Chapter 770

"My lord, everyone is happy this time, but Xiaoxian is a little worried, and the government offices in various places are also suffering."

Although the development and recovery are good now, and business is also active, the South China Sea has continuously supplied money and food.

But now the control area is bigger.

The overhead is astronomical.

Originally, various places were hoping to collect some taxes so as to make administration more convenient.

Now that there is no tax, all expenses must be transferred from above.

Officials everywhere are having headaches.

Facts have proved that the grandfather has it, the father has it, the son has it, the grandson has it, and it is not as good as I have it.

"Hehe, it's okay. I know this well. There will be no more wars next year. The cost will not be big. The big thing is to reduce the burden on the common people. Only when the common people have money can they further activate the business, quickly restore the economy, and prosper the place." Xu Ding said:

"Don't waste this winter and tomorrow's spring. Speed ​​up the local road construction. The road will be easy and convenient. The support from above can be distributed to the local area in the shortest time, and everyone will not be wronged."

This year, not only Jizhou and Youzhou have just been taken over, but Xuzhou and Taizhou were also acquired a few years ago. The site has expanded so much at once, and more funds and materials have to be invested, and tax collection is not conducive to stability.

On the contrary, the tax is exempted, and the local people will be more welcome to support him.

Whoever calls in the future will not have the common people to support others.

Because the promise gave them real benefits.

There is no greater sincerity than tax exemption.

If so, it is free for two years.

And Xu Ding estimated that next year, except for a little friction with Liu Bei, no one else will be able to fight.

Sun Jian suffered a bit. People like Sun Ce, Zhou Yu, Sun Quan, and Pang Tong knew the strength of the armored fleet, and they dared not look east for a short time.

The warship must be further developed. Before that strength, the Sun family would not dare to fight again.

Therefore, the scale of the war next year will be very limited, basically within the agreed presets.

"Understood my lord, we have been arranging manpower. Whether it is roads, railways or bridges, we are stepping up the construction. The main reason is that the area to be connected is a bit large, and manpower is extremely scarce." Since the fight in Jizhou, the engineering team has been in Followed up, railways and roads were rolled out in Jizhou, and Youzhou was taken over from western Liaoning after Gongsun Zan surrendered.

The main artery around the Bohai Bay is also stepping up construction.

Xi Zhicai and others are also the first two big.

"Just keep doing it. Don't rush too hard. We still need to pay attention to the quality of the project." Xu Ding didn't pay attention to this issue either. The task was conveyed, and his subordinates would control and supervise it. He just made a guiding opinion.

With a big territory, there are many things to do, so focus on the key points and focus on the key points.

Leave things to your subordinates to do, there is no need to do everything yourself and approve everything.

"By the way, my lord, is the annual meeting still going on?" Xi Zhicai asked suddenly.

As long as conditions permit, Xu Ding will call Qi Wenwu for a meeting every year to summarize the past and look forward to the future.

Xu Ding shook his head slightly and said: "No need this year, the war has just stopped, and there are many things happening in Jizhou, Youzhou, and Yangzhou, and everyone can't get away. At that time, let everyone submit the annual meeting report and opinion letter. Go to Weiyuan Island, organize them into a book and send them back.”

After hitting the four states, many plans will definitely change, and there will definitely be many projects that will be launched soon.

The budget and the implementation of the project are all contested by everyone, and there will be a lot of verbal confrontation at that time.

After leaving Huang County, Xu Ding returned to Weiyuan Island soon.

Some people are really happy and some are sad.

Yuan Shu's hair turned gray overnight.

Snow from the sky fell down like catkins, passed by the window where Yuan Shu was crying bitterly, and mercilessly fell to the ground in piles and gathered into ice.

"Yaoer! My Yaoer..."

There were mournful sounds in the room, and Yuan Shu's counselors Yan Xiang, Yang Hong, general Zhang Xun and others stood outside the gate.

No one stepped forward to comfort, and no one made a sound.

Everything was too sudden, but within reason.

Yuan Shu's son, Yuan Yaoben, was weak and sick. Lu Bu suddenly attacked Yuzhou and hit Ruyang, scaring Yuan Yao half his life.

In addition to fleeing all the way south, he contracted cold and tired, and after arriving in Ruyin, he couldn't afford to get sick, and his condition went from bad to worse.

The doctors who followed him were unable to treat him, so he asked to go to Dongnae to seek a professional doctor in Xuding.

But Yuan Shu had just beaten Xuzhou, so how could he save his face.

It dragged on for ten days like this, Yuan Yao failed to survive the winter and died prematurely.

Mentioning this matter, the generals and the counselors and civil servants all sighed.

This was a huge blow to Yuan Shu.

Yuan Shu is such a son.

Raised like a treasure since childhood, originally gave great hope.

Naihe competes with Dong Zhuo's son and is a sick child.

After all, it will not be a big deal, nor will it be able to inherit the family business.

Now that he left early, Yuan Shu was even more indignant.

Yuzhou is almost lost, and now his son is gone.

Yuan Shu also suddenly aged a lot, and half of his hair was messed up in a bun.

