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Chapter 776 Nanming firearms have special elements

Chapter 776 Nanming firearms have special elements

Leaving the restaurant, and then returning to the place where he lived, Xu Ding spent all his money and bought some strange items, and then the group of people left the city immediately.

After leaving the city, he joined the crowd and set off overnight into the Wanmo Mountain and returned to the cave.

During the period, some people followed and chased them, but they were all thrown off.

After returning to the cave, someone reported to him the search and discovery of the mountains these days.

Xu Ding asked everyone to continue to explore the mountains. According to Nanming people and Bai Xiaosheng Bailang, Wanmo Mountain is very big, and the raptors in it are not usually ferocious.

Even the Nanming people with firearms or the Xiqin people with sharp crossbows did not dare to go too far.

Judging from the distance, in fact, this mile of the cave is still on the outskirts, and there are still deep canyons and mountains when walking inside.

So more information is needed.

At the same time, Xu Ding also sent people to set up clear and dark guards on the various road cards on the side of the cave, so that it must not happen when someone finds out.

Once found, it will be erased immediately.

Otherwise, the world of the Three Kingdoms will be in danger.

At this time, the Great Han Dynasty had not yet been truly unified, and half of the country was occupied by itself, and there were still many princes who had not resolved it, and they could not make any mistakes, which led to a collapse.

After confessing to his subordinates, Xu Ding returned to Pingzhou through the bronze gate.

Returning to Weiyuan Island with the things bought from Feng city.

As soon as he entered the island, he went directly to the Ordnance Department. Of course, he also sent someone to notify Huaguoshan in advance to report that his wife and children were safe.

"Well! Bokang is back!" Huang Chengyan was fiddling with the firecracker when he saw a shadow outside the door. When he looked up, he found that it was Xu Ding.

"I'm back, I made a small false alarm, and temporarily solved the trouble." Xu Ding simply replied that he didn't plan to go too deep with Huang Chengyan, because he didn't want to make him worry too much and add some pressure.

"It's good that it's fine. Did you report to Huaguo Mountain? After you left, Yueying came here once, and the mountain was in a hurry to get angry." Huang Chengyan nodded slightly, and then asked.

Xu Dingdao: "I have sent someone to inform you about the scriptures, and I have also greeted everyone in the states. This year can still be safe and happy."

Huang Chengyan knew there was something in it as soon as he heard it, so he put down the firecracker and said: "This matter is really sharp. I have wiped it with the people from the Ordnance Department. It can penetrate wooden boards thousands of steps away. It is more powerful than three bows and crossbows." Not inferior, the key is that it is easy and easy to carry.

It is a killer weapon in the world, and it cannot be ignored! "

"Father-in-law has a heart. This is indeed an important weapon that can change the world. However, it still has many shortcomings. It is still somewhat lacking in accuracy, and it needs to be ignited. It cannot be used in bad weather such as rainy days and strong winds. "Xu Ding said:

"However, I have a way to solve this problem. As long as the ignition method is changed to use friction to start the fire, and the flint is excited, the efficiency will be higher and more convenient."

"Wonderful, adding a small flint is indeed a lot more convenient." Huang Chengyan praised, his son-in-law is amazing, he can think of such a simple and convenient solution to this big problem.

In this way, the large-scale production and use of this kind of firecracker became possible.

"I know the improvement of the gunpowder, but I don't know much about the improvement of gunpowder, so I don't know how to start. The Ordnance Department needs to do more experiments and research." Xu Ding said with some self-blame.

If I had asked people to study gunpowder early, perhaps the development of gunpowder has reached a very high level.

That's right, before he left, he wrote the formula for gunpowder to Huang Chengyan.

Huang Chengyan said: "After you left, we immediately arranged people, divided them into ten groups, stepped up experiments and research, and initially produced a more powerful gunpowder, and after looking for a suitable place to establish an industry, please invite the Ministry of Industry Looking for raw materials for deployment."

This is the tone that Xu Ding set before he left. There are Xu Ding's orders, and special approval for all special matters.

Especially after Mao Jie watched the experiment where the dynamite kit blows up the small earth mountain, he was stunned.

