Chapter 775
But if you don't have this kind of self-confidence, you will kill yourself first.

There were no officials in the cities of the Middle Zhou Dynasty, only the city lord, the city lord was the highest officer, who could be hereditary and had the power of life and death of the entire city.

After leaving Wanmo Mountain, the first city we came to was 'Feng'.

There is no need to disguise or cover up. The relationship between the crowd in Zhongzhou is complicated. People from all over the world move frequently and live in harmony. There is no need to hide each other's identities here.

Everyone comes here for money, just for comfort, just for happiness.

" have a total of 81 people, pay 81 taels of silver!"

The guards guarding the city gate stopped Xu Ding and others.

The Nanming man who was captured explained: "Everyone who enters any city in the middle Zhou Dynasty must pay the city tax, and anyone who has sex, regardless of gender, can enter with money. If you don't pay the money, you will be the enemy. Soldiers will also help themselves without asking, and kill the taboo, and they can get the property of the taboo."

One tael of silver per person is really expensive.

Yesterday, a dozen taels of silver were collected from these Nanming people.

It's a pity that it's not enough to enter the city.

"If you don't have money, you can use things to deduct it!" The leader of the city guard was not surprised by this kind of thing, and said lazily, then waved his hand, and his own knowledgeable men ran over, and then looked at it with a smile. Xu Ding a group of people.

This is a big deal, 81 people, and they can collect more money with items deducted.

Let alone more than 100 taels.

So the defenders prefer mercenaries or hunters to use item deductions.

Xu Ding was not hypocritical, as long as he could enter the city, he recharged all the captured Nanming people's equipment except firearms.

"Let's count it as ten taels for you. Your broken crossbows are worthless, but the knife on your body is really a good knife."

Xu Ding smiled slightly: "Ten taels is ten taels, the knife is kept for food for now, and those who don't have food, how can they wander around in the rivers and lakes in the future!"

His own sword is a precious sword, and it is enough to replace his entire Fengcheng.

How could Xu Ding cancel it out in such a splash.

"Tch, I really thought it was a good knife, but it's only worth a hundred and eighty taels of silver. There are so many in our city lord's treasury!" The other party sneered mockingly.

All the soldiers on Xu Ding's body immediately became angry and stared at him.

Xu Ding raised his hand to stop the crowd, and then ordered eight people to escort the Nanming man into the city.

The others stayed outside the city.

'Feng' city is very different from the prefecture city of the Han Dynasty, and the size is about the same.

However, the population is denser, and the commerce and trade in the city are more developed and lively.

The flow of people is like weaving, there is an endless stream, and there are constant noises of hawking and frolicking.

Seeing this Nanming man looking around, Xu Ding asked, "Haven't you been here?"

The Nanming prisoner scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "This is the first time, the first time, although we have crossed the border many times and entered Zhongzhou, we have never entered the city.

The city entry tax is too high, and it is not easy to earn some money. "

Damn, it turned out to be a chick younger than himself.

Xu Ding said: "What about your cities in Nanming? What's the difference between them and those in Zhongzhou?"

The Nanming captive replied: "Although we don't have to pay taxes to enter the city of Nanming, we also pay a lot of other taxes, and we need to issue directions for travel, and we have to report wherever we go, which is troublesome.

But the city over there is also quite prosperous, but not as active as them, and most of them are locals, and the business is not so lively, unless it is Chinese New Year. "

Xu Ding nodded slightly, Lu Yin was also a thing in the Ming Dynasty in the original history.

That thing is too restrictive, greatly restraining the people, it is strange to be active.

"My lord, why don't you seem to be very novel?" The Nanming prisoner was a little puzzled. Xu Ding and the others seemed not very interested in this kind of extremely active commercial city, and their reaction was a little flat, far from the one before entering the city. look forward to.

Xu Ding smiled and said: "I've seen a lot, I'm not surprised by myself, this small town is nothing more than that."

Not surprising!

small town!

But so!

Listen to what people say?
What is the origin of these guys.

Holding the inferior weapons of the Western Qin people, but speaking the accent of the Eastern Tang people (mainly referring to Xu Ding's subordinates), and possessing the physical fitness of the northern barbarians (only referring to Xu Ding).

They are extremely interested in the firearms of their Nanming people.

I still don't know anything about Mid-Monday, and I don't know anything!
The nobles and dignitaries showed the same attitude of looking down.

There is no such country in the east of the mainland.

After walking around the city, Xu Ding asked Xiaosi to record everything along the way, and then spent a little money to find out some basic information about the city of 'Feng'.

I learned that there are many employment organizations here, as the Nanming people said.

