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Chapter 763 Li Jin Attacks Camp and Yuan Shu Is Defeated

Chapter 763 Li Jin Attacks Camp and Yuan Shu Is Defeated (Two in One)

"What? Lei Bo died in battle?"

With a bang, a thunderbolt flashed in Qiao Rui's mind, and he finally knew the source of the uneasiness in his heart.

Lei Bo died.

Killed by an arrow.

How could it be so sudden.

Qiao Rui stared at the human who came to report the letter and said: "This matter is serious, if you lie to me, you will definitely be killed."

"General Qiao! This matter is absolutely true. I hope that the general can enter the city to take charge of the overall situation, otherwise the army entering the city may not be able to resist the Donglai army's counterattack." The visitor said with a vow:

"General Qiao, I have to report to the lord. I hope the general can make a decision soon."

Qiao Rui believed it for a while, but asked again: "Then Li Jin was killed!"

"General Qiao, I don't know about this. I only know that General Lei set fire to the government office. Li Jin may have been burned to death, and he may still be in command of the Donglai Army in the city." Sure.

This made Qiao Rui feel very uncertain.

After pondering for a while, Qiao Rui waved his hand and said, "Go and inform the lord, you don't have to worry about the affairs of the city."

"It's General Qiao!" The messenger hurriedly retreated, and then ran towards Yuan Shu's camp.

Qiao Rui asked two of his personal guards to chase after him, and at this moment his subordinates asked, "General, are we going into the city?"

Lei Bo died in battle, and there was no one in charge of the city, and each fought on his own. If he didn't enter, the troops who entered the city might be eaten by Donglai.

And Pengcheng, who was in his hand, would be lost.

After weighing the pros and cons, Qiao Rui replied, "Enter the city! Enter the city immediately, find Li Jin, and kill him!"

"Here!" The generals took orders with a bang, and then all the troops rushed into the city.

After entering the city gate, under the guidance of the troops in the city, Qiao Rui led his soldiers and horses to the city.


Yuan Shu camp outside the city!

Yuan Shao, Yuan Huan and others are waiting for Peng Cheng's result.

The good news came back one by one, and people kept returning to the camp to report.

Yuan Shu, Yuan Huan and others obtained Lei Bo's progress, and when they heard that Lei Bo was going to attack the government office and the military camp, they all drew the end of the night attack by scriptures.

With Cao Bao and others inside, it's hard not to win.

Even if Li Jin survived and escaped, Peng Cheng would have made up his mind, and so had the first lieutenant.

Watching the soldiers returning to the camp to report the situation, Yuan Jun who guarded the camp gate was also excited, and then he was polite to the soldiers who came back to report.

The gate of the camp was not locked either, it was only slightly concealed, and the refusal horse lying across the gate was also placed at a slant, so as not to have to carry it back and forth so troublesomely.

Soon, five soldiers wearing Yuan Jun's costumes ran out of the camp, with sweat and tears on their faces.

The general guarding the camp gate asked casually: "Hey, five of them came back to report in one breath. Is the battle in the city over?"

One of the five soldiers panted heavily, and said with a smile on his face, "How do you know? You are amazing, you can guess all of this."

"Haha, it's true, then Li Jin can be killed." The guard was overjoyed, and quickly called his subordinates to open the gate of the camp, and moved the horse to let him in.

"Guess, you'll be credited for guessing right." The soldier who answered asked winkingly.

People with discerning eyes know the result at a glance. This is showing off.

The guard came over and patted him on the shoulder and said, "I guess he must be killed, otherwise how could you be so happy and willing to take credit for me."

"This time you are prosperous, if you really kill Li Jin, the lord will give you a lot of rewards. Hey, our lives will be miserable, and we can only guard the camp gate in the middle of the night." The guard had a self-deprecating expression on his face.

