Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 768 Chang'an Reward

Chapter 768 Chang'an Reward (Two in One)

Some of the courtiers below are known to him, and some are not.

Without that sinister Li Ru, without that fat man Dong Zhuo, the people below are pleasing to the eye no matter how they look at.

"Your Majesty, the Xiliang army led by Dong Zhuo has been in chaos for a long time, and now it has been eliminated, and the Han Dynasty and the court have been restored. Thanks to Caozhou Mu's military leadership, he is brave and good at fighting. I ask your majesty to reward him for his merits."

One Yilang stood up and said.

Liu Xie nodded slightly, he understood the emperor's mind.

It is natural to be punished for deeds and rewarded for meritorious deeds, so he raised his hand and said: "This discussion is very much in line with my wishes. What kind of officials do you think Cao Zhoumu and others should be promoted and titled?"

Of course, Liu Xie had a reward plan for Cao Cao's achievements in his heart, but he knew that as the emperor, he couldn't show his own cards first.

The king controls the life and death of others, and controlling others is the kingly way.

All these years of lingering under Dong Zhuo's hands, he has learned more and is better at hiding.

At that moment, an official stood up and said: "Duke Cao's merit is higher than Nanshan, and Duke Cao's loyalty is as bright as the bright moon. I feel that Cao Cao should be promoted to the prime minister to take charge of major affairs in the court, so as to better control the collapsed states and counties for the court."

Liu Xie raised his eyebrows slightly, his face suddenly darkened.

Prime Minister!

how can that be!

Give Cao Cao a Taiwei at most.

Liu Xie didn't want to create another Dong Zhuo, let a treacherous minister take him out of the way, and then control the military and political power that belonged to him, the emperor.

So he searched the other officials, hoping that someone would stand up and refute.

But let him down, no one came out to support him as the emperor.

On the contrary, another person stood up and said: "The minister seconded the proposal, Mr. Cao is loyal, his military exploits are ostentatious, and he is the prime minister, so he deserves his name!"

Then another person stood up: "The minister also agreed, the situation in the world is still turbulent, with bandits and bandits everywhere, we need the ability of Mr. Cao to lead the civil and military forces to deal with those traitors who violated the imperial court and called themselves kings.

Especially those like Zhang Xiu and Jia Xu from Liangzhou are still staring at Hanyang County. "

Then more than half of the people stood up and agreed.

This made Liu Xie tremble all over with anger.

No one objected to Cao Cao being prime minister.

Liu Xie is so sensitive.

This means driving away the tiger and bringing the jackal back.

His heart instantly went cold.

Looking up, except for one Dong Cheng whose eyes were dodgy and vague, the others... Hey!

Liu Xie glanced at Cao Cao who hadn't spoken, and said, "Then Cao Aiqing should be rewarded!"

Having been wronged by Dong Zhuo for so many years, Liu Xie also learned the method of Gu Zuoyan.

Since no one supported him, he pretended not to hear.

It was the same Yilang from the beginning, who stood up and said, "With Duke Cao's merits, he should be the Marquis!"

There are several kinds of Marquis, including County Marquis, Ting Marquis, Township Marquis, and Guannei Marquis.

Among them, there are one county, two counties, or one thousand or ten thousand households by household.

Tinghou and Xianghou are divided into Tinghou, Dutinghou, Xianghou, Duxianghou and so on.

It can be said that even if it is a reward, there is a lot of ingenuity in it.

It is very debatable.

After all, the gap is really too big.

It was not easy to be a Marquis in the Han Dynasty, and it was even more difficult to be a high-ranking Marquis.

So at the moment, the loyal Cao party stood up and said: "In the opinion of my ministers, Marquis Cao should be the county marquis, so as to demonstrate the royal grace and His Majesty's determination to sweep away the bad government in the world and fight against bandits and clean up the mountains and rivers."

This made my heart hurt, as if it was the emperor's fault not to seal Cao Cao's county.

Don't mention how disgusting and conflicted Liu Xie was.

He was the prime minister just now, and now he is the magistrate of the county.

Is it true that my official position and title of a big man are blown by strong winds, and can I get it casually?

Liu Xie looked up at the main entrance of the hall and asked, "Which Ai Qing has other opinions?"

Liu Xie still wanted to find some help. It stands to reason that at this time, Zhong Yao, Sima Fang, Yang Biao and other important ministers, the children of the largest family of the Han Dynasty should come out and say something fair.

Cao Cao is not Dong Zhuo after all.

The current situation in the world is not the same as it was in Luoyang.

But Liu Xie was disappointed again.

None of Sima Fang, Yang Biao and the others stood up to speak out, and they all kept their eyes on their noses and their noses on their hearts.

They were all scared of being killed by Dong Zhuo, and the big man was too broken, and Liu Xie's personality was also figured out.

Naturally, he would not work hard for Liu Xie.

As long as Cao Cao didn't tarnish the big man, didn't overturn the big man, and didn't break the rules, they naturally wouldn't raise their voices against it.

