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Chapter 766 Pang Tong's fixed-point general against Gu Yongxu

Chapter 766

Pang Tong is not an ordinary person, and his analysis of the situation is more sensitive than himself.

So Sun Quan chose to believe in a resourceful man like Pang Tong.

Because from the beginning to the present, Pang Tong did not miss it.

"It's very possible! The navy of the Donglai Army wiped out our navy, but they didn't go directly to Songjiang or Wu County, so where did they go?" Pang Tong asked a few questions in his self-muttered analysis .

Sun Quan frowned after hearing this.

That's right, where did the Donglai army's navy go? It stands to reason that they should go directly to Songjiang and go to Wu County to attack their main force back and forth with Sun Shao and Xiang Yu.

But they disappeared, just to kill their navy, and then disappeared without a trace.

Will you return to Dantu?

Sun Quan was not sure, because Pang Tong was doubting the Donglai Army's next combat intention.

"So, Shiyuan, what you mean is that the Donglai navy may attack our Kuaiji when it goes south." Sun Quan became a little apprehensive.

With the strength of the Donglai navy, its crushing fighting style and combat effectiveness, Wei Wen and others couldn't stand it once they were pulled to Kuaiji.

First of all, he will lose contact with Kuaiji, because the Donglai navy will inevitably block Zhejiang, and this river will become a natural moat that Sun Quan cannot overcome.

If you can't go back to Kuaiji County, then the entire Kuaiji is not what the Donglai Army can take.

Thinking of this, Sun Quan couldn't help breaking into a cold sweat.

Kuaiji County is his foundation, it is his foothold in the Sun Group, and it is also the rear for him to take steps towards the world.

Lost Kuaiji County, what will he use to compete with his elder brother, what to use to conquer the world.

"It's not possible, but it's the past. It is estimated that the news of the fall of the west of Wu County will come soon." Pang Tong continued to analyze:
"Xu Xiang has always had the habit of planning and making decisions later, and he has the habit of hitting the first blow. I think if he had guarded against us early, he would have a counterattack, and it would be fatal.

If I were to make a move, I would send an army to attack from Lei Ze at the same time, and attack Wucheng by water, so that Wucheng, Yuhang, and Qiantang would form a line and cut off our retreat.

At this time, Xiangyu of Wu County was going out of the city to pursue our army, and our army would be in danger and collapse. "

Sun Quan couldn't help but gasped, the more he thought about it, the more terrifying it became.

Donglai simply set up a big net early and waited for him to get in.

Did Xu Ding see through that matter?

Quan Rou is so shrewd and capable, loyal and courageous to herself, she didn't leave any little tail for Xu Ding to catch.

If Xu Ding had seen through it, he should have announced it to the world long ago, and he would have played against him long ago.

You must know that Dong Zhuo repeatedly attacked Xu Ding, Xu Ding sent the strongest assassin in a rage, and directly stabbed Dong Zhuo to death.

Sun Quan was very frightened at this moment.

After all, he is still a child. Although he does things fiercely and unscrupulously, the anxiety and fear in his heart are not something he can bear at his age.

Xu Ding is like a big mountain, standing there forever, making it insurmountable.

It feels like it can be overwhelmed at any time and kill myself.

"Then Shiyuan, we are not finished, what should we do now?" Sun Quan was a little flustered. Losing Kuaiji is not terrible, and the terrible thing is that he has to choose to fall into the trap woven by the Donglai Army.

He still has a lot of time to hoo hoo.

He's still young, and he can start over.

As long as the father and elder brother can bring down the Sun family, he still has unlimited opportunities.

After all, youth is capital.

The corner of Pang De's mouth slightly raised, he straightened the table, and then spread out the map of Wu Jun and said, "Second Young Master, please look, in fact, the traps of Sun Shao and others are not perfect.

They are not strong enough, and it is always a deadly and critical place.