The soldier who replied also looked a little gloomy, lost the original excitement, shook his head slightly and said, "What's the merit, it would be nice if we errands can be rewarded with a new coin, the credit is all due to the generals above. "

"Hehe, that's right, how can the credit be..." The guard stared at the soldier who replied with horror and surprise, and looked at the dagger stuck in his abdomen in disbelief.

"Sorry!" The soldier who answered drew out his dagger, and then swung it backwards, cutting the guard's neck.

The four soldiers who entered the camp with him also exploded, drew out their short knives and daggers, and attacked and killed Yuan Jun's camp guards on both sides.

The five people moved very fast and abruptly. Yuan Jun who was walking around couldn't react. After they realized that these five people were enemy soldiers, the five people launched a second wave of attacks, rushing into the crowd and stabbing left and right.

He is proficient in bodywork and precise in his strikes.

At the same time, in the dark night in the distance, hundreds of cavalry came rushing, followed by running pawns. There were so many people that seemed to be boundless.

The warning sound of "Dang Dang Dang..." sounded, and countless Yuan Jun shouted: "Hurry up, hurry up! There are people attacking the camp, there are enemies attacking the camp, hurry up..."

"What? Some people attack the camp, and anyone will attack my camp!"

Yuan Shu heard the knocking sound outside and the shouts of his subordinates, so he stood up from his seat and turned over the desk.

Regardless of the wine glass and the desk, Yuan Shu took the saber and walked straight out of the camp curtain, followed by Yuan Huan with a dignified face.

When the two of them left the camp, they saw that there was a fight in the direction of the camp gate. Countless enemy soldiers entered the camp with the scriptures. A hundred or so rode on horseback and charged at the front of the camp. .

For a while, there were no soldiers or generals to stop.

"Report! My lord, something is wrong. Li Jin personally brought people to attack my camp. Please move the main camp to the back camp. It's not safe here."

The sound of shouting and killing was nearby, and the general took off his helmet, and came over to give his advice.

Another person came to attack the camp, and they drove out desperately.

But Li Jin came in person and killed them so that they were powerless to resist. This general was also a little timid and did not dare to go forward to fight and intercept.

"What? It's Li Jin? How could he attack my camp? He's not in the city..." Yuan Shu looked bewildered and unbelievable.

Even Yuan Huan was stunned for a while.

Li Jin is not in Pengcheng, what's the situation in the city?
How dare he attack my camp?

Can't think of anything else, at this time another general came and said: "My lord, go, we can't stop it, this Li Jin is extremely brave, he can kill ten generals of our army, no one can stop him."

"Pfft!" Yuan Shu was depressed for a while, there must be no mistake now, Li really came in.

This guy is so fierce, he will kill ten of my generals in just a short while.

After Ji Lingzhan's death, Yuan Shu knew very well that there were not many generals he could really fight.

Few are Li Jin's opponents.

Thinking of these, Yuan Shu hurriedly said: "Then retreat to the rear camp first, hurry up, we must block Li Jin!"

After saying that, Yuan Shu ran away, he would be a fool if he didn't run away.

After four generations and three princes, it is nothing to die some soldiers and horses. As long as he is not injured and is not beheaded or captured by Li Jin, there will always be a day when he rises.

As soon as Yuan Shu retreated, the generals also followed and ran back to the camp.

There were not many people left to stop Li Jin.

Yuan Huan saw that Li Jin broke through the middle camp very quickly, and the Donglai army continued to charge forward, so he said to Yuan Shu, "My lord, someone must go to the front to fight Li Jin to the death, someone must stand up and gather the generals to command, otherwise My camp will be completely destroyed."

Yuan Shu nodded in agreement, and then glanced at the generals: "Whoever you go, I will give him the position of general now, and whoever can repel Li Jin will be the commander of my three armies."

This can be regarded as a capital investment for Yuan Shu, but the generals dodged their eyes.

Even his Huang Yi didn't stand up.

Reluctantly, Yuan Huan stood up and said: "My lord, let me come. If I lose, please leave the camp as soon as possible and return to Peiguo and even Runan."

