Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

第764章 1挑6不败 海军碾压无敌(3合1)

Chapter 764 One against six undefeated navy crushes invincible (three in one)

After one night of fighting, the situation was reversed.

Yuan Shu's army basically collapsed, lost troops and lost generals, and even his confidants were killed in battle.

Yuan Shu himself could only flee in panic.

The next day Li Jin led the army to pursue and counterattack.

The entire Xuzhou army also sent troops to counterattack Peiguo.

Yuan Shu threw away his helmet and armor all the way, and returned directly to Runan.

Li Jin led people to chase to the border of Runan County, and stopped suddenly.

"General, why don't we chase after, we can catch up sooner?" Li Jin was asked by his subordinates.

Li Jin shook his head and said: "Don't chase, Yuan Shu is finished, we don't need to do anything, we don't need to waste time and energy and have troops on him, inform the troops behind that we will turn south and fight Jiujiang County, and teach this kid Sun Ce a lesson. .”

Seeing that Li Jin suddenly stopped chasing him, Yuan Shu heaved a sigh of relief.

When Kai just saw Li Jin chasing so fast and fiercely, he thought he would die, and thought Li Jin would chase him to Runan.

Unexpectedly, this guy suddenly went south.

"It seems that Li Jin wants to fight Sun Ce, that's fine, let them fight!" Yuan Shu muttered gloatingly.

The army had just set off for Ruyang, when a cavalry newspaper hurried south to find it.

"Report! My lord, something is wrong! Lu Bu attacked Yuzhou, Chen Guo lost all fronts, and Lu Bu attacked Ruyang..."



Wu County!

Sun Quan's army suddenly attacked Wu County, and began to divide into two groups, starting from Yuhang all the way, attacking Ququan, and then hitting Wu County.

The other route is the navy, starting from Qiantang, going north along the coast of Wu County, attacking Haiyan, landing in Lou County, and forming a pincer attack on Wu County.

The two armies started with the wind and the wind, all the way east and north, like a tiger descending the mountain.

Sun Shao didn't send any troops to stop him, but instead mobilized troops to concentrate in Wu County, the prefecture.

All soldiers and horses are commanded and dispatched by General Xiang Yu.

In addition, Gu Yong, a talented person from the county, served as a staff officer to plan against Sun Quan's defense against the enemy.

It took only a few days for Sun Quan to send troops to Wu County.

Looking at the city of Wu County, Sun Quan asked Pang Tong, his confidant in the army, "Shi Yuan! How can we attack Wu County best?"

Pang Tong half-closed his eyes and said with a smile: "My lord, Sun Shao and Xiang Yu belong to Liu Yao's old department. They are not as loyal to Xu Ding as other Donglai generals and scribes. The best policy is to persuade them to surrender early and treat them favorably.

The middle strategy is to lure him to surrender or to lure his army out of the city to fight. If he wins, he can win Wu County. "

At this point, Pang Tong stopped talking, and Sun Quan asked again: "Then what is the next strategy?"

"The best strategy is to lead his army out of the city, and if we attack him, we will save him, or we will attack by force." Pang Tong said with a slight smile, and there was a sense of mystery in the corner of his narrow eyes.

Sun Quan said: "Let's take the best policy first, we will meet Sun Shao to see if he is a man of knowledge!"

Then Sun Quan sent his subordinate scholar Kan Ze as a lobbyist to visit Sun Shao in the city.

Sun Shao didn't reject Kan Ze, but entertained him politely.

During the banquet, Kan Ze cupped his hands and said to Sun Shao: "Don't drive me, you are also a sexual grandson. My lord is also surnamed Sun. We belonged to a family five hundred years ago. Now my lord Wangshi is here. He aims at peace in Wu County. He doesn't want to cause trouble. Knowing that Biejia is a person who understands the righteousness and general principles, he sent me into the city, hoping that Biejia can think about it for the future and prosperity of Wu County."

"Kan Derun, I'm kindly entertaining you, I don't want you to be able to say this." Sun Shao said angrily:

"Go back and tell Sun Zhongmou to let him die. He is just a child who has not yet reached the crown, and he dares to start a war. Sooner or later, he will get retribution.