Sun Shao transferred all the soldiers and horses to Wujun to lead us here, and then not only sent the navy to Kuaiji, but also sent troops to Wucheng, so the northern part of Wujun was really empty.

After we take down Piling, we can play music, and then occupy Dantu, or turn westward to Danyang County, Sun Shao can't stop us. "

Pang Tong lightly tapped the location of Qu Ah Cheng.

He is not stupid, how could he return to Kuaiji according to Sun Shao and Gu Yong's plan, and then be surrounded by front and back attack.

This time he attacked Wu County carelessly and missed a strategy, but with his IQ, he quickly saw through the plan, and pointed out the most important way out for Sun Quan.

After reading the map, Sun Quan finally showed a smile on his face, clapped his hands and praised: "I knew that Shi Yuan is the most powerful, Sun Shao can't beat Shi Yuan, so let's immediately set off with the army to go around Wu County and go north to Shangqu ah!"

Sun Quan didn't want to stay in Wu County for a moment. If he delayed for one more day, he would be surrounded by Donglai Army.

Pang Tong admired Sun Quan's decisiveness very much. At a young age, he knew how to act when he should act, let go when he should let go, retreat when he should retreat, and advance when he should advance.

This is rare, and you can't lose a wise master.

Given time, you can become a hero.

But when he thought of Sun Ce, Pang Tong's eyes were complicated.

Sun Jian gave birth to several good sons, all of whom are quite capable, but I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse.


In Wu County!

"Report! My lord is not well, Sun Quan has run away!"

Sun Shao, who had just woken up, heard the urgent report from his subordinates suddenly. He was taken aback for a moment, then overjoyed, and then asked, "Sun Quan ran away last night, did he retreat to Ququan?"

"My lord, Sun Quan escaped in a hurry last night. The camp outside the city was in chaos, and most of the weapons and food were not taken away." The messenger replied truthfully:

"But they didn't retreat to Ququan, but went to Wuxi City."

"Huh! That's not right!" Sun Shao was a little surprised, thinking he had heard it wrong.

If Sun Quan didn't run to Ququan, and didn't return to aid Kuaiji, what was he doing in Wuxi?

It's not right to be in the opposite direction.

"Did you get it right?" Sun Shao asked again with some doubts.

"The last general dare not speak nonsense, Sun Quan has indeed gone to Wuxi City." The visitor replied swearing.

Sun Shao lost all interest for a while, and then went to the hall.

Soon Gu Yong, Xiang Yu and others also received the news that Sun Quan had run away, and rushed over with smiles on their faces.

After waiting for this day for a long time, Sun Quan's rear was outflanked, and this little yellow-mouthed child deserved to die.

"My lord, we can send troops to pursue this time!" Xiang Yu looked excited, and the other generals were also looking forward to it, this time Sun Shao could order to fight.

Unexpectedly, Sun Shao shook his head slightly, and said with a wry smile: "Sun Quan has retreated, but he didn't go to Ququan, he didn't return to Kuaiji, but ran to Wuxi City."

"What? Sun Quan went to Wuxi City?"

Xiang Yu and the others were surprised, showing a gloomy look.

It's not what it was designed to be.

Gu Yongdao: "This Pang Tong really has a slap in the face. He even guessed that we blocked his retreat and slipped away ahead of time. It's really difficult."

Xiang Yu said: "It doesn't matter whether Pang Tong is Pang Tong or not. Since Sun Quan has run away, he must be marching in a hurry and the army's morale is in disarray. We can always pursue, kill as many as we can, and bite as many as we can."

The generals looked at Sun Shao, and Sun Shao said: "It's possible, Zi Chu, bring your elite to chase after him immediately, and you will be credited with great merit for catching Sun Quan."

"Here!" Xiang Yu was overjoyed, and then ordered his troops to chase Wuxi.

After Xiang Yu and the others left, Sun Shao asked Gu Yong, "Yuan Tan, do you think Zi Chu can keep Sun Quan?"

