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Chapter 765 Gan Ning’s Attack on Pang Tong’s Suspicion in Kuaiji

Chapter 765 Gan Ning Attacks Kuaiji Pang Tong's Suspicion (Three in One)

Sun Quan's Kuaiji navy came and let out their cry in no hurry, and were simply killed.

There is not even a means of counterattack.

If Li Yi and Xie Jing knew that this was Donglai's navy, they would have run away long ago, so how could they dare to hope.

If they knew that Donglai's warships were as big as they were, and they were all made of steel, they would run faster.

It's just the asymmetry of information that makes them rush towards death step by step.

Gan Ning did what he said, and rammed all the naval warships in Jiangji County.

Not a single one was left, let alone captured.

He doesn't like these warships at all, even if they are used as merchant ships, he dislikes them.

However, Sun Quan's navy soldiers who fell into the water rescued him a lot on board. After all, these are labor forces, strong and strong, and they are pulled to the South China Sea to replenish sailors and soldiers for their navy.

At the worst, you can also open up new lands and make some contributions to the expansion of Dahan's territory.

After wiping out the Kuaiji navy led by Li Yi and Xie Jing, Gan Ning sent the captives to the nearest supply island and locked them up. Then he selected some soldiers who were willing to be guides, and then went south to fight towards Kuaiji. .

It's not rude to come and go, he has long wanted to fight Kuaiji.

Defeating Kuaiji can connect Jiangji County and Yizhou very well.

In this way, the supply of the navy will be more convenient.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when Sun Quan led an army to attack Wu County and the navy was eaten by himself, Gan Ning naturally would not be polite, and then blatantly sailed the warship to the coast of Kuaiji County, directly attacking Shangyu.

Although Shangyu was on guard, but when he saw the iron-clad ships sailing into the river, he immediately gave up.

After conquering Shangyu, Gan Ning led small and medium-sized ships along the inland river to the Fucheng Shanyin City.

Sun Quan stayed at Shanyin with civil servants Yu Fan and Wei Teng, military generals Xu Zhong and Han Zong.

Faced with Gan Ning's sudden attack, the guards and palace soldiers were a little confused and horrified.

Xu Zhong and Han Zong hurried to find Yu Fan, and Wei Teng said, "Yu Cao, Wei Cao, and the Donglai Navy suddenly arrived. How to deal with this, the two of you should come up with an idea."

Yu Fan and Wei Teng are one of the three Cao Cao, and the other is Li Cao.

In the absence of Sun Quan and Pang Tong, they are the most powerful.

Now it is the backbone.

Wei Teng said: "First ask what the Donglai Navy intends to do. Do they just want to fight Shanyin, or do they want to take down my Kuaiji County? Ask them what they want to do?"

The four major surnames in Kuaiji are Yu, Wei, Kong and Xie.

As one of the four surnames, Wei Teng naturally didn't want to put Jiang Ji in the flames of war.

Kuaiji County can't stand the toss, a toss, the biggest damage is the interests of these old aristocratic families.

They don't have the courage to bet on the world like the Central Plains family, their structure is narrower, as long as Xu Ding can guarantee their interests in Kuaiji, it is not impossible to surrender to the Donglai Army.

They can fall to Sun Quan, and they can also compromise with Xu Ding.

Yu Fan is also one of the four surnames, so I just heard him say: "It's good to ask, let's find out their reality first!"

Xu Zhong and Han Zong looked at each other without speaking.

They are generals, and they are more loyal to Sun Quan.

However, the situation is unclear, and they are not members of the Four Great Families, and they have less power to speak than the two civil servants, so they remain silent.

When the crowd came to the gate of the city, Gan Ning set up a posture to attack the city with the scriptures.

Catapults, bed crossbows and so on were aimed at the gate of Perineum City.

Because of the large ships, these siege equipment can be carried quite conveniently.

So Gan Ning was full of confidence and fierce.

"Who came down from the city? Why did you invade Shanyin City?"

"Hahaha, I'm your Gan Xingba Grandpa Gan. Why did you beat you? Don't you have any idea? Stop talking nonsense, you can surrender the city and our army treats the prisoners preferentially, or you can fight to the end. I will make you regret it for life." Gan Ning flicked his cloak, and issued an ultimatum full of banditry.

