with Sun Ce and Sun Quan. He is considered a direct descendant of the Sun family. He was secretly bribed by the Donglai Army to induce surrender.

Arranging the rear, Zhou Yu led the army to continue the eastward attack on Huaipu.

When approaching Huaipu, news came back constantly.

Huaipu is heavily guarded and there are many warships.

The main force of the Donglai Navy finally emerged.

This made Zhou Yu and others finally stop being confused.

The unknown is always scary.

The most frightening thing is that the enemy cannot be touched and cannot be seen.

Now that he has come out, Zhou Yu's heart is also calm.

The army marched to Huaipu, and before Zhou Yu and others were ready to set up camp, Huaipu City sent a letter of war.

Zhou Yu received the letter of war, and the superiors reprimanded him for starting the war without authorization, destroying the unity and friendship between the two armies and the two regions, and destroying the friendship between Sun Jian and Xu Ding after Weihai.

It also shows that the reason why the Yangzhou navy has been able to advance smoothly is that the Donglai army deliberately retreated, in order to give Sun Jian a thin face and follow the ancient comity of retreating.

The purpose is to hope that the Yangzhou Army can understand the righteousness and take the initiative to retreat, instead of being greedy and continuing to commit crimes.

Zhou Yu and the others disdain all the above, because they think it is too high-sounding.

At the end, there was a sentence that made Zhou Yu raise his eyebrows slightly.

"It's called unpredictable! Those who don't retreat will perish!"

"What a big tone. If Weihai is here, we have to weigh it up. What is Zhou Tai?" Song Qian said angrily:

"Captain, let's go to war. I don't believe that our navy can't take down the small Huaipu. Isn't Zhou Tai just relying on the size of the warship, can he go on a rampage? Our navy is no worse than anyone else, and the small boat can also use its power Wolf tactics, even if you bite him, you will kill him."

"No hurry! No hurry! Zhou Tai's desire to start a war means that he has prepared everything, waiting for us to be fooled, waiting for us to get in." Zhou Yu seemed to see through everything, slightly shaking his head and smiling:

"Zhou Tai is no ordinary future, he is a fierce general among Xu Ding's several navy generals, he is not an unknown and incompetent generation, so don't be careless."

Song Qian was a little dumb, and Zhou Yu had a high opinion of Zhou Tai, so it was too late for him to belittle him.

In terms of record alone, Zhou Tai did have quite a few battles.

Zhou Yu accepted the channel: "Go back ten miles first, set up camp, stand on the Huaihe River, and find out that the attack is on!"

Zhou Yu suddenly became cautious.

I am all small boats, although there are many people and many ships, the Donglai Army is a big boat after all, so I still check it out.

Soon the Yangzhou navy retreated ten miles westward.

The Donglai army did not pursue either, because they did not receive Zhou Yu's reply.

On Huaipu City, Zhou Tai watched Zhou Yu withdraw his troops, raised his eyebrows slightly, held his hand on the hilt of his sword, and murmured: "My lord reminded you rightly, this Zhou Yu is indeed a powerful character, and he didn't turn back or fight, Backing away silently, he must be trying to find out my reality.

But you are not as good as the main character, just wait, I won the time, you can't win anything. "

In fact, with Zhou Tai's personality, he really wanted to fight Zhou Yu, so he used his navy strength to teach Zhou Yu and Sun Ce a hard lesson.

He has absolute confidence that he can defeat Zhou Yu.

But Xu Ding had already stated that if the enemy advances, they will retreat, retreat to Huaipu to fight, and don't take the initiative to attack, let Zhou Yu take action to fight back, and finish the battle at Huaishui in one go.

Give Zhou Yu a painful lesson thoroughly.

That's why Zhou Tai endured the impulse.

The supervisory military judge of the French guard in the navy is there, and it is impossible to let his temper go.

Zhou Yu sent out his troops and searched for news for several days, but did not collect much useful information.

Instead, some people were lost.

I don't know if Zhou Tai's people did it, or other Xu Ding people.

"Captain, do we have to wait?" Song Qian asked impatiently.

If it continues like this, the whole situation will be very unfavorable.

Zhou Yu hadn't replied yet, when a soldier came to report: "Captain, the eldest son sent someone to send a letter!"

