Chapter 762

This defeat was too sudden and unexpected.

It was completely beyond their imagination, and no one, including Zhou Yu, understood exactly where they lost.

Obviously the sneak attack was successful last night, and there are not many warships left in the Donglai Navy.

Today, they broke up after a fight, with no power to fight, and no chance to struggle.


How can we fight the Donglai Army in the future?

Where did the battleship come from, how could it be so fast, and how could it be so hard.

Even steel cannot float in water.

It is impossible to float so fast.

The clumps of black smoke were like gluttony, casting a thick haze over Zhou Yu and the escaped soldiers, which lingered for a long time.

"Search to see if there is Zhou Yu's body."

Zhou Tai was also deeply moved by the quick end of the battle. As a general of the navy, he actually didn't like this way of fighting.

The traditional jumping gang combat is the most exciting, and it can better show the bravery of the navy.

The emergence of ironclad ships will inevitably change the future water warfare model.

Individual prowess will have less importance under the ravages of warships.

After searching back and forth several times, after cooperating with the rescued captives, the subordinates immediately reported the information to Zhou Tai.

"General! Seeing that the situation is not going well, Zhou Yu ran away early!"

"Run away, he is very vigilant, my lord is right, he is indeed difficult to deal with!" Zhou Tai was slightly disappointed.

The Yangzhou navy who killed many people is not as happy as capturing Zhou Yu alive.

The subordinates said: "General, even if Zhou Yu is really smart, he ate the general's footwashing water and was crushed by us. General, our record this time will definitely cause a sensation in the world. In the name of Donglai Navy It will shock the world."

This is a great achievement, everyone here today counts as one, and everyone will be rewarded.

Only a few dozen warships defeated Zhou Yu's [-] to [-] sailors.

And it was still a big victory, some of the soldiers who were injured by Liu Ya were slightly injured, not even a single person was killed.

"You can't say that, Zhou Yu is still quite cunning, today's victory is all because Zhou Yu gave up his strengths, and competed with me in bravery and warships.

It will be difficult to defeat him next time. "

Zhou Yu is the commander-in-chief of counselors, and he is better at resourcefulness and command.

Fighting tricks and brainpower will definitely crush Zhou Tai.

But he gave up his superiority, and fought openly with a general like Zhou Tai, to compare bravery and battleships.

Zhou Tai was very clear that it was not a fault of the war.

He won not because of his own strength, but because of the overall technology of the Donglai Army.

Victory lies in the benefit of arms.

Strength, real hard power.

The hard power that can be directly seconded and crushed.

How can it be compared to princes like the Sun family who have only won a state for a year or two.


Xuzhou Pengcheng, Yuzhou Peiguo line.

After Yuan Shao received Sun Ce's dispatch of troops, he also led the army to attack Xuzhou again. This was the third time he dispatched troops.

Although there were not as many soldiers and horses as in the last few times, not even half of them, but the momentum was still fierce.

And Yuan Shu is full of confidence.

This time he had an internal response, and someone was picking him up in Xuzhou.

It is a good thing that Xuzhou has an inner ghost, and the war will be easier.

If he really got the information from the inner ghost, he quickly broke through the first-line city of Peiguo and took it back.

The army continued to advance, and hit near Pengcheng again.

"Li Jin! Hehe, let's see how you die this time." Yuan Shu stared at Pengcheng far away, gritted his teeth slightly, revealing a strong murderous look.

In the last attack, his general Ji Ling and others died in the hands of Li Jin and other Donglai generals.

This time, he wanted to twist Li Jin's head himself, so that Xu Ding's heart ached.

Seeing that no one answered, Yuan Shu looked back at the silent and thoughtful Yuan Huan and said, "Qing Yao, why do you have such an expression? What's wrong?"

I am looking forward to the future, hoping to win Xuzhou, why are you frowning?
Yuan Huan said: "My lord, are we going too smoothly? Even with Cao Bao and others as internal support, this fight is too smooth. Li Jin is not incompetent, he is skilled in martial arts and military art, can't he guess the problem?
I doubt whether Cao Bao and others have the ability to open the door of Pengcheng for us. "

"Yaoqing, you think too much. We are too familiar with Peiguo and Pengcheng counties. Whenever we come to fight here, we are not very smooth. In fact, we are the real masters here. Li Jin is an outsider. How can he talk to us? Fighting, how can you control Cao Bao and other aristocratic families.

Life in Xuzhou's aristocratic family is difficult. Once Tao Qian left, Wang Xiu took over, and various reforms and rules followed one after another. "Yuan Shu sneered and said:

"As soon as I came up, I checked the land and liquidated the deficit, which made the whole Xuzhou panic. If I were Cao Bao, I would have a different heart."

Yuan Huan said: "I hope that I am thinking too much, I hope that these Xuzhou aristocratic families really want to submit to me in Yuzhou."