Then there is the lord of 'Feng' named Jiang Li. Jiang Li defeated the former lord ten years ago and gained the right to rule.

But he has a close relationship with the employment organization in the city.

Most of these organizations obeyed his orders, and there were rumors that those mercenary teams were actually his people, and they were just hiding in the dark.

Once someone is unfavorable to Jiang Li and wants to take his 'Feng', Jiang Li must first know about it and deal with it silently.

That way he can rule for a decade without a serious challenger.

Besides the city lord Jiang Li and the mercenaries, Xu Ding also knew that there was a martial arts arena and an auction house in the city.

Martial arts competitions are easy to understand, tickets are required to enter, people in the martial arts competition are at their own risk, and the winners get rewards, and the rewards are generous.

The auction house will auction items from other places, as well as rare birds and animals and various resources from Wanmo Mountain.

But this is not often open, open occasionally.

After understanding clearly, I found a place to stay in the city and rested for a night.

The next day Xu Ding went to the martial arts field alone.

He is still full of awe and curiosity about the fighting power of this world.

The firearms of the Southern Ming Dynasty, the ordnance of the Western Qin Dynasty, the inscriptions and military formations of the legal scholars of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and the bodies of the northern barbarians.

It seems that there are many combinations, Xu Ding will not act rashly before he understands it, let alone send troops over.

I spent a small amount of money to enter the martial arts arena, and there were no empty seats here, and many people came to see this passionate scene.

In other words, the folk customs here are tougher and bloodier than other places in Zhongzhou, because the beasts in Wanmo Mountain are more ferocious, and there are many people who come here to make a fortune.

And those who can survive are strong hands.

Fighting opponents is my favorite.

There is nothing else in the city that is too entertaining, only this way can vent the hostility of everyone.

"Everyone, hurry up and place your bets. The betting will stop after half an hour. Our No. 99 will be against No. 89. Life and death are up to you, victory or defeat is glorious. Those who want to make a fortune, those who want to be famous, hurry up..."

A staff member of the arena began to yell and urge, and followed the temptation.

Those who really haven't thought about it clearly, don't do their best and run to the betting place to bet their money.

Xu Ding found a remote location at the back, where he could have a panoramic view of the arena.

Suddenly Xu Ding sat down next to him.

Xu Ding glanced at him. This man was elegantly dressed, elegantly dressed, and his white face was tender.

Holding a book in his hand, yes it is a book, a book made of paper.

I still have a pen in my hand, a very small brush, but the tip is thin and white, without any dust.

Just glanced at it, Xu Ding didn't pay attention, but passed the door to watch the entire arena.

Then he came forward suddenly, and asked with a cheap smile: "Brother, why don't you end, I see that everyone here has placed bets, and they are all betting."

"No money!" Xu Ding replied indifferently.

The Confucian wearer who spoke to him froze for a moment, his expression froze.

No money?

"Brother Tai is such a funny person, whoever entered this competition is for gambling, and whoever has no money would be willing to pay for tickets."

Xu Ding turned around, without any change in expression, staring into his eyes and said: "I just want to see!"

I just want to see, is this speaking human language?
Who the fuck is bored and spends money to watch this kind of unexciting competition.

If it's those well-known warriors fighting, it's justified, it's just an ordinary competition.

Those who came to watch were all for the sake of winning, and the process of the competition was not what they expected.

Xu Ding also didn't explain, because the host started to board the center field below.

"Everyone, the betting has stopped. Please return to your seats. Next, please invite No. 99 and No. 88. How will the outcome be? Please keep your eyes open!"

After speaking, the man jumped off the stage, and then two strong men dressed as warriors walked out from the passages on the left and right sides of the stage.

Then one holds a knife and the other holds a sword.

They looked at each other, didn't say harsh words, and didn't make any gestures to the audience, and rushed towards each other directly.

Then they fought each other ten moves and eight moves according to their abilities, and the result came out.

Someone wins and someone loses, the truth remains unchanged.

It was the same on the stage and the same off the stage. Some people were happy and smiled up to the sky, while some cursed, complained and annoyed.

Only Xu Ding's expression remained unchanged, his expression was natural without any emotional changes.

"Brother Tai's mentality is really stable, make a friend, Bai Xiaosheng Bailang in Xiafeng City." The man clasped his fists at Xu Ding as a gesture of goodwill.

Xu Ding's expression finally changed slightly, but he quickly disappeared, then looked at the person again, and then replied indifferently: "Xu Ding, a passer-by in the world!"

Bai Lang, the man who called himself Bai Xiaosheng was taken aback again.

Passing through the world, interesting, interesting.

Bai Lang said: "Brother Tai is really extraordinary, extraordinary!"

