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Chapter 761 Zhou Yu attacked the camp and the navy crushed it

Chapter 761

The night was as deep as water, and the water was rippling, and the cold wind was blowing tightly under the dark sky.

The semi-withered and yellow reeds on both sides of the Huaihe River swayed in the wind, and the sound of paddling water was soft but still somewhat discordant.

Boats full of soldiers and generals flowed down the upper stream, approaching the water army water stronghold outside Huaipu City.

Zhou Yu has been sending people to keep an eye on the water village of the Donglai Army, and has the strictest surveillance on this place.

If you want to break Huaipu, you must first break the water village, you must first defeat the water army.

So Zhou Yu has been thinking about it.

Originally, he was more prepared, and his chances of success would be greater, but what happened to Sun Ce had to make him make an early move.

The Yangzhou army was divided into two groups, one group marched along the official road along the river bank, and approached the water village by land, and this group was led by Song Qian.

Along the way, Zhou Yu personally led the team to approach along the waterway, and all the boats in front of Zhou Yu's navy were loaded with hay and firewood.

Oil was splashed on it, and an oil tank was hidden in the stern.

Just set fire to the boat after approaching, ignite the water village, and rush in to destroy the boat and village.

It's just a pity that those ships are all good things.

Zhou Yu stopped the boats with a wave of his hand, and looked at the Donglaishui military camp with a faint light in the distance.

Song Qian and others who approached the water village soon on land waved their torches and circled them three times.

Zhou Yu and the others knew the general situation when they saw that the water fortress was not too much facing in their direction and there were fire points shaking.

If everything is as usual and there is no abnormality in the Donglai water army camp, then send such a signal to indicate that the water village can be attacked.


Zhou Yu gave an order, and his water army started to move again, and then approached slightly.

Approaching the water army camp one step earlier than them were the elite dead soldiers who had just swam past underwater.

These people all had a repeater in their hands. They dived under the wooden fence around the water village, and then approached the two watchtowers to be built on the fence.

There are two sentries on duty on each of the two sentry towers, one is resting and the other is patrolling.

Arrangement and layout cannot be said to be rigorous and serious.

However, there are still some negligence, no one has ever dared to attack the water village, and tomorrow is the day of the battle, so the sentinel is also a little perfunctory in his work.

After all, the military discipline of the navy is not as strict as that of the army, and the selection and training of navy officers and soldiers are more free and flexible.


The continual crossbow fired several crossbow arrows, and the listless sentinel was hit by several arrows, and then let out a soft scream.

The sentry who was resting woke up, not knowing what had happened. Just as he stood up, he heard a few more squeaks, and he himself was shot by several arrows, and then fell down on the wooden railing of the sentry tower.

With one last breath, he stretched out his hand to grab a rein, and then pulled it lightly.

With a sound of "Dang!", the alarm bell rang, and the sentry tilted his head and finally passed out.

As soon as the alarm bell rang, there was thunder, and the soldiers on patrol in the navy camp were alarmed.

At the same time, it also gave Zhou Yu and others a signal.

"Attack! Open the gate of the water village!"

The dead soldiers of Zhou Yu's water army who had lurked to the fence of the camp immediately used a knife to pry off the bolt from the inside and smashed open the gate of the camp.

Zhou Yu and other ships in front of them also immediately set fire to it, then drove the boat into the Shuizhai camp, and rammed it towards the big boat parked in the berth bay.

At the same time, Song Qian and others on the land also rushed towards the navy camp.

"Not good! There are enemies attacking, quickly grab your weapons and kill them!"

The sailors of the Donglai Army hurriedly fought back, counterattacking Song Qian's counterattacking Song Qian, kicking boats counterattacking Zhou Yu's, and forcing those who knocked away those fire boats counterattacked Zhou Yu.

Although he was in a hurry, he was not too flustered, and he still showed a strong military quality, fighting with Zhou Yu's navy.

The entire water village, from the water surface to the land, to external battles.

No matter Zhou Yu's naval army, Song Qian's small army kept setting fires, and they still focused on burning boats and camps.

The two armies fought, screaming to kill the sky, and soon the blood flowed into rivers, and there were countless corpses, which was extremely tragic.

Huaipucheng discovered this, and Zhou Tai immediately came to support with people.

"General, there are enemy troops coming from Huaipu City."

Song Qian hurriedly said: "Let's go! Withdraw immediately!"

When Zhou Tai came, Song Qian didn't dare to stay longer, and immediately withdrew from the battle and the land camp in Shuizhai.

Zhou Yu saw that there was no more fighting on the shore, more than half of the water fortress was burned, and most of the warships of the Donglai Army were destroyed. Only then was he satisfied and let Jin withdraw his troops, and quickly withdrew from the waterway.