"Oh! There's a letter from Bofu. It seems that Guangling City has finished." Zhou Yu showed a smile on his face, and reached out to take the letter.

When he took it apart and looked at it, his brows were tightly furrowed, his expression was dim, and his eyes were dimmed.

"What's wrong with the governor?" Seeing that Zhou Yu's expression was not right, Song Qian suddenly had a bad premonition.

Zhou Yu took a breath and waited for a while before stuffing the letter back into the envelope. Looking at Song Qian who looked curious and worried, he said:

"The battle of Guangling City was not smooth. Zhao Yu defended Guangling City to the death. Although most of the county was taken by us, Guangling City and Jiangdu are still in the hands of the Donglai Army.

Bo Fu and the others used various strategies, but Zhao Yu was not fooled. Lu Chang was successfully lured across Jiangdu. Although he was besieged, he fled back to Jiangdu with his warship.

And Bofu and the others failed to attack Guangling City twice, and Bofu almost had an accident because of the attack, and Ding Feng died of protecting him from slander.

Now the morale over there is low and they are unable to attack. Bo Fu hopes that we can bring some soldiers to help him. "

"Ah! Before the capture of Guangling City, the Eldest Young Master almost had an accident, and Cheng Yuan died in battle." Song Qian was horrified.

Guangling County didn't have many soldiers, so Zhao Yu and the others had the upper hand.

Losing soldiers and losing generals did not complete the established strategy.

Ding Feng joined Sun Ce together with Song Qian, so they were old acquaintances, and they had a common battle situation.

I couldn't help feeling a pain in my heart.

"That's right! I didn't expect Zhao Yu to have such abilities. Most of Donglai's advisers and civil servants have gone north to Jizhou and Youzhou. Who is it that is planning for Zhao Yu and directing the battle?" It's not that Zhou Yu didn't know. Collecting information from Xu Ding, on the contrary, has been doing it all the time, because information is the foundation of everything, so Zhou Yu also attaches great importance to this. After all, he has to face Xu Ding, who is number one in the world.

He is the number one prince in the world and dare not provoke Xu Ding easily.

He, Zhou Yu, had suffered from boredom, so he was naturally cautious and did not dare to make a high profile.

Now he really couldn't think of a resourceful person from Donglai who could deal with Chen Duan and Lu Fan at the same time.

He shook his head slightly, stunned that Zhou Yu was smart and clever, but he didn't expect that Xu Ding would dare to send Lu Xun, who was only less than 12 years old, on the stage.

And Zhao Yu was relieved to let him take command.

It's too young.

No one paid much attention to Lu Xun.

Unable to think of a reason, Zhou Yu simply stopped thinking about this problem, but was thinking about another more difficult and deadly thing.

The honeycomb arrow, a weapon that instantly fires hundreds of arrows, was met by Sun Ce himself.

He fell on this kind of weapon. The reason why the siege troops were killed in pieces is that this kind of thing is too sharp.

Xu Ding has always had sharp tools and excellent military boots, which is recognized throughout the country.

Now a weapon with even more lethality has been released. This weapon is too terrifying.

Will the Donglai Navy also be equipped with this kind of weapon?

Will they also suddenly use this weapon when they are fighting against the enemy in close combat?

In an instant, all the people on the deck of a ship can be wiped out.

Just thinking about it really makes my scalp tingle.

Thinking carefully, Zhou Yu suddenly lost two points of confidence in the battle with Zhou Tai.

Song Qian said: "Captain, then we must take Huaipu as soon as possible and eliminate Zhou Taicai."

Zhou Yu thought for a while and said, "Okay! Let's go to war, write back to Zhou Tai, and say that our army will fight with him on the water in the future."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Yu dipped his pen in the ink and wanted to write a war letter, but his hand stopped in the air, and he put the pen back into the pen holder, then looked at Song Qian and said, "You write, Zhou Tai is a military general, and you are also a military general. Meet the requirements."

"Eh! I'll write it?" Song Qian smiled wryly, a little inexplicably, how could this kind of thing happen to him.

