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Chapter 769 Cao Cao as Prime Minister, General Xu Ding

Chapter 769 Cao Cao as Prime Minister, General Xu Ding (Three in One)


There was an uproar in the court!
Yesterday, Liu Xie just pushed it and let it go.

Today, the court actually announced such an important decision.

He granted Xu Ding the title of Great General, and rewarded Xu Ding with the Marquis of Wei who had been given to Cao Cao.

What's even more excessive is that Liu Bei's straw sandal seller has to be granted the titles of Taiwei and Anbeihou.

Situ and An Nanhou, Liu Biao's old guy who was about to enter the grave, returned to Xi'an Hou, that guy who had no eyes on the imperial court in Liu Zhang.


The little emperor is crazy.

"Your Majesty thinks it's inappropriate!"

"Your Majesty thinks it's inappropriate!"

Immediately, a large number of people stood up to oppose it, and today there are much more people than yesterday.

Please reward Cao Cao, although there are many unreasonable things, but everyone is not easy to offend.

Now for Xu Ding, Liu Bei and others, they can't see it anyway, and there is nothing to offend them.

So the wave of opposition is more fierce.

"Not right! What's wrong, do you deny the merits of the Marquis of Weihai, do you think he should not be promoted to a noble? Is there any greater contribution in this world than getting rid of Dong Zhuo and expanding the territory for my great man?" Liu Xie asked dissatisfied.

This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, Liu Xie is really angry.

Introducing Xu Ding and others into the court and fighting against Cao Cao is the goal and strategy he must achieve.

If this cannot be done, he will have no freedom in the future, let alone the right to speak.

Suddenly there was silence below.

Who dares to say that getting rid of Dong Zhuo is not a great achievement.

Who dares to say that laying down such a huge territory is not a great achievement.

What Xu Ding did is enough to be promoted to a noble and official position.

To deny Xu Ding is to indirectly deny all that Cao Cao has done.

Cao Cao stood up and said: "What your Majesty said is true, Marquis of Weihai has made great achievements in battle, not only actively suppressing bandits, eliminating Dong Zhuo, but also expanding the territory of the great Han for thousands of miles.

For his talent and merit, it is best to be named a general.Nomination is also a matter of course, but His Majesty feels a little inappropriate. "

Cao Cao raised his voice and then suppressed it, so that Liu Xie couldn't lose his temper and couldn't refute, so he had to ask: "Cao Aiqing thinks something is wrong."

Cao Cao said: "Your Majesty, I think two points are inappropriate. One is that the reward is too light. The Marquis of Weihai should be given two counties and ten thousand households.

The second name is inappropriate, it should be promoted to Weihou, and the fiefdom should be Weiyuan Island, then it is appropriate. "

Liu Xie stared at Cao Cao desperately, trying to see any clues, but he couldn't see anything.

Liu Xie couldn't figure out the appearance of Cao Cao's loyal and good minister sharing your worries.

Cao Cao is so generous?

Just now all the ministers objected to adding an official to Xu Ding and suppressed Xu Ding.

Cao Cao tried his best to promote him. What kind of conspiracy is there.

After thinking about it, Liu Xie didn't find anything wrong. If there was a conspiracy, it was aimed at Xu Ding, and it had nothing to do with him as the emperor.

So Liu Xie replied: "Cao Aiqing's words are reasonable, then you can add Weihaihou Xu Ding as a general, command the world's soldiers and horses, raise Weihou, entrust Weiyuan Island, and eat ten thousand households."

"Your Majesty is wise!" Cao Cao was the first to praise, and the others followed suit.

Cao Cao retreated, and then someone followed suit, first praised Liu Bei and others, and then belittled.

However, the result was not like Xu Ding did, he did not promote Liu Bei and others as Liu Xie said, but still put them in the place, but accepted the titles of these people.

Liu Xie successfully introduced Xu Ding, and he didn't fight the ministers to the death, so he had to follow what the ministers said, only gave Liu Bei and others nobility and no promotion.

After all, the official is real power, but the Hou is empty.

And Cao Cao basically passed here, but Weihou was removed and changed to Anxihou.

After everything has been discussed, an order will be drafted and sent to the whole country to inform the world.

Back outside the residence, everyone asked Cao Cao in puzzlement: "My lord, why didn't you suppress Xu Ding in the hall, but allowed the emperor to mess around."

Cao Cao stroked his beard and said with a smile: "I have a deep friendship with Bokang, how can I do such a thing that makes people worse, and his achievements are indeed the greatest in the world. People criticize.