"This...Yaoqing, how can I let you come, you..." Yuan Shu was a little moved, but at the same time he was a little bit reluctant and angry.

Yuan Huan is a civil servant adviser, he dared to stand up, but the generals below did not dare, how abominable.

Yuan Huan said: "My lord, I can only come. The generals are timid and dare not fight to the death. Only when I stand up can they boost morale, so the lord can't hesitate."

Yuan Shu himself didn't know, but Yuan Huan knew very well that Yuan Shu's attitude towards generals was not good, not enough respect, not enough courtesy and attention.

At this moment of life and death, naturally not so many people are willing to die for him, not to mention that the other party is brave and invincible, and he personally beheaded Ji Ling.

After speaking, Yuan Huan named Liu Xiang and other generals, and then led them forward.

Yuan Shu sighed, and ordered a few young generals to protect Yuan Huan.


After entering Yuan Shu's camp, Li Jin and the others acted as if they were in an uninhabited area. They urged their horses to gallop, left and right to kill, causing Yuan Shu's soldiers to flee in all directions.

Yuan Huan drew his sword and pointed: "Liu Xiang and Han Yin attack me, if anyone retreats, I will kill him first!"

Both Liu Xiang and Han Yin felt the murderous aura emanating from Yuan Huan, looked at each other, then clenched their weapons and shouted: "Follow me!"

Civil officials are as ruthless as military generals, and even more ruthless.

Liu Xiang and Han Yin gritted their teeth and had no choice but to bring their personal guards to meet Li Jin. Seeing this, more soldiers followed up bravely. The battalion ran.

Soldiers are courageous and will serve as weapons. Leading the way is often more inspiring and stable than any vain promises and rewards.

"Hmph! Die!"

When Li Jin saw Liu Xiang and Han Yin approaching, he swung his gun and knocked Liu Xiang into the air. Then he dodged and dodged Han Yin's spear.

Then he backhanded and stabbed Han Yin in the shoulder, and then swung hard, and Han Yin spun 360 degrees and fell off the horse.

After Li Jin stabbed from behind, Han Yin was directly beheaded.

Li Jinlio was quietly in charge of Liu Xiang, who was still alive, and continued to charge forward, killing several Yuan Jun generals, and then rushed straight to Yuan Huan.

Yuan Huan swung his sword to cut off the head of Li Jin's war horse. No matter his speed was not as fast as Li Jin's, Li Jin shot out and killed him.

As soon as Yuan Huan died, Yuan Jun, who was around, lost his backbone again, and fled into the rear camp one after another.

Li Jin shouted: "Catch Yuan Shu alive! Capture Yuan Shu alive!"

The Donglai army behind them also shouted: "Catch Yuan Shu alive! Capture Yuan Shu alive!"

"My lord is not well. Master Yuan was killed by Li Jin. Liu Xiang and Han Yin were killed and injured. Our army can't stop it."

Seeing Li Jin approaching the rear camp, the scalps of all Yuan Shu's generals began to tingle.

This killer star is here, this killer star is here!
"Yaoqing! My Yaoqing, hey...withdraw!" Yuan Shu's heart ached for a moment.

Yuan Huan was also killed in battle, who else could help him boost his morale, sighed in frustration, then turned his head and left the rear camp, leading the camp to rush westward.

Once Yuan Shu left, no one stood firm in the back camp, and soon the back camp was also broken by Li Jin.

But Li Jin didn't chase Yuan Jun out of the camp.

Because of the grayness outside the camp, it was difficult to stop all the fleeing enemy troops.

In addition, there are still many Yuan Jun in the camp, and they still need to beheaded and surrendered.

At the same time, there are still many Yuan Jun in Pengcheng, and Qiao Rui has not been wiped out.

Speaking of Qiao Rui, after entering the city, it is true that because of its superiority in troops, it formed an upper hand against the Donglai Army in the city and carried out a suppressive attack.

Soon captured more than half of Pengcheng.