"Hmph, do they dare to be insincere? They have no choice but my Yuan family. They seize the city and kill Li tonight, and then attack Yan County in one fell swoop. This time, they must capture it." Yuan Shu vowed.

After fighting so many times, he still couldn't eat Xuzhou, and Yuan Shu was quite upset.

This time, with Sun Ce's child supporting him, Donglai's army was transferred to the north again, and the Xuzhou family as the internal support, it made no sense to lose.

That's how people are, what they can't get is always in turmoil.

After returning to the camp, Yuan Shu began to arrange for the generals to attack the city tonight, or take over the city.

The only fighting and uncontrollable factor is Li Jin's resistance.

This is one of Xu Ding's confidantes, the captain of the first captain's army, he will definitely not surrender, and will definitely break out of the bloody battle.

Therefore, Yuan Shu had to arrange more soldiers and horses to guard outside the city. Once Li Jin broke out from the city, he would carry out the second wave of siege.

Seizing the city is not the goal of this battle, the main thing is to kill Li Jin and eliminate the first school lieutenant army led by him.

After nightfall, Yuan Shu's army moved and began to move towards Pengcheng quietly.

Yuan Shu wanted to go there in person, but was stopped by Yuan Huan: "My lord, the son of a daughter should not sit in a dangerous hall, just let the generals go. After all, Li Jin's martial arts are too strong, and he can't pass it down as promised, so don't take risks."

Originally, Yuan Shu wanted to besiege and kill Li Jin himself to show his bravery. After all, he was also a ranger.

But when he thought of Li Jin teaching Xu Ding's marksmanship, he immediately woke up for the most part.

Not stubborn.

Xu Ding that pervert is so strong, Li Jin is not far behind.

Ji Ling was so strong that he died in Li Jin's hands, so it's better not to cross the river.

Soon Yuan Shu's army was divided into three groups, one group stayed in the camp with Yuan Shu, one group went to take over the city gate, and then captured Pengcheng, and the other group stayed outside waiting for Li Jin to break out, intercepting and beheading.

When Yuan Shu's army quietly touched the city gate, there was indeed an agreed signal on the city gate.

This time Yuan Jun also learned his lesson, and sent a general to enter the city first, took over the city gate, and then inquired into the city, and found that there was really no ambush in the city, so the army entered the city.

Back then in Dan County, the Chen family took over Yuan Jun, but Yuan Shu suffered a terrible loss.

This time they didn't dare to be careless.

"General Cao, thank you for your hard work. Take Pengcheng and kill Li Jin. You should be the first to do it."

Yuan Shu's general Lei Bochong greeted Cao Baodao as they entered the city.

Cao Bao said: "General Lei, you are polite. Our family is originally connected with each other and takes care of each other. Yuan Gong is the fourth generation and third prince. Our first look is our benchmark and banner. Now that Wang Shi is here, how dare you?" Do not come and surrender."

"Haha, General Cao is really a man with sharp eyesight, who understands righteousness and general principles, and I admire Lei Bo." The bridal sedan chair was carried by everyone. Although Lei Bo despised Cao Bao's traitorous behavior in his heart, he still praised the hypocrisy in his mouth. One sentence.

Cao Bao said: "General Lei, let's stop chatting here. It's better to enter the city quickly. I'll take you to besiege Li Jin's residence. He still has a hundred elite guards, so it's hard to deal with."

Lei Bo said: "Okay, according to what General Cao said, our army is divided into two groups, one will follow you to kill Li Jin, and the other will besiege his camp."

Of course, Lei Bo still kept an eye out and asked people to strengthen the city gate. Even if there was an ambush in the city that he didn't know about, as long as the city gate was in hand, wouldn't he be able to defeat Li Jin with his huge force?

Lei Bo sent a general to attack the camp of the First Colonel's Lieutenant Army, and he led all the troops and followed Cao Bao directly to the Fuya, and soon they arrived at the Fuya.

The soldiers on duty spotted them, retreated into the door, and locked the door tightly.

Cao Bao shouted: "Hurry up, general, quickly surround the government office, and don't let Li Jin escape."

Lei Bo was also anxious when he heard the words, and hurriedly ordered soldiers to surround the gate of the mansion, and then immediately launched an attack.

However, the counterattack force of Fu Ya Nei was very strong, and countless bows and arrows were shot from the courtyard.

Rush forward to kill a batch.

This made Lei Bo surprised and annoyed at the same time.

The little mansion still couldn't be beaten down, and immediately said angrily: "Continue to attack, rush up for me, and break open the gate of the mansion!"

Numerous soldiers of the Yuan Army held their shields and approached them. This time it went much smoother. With the protection of the shields, the soldiers all hit the gate.

Then he slammed on the door hard.

But soon, kerosene cans were thrown out of the city.

The oil tanks fell on or beside Yuan Jun's soldiers in front of the gate.