And once Xu Ding accepts His Majesty's reward, it means that he has recognized our court, and it is not up to me to decide what to do in the future. "

What needs to be done now is to invite the king into the urn and let the people of the world recognize the court, so that the emperor can be coerced to make the princes.

If everyone is like Dong Zhuo, and the princes of the world don't recognize it, even if you get the little emperor, what's the use of controlling the court.

In the absence of righteousness, how to carry out conquests and how to attract talents from all over the world.

"My lord is still thoughtful!" Liu Ye and others praised in admiration.

When Xu Shao commented on Cao Cao back then, he said that he was a capable minister in troubled times and a hero in troubled times. It seems that their lord did have such a heroic appearance.

Compared with Dong Zhuo, one is in the sky and the other is in the ground.

"Not only that, today only one person is allowed to be promoted to rank, and the other princes are not. There will inevitably be a gap, and it will be more conducive for the Lord to draw and unite all the princes to fight against Xu Ding." Xun Yu smiled slightly as if he had seen through everything.

Cao Cao laughed and said nothing.

He does have a layout for this.

Xu Ding is the number one prince in the world and his biggest opponent in the future.

Only by unifying the power of all states and counties in the world can we compete with it.

"Okay, there's no need to discuss this matter. It's useless to talk about it. Let's wait for the new situation from the Kanto." Cao Cao is quite decisive. After discussing this matter, there is nothing to discuss. He spread out the map and said:
"Although we have won Guanzhong, it is not stable here. There are still many enemies around us, and we need to deal with them one by one. Otherwise, in the long run, it will not only threaten the development of our army, but also become a helper for others.

I want to take Liangzhou, do you have any good opinions? "

Liangzhou is like a knife hanging over Guanzhong's head, if it is cut off, it will kill him at any time.

Now that Liangzhou is in chaos and the three parties are competing, it is a good time to subdue it.

Otherwise, Liangzhou must be stable, and the chaos will be in Guanzhong.

"My lord, Ma Chao is in the middle of the three forces in Liangzhou. Han Sui forms an alliance with Jia Xu and Zhang Xiu. Then we will first form an alliance with Ma Chao, get rid of Jia Xu and Zhang Xiu, and regain Hanyang, Beidi, and Anding." Du Xi suggested.

Cao Cao nodded slightly and asked, "What do you think?"

"I agree with Zixu's opinion. First get rid of Jia Xu, Zhang Xiu, and Ma Chao in the alliance, and then take over the three counties, then eliminate Ma Chao in the alliance Han Sui, and then advance westward one by one to attack Liangzhou one by one." Zhao Yan replied.

Xun Yu said: "I'm not good at military affairs, but in terms of the overall situation in Guanliang and the future development, I think it's good for us to directly ally with Han Sui instead of Ma Chao.

I think we can win over Jia Xu and Zhang Xiu directly, there is no need to fight.

Jia Xu doesn't like war, he likes peace and stability, if you beat him, you may not give in, on the contrary, if you win him over, you will turn against the lord.

And that Zhang Xiu was Zhang Ji's nephew, who had enmity with Li Ru and others. The lord defeated Li Ru and others, so Yu Qing should have avenged Zhang Xiu. "

"Oh!" Cao Cao pondered a little when he heard the words.

It is of course best to accept without a fight.

So Cao Cao looked at Liu Ye again, Liu Ye also nodded slightly, Cao Cao said: "Then send someone to contact Jia Xu and Zhang Xiu, as long as you come to surrender, high-ranking officials and generous salary will not hesitate."

In order to show his sincerity, Cao Cao sent his subordinate Han Hao to go.

Jia Xu in Hanyang County received Han Hao and others.

Han Hao was also smart, he didn't mean to win over, he just took the emperor's edict and read out: "Your Majesty has a decree, please Jia Xu, Zhao Ling, Zhang Xiu to accept the reward!"

Zhang Xiu and Zhao Ling glanced at Jia Xu, Jia Xu shook her head slightly and said, "The guilty minister, Jia Xu, dare not take meritorious deeds, please ask the angel to go back and tell His Majesty, I will be ashamed of it."

Jia Xu is an old man, how could he accept it rashly without talking about anything.

Even if the reward is huge and sincere, he will not accept it casually.

"This..." Han Hao held the imperial decree, neither reading it nor not reading it.