But not long after the fight, they received news from outside the city.

"General, it's not good. Li Jin attacked our army's camp, and the lord was trapped in the back camp."

"What?" Qiao Rui raised the messenger with one hand, his eyes full of horror.

What happened that night gave him bad news, and his nerves were a little sensitive and fragile.

"General, it's true, it's true. Li Jin is not in the city. He went to attack our army's camp. Now that the front camp has been breached, the middle camp is almost lost. My lord is in danger!" the visitor cried. explain.

This is a real soldier of Yuan Shao, there is nothing false about it.

It is different from the disguise of the Donglai Army soldiers who tricked him into the city.

It's all true, but this one is more emotional.

"Damn it!" Qiao Rui threw the messenger on the ground, and her scalp felt a little numb.

Li Jin was not in the city, he was outside the city, and attacked the camp.

The remaining generals were defeated, and Yuan Shu was in danger.

Go back or continue to win Pengcheng.

For a while, Qiao Rui was in a dilemma.

But in the end, he still gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Here's an order, all the troops will withdraw from Pengcheng immediately, and go back to save the lord!"

Yuan Shu is the first.

Without Yuan Shu, the Yuzhou Army would be finished.

So what if we take down Pengcheng?
At this moment Qiao Rui really admired Wang Xiu and Li Jin.

With a good strategy, we sneaked into Pengcheng, and they even sneaked into our camp.

They all hit the nail on the head.

However, it was a little difficult for him to withdraw at this time, because the soldiers of the Xuzhou family led by Cao Bao, who were the best of both brothers just now, launched a surprise attack.

Sudden strikes against the unsuspecting Hashiruibu and Yuan Leibobu.

Yuan Jun, who was about to retreat out of the city, was suddenly attacked, and all the troops were in chaos, and all the checkpoints and main roads outside the city were being killed.

The city gate was no exception. At this time, all the Xuzhou Army Donglai Army in Pengcheng finally stopped pretending and could start.

In order to delay Li Jin's time, they tried their best to pester Qiao Rui as much as possible.

Qiao Rui and his generals were even more afraid to stay longer, and Cao Bao and others suddenly turned against him, which made him realize that this was a terrifying conspiracy.

In the waiting city, the whole army will be wiped out.

The only solution now is to rush out of the city.

Qiao Rui is also a veteran. He has been on the battlefield for more than ten years, showing the style of a veteran. He led the troops to break through the entanglement of Cao Bao and others, and quickly broke out of the city.

But when they rushed out of the city, Li Jin Yijing came back with his troops to block him.

The two armies met and fought outside the city again.

"Qiao Rui quickly surrendered, your camp will be broken by me, and Yuan Shu will escape!"

Li Jin drank while killing, and the Donglai Army also yelled while killing, destroying the morale of Qiao Rui and his subordinates.

Qiao Rui almost fainted on the spot.

The camp was breached, and Yuan Shu also fled.

That's a fart.

Qiao Rui urged the horse to leave as soon as he wanted to lead the troops, and his subordinates were even more panicked, and they dared not fight to the death with Li Jin and other Donglai troops.

"Where is the escape from the bridge, get off my horse!" Li Jin chased after him alone, and stabbed him from behind.

Feeling the murderous intent behind him, Qiao Ruidou turned his head and body to hide, and turned around to shoot.

Li Jin swung his gun and knocked Qiao Rui's weapon back, and then swung his gun to attack Qiao Rui.

Qiao Rui clasped his hands and stood upright to block.

With a sound of "Clang!", Qiao Rui only felt a pain in his jaw and a pain in his arms.

Then Li Jin struck with more force than before, and Qiao Rui gritted his teeth to block it.

This time, when the two guns touched, Qiao Rui's heart was on fire, and with the added strength, it was too heavy, and he fell off the horse.

When he was about to stand up, the blade of the gun pointed at his neck.

"Don't move, move or die!"

(End of this chapter)

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