Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 771 Yuan Shu Accepts a Fake Son Xu Ding Marries 2 Daughters

Chapter 771 Yuan Shu Accepts a Fake Son Xu Ding Marries Two Daughters

Yuan Shu looked at Sun Ce again.

Sun Ce said seriously: "Yuan Gong is now in an extremely dangerous situation, and if he does anything wrong, he will fall into a boundless sea of ​​flames.

In the north, there is Lu Bu, who is eager to go south, and in the east, there is Xu Ding, who is prostrate and bites at any time.

Lu Bu Xu Ding is a secret ally, and the two people's heart to carve up Yuzhou can be seen in the world.

If Yuan Gong only stationed troops in Ruyin, he would sit and wait to die, making the world laugh, so Yuan Gong has reached the most dangerous moment. "

"Lu Bu and Xu Ding are indeed two tigers, but I, Yuan Gonglu, are not easy to bully. Whoever dares to provoke me, I will kill them! I will let them understand what it means to have a bloody head, and what it means to kill a fish and kill a net." Yuan Shu said with a face. Showing anger, he gritted his teeth and spit out fiercely.

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu looked at each other, and they both cupped their hands and said, "I believe Yuan Gong can do it, and I am willing to help Yuan Gong."

Yuan Shu rolled his eyes slightly, looked at Zhou Yu and Sun Ce again, and said, "How do you want to help me? You don't have any ideas about Yuzhou?"

Zhou Yu said: "Gong Yuan is short of generals, we can transfer generals to support Yuan Gong secretly, Yuan Gong is short of advisers, we can also send people to obey Yuan Gong's arrangements, and we can also tighten our belts to support Yuan Gong.

Yuan Gong is the wall of my Yangzhou, the mountain that keeps out the wind and rain in my Yangzhou. If the wall is down, the house will be seen through by outsiders, and there will be no privacy.

When the mountain falls, floods will destroy houses, so Yuan Gong must not lose anything, and Yuzhou must not fall into the hands of thieves. "

"Hahaha, what a wall, what a mountain, Gongjin and Bofu are honest enough." Yuan Shu laughed three times when he heard this, then nodded in satisfaction and said:

"I don't need any support from your Sun family in Yangzhou. I want the two of you to promise me one thing. I don't know if you are willing or not."

Sun Ce said, "Duke Yuan, please tell me!"

"I don't have any heirs, and seeing that both of you are great men, and you fall in love with me, I think you two will worship me as your father, so I don't know if you want to!" Yuan Shu asked expectantly.

Be a son!
Both Sun Ce and Zhou Yu were taken aback.

This seems to be playing a bit too big.

This is something they never associate with assuming.

Sun Ce didn't know how to answer for a while, so he looked at Zhou Yu.

I just want to worship Yuan Shu as a target, he wants to accept me as his son now.

Zhou Yu quickly hid the look of surprise in his eyes, and then said to Yuan Shu:

"Grandpa Yuan kindly wishes that the two of us dare not refuse, since the matter is too serious, we dare not decide on our own, dare not sue Gao Tang, please allow us to go back and report the situation.

If there is nothing wrong, please come as soon as possible to greet Mr. Yuan. If there is a change, we will also follow the etiquette of the younger generation and dare not neglect. "

Being disciplined in advance and retreat, flexible and maneuverable, this time really reflects Zhou Yu's strengths.

This was so beautifully said, Yuan Shu didn't even have the heart to refute or blame, let alone complain.

On the contrary, he said very happily: "It should be, it should be!"

The conversation that followed was more pleasant.

Yuan Shu was very happy with the two and wanted to adopt them as adopted sons.

The two also intend to use the big tree of the Yuan family to recruit talents from all over the world, and to draw and borrow the resources of the Yuan family.

It can be said that each takes what he needs.

Yuan Shu at this time is different from history, and there is no conflict with the Sun family.

In addition, Yuan Shu didn't pass on the jade seal of the country, and he didn't ascend the throne to proclaim himself emperor, so naturally, he didn't arouse the dislike and disgust of Sun Ce and Zhou Yu.

Xu Ding The influence of butterfly wings is so subtle.


After getting off the overpass, the first thing Xu Ding saw was Huang Wudie, not someone else.

Huang Wudie, dressed in military uniform, came to greet her with female soldiers.

The first school captain was transferred to Xuzhou, and the security of Weiyuan Island was basically handed over to the female soldiers.

Xu Ding didn't need to guess to know that Huang Die definitely didn't just come here on patrol, but was waiting here by the door.

Because her head was covered with a thick layer of snow, she must have been waiting here for a long time.

"Congratulations to the great general, congratulations to Marquis Wei!"

"Congratulations to the great general, congratulations to Marquis Wei!"

The female soldiers shouted even more excitedly than the male soldiers.

Women always worship, and worship is more crazy than men.

Xu must be their male god, their idol.

Finally became a general and became the highest official position among generals, which naturally attracted the pure and passionate hearts of the girls even more.