The splattered oil covered the whole body, and sparks were on the spot.

Immediately, the front of the gate turned into a sea of ​​flames, and all the soldiers who hit the gate were frightened and scattered, and then rolled on the ground, screaming pitifully.

"Damn it!" Lei Bo didn't expect Li Jin inside to be so tenacious. Looking at the front gate covered in flames, Lei Bo's heart sank, and then a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he sneered and said:

"Okay! Li Jin wants to play with fire, so I'll play with him. Someone, get all the firewood and light the mansion for me. I'm going to burn Li Jin to death."


General Yuan Jun immediately went to look for firewood and other flammable things, and soon found a lot of them, and piled them up at the gate and the corner of the wall.

Throw a fire in the past, firewood and other flammable objects will burn quickly.

As the fire burned, there was no movement in the government office for a while.

Only then did Lei Bo nodded in satisfaction, and then asked Cao Bao: "General Cao, where is the rear of the mansion, you take someone to block it, and set fire to me, don't let Li Jin go!"

"Alright, General Lei, I'll go right away." Cao Bao didn't refuse, and happily took the order to go.

Lei Bo's eyes moved to a general who was going to attack, who nodded slightly, and then led a group of people to monitor Cao Bao.

But Cao Bao soon ran over, along with several of his confidantes.

"General Lei is not well, Li Jin is about to rush out from behind, we can't stop it, quickly support the back door."

"Why is Li Jin about to escape?"

Lei Bo's heart tightened, and he hurriedly led someone to the back door.

But walking to the narrow long street at the back door, suddenly countless human heads appeared on the walls of the two courtyards, and these people held continuous crossbows in their hands.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa...!"

"Puff puff……!"

Lei Bo and others who were on their way never thought there was an ambush here, and they were all shot in the heart in an instant, and everyone was hit by at least three arrows.

After shooting the arrows, Cao Bao rushed over with his men, called Lei Bo several times, and then his soldiers checked the surviving Yuan Jun one by one, and then used the short blade to finish these people one by one.

"you you……"

Lei Bo hadn't died yet, he held his breath and saw Cao Bao approaching, at this moment he understood all the things through the scriptures.

Cao Bao said with a smile: "Lei Bo, don't blame me. If you want to blame, you can only blame you for not coming. Why do you always want to attack us in Xuzhou? With your head and so many Yuzhou troops tonight, my Cao family can be counted. Donglai has established some footholds."

"You...why? You are the world...!" Lei Bo stared at Cao Bao, unable to eat his meat, and he was very careful, but he still listened to the other party.

Cao Bao sighed slightly: "You think I want to, but there is no way, Xuzhou is the Xuzhou promised by the scriptures, no one can take it away, Yuan Shu can't do it, and neither can we.

Although Wang Xiu and Xu Ding have suppressed us and weakened our influence and land, we have earned more than before, and we have received more money and food than before. You are not surprised, overseas is very big, Where can little Xuzhou stop our footsteps, the world is our direction. "

Speaking of this, Cao Bao didn't say much, and then pulled out his dagger and lightly cut Lei Bo's neck.

That's right, he is a fake internal agent, so the Xuzhou family pretended to turn against Yuan Shu.

They are too aware of Yuan Shu's pissing nature, this is not a master who can accomplish anything.

Who is willing to really follow Yuan Shu, and it is still under the premise of losing their own interests.

Following Xu Ding is not able to grow in Xuzhou, but they can use Xu Ding's hand to develop to other states and counties.

Especially in Nanhai, isn't the essence of an aristocratic family to grow and grow, and to gain more benefits?

Since all of these can be obtained under Xu Ding's name, what is the need for surgery.

So they sang a double-reed trick with Li Jin and Wang Xiu, deliberately leading Yuan Jun into the city.

Then they murdered Lei Bo and others, devouring Yuan Jun step by step.

Outside Pengcheng!

Qiao Rui and others, who were ambushing outside the city and waiting for Li Jin and the first lieutenant army to break out of the siege, have been lurking.

Lei Bo Yijing has been in for so long, and the city gate is still in his hand.

There were also shouts of killing in the city, but the Donglai army had not been seen escaping.

Anxiety was growing in Qiao Rui's heart.

As a veteran, he has a very high quality and has fought countless battles.

Should have been calm.

But looking at the misty sky as silent as water, I feel empty and uneasy.


Suddenly someone ran over in a hurry, and shouted anxiously and pitifully: "General Qiao is not good! General Qiao is not good!"

"Don't panic, hurry up with something important!" Qiao Rui's heart skipped a beat, with an ominous premonition.

"General! My general was shot and killed by the enemy's crossbow when he was attacking the government office in the city. Now there is no one in charge of the city. Our army is fighting with the Donglai army in various places in the city. The situation is anxious and the battle situation is unknown. Please invite the general to come Make the decision." The messenger replied with an anxious expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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