Gu Yongdao: "I don't dare to make a decision whether I can stay or not, because it depends on God's will, but I don't think Pang Tong is a simple character, so I think I should send a team to chase him. In case, I mean Just in case, Zichu and the others won't be passive."

"You mean, Pang Tong still dares to fight back and ambush." ​​Sun Shao suddenly realized, and quickly said to his opponent: "Send an order, allocate 3000 troops for me to set off immediately, and we must catch up with Zichu and the others."

At the moment, a general took the order, and then led the team out of Wu County.

Fang Taicha chased Xiang Yu all the way, and soon the spies found Sun Quan's department ahead.

Xiang Yu was overjoyed, and then chased after him, ready to bite Sun Quan's army.

But at this time Sun Quan's army suddenly stopped, and then the rear team changed to the front team, and immediately formed a defense system.

Xiang Yu charged forward and was stopped by Sun Quan's generals.

Suddenly, a Wu army came out behind him.

Attacking from the head to the tail, Xiang Ube panicked and felt a little dangerous for a while.

Seeing that the army was about to be besieged and eaten, another army came up on the official road at this time.

This is exactly the three thousand generals that Gu Yong suggested to chase after.

The situation was reversed all of a sudden, and Wu Jun, who had originally blocked Xiang Yu's ass, was flanked and had to disperse to both sides.

Xiang Yu also knew that he didn't dare to rush to Sun Quan's place, but turned around and came back to fight another Wu army. After joining up with his own reinforcements who were chasing, he saw the general shouting: "Master Zi Chu Gu and don't let go!" Let's not love to fight, retreat quickly!"

Xiang Yu was not reconciled, so he had to lead the army to withdraw from the battle and disappeared on the official road.

"Wu Jun is indeed a capable person stationed there. It's a pity that Sun Shao is not as alert as this!" Pang Tong lightly shook his goose-feather fan, watching Xiang Yu and other troops retreat decisively, he could not help but sigh softly.



Xu Ding went down from Huguan, and then went straight to Yecheng in Weijun.

All the way to the east, everything we passed was peaceful, and the influence of the Jizhou war was also fading.

"Gongyu! How is the situation in Jizhou?

Jushou replied: "My lord, the wars in all the counties have subsided now. I have soldiers and horses in Donglai stationed in the counties, and basically control the counties. These days, I have also briefly sorted out the government affairs of Jizhou and promoted and appointed some local talents. , to appease the aristocratic family and the people, although we have not yet implemented various policies and measures in Donglai, but the overall situation is relatively stable, and there should be no troubles."

"That's good. I feel more at ease with you in Jizhou." Xu Ding nodded slightly. Ju Shou is from Jizhou and is familiar with the customs and affairs of Jizhou. With him in Jizhou, Jizhou can settle down quickly.

Ju Shou then continued: "My lord, this matter still consumes a lot of financial resources and people's resources in Jizhou. After my analysis, Jizhou may be short of food and cloth. I am afraid that the people's life will not be easy this winter. We need to deploy some If the coal comes over, otherwise the severe winter will intensify, and many old people and children will not be able to survive.”

Although Jizhou is a big state, it is a rich state, sitting on the North China Plain.

But after so many years of wars, from the Yellow Turban Uprising to Yuan and Han's struggle for dominance, Liu, Yuan, and Gongsun are now three points.

From the end to the present competition.

According to the scriptures, Jizhou's vitality is almost exhausted.

The people are exhausted, businesses are ruined, Pepsi is withered, and materials are consumed excessively, which is also extremely scarce.

"Then you can make a report and let Zhicai and Xiaoxian make up for what is lacking. Although Youzhou also needs great support, I don't think we are short of cloth." Xu Ding touched his chin and said:

"The food should be able to handle it. Xingba and the others should have returned, and they probably brought a lot of food. This year's war will end here, and I won't have any other expenses. It is still feasible to take care of the construction of the two states of Hebei and Youzhou." of."