I, Wu Jun, are so reasonable and don't care about you. I have given up the West, Ququan and other places again and again, but you are as greedy as jackals. "

"Don't be arrogant, Sun Biejia. Wu Jun is short of soldiers and horses. Xu Ding has never paid much attention to Wu Jun. You and everyone in Wu Jun have served him for so long, and I don't see him taking care of Wu Jun, let alone manpower, material resources, With financial resources invested, you will be left in the southeast corner as if you were forgotten, what an insult." Kan Ze stood up and continued to persuade:

"But my lord is different. He is willing to treat you like a national scholar, and he is willing to advance and retreat with Wu County, prosper and develop together. Wu County is originally the territory of Yangzhou. How can it be so embarrassingly located in the southeast corner like it is now? Loneliness."

"Hahaha, Kan Derun, it seems that you don't know Lord Hou at all, and you don't know what Hou Ye has done for my Wu County. The reason why Hou Ye has never interfered with my Wu County is, on the contrary, because he respects you. I'll wait, he can rest assured that I'll wait, he is willing to hand Wu County into our hands.

As for how to develop, it is up to us to decide, complete trust and a high degree of autonomy. "Sun Shao snorted coldly and said:

"And what Hou Ye did for us, I think there is no need to explain it to you and Sun Quan outside the city. Please go back and tell Sun Quan that if you don't retreat and insist on attacking Wu County, he will regret it , because I, Wu Jun, are not so easily bullied, nor is Hou Ye so easily provoked.

There was a price to be paid for pissing us off, and a price he couldn't afford. "

Seeing Sun Shao's firm attitude, Kan Ze knew that it was useless to persuade him, so he had to sue and leave the city.

Sun Quan didn't say much, instead he glanced at Pang Tong, and Pang Tong said: "It's expected, so let's take the middle policy!"

Sun Quan then said to He Qi, Dong Xi and others: "Who will go to fight! Lure out the soldiers and horses of Wu County, behead them and reward Yuzhe."

"My lord, I am willing to go!" He Qi, Dong Xi and others all replied.

He Qi, Dong Xi and others led a thousand troops to the south gate of Wu County, and shouted into the city:

"Xiang Yu heard that you are No.1 in Wu County, how dare you come out and fight!"

"Xiang Yu, you are as timid as a mouse, you don't dare to come to fight and call grandpa to listen, so I can go back to work!"

Xiangyu in the city screamed angrily when he heard this, and wanted to leave the city holding the Overlord Spear.

At this time, Gu Yong stopped and said: "General Xiang, let them bark for a while, and go out of the city in the afternoon to teach them a lesson."

"Why is it in the afternoon? Since it's today, why not go out of the city and beat them up now." Xiang Yu asked puzzled, feeling unhappy.

This scolding is him and not you, Gu Yong.

Gu Yongdao: "Has the general forgotten our strategy? Time is the most important thing. Otherwise, other parties are not ready for a counterattack and scare Sun Quan away early. Wouldn't it be a waste of success and a missed opportunity."

"This... well, then wait until you leave the city in the afternoon, and spare these bastards for the time being." Xiang Yu glanced at He Qi, Dong Xi and others under the city, and then went down the parapet, not seeing anything.

He Qi, Dong Xi and other generals of Sun Quan yelled and cursed for a long time, but there was no response from the city, so they came back to report to Sun Quan.

Pang Tong said: "Continue to scold until Xiang Yu becomes angry. If you scold for a day, even if he doesn't leave the city, it doesn't matter. The morale of the defenders will definitely drop. This will also benefit our siege below."

Sun Quan said: "Then continue scolding? I also want to see how long this Xiang Yu can endure, and how long this Sun Shao can endure."

When the total amount is only one day, Sun Quan can still afford to delay this day.

Calculating the time, it will take some time for the navy to reach the mouth of the river, so it doesn't matter if you wait in Wu County.

In the afternoon, He Qi, Dong Xi and the others came to the city gate again and began to curse. An hour later, Xiang Yu rushed out from the city gate alone.

He held his gun and shouted: "Whoever is not afraid of death, come here, and see if your grandpa Xiang doesn't poke a hole in him."

Sun Quan and others were a little happy when they saw the gate of Wu County opened, and Xiang Yu finally tricked him out.

But only after Xiang Yuyi rode out, the excitement suppressed again.

Eyebrows raised slightly, some couldn't understand.

Pang Tong said: "My lord, don't worry, capturing Xiang Yu alive is also effective!"

Xiang Yu is the number one military general in Wu County, and he is the military commander of Wu County. Taking him down is helpful no matter whether it is to coerce surrender to deceive the city or to damage the morale and will of the defenders.

Sun Quan was right after thinking about it, so he looked at Xiang Yu and the others again.