In the end, Han Hao had no choice but to agree with the imperial decree, and said coldly: "Mr. Wenhe, you must know that this is the first edict issued by your majesty since the prime minister presided over the government. The prime minister loves you, and I want to ask you to return to the court to assist your majesty and revitalize the great man." .”

The words from the scriptures are very straightforward, but Jia Xu still nodded slightly and said: "The angels don't know, I think that I am old and frail, I am dying, and I am unable to serve the court.

I can't toss for a few days, I just want to spend my lower body in this three-acre land and enjoy the family fun in the evening. "

Jia Xu's words were neither yin nor yang, neither strong nor tough, which made Han Hao very annoyed.

The old man was so ignorant that he stood up suddenly, clasping his hands on the hilt of his sword at his waist.

However, Zhao Ling and Zhang Xiu stood up, holding swords in both hands at the same time, standing in front of them, about to pull them out, and glaring at each other.

Han Hao saw two young and vigorous young men accompanying Jia Xu, and knowing their abilities, he loosened his grip on the sword, folded his fists and bowed, saying:
"Since the master's ambition is not here, I will go back and come to chatter in the future."

After speaking, Han Hao retreated, and then returned to Chang'an City.

After Han Hao left, Zhang Xiu asked: "Sir, if Han Hao goes back like this, I'm afraid Cao Cao won't let it go!"

"Yes, old man, if Cao Cao forms an alliance with Ma Chao and attacks us back and forth, our Hanyang County will be in trouble." Zhao Ling also said with a reproachful expression.

Jia Xu sat there without moving, but stretched out her hands to warm the stove, her weather-beaten face was extremely calm.

"Sir, but you have other plans!" Zhang Xiu asked again.

Zhao Ling said with a smile: "What plans can he have, that is, he can stay wherever it is quiet and safe!"

"This..." Zhang Xiu couldn't understand Jia Xu anyway. Zhang Xiu's mind was relatively simple, but he was better than ordinary martial arts. In essence, he didn't know much about strategies.

Jia Xu threw a piece of firewood and said: "Look at this stove, if the fire is not strong enough, you need to add more firewood. When the fire is over, you can boil water and cook rice."

"Sir, what you mean is that the time is not yet, and there is no benefit in surrendering to Cao Cao." Zhang Xiu seemed to understand something.

Zhao Ling smiled and did not speak.

Don't look at Jia Xu's harmless face, but this old guy is very bad.

Sure enough, Jia Xu saw that Zhao Ling didn't talk to him, so he said, "Zhao Zifan, tell me, I know you know everything."

Zhang Xiu looked at Zhao Ling, and Zhao Ling laughed and said, "Say a few more words will kill your old man's teeth. Keeping those few saliva can nourish your teeth or your tongue."

Jia Xu ignores Zhao Ling, Zhao Ling is a dog, if you talk to him, he will have more fun with you.

So Zhao Ling saw that the old man Jia Xu didn't answer, so he had to say to Zhang Xiu: "Cao Cao can't march to Liangzhou in this season. One is that his soldiers and horses came from the Kanto and they were exhausted. The other is that he has no food. Yes, it won't be long.

That's why he used the righteousness of the court to surrender us. In fact, he couldn't give us any real benefits. "

Only then did Zhang Xiu realize that it was because Cao Cao couldn't beat them, so he was playing tricks.

Then Zhao Ling said: "Even if we want to surrender to him, we can't be so hasty. It's still a price for the bandits to surrender to the government. We voted for him so easily, can he value us?
We have to prove our worth, so that he will not snub us, and will give a higher bargaining chip, so after the war next year, we will not be too late to negotiate with the troops who defeat him. "

Of course, this was just for Zhang Xiu.

Zhao Ling sneered in his heart, Cao Cao was not worthy of him.

Zhao Ling and Jia Xu looked at each other, and said nothing in tacit understanding.

There are some things that Zhang Xiu can't know.

Han Hao returned to Chang'an and reported to Cao Cao what happened in Hanyang County very angrily.

Cao Cao was also angry when he heard the words.

Well, you Jia Xu, you don't eat the toast, you don't eat the fine wine.

"Come here, pass on my order, and issue a call to action against Jia Xu, Zhang Xiu and others. None of the remaining evils in Xiliang will be let go, and they will never be pardoned!"

Xun Yu hurriedly persuaded: "My lord, this is not right, don't fall into Jia Xu's scheme!"

"Oh! What does Wen Ruo mean?" Cao Cao asked puzzledly, "Could it be that Jia Xu can still set up a net to fight against us with his little force!"

Cao Cao used not interrogative sentences, but affirmative sentences.