"God, why are you so unfair to my Yuan family..." Yuan Shu hugged Yuan Yao's body and shouted hoarsely towards the sky.

Yan Xiang, Yang Hong, Zhang Xun, Li Feng and others looked at each other in blank dismay, and their hearts were extremely complicated.

God is not fair?
You are from the direct line of a great family after the fourth generation and the third father.

Being born is high above you, controlling the life and death of others, and grasping the wealth and splendor of others.


Jiujiang County!

Sun Ce has been depressed since the end of the war.

After hearing that Xu Ding was promoted to General, Marquis of Jiawei, and Shiyi Wanhu, he became even more depressed.

People are more angry than others, Xu Ding, this bastard, no matter what good things happen, they are all his.

"When can I be so majestic, when can I make Xu Ding look up to me and dare not underestimate me." Sun Ce sighed heavily.

The ironclad warships of the Donglai Navy are just like a Mount Tai pressing on it.

It is impossible to break through and surpass at all.

After coming back for so long, no one can understand how a boat made of iron can float on the water even if the craftsmen study and study it.

Not to mention how to speed up the movement.

"Bo Fu, hurry up and prepare, there is a good thing coming."

Just when Sun Ce was depressed, Zhou Yu broke in and wanted to pull Sun Ce up who was sitting in the back room warming himself by the fire.

Sun Ce looked bewildered and asked, "What's the matter with Gongjin? Why are you in such a hurry."

It’s almost the Chinese New Year, what’s the good thing, it’s a mess, and the aftermath of the war has just begun, so there’s something to worry about.

Zhou Yu said, "Yuan Shu's son is dead!"

"Who? Yuan Shu's son is dead." Sun Ce was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "I thought it was Yuan Shu who died. What good is his son's death?"

Not counting, Sun Ce is also worried about Yuan Shu moving south to Shouchun.

It's not good for this guy to run anywhere, run beside him.

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, unless one male and one female.

What is Yuan Shu, a prodigal bastard, going to Ruyin to do? Maybe he still wants to take the opportunity to seize his Jiujiang.

"If Yuan Shu dies, it will not be a good thing, and it will only benefit Lu Bu and Xu Ding." Zhou Yu pulled Sun Ce up, asked him to put on his shoes, and explained:
"Yuan Shu is just such a son. If he dies, won't the Yuan family be over? What do you think Yuan Shu wants to do most now?"

Yuan Shu has only one son, one daughter who was married long ago, and one granddaughter who is regarded as a relative.

Everything else is side branches.

Who will inherit Yuan Shu's family business is a big question.

And it is an unavoidable problem.

Sun Ce stopped approving the coat suddenly, and then looked at Zhou Yu: "Gong Jin, you don't mean to want me to marry Yuan Shu's granddaughter! Then I won't do it, you are too young, I can't afford to wait."

"Pfft!" Zhou Yu sprayed instantly, and then his face turned black.

What is this!

When did I tell you to marry Yuan Shu's granddaughter? What a brainstorm.

"Isn't it?" Sun Ce was even more surprised.

Zhou Yu held his forehead, feeling a little heartbroken.

"Let's go, let's talk on the road!" Zhou Yu rolled his eyes angrily, then pushed Sun Ce out the door, and the two quickly left the city with a hundred riders, and then crossed the river to Ruyin.

On the way, Sun Ce finally understood what Zhou Yu meant.

The general idea is that Yuan Shu lost his son and would definitely take revenge.

And there are only two objects, one is Lu Bu and the other is Xu Ding.

Why two people, because Yuan Shu has only suffered losses in the hands of two people.

Without an heir, without a future, Yuan Shu will definitely not be normal, and will become even crazier.

Crazy people can do anything.

When a person is crazy, what kind of energy can burst out is also unpredictable.

"So we're here to mourn Yuan Yao, and by the way, reach an agreement with Yuan Shu on peaceful coexistence, and even support him." Sun Ce still didn't understand:
"It's not good for us to beat Lu Bu. If Xu Ding is annoyed and his warship continues to advance westward, we may lose Shouchun."

Sun Ce felt that it was not worthwhile. The best result would be that Yuan Shu would fight Xu Ding and Lu Bu, and after running out of energy, he would jump out to pick peaches and occupy the southern part of Runan County.

In this way, there is no need to spend effort, and there is no need to lose soldiers and horses.

Zhou Yu shook his head and said, "Lu Bu and Xu Ding are two tigers. If they eat Yuan Shu, they will do more harm to us. If Xu Ding and Lu Bu don't go to war then we will go to war with Lu Bu. So we and Lu Bu are Unavoidable, there is nothing to offend or not to offend.

As for Xu Ding, he will not go to war with us for the time being. Before he eats Liu Bei, the south must focus on stability, otherwise he would have started a war with us in Yangzhou, and now there is no Jiujiang County.

So as long as he doesn't take the initiative to attack his territory and doesn't send troops, he won't do anything to us, reasonably control the scope of the war, and don't use our name, then whatever he does is not unreasonable. "

Sun Ce didn't speak, and hurried on his way silently.

