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Chapter 772 Mysterious Letter, Poisonous Warhead

Chapter 772 Mysterious letter, poisonous warhead (two in one)

Xu Ding received the news and went down the mountain in person.

"Qu Yi's head is here! Please check it, my lord."

It turned out that the war in Jizhou and Zhongshan was completely over.

Qu Yi's soldiers, horses and wisdom are no match for Xun You and others.

In the end it was besieged and wiped out.

Xu Ding picked out the box and saw Qu Yi's head that had been pickled with lime, he shook his head slightly, and then asked someone to close the lid and said, "Send him back to his hometown Qingzhou for burial, after all, he is considered a strong general, and he deserves the treatment he deserves." Still give it to him."

"No!" At that moment, someone took Qu Yi's head and ordered him to leave the island and take a boat to Qu Yi's hometown in Qingzhou.

Of course, some people didn't leave, because Xu definitely wanted to hear the progress of the battle.

Xu Ding asked: "What happened to the deceased first?"

This is what Xu Ding cares about the most.

Among other things, Qu Yi's ability to train the first to ascend the army is quite good.

Before leaving Jizhou, he also received a report that Xun You had tied with him.

Nature is more concerned.

"Reporting to my lord, the first army was wiped out and all died in battle, causing us a lot of casualties."

It can be heard that the person who returns is more respectful.

As long as he is a tough guy and has a good style, he is worthy of admiration.

Even if it is an opponent, it is worth appreciating.


Although his crossbowmen were better than Qu Yi's, they were all compatriots in the end, and it was a pity that these people lost in internal friction.

When he returned to the mountain, Xu Ding was in a low mood.

It was obviously a victory, but it made people feel a lot of emotion.

Xu Ding was also thinking about whether he should speed up the pace of the civil war, or whether he should use more powerful weapons.

Especially that thing that can destroy the world.

It's not that Xu Ding doesn't understand the three elements, he just knows that everything has advantages and disadvantages.

It seems to be a good thing, but if it is really thrown out, the world will completely change.

The pollution is serious and the damage is too great, just like Pandora's box, once it is released, it cannot be closed.

So Xu Ding has been cautious and prudent.

This emotion was delayed until Cai Yan came back.

Cai Yong was finally persuaded, and he no longer cared about Cai Zhenji's affairs.

The old man wants to devote himself to education, and love between men and women is too brain-intensive.

He couldn't care about the young man's affairs, so he just let him go.

Cai Yong agreed, and Huang Zhong, who was in Daijun, would also come back, so Xu Ding issued an order to change the defense of Huang Zhong's troops, and let Huang Zhong come back by the way.

Just when he put aside all his troubles and was preparing for the big wedding of the two girls, a messenger from Pingzhou suddenly arrived from eight hundred li in an urgent manner.

The courier ran all the way, and it took less than a day to run from Pingzhou to Huaguoshan, among which a few horses were lost.

"Report! My lord, Pingzhou is urgent..."

The messenger fell off his horse and was carried into the mansion by the brothers of the guards.

Xu Ding was also so startled that he quickly put aside the usual interview, because Xin used the most urgent method.

This shows that there is a real urgency.

Pingzhou belongs to the rear, there are no enemies in the north, and there are no enemies in the east.

Even if someone from the local area makes trouble, it is very difficult to leave the county or the state, let alone send it to Huaguo Mountain on Weiyuan Island.

Taking down the letter, Xu Ding opened it to have a look.

His brows came together immediately, and his face turned pale.

Everyone was also terrified.

I've never seen Xu Ding with such an expression.

What major event can happen in Pingzhou makes the lord so worried.

Folding the letter, Xu Ding took a few steps, then threw the letter into the coal stove, and burned the letter directly.

After contemplating for a while with closed eyes, Xu Ding said: "Give me an order to gather the left cavalry and notify Weiyuan Island, Qingzhou, and Liaodong to enter the battle preparation and be ready to fight at any time. All armies must guard the city checkpoints. Pass it back and transfer the people on Huaguo Mountain to Jizhou. If something happens to me one day, I will play to the imperial court, please... Forget it. At that time, Guo Jia, Xi Zhicai, Mao Jie, Tian Feng, Cheng Yu, Ju Shou, Shen Pei , and others form the House of Internal Affairs to maintain the overall situation..."

After saying Xu Ding, he left the hall and went to prepare things for travel.

Cai Yan and the others came over one after another, and asked with concern: "Husband, what happened, I heard that you..."

Xu Ding reached out and stroked the faces of the girls, and comforted each of them: "It's nothing serious, you can stay at home at ease, if there is an order, you just follow it, don't worry your husband is invincible, nothing can stop me , Wait for me to come back!"

The more the girls listened, the more troubled they felt. Xu Ding had never said such a tone before, and it really happened.

And it may be the kind of sky-shattering earth-shattering.