When Zhou Tai arrived, besides being in a mess, corpses and wounded soldiers were everywhere, and most of the camp was destroyed, but the Yangzhou army was not stopped.

"Okay, Zhou Yu, count yourself as ruthless!" Zhou Tai knew that he had been tricked by Zhou Yu, and this guy was really just like what the lord said, he was a tricky brat, cunning and cunning, so be careful, you should not compete with him.

Shaking his head, not thinking so much, Zhou Tai hurriedly said: "Fire! Save people!"


Returning to their camp, Song Qian and Zhou Yu's generals laughed heartily and sang loudly.

"Hahaha! The governor is still very powerful. This time the attack on the camp was successful. This time, the Donglai navy will no longer be our opponent in the Huaihe River."

"Now Zhou Tai's face is probably green, and everyone is stupid. The whole water village is on fire, the shore is on fire, and the water is on fire. The soldiers are seriously injured and most of the ships are burned. My heart aches for him."

"Okay! Everyone, go down and rest. Tomorrow we still have to go to the appointment for a fight. Rest early and recharge your batteries in order to win a bigger victory." Zhou Yu instructed.

The generals replied, "here!"

Then they went down one by one.

Only then did Zhou Yu's tense face relax, revealing a youthful and smug smile.

It's nothing for Zhou Tai to win.

It's not worth showing off too much.

Thinking here, Zhou Yu was afraid that Zhou Tai would not dare to fight tomorrow, so he wrote a new letter to Zhou Tai and ordered someone to send it to Huaipu City overnight.

After putting out the fire and settling down the wounded soldiers, Zhou Tai came back from the water village exhausted, and when he received Zhou Yu's letter, he became even more angry.

"What's the point of fighting? Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu, I really thought that no one could cure you. In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies are paper tigers. I want to show you what is called a naval army." Zhou Tai sneered, and then gave Zhou Yu replied and wrote five words - if you want to fight, then fight!
At dawn the next day, we had lunch.

Zhou Yu's army descended in full force, mighty and mighty, with numerous and dense ships of all sizes.

With thousands of sails and oars, it is difficult to see the end at a glance, and the momentum is extremely powerful.

On the other hand, Donglai Army, although the warships are large, they are not many in number, there are only dozens of them, and many of them were burnt last night, and they were pulled onto the battlefield after repairs.

Sailors also suffered minor injuries, most of which were caused by fumigation.

All the sails were lowered, and only the mast stood upright.

Zhou Yu looked at Zhou Tai, who still dared to fight, and felt admiration.

Not to mention anything else, Zhou Tai is very staunch, even though he was attacked last night and lost troops, he still dared to fight against the enemy.

Brave and brave, he can be regarded as a fierce general.

Donglai's army has always been brave and brave, which is really the envy of all the princes.

But Zhou Yu will not sympathize with Zhou Tai, the battlefield is a contest of life and death.

"Resist Zhou Tai in the middle, rush forward quickly with both wings, rush to the enemy's rear, attack from all sides, the wolves bite, try not to destroy the warship, I want a good warship." Zhou Yu finally issued an order, the flagship aboard Immediately play the semaphore.

Zhou Yu divided the army into teams, one team commanded a similar number of warships and troops, and each team was in charge of its own.

After receiving the order, the captains of each team command the team to make the final mobilization and arrangements before the battle.

Zhou Tai saw Zhou Yu dispatching troops, his stern face was still full of murderousness, he drew his sword and pointed: "My lord said that when you have strength, you don't need to use any skills. Well, I don't care what tricks Zhou Yu uses, I just want you to charge forward without hesitation, kill him first, beat me to Calais once, and then return to camp, can you do it?"

"Can! Can! Can!"

All the officers and men of the ship shouted in unison, and their voices shook the sky.


Zhou Tai gave an order, and all the ships kept advancing quickly and started to kill Zhou Yu and others.

The speed of the ship was not fast at first, but then it became faster and faster, riding the wind and breaking the waves, splashing the surging water waves, like an arrow leaving the string.

Without hoisting the sails the swifter the action.

Zhou Yu and others also commanded the warships to go down the river, but they were stunned to find that the Donglai Army warships going against the current were so fast.

In particular, he found puffs of black smoke from the ships on the two wings of the Donglai Army.

The whole body of those boats was black, without sails or oars, and the boats were not as good as the big boat in the middle, and they couldn't have two floors, with a belly inside.

With a strange shape, the entire ship was covered by the same black thing.

At first glance, I thought it was burnt like this last night, but when I got closer, I took a closer look and found that the black was a little reflective and a little cold.

It doesn't look like it's made of wood.