Soon they came to Ruyin.

Yuan Shu's people were a little surprised that Sun Ce had come here.

What is this kid doing here?
But I heard Zhou Yu said that he came to express condolences on behalf of Yangzhou.

So he opened the city gate and went in.

Yuan Yao's funeral was very gorgeous, and Yuan Shu devoted his last paternal love to him.

Three days later, Zhou Yu and Sun Ce paid a formal visit to Yuan Shu.

Yuan Shu received the two with a vicissitudes on his face.

Yuan Shu didn't speak, just kept staring at Sun Ce.

Staring at Sun Ce made him a little nervous.

I feel very uncomfortable.

Zhou Yu was half-eyed, thinking about something.

The atmosphere was quiet and awkward.

The snow outside was still falling, and sitting in the room with the fire could feel the chill from all around.

Sun Ce felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, his buttocks moved and moved.

After a long time, Yuan Shu spoke.

"I've always heard that Jiangdong Sun Bofu and Zhou Gongjin are the youngest heroes. I didn't believe it before, but's pretty good!"

The sudden presence of Yuan Shu made Sun Ce confused.

Even Zhou Yu was taken aback, that's good?
Sun Ce's personality is rather fierce and straight, and he didn't quite understand Yuan Shu's meaning, so he clasped his fists and replied politely: "Yuan Gong is absurdly praised, we only have a small reputation in the south of the Yangtze River, and we are far behind Yuan Gong, who was the real one back then. hero!"

Sun Ce did not lie about this.

When Yuan Shu was traveling as a knight-errant, he did gain some fame.

So Sun Ce still likes Yuan Shu a lot.

Beating and killing is what men love most and what they should do.

Wherever love goes.

"Hahaha, Bo Fu is really frank, and I really like it." Mentioning the matter of being a knight-errant has always been Yuan Shu's most proud experience. Apart from this matter, he seems to have really done nothing else.

Fighting the world, he almost lost the whole state, even his hometown Ruyang.

So when Sun Ce talked about this, he felt better all of a sudden.

Sun Ce said: "To tell you the truth, Mr. Yuan, I'm just such a straightforward person. I can see that Mr. Yuan is the same. I have a clear distinction between likes and dislikes, and talk about things when I have something to say!"

"Yes, yes, yes, love and hate are clear, talk about things when you have something to do, and don't talk about things if you have nothing to do!" Yuan Shu nodded greatly, feeling that Sun Ce was more pleasing to the eye, and said to the guards:

"Bring the wine, I want to have a good drink with Bo Fu Gongjin."

At that moment, a guard went down to prepare the wine, and at the same time, a guard came up to remove the tea.

Then Yuan Shu and Sun Ce talked more and more speculatively, the two of them seemed to forget their old friends, and they began to talk about the sneaky things they had done.

Zhou Yu echoed and praised a few times from time to time, and then watched the two drinking together with a smile on their faces.

For three days in a row, Sun Ce was invited by Yuan Shu to drink at the mansion, and the two chatted very happily. Since the seventh day was Yuan Yao's first seven, Yuan Shu had no time to pay attention to Sun Ce, let alone drink and eat meat.

After the first seven days, Yuan Shu invited Sun Ce into the mansion the next day.

On the way here, Zhou Yu said: "Uncle Mansion, you and Yuan Shu have become acquainted in Ruyin these seven days, so you can explain our reason for coming.

Sun Ce said: "I understand Gongjin, I have my own measure."

This time, after Sun Ce and Yuan Shu drank the first three glasses of wine, Sun Ce was about to speak. At this moment, Yuan Shu looked at Zhou Yu and asked, "Gong Jin, do you have something on your mind? I think you have been in a low mood."

"Uh..." Zhou Yu and Sun Ce looked at each other, Zhou Yu thought for a while and said, "Yuan Gong Mingjian, Yu is indeed thoughtful, before coming to Ruyin, Yu has been thinking about what kind of person Yuan Gong is?

After coming to Ruyin, Yu was thinking about how to resolve Yuan Gong's crisis? "

"Oh! Let's hear it?" Yuan Shu suddenly became interested.

Zhou Yu stood up and bowed to Yuan Shu, "Before I came, I thought Mr. Yuan must be a miserable person. Mr. Yuan raised an army against Zhuo in Nanyang, made great military exploits for the great man, and then took over the land of a state to protect his side. Jingfang is suffering from banditry, and Yuan Gong has worked hard for Yuzhou, but now most of the state has been captured by Lu Bu and Xu Ding, Yuan Gong should be very sad.

After I came here, I found that Yuan Gong is a frank person, a straightforward person, a person who will not be overwhelmed by difficulties, and a person who is admired and admired by young people of my generation. "

Yuan Shu stroked his beard and smiled when he heard the words. Everyone likes to be complimented and said something nice, and Yuan Shu is no exception.

Yuan Shu signaled Zhou Yu to continue talking.

Zhou Yu didn't say anything, but looked at Sun Ce and motioned to him, and then Sun Ce stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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