"Take care of the children, my husband will return safely, remember to cook porridge for me, keep it warm, it will be so fragrant..." Although he was very reluctant, Xu Ding turned around and left.

He stepped on his horse and rushed to Pingzhou with his left cavalry guard.

Before leaving, he went to the Equipment Department and gave Huang Chengyan a piece of paper to study it carefully.

At night, Huang Yueying came to the Equipment Department with her several-month-old son Xu Jiang in her arms.

"Yueying, what are you doing here?" Huang Chengyan was surprised when he saw Huang Yueying coming in a carriage late at night, holding her infant grandson in her arms.

Huang Yueying said: "My husband left in a hurry, and he was dealing with something more urgent than saving the world. He didn't disclose it to anyone, but he came to my father. I think he wanted my father to do something for him. ?"

Huang Chengyan smiled wryly and said: "Knowing the king is better than wife, knowing wife is better than husband, knowing father is better than daughter, knowing daughter is better than father!"

"Husband knows that I will come?" Huang Yueying was taken aback, frowning slightly.

Huang Chengyan said: "He not only knows that you will come, but also other wives will come, so let me tell you, you can't interfere in this matter, you can't do it, go back, tell everyone, trust Bokang!"

Looking at Huang Chengyan with a serious face, Huang Yueying knew that in the past, Huang Chengyan could spoil her no matter how much she loved her, but this time probably not.

"Father, what your husband told you is very important!" Huang Yueying was still a little unwilling to give up, and what could be handed over to the Ordnance Bureau must be the most important and complicated one.

And she sure can help.

"It's very important. It can change the world, decide the direction of the world, and make the world tremble." Huang Chengyan replied.

"Then father, I am more..."

"Don't ask, I don't know if you're asking, and I won't tell you. Go back. Taking good care of Xu Jiang is the greatest support for him." Huang Chengyan said leisurely, his eyes were also doting, but His expression was firm and determined.

"Then... Thank you for your hard work, father!" Huang Yue hugged Xu Jiang and bowed to Huang Chengyan before retreating back to Huaguo Mountain.

After Huang Yueying left, Huang Chengyan took out the paper Xu Ding gave him, looked at the faint sky and said, "I want to tell you, but I really don't know what it is?"

Xu Ding rushed all the way, and finally entered Pingzhou, then passed through Lelang County, and entered Andong County.

As soon as he entered the county, there was a network of people from all over the world and the army stationed in the place would come to report in the future.

"My lord, those people are really powerful. They can kill people from a distance of a thousand steps. Brothers either died in battle, or they were injured and unable to lift their swords and hold their bows. We are ashamed of your lord's entrustment."

"Okay, don't be sad, the enemy will be killed, go down and rest." Xu Ding comforted the guard, and then looked at Xu Ying who was ensnared.

Xu Ying reported on Qianhui: "My lord, after the No. [-] mountain was bombed, the garrison rushed over. As they said, the enemy's weapons were too sharp, and they didn't know what they were, so they died in battle. According to our It is speculated that it is a hidden weapon more powerful than the sleeve crossbow, with a super long range and amazing power.

We have taken this from our fallen brothers. "

After finishing speaking, one of Xu Ying's subordinates placed a small box.

After Xu Ding opened it, he saw several round bullet casings.

And judging by the color, this is a lead bullet.

solid bullets.

Things from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries?

how can that be.

The range of the pointed copper bullets of later generations is only a few hundred meters.

This thing can shoot so far.

Xu Ding reached out to take it, but was immediately stopped by the person holding the box.

The person took a step back and said, "My lord, you can't touch this thing with your body, otherwise you will get sick."

"How could it be possible to get sick?" Xu Ding was stunned.

Lead bullets are poisonous, but they can be infected if they are attached to internal injuries.

How can it be poisonous to touch.

As long as it does not enter the esophagus, is not absorbed by the body, and the absorption is small, there will be nothing unusual.

Even if there is any abnormality, it is only chronic poisoning.

Fearing that Xu Ding would not believe it, Xu Ying asked someone to bring a dog, and then let the dog touch it. The dog immediately whined a few times, then slowly crawled down, then turned over and twitched, almost losing its fighting power.

"This...!" Xu Ding was shocked and did not speak for a long time.

If you want to use a word from later generations, it is MMP!
Really evil.

Xu Ying said: "Many of our military doctors got poisoned and fell ill because they touched something with their hands. They haven't recovered yet, but I ordered people to isolate them."

This time, Xu must not dare to take it lightly.

Xu Ying continued: "After the accident, our people from heaven and earth hid into the mountain in three groups, and only one person came back from the group. The rest were injured by the enemy's hidden weapons and died in the mountain."

Xu Ding said: "What's the situation in that mountain?"

Xu Ying asked someone to bring the person who came back here.