After taking Guanzhong, his military strength not only did not weaken, but grew stronger.

After leaving the Kanto, there is no need to fight to the death with Xu Ding, Lu Bu and other princes.

In addition, Cao Cao's self-confidence has also exploded since he was just named prime minister.

Xun Yu said: "My lord, in terms of military strength, Jia Xu, Zhang Xiu, and Zhao Ling are certainly not our opponents, but Liangzhou is different from other places. The people there are more sturdy, and most of them are cavalry.

We may not necessarily be able to take advantage of head-to-head.

The most important thing is that now that the cold winter is coming, the soldiers have been fighting for a year, and they are exhausted, and their food is almost exhausted. "

It's okay not to mention this, but when it was mentioned, Cao Cao remembered the current season and couldn't help but feel a chill.

People are also awake a lot.

Yes, it's winter.

It's almost Chinese New Year, and no one wants to fight anymore.

There is no food left.

The Liangzhou army occupied Guanzhong, and the disaster was almost complete, and the food crisis was serious.

Now that he has taken over this mess, let alone whether he will fight or not, whether he can support his soldiers is a big problem.

"Forget it, let the little old man Jia Xu go for the time being, and we will be punished next year!" Cao Cao sat down and warmed up the fire.

"My lord, in fact, it doesn't take too long to deal with Jia Xu. Jia Xu is smart and cunning. He is up for sale. He wants to sell for a good price. As long as we can beat him, he will come and surrender. It's better to promulgate the reward first, and accomplish this in a righteous way." Xun Yu said:

"It's not just Jia Xu, I heard that there are two armies in Wudu County, one is led by Lu Bu's former subordinate Hao Meng, and the other is led by a man named Tuoba Yu.

These two people swallowed a large amount of Dong Zhuo's treasures and food in Mei County in the past, and fled to Wudu County to form an alliance for self-protection.

Now that Dong Zhuo wants to get rid of them, why don't you ask for credit for them and send someone to contact them. If Cheng wins them over, the lord will not only get money, but also increase a county and strengthen some troops. "

Well, Wudu County, there is a road leading to Longxi County.

If you can get this county in advance, you will have another fulcrum to attack Liangzhou.

Cao Cao's eyes sparkled when he heard this, and he said with some surprise: "There is still such a thing, then these two people must be pulled over."

There is still a lot of money and food for the anti-Dong righteousness.

How could Cao Cao let go of the existence of fame and fortune.

The next day, he went to court to play Hao Meng and Tuoba Yu, and asked for credit for them.

Then he sent envoys to Wudu County.

When the messenger arrived at Tuoba Yu's place, Tuoba Yu entertained him with good wine on the surface, and secretly threw Cao Cao's letter of surrender and the edict of reward on the table, with a scornful sound.

He is Xu Ding's person, and all his subordinates came from the Northwest Bureau back then.

How could it be possible to surrender to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao is really funny.

But he was not moved, but Hao Meng on the other side was greatly moved.

So Hao Meng sent someone to communicate with Tuoba Yu, hoping to surrender to Cao Cao together.

Cao Cao said that he can be made a serious general and can return to Guanzhong, Hao Meng is naturally happy.

However, Tuoba Yu shook his head and told Hao Meng's subordinates: "Go back and tell General Hao that this matter needs a long-term plan. The Xiliang Army has not been completely wiped out, and Liangzhou is still unstable. Whether Cao Cao can gain a firm foothold in Guanzhong depends on future development. How, still unknown, needs to be cautious.”

"This...well, I'll report it to the general when I get back." Hao Meng's people heard the same thing when they heard the same thing, not to mention that Tuoba Yu is quite accurate in seeing things. He ran here from Guanzhong back then. Come, even escaped a catastrophe, but also developed and grown.

But when Hao Meng received Tuoba Yu's reply, she frowned slightly.

Feeling unhappy.

"General, Tuoba Yu said that even if we want to choose Cao Cao, we should make a bet after next year depending on the situation. At this time, the bet is a bit light, and Cao Cao may not be able to take it seriously. After all, Cao Cao has no food to support the army now." The person who replied Seeing that Hao Meng's expression was a little strange, knowing that Hao Meng was very moved by surrendering Cao Cao, entering the court, and gaining righteousness, he persuaded him.

There is food and drink in Wudu County, so Gan Ma must go to Chang'an.

Hao Meng thought for a while and said: "Tuoba Yu's words are reasonable, so let's do it first, let's see Cao Cao's actions first, and we will make a decision in the coming year."