Thinking of him flying across the South China Sea, the navy has galloped across the sea for the past two years, invincible, invincible, invincible, and invincible.

Little Shanyin City is not in the eye.

" actually Gan Ning!"

Yu Fan and Wei Teng looked at each other, the problem was a bit tricky now.

They had learned about Gan Ning's name in the newspaper, and he was the highest commander of Xu Ding's navy.

He is brave and invincible. Over the years, for Xu Ding, he has expanded his territory for thousands of miles, conquered countless cities, and made great achievements in battle.

At the same time, he was born in an aristocratic family in Yizhou, and he was a Jinfan bandit who ran across the three rivers and five counties of Yizhou. He was arrogant and full of banditry.

He is one of the worst generals in Donglai.

"General Gan, I wonder if there is some misunderstanding between us Kuaiji and Lord Hou. If so, we would like to apologize. At the same time, we would like to ask the general, what will the general do after he captures Huiyin City? What plans does Lord Hou have for my Kuaiji County?" ?” Wei Teng asked directly, since there was nothing to save face.

Gan Ning sneered and said, "Misunderstanding is nothing wrong, there is no need to apologize, and we are not government servants, so what's the use of apologizing.

As for any plans to capture the perineum, no, I have no plans at all, and my lord has no plans for Kuaiji. I originally wanted you to live happily for ten or eight years, but there are always people who don’t know the heights of the heavens and the earth, so I have no choice but to fight . "

This TM is no different from not answering.

Yu Fan, Wei Teng didn't hear the answer he wanted, so he frowned for a while.

Xu Zhong and Han Zong at the side couldn't sit still, and said indignantly: "You two, this Gan Ning is too surly, arrogant and domineering, I really thought my perineum was so easy to fight, I really thought that my Kuaiji County was so easy to take Now, whoever is carrying a head on his shoulders will die if he wants to beat us."

Yu Fan and Wei Teng still hesitated.

Once the war started, it was difficult to stop.

It's not that they haven't heard of Xu Ding's way of treating the family. Those who obeyed all died well, and those who resisted were either wiped out or dragged into exile in a wild place.

"Whether it's a fight or a surrender, hurry up and answer, it's too long-winded, hesitating is not a man at all." Gan Ning folded his hands on his chest and said:

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, Sun Quan won't be coming back. I don't know if he will survive in Wu County. When I was beating your perineum, my navy ship sailed to the Zhejiang River. It’s time to win Qiantang by now, if you want to run, you have no place to run!”

At the same time, the Donglai Navy also divided its forces to attack Qiantang City and blockade Zhejiang.

This... Can Sun Quan come back?

There is a probability of not coming back if it is above the ninth floor.

"Hmph! Gan Ning, don't use your tongue. If you were really capable, you would have fought us here, why are you bragging about us here?" Xu Zhong yelled angrily. He didn't believe Gan Ning's nonsense. An arrow shot at Gan Ning.

Gan Ning's archery skills were not bad either, he was the best among the Donglai generals.

Finding a sword shot from the top of the city, he drew the sword and blocked the arrow, and then said angrily: "Attack, hit me!"

Just when they persuaded them to surrender, the navy soldiers found more stone bombs from nearby.

With one order, all trebuchets projected simultaneously.

The whistling boulder slammed on the wall and surface of the perineum city.

The ground shook with a bang, and the flying bricks and gravel made the defenders of Perineum City jump around with their heads in their arms.

"Damn it, how could they hit such a big stone!"

This time Xu Zhong and Han Zong were dumbfounded, this Gan Ning hit him as soon as he said it.

And why is this stone bullet so powerful, what kind of equipment is so powerful, it can throw stone bullets so far, farther than their arrows.

There were several more bang bangs, and stone bombs hit the wall one by one, smashing the surrounding objects and people into pulp and smashing them to pieces.

Yu Fan was so frightened that Wei and Teng hurried down to the city.

It is useless to talk more, and it is even more foolish to stay at the top of the city.

"Counterattack, counterattack, I'll give the fuck back to you, don't run away!"

Yu Fan, Wei Teng saw that his soldiers were going to hide inside the city, so he stopped in a loud voice.

I was afraid that Gan Ning would take the opportunity to launch a siege to seize the top of the city.