Then it is to ask for the line to the line, and to ask for someone to help the Ordnance Department prepare everything.

The whole island is working around this incident, and the efficiency is extremely fast.

Such a powerful weapon, as long as it is released, the world will be unified.

No one is more eager to end the disputes in the world and reunify the Han Dynasty than the old team like them.

These were also expected by Xu Ding, he said: "Then how are you doing with the research on the gunpowder I seized from the enemy?"

Huang Chengyan led Xu Ding to another secret laboratory, and said: "But there are some trace elements in it that we can't detect. According to our speculation, maybe these things make the gunpowder stronger and more stable. Makes the buckshot go farther."

"There's such a thing!" Xu Ding understood, probably this thing is the core of the Nanming Empire.

To make the firecracker shoot at a distance of a thousand steps, the thrust of the gunpowder must be sufficient.

Otherwise, black powder could not have such a strong explosive power.

In addition, it is not a bullet, which further restricts the flight trajectory and distance.

"Not only gunpowder, but also that kind of lead bullet. We haven't found any progress so far. Apart from the lead element itself, it should also have some special things added. It is harder and more toxic and harmful." Huang Chengyan With a slight sigh:

"Even the gunpowder is the same. It is made of other elements besides copper, so it is stronger and more durable. We imitated a few gunpowders, but they couldn't withstand the explosion of the enemy's gunpowder, and the gunpowder destroyed people. This thing is really fear."

The sharper the weapon, the more people will be lost in the test.

The study of gunpowder has always been accompanied by a high degree of risk since ancient times.

They are all playing with their lives.

"Added other elements." Xu Ding understood that the firearms of the Nanming people were different from the world he was in in all aspects. There were many things that did not exist in that world, which made their beasts more ferocious and their firearms more powerful. Powerful, even the army crossbow is stronger.

Even people's physical fitness is even more against the sky, such as the northern barbarian tribe.

"Father-in-law, choose a few smart and capable students from your disciples and ask them to set up a chemical laboratory to study the formulas of the enemy's gunpowder, lead bullets, and firecrackers." Xu Ding thought for a while and said:
"Father-in-law, you are urging and guiding the research on the invention and manufacture of firearms given by me. I am looking for others to do other things."

Researching and wiping rifles and bullets is his main direction in the future, so Xu Ding decided to hand over this non-dangerous matter to Huang Chengyan.

The research on smokeless gunpowder and so on can only be done by the students of the academy.

Fortunately, in these years of training, a lot of talents in Gewu have also been cultivated, and a certain foundation has been established.

Huang Chengyan is not hypocritical, he is good at equipment, but not good at chemistry, and he also understands the danger factor, since Xu Ding wants him to avoid it on purpose, he will not disappoint his kindness.

Besides, the aspect of firearms alone may be a big topic, and it takes a long, long time to study.

In the following days, Xu Ding continued to build platforms, establish various laboratories, and develop related thermal weapons.

Of course, this also takes time, and it cannot be accomplished overnight.

After settling these things, Xu Ding hurried back to Huaguo Mountain.

Huang Zhong, Cai Yong and others rushed back earlier.

Because of the tense atmosphere ahead, many civil and military generals also returned, just in time to participate in the wedding celebration of the second female same marriage.

All kinds of ceremonies still follow the old rules and procedures, Xu Ding is familiar with it and is used to it.

But this time it's a little bit special.

Marrying two daughters at a time, he was still granted the title of Marquis Jiawei, a great general.

Chang'an also sent rewards and blessings, and all the princes in the world are indispensable.

Finally everything was settled, Xu Ding led the two daughters into the bridal chamber with his left and right hands at the same time.

This time I did not come out to accompany the guests, and everyone will not be asking for this gift.

The door closed, the guards retreated, and even the maidservants retreated far away.

There were only three people left in the entire room, and the atmosphere became more and more charming.

Xu Ding put his arms around the waist of the other person and said: "You two ladies, it's getting late, should we rest, the two ladies are straightforward, do you still need to be shy..."

After finishing speaking, Cai Zhenji and Huang Wudie lifted their heads at the same time, and then pressed Xu Ding on the bed...

(End of this chapter)

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