After dismissing his subordinates, Hao Meng recruited Cao Cao's messengers, and entertained them with good wine and meat, but kept silent about the surrender.

However, he tried his best to please Cao Cao's messenger, hoping that Cao Cao would value him and continue to add officials to him.


Cao Cao slapped his palm on the desk, full of warmth and anger.

Forget it with Jia Xu, the little Hao Meng and Tuoba Yu are so ignorant that they dare to wait and see.

"Report! My lord, the latest news from Kanto!"

At this moment Cao Hong ran in and said excitedly, "My lord, Bo Kang has won and Yuan Shao is dead."

Cao Cao showed a complex look on his face, took the letter and read it at a glance, and then sighed slightly: "It's a bit early to end, Yuan Benchu ​​just left like this."

Both Ji and You states are Xu Ding's people.

The real number one in the world cannot be faked.

Cao Cao's pressure was even greater.

If Xu Ding is cleaning up Liu Bei, then he will really overwhelm the world, crushing all the way without hindrance.

Can Hangu Pass be blocked, and can the Yellow River be stopped?

Cao Cao has no bottom either.

For a while Cao Cao was melancholy again.

Huang County!

Xu Ding just came here, and chased him from behind.

"Report! My lord is overjoyed! My lord is overjoyed!"

The whole team stopped, looking at the person who came to report, in a daze.

The war between the North and the South is over.

Where is the happy event.

"Report! My lord, Cao Cao pacified the Xiliang thieves, occupied Guanzhong, and the emperor was saved. Cao Cao asked the lord to be a general, to lead the world's soldiers and horses, to become a noble and powerful marquis, and to eat ten thousand households in the city."


Xu Ding was a little surprised.

Everyone in the left riding position was also slightly stunned, and then they all showed joy, watching Xu Ding and the messenger.

They didn't make any noise, because this matter has not been confirmed by Xu Ding, so they can't cheer blindly.

"My lord, the emperor's special envoy has entered Taizhou and will arrive soon." The reporter replied:
"Cao Cao controlled Guanzhong, eliminated Li Que and Guo Si, beat Li Ru away, held the first court meeting, and proposed rewards. Many princes in the world have rewards."

"Oh! So, I am not the only one who has been promoted to rank. What is Cao Cao's official position?" Xu Ding asked calmly.

"My lord, Cao Cao will be the Prime Minister, and he will be the Marquis of Anxi, and he will be in charge of the government affairs of the Han Dynasty and the military affairs of Sizhou and other counties." The person who replied immediately said:
"Liu Beijin is the Marquis of Anbei, Liu Biao is the Marquis of Annan, Liu Zhang is the Marquis of Southwest, and everyone else has their own rewards."

"Prime Minister! It's interesting!" Xu Ding laughed suddenly, but Cao Cao still went on this road.

Rely on the Son of Heaven to command the princes.

He became the prime minister again, and gave himself the general who was originally given to Yuan Shao.

He was also promoted to Weihou of Wanhu.

This is wooing oneself, and then roasting oneself on the fire, a trick of yin and yang.

The appearance of a traitor is really inappropriate.

Cao Mengde, it's getting more and more interesting.

"Then my lord..." a general asked in a low voice.

Xu Ding looked at everyone and said with a smile: "Good thing, congratulations!"

No matter what Cao Cao's plan is, after all, he can be regarded as gaining both fame and fortune, no matter how much he cares.

"Meet the Great General! Howard Marquis Bandai!"

"Meet the Great General! Howard Marquis Bandai!"

"Meet the Great General! Howard Marquis Bandai!"

All the soldiers finally cheered and congratulated one after another.

Xu Ding became a general, which was what they expected.

Xu Ding was promoted to a noble, and they naturally had great benefits and honors.

Everyone is happy.

"Xianling, I'm happy today. Except for Haidong Prefecture, all the states, counties, and counties under my rule will be exempted from tax for one year!" Xu Ding said happily.

The soldiers below cheered even louder.

Where did the soldiers come from? They were all peasants and soldiers.

The family has more or less land.

With one year of tax exemption, everyone has more hope before coming here.

Originally here in Xuding, the life of the people was quite good.

High grain yield, convenient water conservancy, and special personnel to guide farming and develop sideline business.

Income is generally more than double that of other states and counties.

Now another year of tax exemption is not too good.

But everyone was happy, and when they entered the city, Xi Zhicai had a bitter face.

(End of this chapter)

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