Then Zhong Yao stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the rebels in Xiliang have not been completely wiped out yet, please make a decision early, so as not to delay the suppression of the bandits."

Zhong Yao was the first to hook up with Cao Cao, and he had already voted for Cao Cao with his heart. At this time, he was one of the Nine Ministers and was a Ting Wei.

As soon as he came out, a large number of officials from the Tingwei side came out to second the proposal.

Zhong Yao was much more famous than the previous Yilang. He didn't mention the title of knight, but only talked about difficulties, and told Liu Xie that Chang'an was not peaceful.

At any time, Liu Xie can return to the original feeling of being locked in the bedroom.

Let him face reality.

If you have no soldiers and no power, it is best not to make trouble, just cooperate obediently.

Liu Xie was so angry that he slapped the dragon case directly, and pointed at Zhong Yao.

He didn't expect that Zhong Yao, who is usually honest and honest, turned out to be a member of the treacherous minister Cao Cao, and dared to threaten him.

But Liu Xie was frightened too much, his eyes flickered with murderous intent, but he stretched out his hand, and said coldly: "There are so many thieves and bandits in the world, and they should all be killed. I am a little tired today, you guys After discussing a charter, not only Cao Aiqing's merits must be narrated, but also other civil and military loyalty and good achievements must not be left behind."

After finishing speaking, Liu Xie got off the dragon chair without waiting for the ministers to agree, and then left the main hall through the side door, and returned to the apse.

The ministers looked at each other.

The little emperor also played with his temper, which is a temper tantrum.

If Dong Zhuo or Li Ru were around, this kid wouldn't dare to fart, and behaved like a cat.

Also got stabbed today.

Zhong Yao and others looked at Cao Cao.

Cao Cao squinted his eyes halfway, stroked his beard, and then bowed to Liu Xie: "I bow to Your Majesty!"

When everyone saw Cao Cao saluting and complimenting him so much, they had to salute Liu Xie and send him off.

After Liu Xie left, Cao Cao stood up and said, "Your Majesty just said that we will leave all the matters of meritorious deeds and rewards to us, so everyone can discuss and report directly to His Majesty!"

If the little emperor doesn't play, let Cao Cao play.

Everyone has no objection.

That's good too, without the little emperor around, it saves embarrassment, doesn't it?

How do you say kneeling and licking Cao Cao in front of the emperor, it looks disgusting, isn't it?

Cao Cao didn't need to do it himself, so he also withdrew.

Judge yourself, and in the end, be more reserved, don't add color to yourself, so as not to make people in the world laugh.

Cao Cao left, and Cao Cao's Yanzhou team also left with him.

Back at the residence, Liu Ye said: "My lord, this is the emperor who is testing us, and we must not give in. Once he gets a taste of power, he will be more difficult to tame, and it will also make other ministers in the court think that the lord is weak and can be bullied. This is to seize power openly and covertly."

The court is just a big dye vat, which has everything in it.

The court is also an invisible sword, light and sword. You don't think everyone is harmless today, but you will never guess what you want to do in your heart, unless the moment you show your sword.

"You can't say that. We don't have to be too harsh when the Son of Heaven is young. Take good care of him and train him. In the future, he will be a good emperor. All the ministers in the court are good ministers. I believe he will understand." Cao Cao glanced at Xun Yu. , Du Xi, Zhao Yan, Chen Qun and others, the tone is still very close.

Most of my counselors are from aristocratic families, maybe there are really loyal loyalties of big men.

And Liu Ye is actually a descendant of the royal family. If someone else said what he said just now, Cao Cao would have to scold him.

Xun Yu, Du Xi, Zhao Yan, Chen Qun and others gave a wry smile, then bowed and replied: "Your Majesty is right, we still need to be more patient with His Majesty, after all, he is still young."

In fact, everyone is similar to other ministers in the court. They will not be loyal to Liu Xie at all. Even if they are loyal to the big man, they are only loyal to the rules of the big man.

Loyal to the part that protects the interests of the aristocratic family under the rules of the big man.

As long as Cao Cao doesn't change the world, they won't care about the little emperor's feelings.

Not to mention Liu Xie, the little puppet emperor, even if it was Emperor Ling or other previous emperors, the aristocratic family should not give face, and when it was time to pry the corner of the emperor's wall, they would still pry decisively.


Liu Xie returned to the harem angrily, then smashed things, opened his mouth and cursed: "Cao thief, Cao thief, another Dong Zhuo, another Dong Zhuo, a group of rebellious ministers, how dare they..."

After Liu Xie scolded Cao Cao, he scolded other ministers.

The huge court, the huge Han Dynasty had no one to speak for him, even failed to support him.

Soon Dong Cheng followed, and waved his hand to let the guards drive him away.

Pushing open the door, Dong Cheng gently closed it.

When Liu Xie was almost done venting, Dong Cheng said: "Your Majesty, keep your voice down. If Cao Cao listens to it, you may have the intention of doing harm. Your Majesty's body of ten thousand gold cannot withstand tossing."