The man said to Xu Ding: "My lord, I don't know exactly how many enemies there are. They are all hiding in the dark, and they kill people thousands of steps away. Fortunately, we used the method of attacking east and west, and lurked into a cave. We found no enemies in the cave, but we found a huge bronze gate. We dare not go in under any circumstances at the gate. I brought back a strange thing."

Xu Ying asked another long wooden box to be brought over, and then said to Xu Ding: "In order to bring this thing back, the third group of people basically died in battle, and he was the only one who brought this thing out alive. I guess this is the enemy's hidden weapon. "

Xu Ding asked someone to open the box, and sure enough there was a gun lying inside.

Or call it a gun.

Judging by the shape and length, it is only an initial product.

Like the thing in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties.

Xu Ding said: "This thing is poisonous!"

Xu Ying said: "Don't worry, my lord, this thing is non-toxic."

As he spoke, Xu Ying took out the object himself.

Xu Ding took it and reached out to touch it.

Excited but also sad.

This is the gun.

It is this thing that hits a thousand steps away, and it is sure to hit with one hit.

It's fucking unreal.

I've never heard of guns being so powerful.

The standard rifles of later generations are not so amazing.

So Xu Ding was full of doubts.

What kind of existence is there on the other side of the crossing gate?

Gao Wu, but there are primitive firearms.

I don't understand this.

It seems that I need to investigate it myself.

This matter can't be delayed anymore, people are calling at the door, who knows if there will be more terrifying existence in the future.

Putting the blunderbuss in, Xu Ding asked someone to fetch a pen and paper, and then wrote several pages eloquently, then told Xu Ying, "Go there yourself, this item and the letter must be delivered to Mr. He must not fall into the hands of other people, otherwise he would rather destroy the letter and things."

"It's the lord, even if Ying dies, he will complete the task!" Xu Ying replied sonorously, he knew the importance of this thing.

Xu Ding asked him to personally escort, and it could only be delivered to Huang Chengyan of the Equipment Department.

No one else can do it, you can't even touch it.

Who is Huang Chengyan? He is the most authoritative mechanical talent in Donglai. Except for his daughter Huang Yueying, there is no one who understands mechanics better than him.

It can be seen that its important letter shows the seriousness and importance of this task.

Xu Ying left with the most capable officers.

Only then did Xu Ding say to the generals: "Remove the troops and defend on the periphery. People from all over the world are secretly monitoring all roads and hills. The enemy is good at long-distance attacks. Remember to get close to the enemy and kill them when you find them."

After speaking, Xu Ding is about to enter the mountain.

The soldiers of the left cavalry guard said: "What about us, my lord, you can't go alone!"

Xu Ding said: "You just stay outside, don't go, you can't help this matter, the enemy's attack method is a bit special, if you go there, it won't be useful, on the contrary, you will die in vain."

Firecrackers, shooting from a distance of a thousand steps, mortals are really hard to deal with.

So only he can take action in this matter, and it is useless for others to go.

Everyone was a little reluctant, obviously this time the enemy was more special and more dangerous, and the guards were not around, so their left cavalry should take on the responsibility of protecting Xu Ding.

But Xu Ding still insisted not to let the crowd follow, and went into the mountain alone.

Of course, before entering the mountain, he specially disguised himself. Instead of wearing gorgeous clothes, he made a camouflage suit and sneaked in quietly.

Because I have been here, I am familiar with the mountain geography, and I quickly touched the original mountain with endless caves.

He didn't rush over, but kept using binoculars to investigate quietly.

Sure enough, two strangely dressed men hiding on both sides of the cave soon appeared.

Both held a gun in their hands, aiming at the intersection up the mountain.

Once there is any movement, immediately ignite and shoot.

Even so, Xu Ding didn't rush to make a move, but continued to wait until it was dark, and found that only these two were really outside the cave, and there was no one else in the mountain, so he quietly touched it.

It was dark at night, and there was a fire in the cave. One of them was still on duty outside, and the other was cooking meat and cooking inside.

I guess it's dinner.

Needless to say Xu Ding's skill, his speed is like the wind, moving in the mountains, there is only a slight rustling sound, like the wind passing by.

The man on duty outside the cave didn't notice Xu Ding's movement, he only felt a gust of wind blowing from the back of his head, as soon as his ear moved, he was hit in the back of the head, and he lost consciousness.

Xu Ding was not polite, and directly cut his throat with a short knife.

I walked towards the cave, trying to keep my voice as low as possible, but the people in the cave seemed to be more alert than this one, and seemed to have noticed something was wrong, so they picked up the firecracker and pointed towards the outside of the cave.

The mouth speaks a bit like the native Chinese dialect of the Jianghuai area.

"Fourth Li, is that you?"

Xu Ding didn't answer and continued to walk forward. Seeing that his accomplice didn't answer, the people in the cave asked again, and then retreated.

Suddenly he found a shadow projected from outside the cave, and shot in the direction Xu set.

(End of this chapter)

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