"What kind of boat is this!" Zhou Yu was a little confused. The speed of this small boat was actually faster than the traditional large boats in Donglai. It was really like an arrow shot out in the water, which was ridiculously fast.

"Fire arrows!"

No matter what kind of ship it was, the Yangzhou water army on both wings began to shoot arrows to harass the Donglai water army warships that were rushing towards them and began to shoot long distances.

As a result, these arrows shot past, as if hitting iron, found the sound of ding ding, and then bounced and fell into the water.


The arrow couldn't go in, and it all fell into the water.

What kind of boat is this.

Zhou Yu's navy officers and soldiers were all dumbfounded, and then they shot with all their strength, no matter how dense, no matter how powerful, and how much penetrating power they had.

All the arrows fell on the water mercilessly, as if hitting the iron plate.

The warships of the Donglai Army were unscathed.

Even Zhou Yu's scalp felt a little numb watching it on the flagship.

At this moment, he felt a strong sense of crisis.

"Boss, our arrows seem to be unable to pierce the opponent's warship. Could it be that they are all made of iron?" Zhou Yu's personal guard said inconceivably.

Made of iron?
Is it...

Suddenly Zhou Yu seemed to catch something.

But I can't believe it.

Don't wait for them to figure it out and understand the ingenuity in it.

The warship of the Donglai Army collided with the hull of the Yangzhou Navy with the force of high-speed maneuvering.

Then there was a bang, and all the boats that were hit were smashed apart, or capsized in the water.

However, the speed of the Donglai Army's navy warship was not affected at all, and continued to ram forward.

Then the warships were smashed and overturned.

Like plowing the ground, it breaks through the soil and roots, and runs rampant without hindrance.

And there is no damage to itself.

The Yangzhou water army hadn't responded yet, and the entire front water army was knocked over and destroyed.

Countless soldiers on the water fell into the water, countless broken boards, and countless corpses.

Countless screams.

The entire Yangzhou navy was terrified, and even Zhou Yu was dumbfounded.

And this time there is no way to remedy it, and the army can't withdraw if it wants to.

The whole body is black, like a warship wrapped in black iron is still rushing upriver, crushing all the warships of the Yangzhou Navy.

And behind them are the big ships of the Donglai Navy. The front, back and sides of the ship are full of soldiers of the Donglai Navy, with bows and crossbows in their hands.

"Fire arrows! Free fire!"

The ships and ships continued to shoot fiercely, shooting and killing the enemy troops who still had the power to resist.

The big ship also ran over and rammed the Yangzhou soldiers who were still lying on the overturned boat one by one.

All of a sudden, more corpses floated and sank on the river surface, and the bright red thick blood infected the entire river.

More screams came out.

Powerless to fight back, powerless to resist, powerless to escape, unless the water quality is really excellent, take a deep dive to both sides of the bank in one breath, and then climb up to the land to escape, otherwise all of them will be buried here.

"Quick! Turn the rudder quickly, and go ashore!"

The roaring black-armored warship knocked out Zhou Yu's central rear from its wings like scissors.

The power of deterrence is too strong.

Zhou Yu and the captains of the fleets finally completely lost the will to fight, and set off to both sides of the river with their boats.

It's just that the entire river was covered with their boats, and it wasn't so easy to rush to the shore for a while, but they overturned the friendly army and threw them into the river.

"Jump into the river, Dudu! It's too late if you don't jump!"

The head-harvesting ship approached, and the endless arrows and bed crossbows made the people around Zhou Yu more and more frightened. They had no choice but to persuade Zhou Yu to abandon the ship and flee.

Zhou Yu was also alert when he arrived, and hurriedly said: "Don't panic, put all the boats together, withdraw from the deck, and jump into the river when you get to the two wings and swim ashore. Don't panic."

Zhou Yu is the founder of this navy and has absolute authority. Hearing this, the officers and men of the Yangzhou navy felt a little relieved. They found the backbone and leaned the boats side by side side by side.

Then the people on the boat quickly transferred from one boat to another, moving continuously in turn, and then ran to the last boat before jumping into the water and swimming desperately to the shore.

Even Zhou Yu was no exception. When he jumped into the water under the protection of his personal guards, he was dragged ashore.

It's a pity that even if this is the case, there are very few people who can escape ashore.

The warships of Zhou Tai and others crushed them mercilessly, and quickly overturned and smashed all the warships of the Yangzhou navy on the river.

And those ironclad ships powered by steam engines turned back and continued to move rapidly on the river surface, killing all enemy targets that could still float on the water.

The water battle came slowly but ended quickly.

It was very yellow and violent, the number of casualties was large, the end was quick, and the depth of fear brought about exceeded any water battle.

Zhou Yu and others who landed on the shore fled a long way, and they still had lingering fear when they turned around to look at it.

All of them looked pale and miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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