Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 773 The identity of the enemy

Chapter 773 The identity of the enemy

This is a firecracker, not a standard rifle.

The firing takes time.

Taking advantage of this time, Xu Ding flew into the cave, his body swaying from side to side, walking in a zigzag, with ghostly speed.

This man from another world couldn't see Xu Ding's reality at all, and chased and locked onto Xu Ding's shadow with the muzzle of his gun shaking.

With a sound of "Boom!", the bullet was ejected and hit the opposite stone wall.

A small hole the size of a thumb was blasted, flying stones splashed, and gunpowder smoke rose.

Then Xu Ding's knife was placed on the neck of this man from another world, and he said in the learned Jianghuai accent: "Don't move, you will die!"

The man from another world was taken aback for a moment, apparently he did not expect that Xu Ding could also speak their native language.

But he didn't sit still, he blocked Xu Ding's saber with his gun, and cursed angrily: "West Qin barbarian, go to hell!"

As soon as Xu Dong turned around behind him, the knife was still firmly placed on the opponent's neck, and he said coldly: "If you move, you will really die!"

However, this warning still did not produce an effective order for this man from another world.

The man kicked his gun back and drew a short blade from his waist.

Xu Ding turned to one side, and the blade swiped down.

With a sound of "Puff", the man from another world finally felt the pain. The gun fell to the ground, covering his neck with one hand, staring at Xu Ding for a while, unable to make a sound, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"Stubborn! It's difficult!" Xu Ding kicked the man's body away, picked up his short blade, and pulled it out to see that it was a dagger.

The sharpness is not as good as his precious knife, and the material is average.

In searching his body, only an identification document was found.

The document is made of standard traditional Chinese characters, so it may be interesting for a while.

When he opened it, he was a little surprised by the contents.

"Nanming Empire, Huguang Province, Huangzhou Mansion, Huang'an City Liu Yidao!"

Xu Ding looked at it for a long time, then closed his identity document, and murmured softly: "Interesting, the Nanming Empire and Huguang Province seem to be somewhat similar to the Ming Dynasty in history, but the firearms of the Ming Dynasty are definitely not so smart.

This firecracker has achieved the ultimate. If firearms really develop, it should be muskets and rifles, not... wait. "

Xu Ding was typing his document, and then he suddenly realized, and the gloom on his face became heavier.

This Liu Yiwan is not a military household, not a soldier, not a national army, but just a civilian.

Of course, the weapons of civilians cannot be too good. That does not mean that the firearms of the Nanming Empire may be stronger, and they have broken through that stage of development.

Rubbing his temples and shaking his head, Xu Ding knew that he couldn't think about it any longer. If he wanted to find out the answer, he would understand once he entered another world.

But before entering, Xu Ding picked up Liu Yidao's gun and noticed the glove in Liu Yidao's hand.

The guy must be relying on this thing to load the gun.

Xu Ding hesitated for a while, but put it on anyway, then stuffed the lead bullets collected from the two into the muzzle of the gun, poured it into the gun, and then ignited it.

"Bang!" A clump of black smoke burst out, and the lead bullet was shot very far, hitting a tree trunk.

Break that tree trunk.

Although it was late, but Xu Ding had a good perception ability and found that this gun could really hit a thousand steps away.

500 m.

This greatly surpassed the category of firecrackers in the world to which he belonged.

Xu Ding put down the gun and put it deep into the cave. There was no one else in the cave, so he gently pushed open the bronze door and walked along the long corridor to the entrance of the cave on the other side.

There is no one here, but there are traces of many people's activities in the cave, no less than four or five people.

"It seems that there are more than two people who discovered this cave, Liu Yidao and his accomplices, the departure of these people has brought greater risks to the exposure of the cave." Looking at the sky, it was also dark here, Xu Ding didn't stop, but went back the same way, buried the two bodies, and went down the mountain with a gun, powder cartridges and lead bullets, and then came out of the mountain.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Xu Ding return.

Xu Ding said: "Now the mountain is safe, the two enemies have been killed by me, go up the mountain immediately, establish a new base, and monitor the situation in the cave at any time."

"Here!" The left cavalry guards immediately went to do so, and then Xu Ding sent another team to bring back the gunpowder and a box of lead bullets back to Weiyuan Island overnight, and hand them over to the Equipment Department at the same time.

But he stayed with the gun, and started to study drawing and the like.

After resting for half a day, Xu Ding returned to the mountain.

At this time, the army of guards from Weiyuan Island also arrived.

Xu Ding led the guards into the mountain and divided them into three groups. One group guarded the cave in Han'an County, and the other group guarded the bronze gate.

A batch was placed in a cave in another world.

"Keep guarding the entrance of this cave. Once you find suspicious people or beasts approaching, kill them with all your strength. Don't show mercy."

"It's the lord!"

Thousands of people beheaded, hundreds of people beheaded, bed crossbows and the like were raised above the entrance of the cave, and the soldiers began to build a defense system.

Then Xu Ding led a team of hundreds of people to explore outside the mountain with the most well-equipped weapons.

"Everyone, be careful. The birds of prey here are more ferocious than the ones on my big man's side, and most of them are faster. Once they find a beast outside, they retreat one after another and shoot arrows."

Xu Ding asked.

Everyone suddenly replied: "Understood my lord!"

Soon Xu Ding and the others ran into several ferocious beasts, but they were all scared away by Xu Ding and the others' formation.

The ferocious beast is not stupid, as long as it is not dizzy with hunger, and dare not attack the crowd, it will run away and watch.

Xu Ding didn't cause trouble either.

Soon they searched and walked out of the mountain.

Because of the snow, there are not many traces left on the ground.

However, with the promised carefulness and the elite scouts in the army, they still found the clues left by the enemy.

Some newly broken branches and cut tree marks were still found by Xu Ding and others.

"Pay attention to your surroundings, I'll go to the top of the tree to have a look!"

Holding two knives in his hands, Xu Ding stepped on the ground with one hand, then stabbed into the tree with the knife in one hand, and then leaped with his strength, the other knife also stuck into the tree trunk, and jumped up.

Repeatedly, the whole person climbed to the top of the tree very rhythmically and quickly.

Great view.

Snow-capped, the mountain is very big, still can't see the end.

However, they saw smoke rising from a distant place.

After visually measuring the distance, Xu Ding guessed that the distance was quite far.

It is very likely that the enemy is cooking hot soup and cooking meat over the fire.

Xu Ding slid down the straight tree trunk and told everyone, "No one is allowed to start a fire today, and no one is allowed to make a sound, let alone talk about it."

Everyone nodded silently.

So he followed Xu Ding and walked in the direction of the smoke.

After nightfall, everyone camped to rest despite the severe cold.

Walking after dawn the next day, I ran into a group of ferocious beasts again, but went around, and then came to a broken end, and there was no way ahead.

"Go south, I guess we can meet that group of people after dark." Xu Ding led the crowd south along Duanya, and soon found a way down the mountain.

And the vicinity is quite suitable for ambushes, so Xu Ding asked people to lurk down.

After a while, the scout in front came back and said:

"My lord! We have found the enemy. There are 20 enemies. They are dressed in ordinary clothes and have no armor. They are holding that long strange weapon in their hands. They are setting up camp. It is estimated that they will not continue walking today."

(End of this chapter)

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