However, none of the naval officers and soldiers outside the city moved, except for the stone-throwing troops, the others were leisurely watching the show.

They don't know how many battles like this they have fought.

Smash it first, collect the corpses in the city, and take over the city.

With a sound of "Boom!", the city gate was hit, Xu Zhong and Han Zong jumped out quickly, and ran to the female wall to avoid the sharp attack temporarily.

"Damn it, this Donglai army is evil, with such a powerful weapon, I'm afraid Huiyin City will not be able to protect it!" Xu Zhong regretted the arrow he shot just now.

The bastard Gan Ning must have remembered him.

Han Zong also sighed and said, "This should be the catapult of the Donglai Army. It is said that Xu Ding relied on this thing to conquer counties and states in the north. I saw it today. It is really powerful. My lord, let's go!" Fighting Wu County, I'm afraid it will be more dangerous than good!"

Holding the hilt of his sword, Xu Zhong looked into the city and said, "What do you want to do? Yu Fan, Wei Teng, these civil servants must have lost their courage, and they must not dare to obstruct the entry of the Donglai Army. What about us, where should we go?" .”

Yu Fan and Wei Teng are all big families in Kuaiji, and they will still be taken seriously if they surrender to the Donglai Army.

What about these generals?
Do they have a future?

"Let's retreat! Kuaiji County is not just a city in Shanyin. Where did we come from and where do we go back? I don't believe that Gan Ning can go all the way to the west." Han Zong finally spoke his mind.

Withdrew from Fucheng and took the remnants to Wushang and Damo. That's where Sun Quan came from when he seized Kuaiji County.

It is easier to defend and harder to attack there, and Gan Ning can be dragged.

"Okay! Then withdraw from Shanyin City first." Xu Zhong was so intimidated by the trebuchet, and he was not so resistant to let him out of the city, but he still said in a low voice:
"Let's go quietly and take as many people as we can. As for those people in the government office, we don't care about them."

"Well! That makes sense!" Han Zong nodded in agreement, and naturally he would not be looking for Yu Fan, Wei Teng discussed and said goodbye.

The second general had an idea, and immediately went down to the city, and then took all the soldiers and horses he could take away out of the city under the pretext of dispatching troops out of the city to attack behind the Donglai army.

After leaving the city, head west.

After the two left, Yu Fan and Wei Teng realized that something was wrong, and then quickly reacted, asking people to open the city gate immediately, and the whole city surrendered.

Gan Ning's stone bombs hadn't finished, and the troops hadn't attacked the city yet, and the city of Perineum fell.

"The two thieves Xu Zhong and Han Zong ran away. They are really cowardly. If Hua Xiong didn't bring them, I would have chased them to the ends of the earth." Gan Ning said carelessly.

There was no way, the dirty work was Hua Xiong's, but he didn't bring too many navy soldiers with him when he returned this time, so he had to let Xu Zhong and Han Zong go for the time being.

After taking down the perineum, Gan Ning let Yu Fan and Wei Teng manage the government affairs in the county. Yu Fan, Wei Teng was naturally grateful, and then contacted other aristocratic families, and the cities followed suit.

As Gan Ning said, the big ship sailed directly to the Zhejiang River.

Guarding Qiantang are Sun Quan's navy general Wei Wen and army general Shen De.

Most of the navy followed Li Yi and Xie Jing to the north, only the shrimp soldiers and crab generals were in the water village in Zhejiang.

Wei Wen went to train soldiers every day, and then patrolled both sides of the strait day and night.

On this day, he personally led a team to inspect the mouth of the sea, and saw several large ships coming from the offshore, billowing black smoke like gluttonous gluttons.

"General, what is that?"

Someone asked.

The big ship was getting closer and closer, so big that those of them who had lived on the coast of Kuaiji County had never seen it before.

Wei Wen also dropped his jaw in shock.

He swallowed and said, "This should be a boat! A big boat!"

"Why is the ship smoking?" one of the ignorant men asked again.

Wei Wen slapped him on the back of the head: "Hurry up and blow the horn, retreat for me, hurry up and retreat to the water village!"

Wei Wen didn't know why the opponent's big ship was smoking, but he knew that the visitor was not a friendly person, an enemy rather than a friend.

Run away if you can't beat it, this is the most reasonable saying of the navy.