"You're welcome!" Xu Ding replied briefly, and then turned his attention to the entire arena.

Bailang was a little embarrassed, it seemed that this passing classmate didn't know his name, Bai Xiaosheng.

When other people came to Feng city, they heard his name with admiration, and when they saw him, they all flattered and fawned on him, but in the end, he was not interested at all.

Then there were three more competitions, but they all ended very quickly. The competition field announced that that was all for today's program, so it ended.

After everyone left, Xu Ding got up.

Bailang said: "Brother is new to 'Feng' city, why not be my little brother, how about treating me to a drink?"

"Okay!" Xu Ding spit out a word simply.

Only then did Bailang lead the way.

The people in the battlefield are all whispering in the back.

Who is this stranger who can get Bai Xiaosheng's invitation, and sit and watch such a boring competition with him the whole time.

Bailang led Xu Ding to the best restaurant in the city, and asked for a private room on the third floor.

This building has four floors and overlooks many places in Fengcheng.

At the same time, Xu Ding was asked to estimate the construction level of Zhongzhou or Longteng Continent.

"How about it, brother, the environment here is not bad, you can see most of the city, and you can have a panoramic view of the city's scenery." Bailang introduced with a smile:
"The sprinkles and dishes in this restaurant are the best in the city, I hope you like it."

Bailang has been paying attention to the changes in Xu Ding's expression.

Sure enough, it was right to bring him here, Xu Ding is interested in 'Feng', especially the city layout.

What is the origin of this person, and what is the purpose of coming to Fengcheng.

As Bai Xiaosheng of Fengcheng, Bailang felt it was necessary to figure it out, and he had to be the first to know.

Xu Ding looked away, then walked back to the table, picked up the wine and poured it, held the glass, smelled it and said, "Not bad, neither good nor bad!"

"Oh! Xiongtai means 'Feng' city or this wine!" Bailang became even more curious, this wine was the best in the city, even the city owner only drank wine from this restaurant.

Xu Ding said: "Both."

After speaking, Xu Ding raised his head and drank it. Sure enough, good wine can smell without tasting.

There is still a big gap between the wine produced by itself.

Therefore, Donglai's wine can be sold at a good price when it is brought over, and it can absorb original capital and gather wealth.

Soon the cooked food delivered by the restaurant staff, of course, also has a cheat sheet.

But after Xu Ding tasted them one by one, he put down his chopsticks.

Bailang asked: "Why is this dish not to your liking?"

He specially asked the best chef in the restaurant to make this dish.

If this kind of food is not good enough, then the background of Xu Ding in front of him will be difficult to guess.

The best cooks in the world are only the royal family, palaces and dignitaries.

They have delicacies from mountains and seas, and they have all kinds of rare ingredients in the world.

The taste is naturally very tricky.

Xu Ding said: "Reluctantly! It goes well with wine."

It's a perfect match!

It looks like a compliment, but it's actually a derogatory term.

The wine is average and the food is average.

"Brother Taiwan's status is not ordinary, it's Baimou Menglang, I'll ask someone to do it again." Bailang suddenly paid more attention to it.

Xu Ding's expression couldn't fool him, there was a sense of nobility in his arrogance, his temperament and momentum were extraordinary.

Although he loves to ignore himself, he is certainly not simple.

Xu Ding said: "No, I can eat it just by making do. Actually, I'm not so particular about it. Of course, it's just a matter of fact. I'll ask Brother Bai to taste what is delicious and what is called fine nectar and jade liquid."

"Hahaha, I'm very grateful for that. I'm really looking forward to what good wine and delicacy my brother will bring me." Bai Lang also drank a glass of wine, and suddenly felt a little dull after drinking delicious wine before. Xu Ding's words are getting higher and higher.

That's how people are, what they can't get is turmoil and anticipation.

Then Xu Ding and Bailang started a normal conversation.

Xu Ding's knowledge and knowledge directly crushed Bailang.

Don't look at Bailang as Bai Xiaosheng, but his little ink is no match for Xu Ding.

He was defeated in an instant, and he admired Xu Ding endlessly.

It wasn't until he lay down on the table drunk that Xu Ding said: "Brother Bai, I'm leaving first, we will meet here some other day!"

After saying Xu Ding, he picked up a token given to him by Bailang on the table, left the private room and went downstairs.

The moment Xu Ding stepped out of the gate of the restaurant, Bai Xiaosheng got up from the table, went to the half-open window, stared at Xu Ding walking on the street, and murmured:
"The dragon is not a thing in the pool. It can't be crazy if the wind and rain are not disturbed. I'm afraid that Fengcheng will be lively soon."

(End of this chapter)

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