"Girls who are interested, you have worked hard. Next, you can hand over the work and let the left cavalry guards guard Weiyuan Island." Xu Ding smiled slightly, and gave a military salute elegantly.

Huang Wudie and other female soldiers also returned the gift and said: "The general, please call us soldiers. We are also a knife in the general's hand. We can also kill the enemy, suppress bandits, protect the environment and the people, and the left cavalry guards fight. There are many states, we are tired of hard work, and we need to rest more."

After speaking, Huang Wudie led his men to turn around, and then said: "I will open the way for the general!"

Then the female soldiers lined up in a strict and orderly manner, urging their horses to follow, and they acted as vanguards in front of Xu Ding and others.

That posture, that momentum, is not inferior to the male soldiers at all.

The soldiers of the left cavalry were also amazed and praised.

Of course, more people are talking about which female soldier is beautiful, and what will happen if she marries her as a wife.

The team moved forward slowly, and soon entered the town. The people who heard the news lined up to welcome them, and brought hot water and food to comfort the soldiers who had returned from the expedition.

At the same time, he yelled words such as Long live the general, Weihou Wandai and so on.

Entering Chinatown, Xu Ding also saw a person.

That is my sister-in-law Cai Zhenji.

"Brother-in-law!" Cai Zhenji sweetly shouted at Xu Ding, and even cast a wink after she finished speaking.

Xu Ding couldn't help but rubbed his forehead, and then looked left and right: "Why are you here, your sister didn't come, you're messing around again."

Originally, Huang Yueying was in Chinatown, but because she gave birth to a son, she recuperated in Huaguoshan.

Since there were no other wives in sight, Xu Ding knew that Cai Zhenji had escaped secretly.

This girl is getting bigger and bigger now, no one can care about her, she runs around the whole island.

Fortunately, there are restrictions, and the wharves at each checkpoint will not let her go out of the island, otherwise she doesn't know where she will go.

"Brother-in-law, how can I call this nonsense, don't I miss you? Elder sisters and the others can't come, I have nothing to do, just to cleanse you up and comfort you." Cai Zhenji came over and pulled Xu Ding's hand inward.

Xu Ding had experience, so he quickly pushed away: "Forget it, I can't enjoy your consolation, tell me if I have caused a catastrophe, or have some terrible idea, and declare in advance, I will not accept anything that violates principles." Do it, or your sister will pick my skin off, and my good father-in-law will not let me go."

My sister-in-law, Cai Zhenji, grows more youthful, elegant, and more feminine. If she is charming, she will be charming, so Xu Ding would not dare to provoke her.

"Brother-in-law, you were not like this before, hehe, what are you afraid of, I won't eat you!" Cai Zhenji covered her mouth and laughed foolishly for a few times, and then saw that Xu Ding really seemed to be ignoring him, so she ran after him:
"Brother-in-law! This time is a very serious matter. You must help me get it done, or I will be finished."

Xu Ding rolled his eyes, poured tea for himself, took a small sip and said, "I have something to talk about, and if I have nothing to do, I have to go to Xiaoxian to deal with government affairs first."

"Brother-in-law, I'm old enough to get married." Cai Zhenji said in a low voice with her blushing pretty face, lowered her eyes, obediently and shyly.

Xu Ding was taken aback for a moment, looked at Cai Zhenji a few times, put down his teacup, and then asked: "I have someone I like, tell me, if it's feasible, I'll help you stop my father-in-law."

That's right, before I knew it, the braided kid back then had grown up so much, it was time to get married and let people tidy up.

Cai Zhenji didn't speak, but raised her head slightly, then stared at Xu Ding, and then lowered her head after a few breaths. Seeing that Xu Ding was silent, she raised her head and continued to stare a few times, before lowering her head.

so repeatedly.

"What are you staring at me for? I don't have cataracts, don't say I'm really gone." Xu Ding reprimanded angrily.

Cai Zhenji stomped her feet and said angrily: "Brother-in-law, you are getting more and more confused, I will show my cards, I will stop pretending, I like you, and I want to marry you!"

"Uh..." Xu Ding was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "I like you too, but I don't want to marry you!"

"You!" Cai Zhenji became even more angry, and punched Xu Ding's chest with both hands.

Xu Ding grabbed Cai Zhenji's little hand and said, "I'm your brother-in-law, of course I like you and love you, but it's impossible for us."

"Brother-in-law, I don't want that kind of liking, I don't want that kind of love, I... really want to be your daughter, only you can have me in the world, I just want to marry you alone, I want to have children with you , There will be a lot of them." Cai Zhenji said very seriously, her eyes were red with grievances, and tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

"Hey! What sin did I do, so many people like me, and I have a litter of sows." Xu Ding said with emotion, but he let go of Cai Zhenji's wrist.

Cai Zhenji threw herself directly into Xu Ding's arms, thumped her with her right hand and said, "Brother-in-law, shouldn't you be proud? My sister and I are yours now, you men are very proud!"

"Uh! No way, don't talk nonsense..."

Back at Huaguo Mountain, Xu Ding was always restless, maybe because he agreed to Cai Zhenji, so he felt a little guilty.