At this time, He Qi shot Xiang Yu with a Jingting gun.

Crossing horses and crossing, two guns crossing brilliance, Jin Ming continued.

With a sound of "Clang!", one collided and quickly swung away, and then the weapons of the two hit each other's vital points again.

There were two jingling sounds, Xiang Yu Yiran gained the upper hand, and the gun was fired more fiercely and with greater force.

He Qi was horrified, he didn't expect Xiang Yu's strength to be so deep, and his martial arts to be so high.

He Qi has always had few opponents in Kuaiji County, so he is one of the most outstanding generals in this county.

It turned out that he was defeated after only three hits, but He Qi is also a fierce general, and his fighting style is also tough, he gritted his teeth and continued to fight back to fight Xiang Yu to the death.

Dong Xi saw that He Qi was no match for Xiang Yu and was still holding on, so he urged his horse to rush out of the formation and go to rescue him.

"Xiang Yu is to die!" Dong Xi urged his horse to charge forward, and swung out with a blow, the saber slashed like lightning, like thunder.

However, Xiang Yu had been on guard for a long time, returned the gun to block it, and easily caught it, then swung the gun around, sweeping and killing Dong Xi.

Dong Xi swung his saber to block and dodge again and again.

At this time, He Qi charged at Xiang Yu with his gun again, Xiang Yu swung his gun to knock him back, caught Dong Xi's sword with another shot, and then struck back, killing Dong Xi in a panic.

However, when the three fought, Xiang Yu was really brave and tied with the two, but he was unable to kill any of them.

"Damn it, Xiang Yu really has some skills!" Sun Quan couldn't help being a little shocked and envious when he saw that his two strong generals couldn't take down Xiang Yu, and even a touch of anger.

Immediately he said to the other generals under his command: "You guys go up too, it's important to capture Xiang Yu alive!"


Sun Quan and other generals echoed the order, and then generals Yan Gui and Qin Huang both urged their horses out to help the battle.

Four generals fought against one, and soon they fought into a group again.

Four on one!


Sun Quan and the others were completely stunned.

This Xiang Yu has such a high level of martial arts.

Even Pang Tong was very surprised.

Everyone stared at the five and fought for a while, but in the end, one against four was still not defeated.

At this moment, the defenders in Wu County began to shout and cheer, and knocked the weapons in their hands on the wall bricks on the ground.

On Sun Quan's side, none of the soldiers dared to say a word.

It's really embarrassing for the four fighters, the key is that they haven't won the opponent yet.

Sun Quan's expression darkened, he didn't think much about it, and then said: "Two people, kill Xiang Yu for me."

This time, he didn't want to be captured alive. Only a dead Xiang Yu is a good Xiang Yu, who can cover up today's embarrassment.

Sun Quan's subordinates rushed out two more generals, one named Zhang Ba and the other Zhai Dan.

The two went up and immediately said to the other four: "Brothers and lords, don't live anymore, kill him!"

The weapons of the two directly hit Xiang Yu's vitals, and this time they directly took his life, so they no longer have any scruples.

But Xiang Yuhun was not afraid, he swung his weapon and took them one by one.

"Clang clang..."

Seven people fought, with swords and swords, guns and spears coming and going, and they fought into a group again, horses kicked up dust, and the fight was very lively.

Except that Xiang Yu was a little uncomfortable at the beginning, but the more he went on, the more energetic he became.

One against six, still undefeated, let alone besieged and killed by six people.

Immediately, everyone's jaws dropped.

Why doesn't this guy have a limit, just to save face.

Even Sun Shao, who came here with a worried face after hearing the news, was also surprised.

"Zi Chu's bravery is completely beyond our imagination!"

Everyone couldn't help agreeing, but Gu Yong said: "Although General Xiang is brave and invincible, but after all, he is young, and he may not be able to fight for a long time, so accept it when he is good, and let him come back!"

Sun Shao was also worried that Sun Quan was sending people to join the battle group, so he said, "Ming Jin, let Zi Chu go back to the city!"

Soon there was the sound of gold ringing in the city. After Xiang Yu heard it, he drove away Sun Quan's generals with several guns, and then laughed loudly: "Hahaha, wait, I will go back to the city to rest, and I will come to fetch you in the future." Wait for the dog head!"

The six generals He Qi, Yan Gui, Dong Xi, Qin Huang, Zhai Dan, and Zhang Ba wanted to chase, but countless arrows were shot from the city, so they had to retreat and give up the idea of ​​chasing.