Next, Jushou introduced to Xu Ding the surrendered generals headed by Jiang Qi, and asked all the generals to come to see Xu Ding.

Xu Ding appeased and encouraged them one by one, and then said: "Everyone can rest assured that each of you was the banner owner in the past. Even if you did something that was not good for our army and made you an enemy of Donglai, it is still a military order. You are so stingy to wear small shoes for you."

Jiang Qi smiled slightly, Weihaihou was really humorous.

Then Xu Ding said: "The rules of our army are very simple. Those who can go up, those who can't go down, don't play tricks, you will be rewarded for your hard work, and you will be rewarded if you dare to break through. Work hard and be a serious person, and you will have your own. A piece of heaven and earth, there will be a place for you in the future."

"It's the lord!" The generals suddenly took orders.

With Xu Ding's words, they felt much more at ease.

No one will admit from the bottom of their hearts that they are worse than others.

As long as Xu Ding doesn't deliberately suppress them, they don't believe that they can't compare with Xu Ding's old team.

The generals dispersed, and Xu Ding left Jiang Qi alone.

"My lord, you have other important orders to stay in Qi!" Jiang Qi is not stupid, Xu Ding must have something important to let him stay suddenly.

Xu Ding pointed to the chair and said, "Sit down and talk, don't be so formal."

"Here!" Jiang Qi wanted to refuse, but seeing that Xu Ding was really approachable, he had to sit down as ordered.

At this time Xu Dingcai said: "Gongyu and Mancheng have praised you in private, saying that you understand the art of war, know military affairs, and manage the army strictly. You are a man of great talent!"

"The last general is ashamed, it's all the love of the governor and General Li." Jiang Qi was a little flattered, he didn't expect Ju Shou and Li Dian to praise him so much, so he got up and humbled.

This time Xu Ding didn't let him sit back, and then he stood up and walked towards the map on the wall: "Don't be humble, you have ability, you have ability, no one can deny it, you can't cover it up, you didn't radiate light before , show yourself well in the future, and your achievements will not be underestimated."

"Thank you, Lord, for your guidance." Jiang Qi cupped his fists and bowed.

Xu Ding didn't look back, but pointed to the map with his finger and said: "I heard that Tao Sheng and Sui Gu fled into the Taihang Mountains. These two were the important leaders of the Taihang Bandits. Now that they escape into the mountains, it will be a disaster for the people in the coming year. will cause great harm.

Originally, I wanted to transfer the Tenth Army to deal with them, but the Tenth Army has their mission, do you want to wipe it out! "

The captain of the Tenth Army is Zhang Yan, and Zhang Yan and other generals were born in the Taihang Mountain Black Mountain Army, and they are more familiar with this area. It would have been easier for him to deal with Tao Sheng and Sui Gu.

But now Xu Ding wants to change Jiang Qi's wipe.

Whether you have talent or not can only be known by showing it.

"The final general is willing to wipe out the two thieves for the lord, and absolutely not let them harm Jizhou, let alone escape into Bingzhou and surrender to Liu Bei." Jiang Qi's eyes flashed, and he clasped his fists and said:
"Now Qi will lead his troops into Taihang. If we don't get rid of these two thieves, we won't leave the mountain and we won't return to Jizhou."

Xu Ding is willing to give a chance, even if Jiang Qi is stupid, he knows to seize this opportunity to prove himself.

And he understood why Xu Ding was interested in these two bandits and wanted to mention them.

Mere Tao Sheng and Sui Gu are nothing, what he wants is Taihang Mountain, and he doesn't want any bandits from Taihang Mountain to defect to Liu Bei and strengthen Liu Bei.

After winning Jizhou, the first major event in the future is to eat Bingzhou, kill Liu Bei, completely unify the north, rule the princes, and swallow thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

(End of this chapter)

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