This was the first time in so many years that he felt as if he had done something wrong.

"Husband, do you have any thoughts? After you came back, you seem to have been restless. Is there any government affairs that you can't deal with?" Cai Yan asked.

Xu Ding wanted to wave his hand and say no, but he held back the words.

After hesitating for a while, I said, "Yan'er, I have something to tell you. Zhenji went to Chinatown to find me, and she said she was at the age of marriage..."

At this point, Xu Ding couldn't go on.

Seeing Xu Ding's troubled appearance, Cai Yan burst out laughing.

"It seems that Zhenji has created a problem for my husband again, and only I can solve this problem, and no one else can help." Cai Yanhui said with discernment.

My husband is the most extraordinary man in the world, talented in literature and martial arts, almost no match.

Cai Yan, who is extremely intelligent as a talented woman, naturally understands it when she thinks about it.

Xu Ding said with a smile: "Yan'er still understands me, it's just this matter... hey!"

"You don't have to worry about it, my husband. I don't mean to blame my husband." Cai Yan hugged Xu Ding from behind, and then said: "You and I watched Zhenji grow up. This girl is precocious, and she is also smart. She admires you very much." More than anyone else, it is very difficult to find a man like you, husband, there is no girl who is not tempted and affectionate.

In the past few years, she has also suffered. Others think that she likes to have fun. In fact, I know that she is also depressed. There are many things that cannot be said, touched or forgotten. Since the husband has promised him, then marry him, father. I'll say it there. "

Xu Ding trembled slightly, held Cai Yan's hand behind his back, turned around, and looked at Cai Yan affectionately.

Cai Yan's eyes are full of doting, without any hypocrisy, it's not a joke.

Xu Ding suddenly hugged Cai Yan into his arms.

"Thank you, Yan'er, I don't intend to embarrass you, nor my father-in-law, but some things cannot be avoided." Xu Ding said more guiltily, and hugged him even tighter.

I must have saved the universe in my previous life, otherwise how could I have so many in the Three Kingdoms.

A good general, a good wife, both sons and daughters, and the people are happy.

"I understand that my husband bears the heavy responsibility of the world, and the pressure on his shoulders is greater than that of everyone in the world. These cares should be taken care of by us women." Cai Yan said virtuously:

"However, husband, since you can accept Zhen Ji, why don't you marry Wu Die too? Wu Die is getting older, and I really can't afford it. A woman's best years shouldn't be wasted like this."

"This...!" Xu Ding was in a difficult situation for a while, but Cai Zhenji was still able to reason, and she loved and accompanied her for a long time.

Huang Wudie always felt that if she married her, he would harm him, and Huang Zhong was even more sorry.

"If my husband doesn't want to marry Wu Die, and just watch Wu Die live alone forever, then I won't explain to my father." Seeing Xu Ding's hesitation, Cai Yan gently broke away from Xu Ding's hands, and wanted to marry her. He pushed away, pretending to be angry.

Xu Ding's face became more bitter when he heard the words, and finally sighed slightly: "Forget it, being an excellent man is so tiring, why do all the good girls in the world fall in love with me, and get rid of Yan'er about Wu Die, Anyway, I still owe her."

"Okay, my husband, that's how you get cheap and behave like this." Cai Yan rolled her eyes angrily.

What kind of person is this, as if marrying a wife can kill him.

Usually decisive and capable, why did she come to Huang Wudie's place awkwardly.

"Hey, how dare you! How dare you! Don't be angry my good Yan'er, you will always be my most beautiful Yan'er." Xu Ding picked up Cai Yan and said with a sinister smile:

"Yan'er, haven't we seen each other for a long time, we must have a good fight today!"

"No! Husband, don't... the business matters!"

"Isn't this a business? Is there anything more important than this?"

Now that Cai Yan has done Xu Ding's ideological work, Huang Wudie came to the mansion more frequently.

Xu Ding is not resisting anymore, and occasionally takes her out for a walk alone.

Now that you have accepted others, you must always make up for it and cultivate deeper emotions.

After all, Xu Ding doesn't just accept one after another, a beautiful woman can accept it.

He is not willing to touch those who have no feelings.

Of course, this only refers to his status as Xu Dingda.

The western trumpet Qin Hao is another matter.

While waiting for Cai Yan to persuade Cai Yong, preparations for the wedding celebration began on Huaguo Mountain.

This time marrying two daughters at the same time is naturally quite grand, and there is no room for neglect.

One is the youngest daughter of Cai Yong, the deputy head of Donglai College who is now a Confucianist, and the other is the daughter of Huang Zhong, the seventh school lieutenant.

Every piece of paper and military is very important.

So the wedding date was set near the New Year's Eve, which was also to make it easier for more civil and military generals to come back and have a glass of wedding wine.

The time spent with my wife and children always flies by.

On this day, a small group of people landed from the west coast of the island by boat and rushed to the foot of Huaguo Mountain as fast as possible, but did not enter the mountain.

Because they brought something that was not very auspicious.

(End of this chapter)

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