Even Sun Quan, who was far away, was going to send his generals to join the battle group, but he had no chance, so he couldn't help sighing.

If such a fierce general cannot be removed today, it will be a serious disaster.

It may be difficult to take down Wu County if Xiang Yu is kept.

But how did he know that even if he sent all the capable men under his command, he would not be able to take down Xiang Yu for a while.

The prestige of the young general Qu Ah is not based on it. In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Sun Ce and Tai Shici met in Qu Ah Shenting, and he fought against Tai Shici.

The young general Qu Ah defeated Sun Ce's thirteen fierce generals with one person, and he did not lose the slightest bit, which shows his bravery.

"My lord, let's withdraw our troops and return to the camp!" Pang Tong's face remained mature and calm that did not match his age, and the surprise just now gradually disappeared.

Sun Quan had no choice but to withdraw his troops and return to the camp. When he returned to the camp, he asked Pang Tong: "Shi Yuan, now the two strategies of upper and middle strategies are unsuccessful. Instead, he has achieved the prestige of Xiangyu. This may not be good for our army to attack the city. I am afraid that if we attack by force It is also difficult to work, how do you think we should deal with Sun Shao now."

Pang Tong said: "My lord, Sun Shao has drawn all the soldiers and horses to Wu County. The other cities must be empty, and they can be taken without fighting. Why don't we allocate two soldiers and horses to collect the cities.

Sun Shao in Lou County may not be calling, but Wuxi City, Qu'a City, even if he doesn't care about these things, then we will take them all, and we will slowly fight around Wu County. After losing the absolute control of the estuary of the river, it is not too late to deal with Sun Shao slowly. "

Sun Quan fell silent, and at this time Pang Tong said again: "Our navy has not yet arrived. There is a waterway passing through the city in Wu County. If the navy arrives, it will be an easy task for attacking the city, and I think Jingzhou should also There is a result, I think Liu Biao is a person who can see the general situation clearly, and he will settle with Yangzhou and me."

Once Sun Jian's army goes east, the Lord is not afraid that Sun Shao will waste his time.

Sun Quan didn't want to rely on Sun Ce and Sun Jian, he wanted to use his own strength to eat Sun Shao, but it might not be easy to attack now.

In the end, I thought that Yangzhou hadn't completely broken through yet. After all, Xu Ding was an unshakable mountain and needed a long-term plan, so he nodded and said: "Okay, then take other cities first. I don't believe that Sun Shao will always choose to be a turtle with a shrinking head." .”


Xiang Yu returned to Wu County excitedly, and Sun Shao and others arranged a banquet for him to celebrate.

This battle boosted the low morale in the city and greatly boosted the confidence of the guards.

During the dinner, Xiang Yu asked: "My lord, Sun Quan and other troops dare not attack the city easily now, we should be able to buy a lot of time!"

"After the battle with you, Zichu, you have greatly deterred Sun Quan. I think he should shrink back when he does things." Sun Shao replied affirmatively, but he also said with some concerns:

"If our expectations are correct, Pang Tong should suggest that Sun Quan seize the cities around me first, and use the method of siege to besiege Wu County for a long time, and he will wait for his navy to come to help."

"That's a problem. We can't go out of the city, and we can't just watch him take Qu Ah and other cities, thereby threatening Dantu's water army." Xiang Yu frowned: "Otherwise, we go out of the city and surrender Sun Quan, anyway, his future has not been dealt with, and there are not many who can get it."

Gu Yong smiled and said: "Don't worry about Zichu, Sun Quan and the others think it will not be so easy to go further, let his navy come, someone will wait for him, it will definitely surprise his navy, and frighten him so much that he will Wetting the bed at night."

"Haha..." All the generals laughed out loud upon hearing this.

Xiang Yu said: "Hey, you literati just don't like it. Can't the lord have any instructions? Can't you finish it all at once? Is there any other arrangement? We actually have reinforcements. We should be able to talk about this situation now, so we don't have to worry about it." Don't worry about it."

Gu Yong and Sun Shao looked at each other and smiled, then both shook their heads and said, "Don't say it! Don't say it!"

On the southeast coast of Wu County, Sun Quan's navy marched northward.

The soldiers and horses are commanded by generals Li Yi and Xie Jing, and there are countless ships, which are also majestic, but the regulations of the warships are a bit small.

When sailing in the ocean, go very carefully, for fear of being overturned by a big wave or sea wind.

So they walked rather slowly, clinging closely to the coast.