However, seeing Zhou Yu's eyes and expression that didn't seem to be joking, he scratched his head and said, "Okay, Dong Jin said that I will write it. As far as I am concerned, you are the governor, and Zhou Tai is just a man like me, and he is not worthy of fighting for the governor! "

So Song Qian wrote the letter of war according to Zhou Yu's request, but stopped suddenly when signing the money, whether it was to sign Zhou Yu's name or his.

Zhou Yu said: "Just mention your name when you write, so that Zhou Taifu can understand more clearly."

The word Song Qian is really not flattering, it makes people tremble when they look at it. If it wasn't for opportunism, Zhou Yu would never have made such a bad move.

Song Qian, who didn't know it, put his name on it.

Zhou Yu ordered someone to send it to Zhou Tai.

When Zhou Tai received Zhou Yu's letter of challenge, he was taken aback when he saw the words. Zhou Yu was a descendant of a famous family and a Confucian child. How could this word be as ugly as a dog crawling on a chicken?

But after seeing that the signature was Song Qian, his face twitched.

"Well, Zhou Yu, you actually asked Song Qian to write for you. Are you looking down on me? Such a humiliation to me!"

Zhou Tai was also instantly angry.

Although Zhou Tai is also a military general, he is a common man, but at least he is also the commander of a navy, a dignified Captain of the Yellow Sea.

Zhou Tai was so angry that he wanted to tear up the gauntlet, but he stopped suddenly.

I touched it and took a few steps back and forth.

"No! Zhou Yu is trying to provoke me. He must be playing tricks. It is difficult for children to guard against, so we have to be careful." Zhou Tai did not forget Xu Ding's advice, and he must be very careful when meeting Zhou Yu.

This guy is very clever, and it is said that he is no less than Fazheng.

How ghostly and dark-bellied Fazheng is, there are not many people in the entire Donglai family who don't know.

It seems that Xu Ding has always been correct and can't be wrong.

For this reason, Zhou Taiming thought hard.

But no matter how I think about it, I can't figure out what the hell Zhou Yu is trying to do.

"Could it be that you want to lure me to take the initiative to attack, but it's impossible. He has written a letter of war and came to make an appointment. It is impossible for me to fight him. Besides, I need to delay. What is wrong?"

Zhou Tai suddenly fell into distress.

It's not his job to deal with such resourceful people.

Now that I think about it, Xu Ding should assign a scribe to advise him.

Zhou Tai didn't know what Zhou Yu wanted to do, even Song Qian didn't know what Zhou Yu wanted to do?
Country Gray Zhou Yu did nothing but routine preparations for the battle.

Until the next night, Zhou Yu suddenly asked Song Qian to gather troops and horses, and then the whole army was dispatched.

"Captain, where are our troops going at night? Isn't it written in the war book that we will fight at noon tomorrow?" Song Qian was a little confused. The battle will start tomorrow, so he should recharge his batteries tonight so that he can defeat Zhou Tai tomorrow.

Zhou Yu laughed and said, "There's no need for tomorrow. Tonight we will start Zhou Tai's water camp and set fire to his water army. Tomorrow we will attack the city!"

sneak attack!

Zhou Yu is going to sneak attack!
Song Qian suddenly realized.

But he didn't understand and asked: "Captain, it's not good for us to do this."

We made an appointment for tomorrow's battle, but we didn't keep our word and made a sneak attack half a day earlier.

It can't be said.

Zhou Yu said: "We have an appointment for tomorrow's battle. If anyone says something, you should keep silent and don't make a move. There has never been such an agreement since ancient times. We just made an appointment to fight tomorrow, and there is no such thing as not being able to attack. .


Zhou Yu paused complacently for a while, and looked at Song Qian, and Song Qian also looked at his upper body and lower body, there was nothing wrong.

Only then did Zhou Yu say: "It's you who made an appointment with him, not me, Zhou Gongjin!"

After speaking, Zhou Yu laughed and left.

"It's me, not you!" Song Qian was stunned for a moment, read aloud, and then hit the back of his left hand with his right hand.

"Wonderful! The governor is really a good plan."

Only then did Song Qian understand why Zhou Yu asked him to write a letter of war and also asked him to sign his name.

He was the one who made an appointment with Zhou Tai, not Zhou Yu, why did Zhou Yu go to the appointment on time as agreed to fight.

It's a gauntlet written by myself, and the Yangzhou navy is not a foul.

(End of this chapter)

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