If it wasn't for Cao Cao killing Li Ru, Dong Cheng took the opportunity to seize the power of Chang'an, and now the soldiers and horses are guarding the palace. With Liu Xie's performance, Dong Cheng would not dare to come.

Of course, this is also Liu Xie's gesture of daring to scold unscrupulously, and should be careful as usual.

Dong Cheng is his old man, so he will not harm him.

They are in the same boat, one is honored and the other is damaged.

Knowing this, Liu Xie dared to run rampant in the palace, thinking that he could break up with Cao Cao.

Because he is young, he can be presumptuous, but Dong Cheng himself knows his own affairs.

His soldiers and horses are not enough for Cao Cao's trilogy.

Moreover, the subordinates may not all be reliable, if thousands of people secretly turn to Cao Cao and sell today's matter to Cao Cao, Dong Cheng will suffer accordingly.

"Why, in this huge palace, do I still need to be afraid of Cao Cao?" Liu Xie was stunned for a moment, and then asked in confusion.

If you can't be the master outside, don't you think you can't do it in the palace.

Dong Chengdao: "Your Majesty, it is better to be careful. Although the imperial palace is big, it is inevitable that there are eyes and ears at the mercy of others. The soldiers and horses of the ministers and ministers can only keep His Majesty safe, but they can't control other people. If Cao Cao gets ruthless, send troops to take over. The imperial palace, this is extremely detrimental to His Majesty's future actions.

Your Majesty needs more patience!Goujian, the former king of Yue, endured for ten years and finally became the overlord. "

"Hehe... Goujian, King of Yue, it's been ten years." Liu Xie chuckled a few times, then took a deep breath and said, "General Dong is right, I shouldn't talk nonsense, otherwise General Dong will be implicated. Isn't it too beautiful?"

"I..." Dong Cheng was very frantic.

How could the little emperor Liu Xie say such cold words.

If Liu Xie was not his son-in-law, Dong Cheng really wanted to kill him with a sword.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. General Dong, tell me how Cao Cao was promoted and honored in the party." Liu Xie also meant that he had gone too far, so he put his sword into its sheath, and then sat down.

Dong Cheng cupped his hands casually and said: "After the decisions of all the ministers, Cao Cao was finally appointed prime minister, and Weihou, with a rank of five thousand households, and his generals were all named Guanneihou and Duxianghou. The addition of civilian officials to Sanguan actually controlled the Dong Zhuo family and other vacant important positions in the DPRK."

It's basically expected.

But Liu Xie was still very uncomfortable, and asked: "I really can't veto it? If you give him the position of prime minister, he will give it to him. Who will let him hold soldiers and horses in his hand, and he will be compared with the rank of Weihou by five thousand?" Is it a little too much?"

Cao Cao only killed Li Ru and others, and he didn't kill many enemies. What achievements did he have to make such a big Marquis.

Think about that guy Xu Ding is only a Weihaihou with a two-character title, and you must know that Xu Ding also killed Dong Zhuo.

So there is no gap without comparison.

Dong Chengdao: "This cannot be changed. If Your Majesty conflicts with him on this matter, it will intensify his restrictions, which will be detrimental to Your Majesty."

Liu Xie sighed heavily, his forearm still couldn't twist his thigh, Dong Cheng, his only reliance, said so, what else could he do.

However, when he thought of Xu Ding, he suddenly became excited and asked: "No, Cao Cao wants Marquis Wei, but I won't give it to him. I want Marquis Wei to Xu Ding. Xu Ding killed Dong Zhuo before. One word is County Marquis, and the title is six thousand.

As for Cao Cao, give him the title of Donghou, the east of Guandong. "

Dong Cheng was taken aback when he heard the words, looked at Liu Xie who was talking childishly, frowned slightly, but said in his mouth: "Your Majesty means to invite Marquis Weihai in."

Liu Xie said with cold eyes: "Xu Ding is not the most capable man in the world. Cao Cao wants to be prime minister, so I will give it to him, but I will give it to Xu Ding as the commander of soldiers and horses. Tomorrow, I will announce that Xu Ding will be named a general and commander in chief." There are soldiers and horses in the world.

As long as Xu Ding is attracted to Guanzhong, Cao Cao is not in a hurry. "

Looks like it can really be wiped.

Dong Cheng didn't expect Liu Xie to play such a trick of imperial power.

However, he still had some concerns and said: "Your Majesty, I am afraid that Xu Ding is too strong and his tail is too big to lose. Moreover, he has been named a great general so that he can attack other princes more conveniently. Why not give other princes who are loyal to His Majesty some rewards along the way."

The situation in the world is already chaotic enough, if we don't add more fuel to the chaos, we can take the opportunity to regain the imperial power.

And there are three princes surnamed Liu.

Liu Zhang of Yizhou, Liu Biao of Jingzhou, and Liu Bei of Bingzhou.

Together they are a force to be reckoned with.

Liu Xie nodded lightly when he heard the words, and said: "Dong Aiqing's words are also reasonable, then add Liu Bei as Taiwei, Anbeihou, Liu Biao as Sikong, Annanhou, and Liu Zhang as Situ."

(End of this chapter)

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