Turning around a shallow sandy island along the coast, and coming to the end of the outermost estuary of the big river, the water surface finally became stable.

Li Yi, Xie Jing and the others breathed a sigh of relief. According to the guide, they could reach Lou County within a few tens of miles to the northwest.

This is close to their goal, and they will soon be able to catch up with Sun Quan.

But it didn't take long for them to be happy, and soon a black spot appeared in the north, and then countless black spots appeared.

Taking a closer look, I found that it was a fleet of large ships, and there was still black smoke above the head, as if it was on fire.

Li Yi and Xie Jing were amazed.

"Where did this ship come from? I don't think anyone has heard of a big ship except Donglai!" Li Yi muttered wonderingly.

Xie Jing also rubbed his chin and said: "It seems that it is really Donglai's warship, but why are they on fire? Could it be that the Eldest Young Master started a war with Lu Dai and Lu Chang's troops who were on both sides of the river, and these Donglai navy forces fled? "

Speaking of this, Xie Jing couldn't believe her own deduction, but Li Yi's eyes flashed brightly, and he looked at Xie Jing and said, "Perhaps there is such a possibility, otherwise the explanation will not make sense."

Xie Jing said, "What do you want to do?"

"Hey, of course it is to kill them. It would be even better if we can capture them. If we can repair them, then our navy will have a big ship. When we meet the Donglai Army's navy, we will be able to fight head-on." Li Yi licked his lips, looking expectant.

Xie Jing was also infected, as if seeing a bright future.

The Donglai Navy has always been a legendary existence, powerful and established the longest.

How proud I will be the day I can really beat them.

"Okay! Kill them and capture them!" Xie Jing was looking at the big ship billowing from the black smoke, and his eyes were shining brightly.

"Kill them and capture them!" Li Yi smiled slightly, and then ordered all the warships to surround them.

When they heard that the Donglai Army's wounded warship had fled here, the generals and soldiers of Sun Quan's navy were all excited and excited.

Encountered with the most powerful navy at present, the opponent still injured the ship, which is a great achievement.

So one by one, they paddled their paddles with all their strength, and controlled the warship to approach quickly.

But when they got closer, they realized that the warship on the opposite side seemed to be a little different.

Except for the black smoke coming out from the back of the body, these Donglai warships rushed to the sky, and there were no other obvious open flames, and the people on board did not panic, let alone put out the fire.

The entire battleship formation is neat and ready.

"You scumbags, you didn't escape and counterattack, who gave you the courage, you don't take our navy seriously!"

It turned out that these warships were not from the navy, but from the navy.

Moreover, the leader of the team was Gan Ning. It turned out that he returned from exploring the South China Sea a month ago and received the latest warship.

So I simply came to Donghai, Yangzhou. If Sun Quan jumped out to make troubles, he would teach them a lesson.

Gan Ning and others who got the latest battleship were naturally impatient. If it weren't for the above regulations not to cause trouble, they would have gone to Kuaiji County.

Unexpectedly, Sun Quan's navy would dare to go north.

Gan Ning was naturally rude, and then said to his opponent: "Pull the air whistle, attack me, knock them all over, I want them all wiped out!"

"It's the boss!"

Everyone took the order with a bang, and then sounded the whistle, sounding the horn of attack.

The boat's speed, which was originally so fast, suddenly doubled, and then broke through the wind and waves, rushing past the house like sea sand.


Li Yi and Xie Jing were dumbfounded, this is not a warship that was injured and sank, it flew up at a speed of 6.

He rushed forward in the blink of an eye and crashed into their striker.

All the ships were swallowed up and crushed in an instant, and they were crushed without even having time to react, but they were crushed into the water.

The more black smoke rose above these Donglai warships, the faster these warships drove.

Moreover, their ships are too big, and the warships of the Kuaiji County Navy are just toys compared to them.

How can a big guy playing in the sea be compared to those small Mongolian boats that must be carefully driven in the inland river.


There was another sound, right in front of the flagships of Li Yi and Xie Jing, a large ship rammed directly, overturning and crushing all the ships in the middle.

And there is no deceleration at all.

This big ship crushed Li Yi and Xie Jing's flagship in their bewildered situation, and the cold bow and plank of the ship collided with each other in an instant.

Both Li Yi and Xie Jing were poured into the water. At the moment they got into the water, there was only one question on their minds.

The warships of the Donglai Army are too big, and TM is all made of steel, not wood at all.

How can such a battle fleet touch it...

(End of this chapter)

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