Playing in the navy is not just about being brave, you have to be coaxed if necessary, and strategic detours and retreats are the kingly way.

Wei Wen and the others wanted to run, but the big boat on the opposite side didn't want to let them go, so they sped up and rushed.

In just a few nautical miles, it arrived in an instant.

But this time the leader was not Gan Ning, but his subordinate Zuo Lieutenant Lou Fa.

His temper was not as violent as Gan Ning's, and he saw Wei Wen run away through the telescope, so he was interested in coming.

So the big ship was divided into three parts, the middle slowed down, and the two wings accelerated and turned around, outflanking it.

Soon Wei Wen was intercepted and surrounded in Neihe, Zhejiang.

The three-bow crossbow and countless crossbows on the big ship were aimed at Wei Wen and other warships.

The iron-clad ship made of Senhan's steel made Wei Wen and others dare not act rashly.

"I am Lou Fa, the left deputy captain of the Donglai Navy. You have been surrounded by scriptures. Surrender and give preferential treatment, and those who resist will die!" Lou Fa, the left deputy captain, picked up the loudspeaker and shouted.

Wei Wen didn't move, but there was a warship that wanted to slip through the navy's blockade privately, and then was pierced by a big arrow shot by the three-bow bed crossbow on the Donglai Navy's warship fleet, smashed and sank up.

"Surrender, Wei Wen, don't have any illusions, now I'm giving you a chance, cherish it, don't ruin the ship like Li Yi and Xie Jing." Lou Fa, the left deputy principal, amplified The mid-level general of Sun Quan's navy, who threw the weapon to a prisoner, said:
"You come to persuade them to surrender and tell them what happened in Wu County?"

"Okay, okay! Thank you, General, for giving me this opportunity!" The general took over the loudspeaker carefully, and then said to Wei Wen:

"General Wei, Li Yi, and Xie Jing led our navy brigade to the north, and encountered Donglai's navy near Lou County. We were defeated and wiped out.

The Donglai Navy is invincible. Their warships can move without being rowed by humans, and their speed is faster than horses.

Their battle fleet is all made of steel, indestructible, stubborn resistance is a dead end, we are defeated, we cannot defeat the Dongnae Navy, for the sake of brothers, let us surrender for everyone, we are all big men, there is no need to fight kill kill..."

As soon as these words came out, Wei Wen and the others were in an uproar.

The entire navy brigade was wiped out.

Both Li Yi and Xie Jing died in battle.

Donglai Navy's boats don't need to be rowed by humans, they can go by themselves, and the speed is even faster than horses.

Ships are made of steel.

This is not a boat, you built a city on the water.

Wei Wen suddenly felt wronged.

With so many boats, Lao Tzu was surrounded by a few of the opponent's ships, and they couldn't be moved at all.

"Surrender! Surrender..."

As Ziru Jiang Jiang said, there is no need to fight.

Even Li Yi and Xie Jing could not win the battle with the navy brigade, and his troops could not be shaken at all.

It's not that he's afraid of death, it's really meaningless.

Lou Fa surrendered Wei Wen, and then went straight to Qiantang City.

Wei Wen and others led the way to deceive the city gate, and the attack on Qiantang City was very smooth. Sun Quan's subordinates were defeated by trial morality, and ran to Wucheng with a dozen people.

When Shende ran to Wucheng, he was about to open the city gate and told the defenders to remind Sun Quan. Judge morality.

"Who are you? How can you rebel?" Shen De was a little confused.

Forget about Qiantang City, how come there are still people who betrayed the Lord in Wucheng.

At this time, on the top of the city gate, a slightly overweight general stood up with his sword and took a step forward, and the inspector said, "I, Lu Dai, the captain of Donglai and Donghai!"

Lu Dai, Captain of the East China Sea!

Shen De looked surprised!

Isn't this Donglai's navy?
Isn't Lu Dai guarding Dajiang Dantu?
How could it be possible to appear in Wucheng.

Conspiracy, it's a big conspiracy.

Wu Jun has a plan long ago, my lord is in danger...


Wu County!

Sun Quan camp.

You can't wait, you can't wait, Sun Quan found that his army had captured Lou County and Wuxi.

But there was no sign of half of the navy.

He also sent someone to check the coastal areas in Lou County, but he didn't wait for the arrival of the sailors Li Yi, Xie Jing and others for a long time.

Sun Quan began to feel a little restless, rubbing his temples, and staring at Wu County's eye-catching eyes.

"Report! My lord, good news. Our army has captured Piling. We are marching towards Qu!"

"Oh! Got it!" For some reason, Sun Quan found that he didn't seem to be very excited. This kind of expected thing is not worth celebrating.

Where did the navy go?

How could Li Yi and Xie Jing get lost?

Sun Quan couldn't help thinking about it.

Unable to figure it out, he sent for Pang Tong.

Pang Tong also lost his original optimism.

According to his speculation, Li Yi, Xie Jing and others should also appear.


Pang Tong suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"My lord, if the navy doesn't arrive tomorrow, we may have encountered the enemy. If I guessed correctly, Sun Shao should have invited the Donglai navy to go south, and Lu Dai might have encountered our navy along the coast. "Pang Tong said:

"My lord, please send more people to search along the coast, especially in the south. Once there is a naval battle, both the ship's plank and the corpse will rush ashore. It should be easy to find."

"Lv Dai went south, he dared to leave the river, don't want to control, and won't blockade my Yangzhou?" Sun Quan thought for a while and said: "Okay, let's send more people to search, I hope this is just a hypothesis!"

Sun Quan knew that his naval army had not been established for a long time. Although it had a large number of people and a lot of warships, it might not be the opponent of the Donglai navy.

The men sent to search came back on horseback the next day to report.

"My lord, something is wrong, our navy is completely wiped out..."

"What?" Sun Quan stood up suddenly when he heard the words, a little agitated, and asked, "Be clear, what's going on!"

The source reported: "We searched south and found the wreck of the warship and the bodies of the sailors who had been floating on the coast for several days.

Among them, we rescued a sailor soldier who was stunned by the waves and floated ashore. He said that the Donglai navy dispatched a large ship and directly crushed and collided with the navy ship. Our navy had no power to fight back. The enemy was easily destroyed. "

how can that be!

No power to fight back?

Is my navy so bad?

Sun Quan suddenly sat down and let out a chuckle.

This is the first time Sun Quan has lost since his debut.

It was defeated so simply and completely.

The messenger did not dare to breathe.

Sun Quan can't just look at the surface, he can't speculate, don't say anything until he understands his true intentions and emotions.

Soon Pang Tong came, asked what was going on, and then waved his hand to let the reporter go, and asked to remove the guards outside the tent.

As soon as the people left, Sun Quan began to show his anger and began to smash tables, chairs, bookshelves and so on.

After venting, Sun Quan began to cry: "Shi Yuan, our navy is gone, it's gone..."

In essence, Sun Quan is just a child, a child who is only twelve or thirteen years old.

So Pang Tong is very aware of Sun Quan's point.

"It's gone. Second son, we underestimated the Donglai navy. Their strength is really not something we can challenge. Fortunately, we still have an advantage on land. Second son, we need to cheer up. The defeat is only temporary. After the navy is gone Under construction, we still have a chance, Second Young Master, you are still young, and Kuaiji County still has a chance." Seeing that Sun Quan was almost crying, Pang Tong comforted him.

Sun Quan took a deep breath, then wiped away his tears and asked, "Shiyuan, should we let this go? If Donglai's navy comes to Wu County along the Songjiang River, we may not be able to stop it. It is even more difficult to completely surround Sun Shao."

Pang Tong glanced at Sun Quan, pondered for a while, and then said: "Second Young Master, we are not thinking about the naval army, nor whether Wu County can be defeated. We should think about the safety of the army."

Sun Quan was taken aback, and asked, "Shi Yuan, what do you mean?"

It was Sun Quan who was a clever little ghost, and was a little confused by Pang Tong's words for a while.

Pang Tong explained: "Since Donglai's navy has gone south, it must have been planned, or they are confident that they will not lose the defense line of the Yangtze River and can defend Jiangdu and Dantu.

Either they were waiting for us to attack Wu County, and then waited for an opportunity to attack our Kuaiji County, cut off our army's retreat, and blocked us in Wu County. "

" likely is this?" Originally, Sun Quan wanted to say that this was impossible, but he changed his words again.

(End of this chapter)

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