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Chapter 777 Who Goes to Another World Midweek

Chapter 777 Who Goes to Another World Midweek (Two in One)

Three days passed by in a flash, and if possible, Xu Ding would like to spend more time with the two newlywed wives.

But he couldn't afford to be negligent about the matter over the crossing gate.

Not at all sloppy.

So after making love with the two beautiful wives, Xu Ding immediately went to work.

All the counselors who could come back gathered together for secret consultations and discussions.

At first, Guo Jia and others didn't believe it.

A cave leads to another world.

There are also living people in the field.

And the weapons are extremely powerful, even more developed than their Donglai Army's ordnance.

The beasts on the mountains over there were also more ferocious.

After reading the distributed materials, everyone fell silent.

They knew Xu would not joke about it.

It must be true.

It's just that such things are really hard for them to accept.

The Donglai Army is the strongest in the world.

Has the best military quality, has the strongest and sharpest ordnance.

There are also clean and efficient government agencies and a social security system.

But now someone told them that there is another place in the country, an unknown place, with more advanced weapons than them, a larger border than theirs, and stronger national power.

This is just like when other states and counties in Dahan did not believe in Donglai.

Now it's just an exchange of identities.

"I know that it will be difficult for you to understand and accept for a while, but the fact is like this, we cannot deny it.

In the vast world, we are just a small speck of dust in the universe. The world is still vast, and every mountain is still high, and every sea is still deep. I hope everyone can adapt as soon as possible, because we are facing a more difficult task than before. , the responsibility on the shoulders is greater than before. "Xu Ding said:

"Whoever is more interested in that side, I can ask him to preside over the affairs there."

Xu Ding glanced at the crowd.

This is a new direction, and it needs a top strategist who can control the situation to coordinate, so as to effectively develop and explore other worlds, and of course more for defense.

At present, Xu Ding still doesn't want to mess with any of the four major forces in Longteng Continent.

Even Zhong Zhou didn't want to collide prematurely.

The firearms of the Southern Ming Dynasty, the ordnance of the Western Qin Dynasty, the inscriptions and formations of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and the bodies of the northern barbarians all need to be studied and studied before they can have an unreasonable idea of ​​the other world.

Guo Jia said: "I don't mind, but I will send two capable officers to develop it!"

Guo Jia was the first to express his opinion that he had a lot of work and couldn't leave Xu Ding too far all the year round.

It belongs to the existence that stays on Weiyuan Island all year round.

Self-sand is suitable for stationing in the middle week.

Mao Jie also stated: "I may not be suitable, I am leaving, you should be reluctant!"

"Trust me, you old man!" Everyone laughed.

Mao Jie is in charge of money, the general manager of money and food, and Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia, who are in charge of personnel and government affairs, are three-legged existence under Xu Ding's name.

The person who has followed the longest and is also the most powerful core.

Xun You said: "How about I wipe it!"

Seeing that no one came to take the job, Xun You stood up.

He promised that it wasn't long ago that the other world was far away and unknown, but as he came from a family, he wanted to get first-hand information.

This is a good opportunity for the children of their family to explore and set foot in another world.

However, Xu Ding did not speak, and Guo Jia, Mao Jie and others did not express their opinions.

Apparently they didn't want a family member to take the lead in such an important matter.

If something as important as the firearm formula falls into the hands of the family, the family will have to be revived again.

Xu Ding said: "Gongda can go there, but he needs to be accompanied by a few young juniors who are more flexible and smart. They are no bigger than me over there. There are many things we can't do, let alone rush."

Guo Jia sighed leisurely: "I am glad that Fazheng is not here, and Lu Xun is too young!"

It is most suitable for Xu Ding's apprentice to go, and Guo Jia's words all have hints.

At this time, Xu Shu, who had been silent for a while, said, "Let me go. It's better not to have too many people passing over there, so as not to be exposed. It needs to be done step by step, and we can't act too hastily. The temporary strategy should also be defensive. I'm good at this! "

Regardless of resisting the attacks of Liu Bei, Gongsun Zan, and the Xianbei people a year ago, or this time seeking Youzhou to resist Yuan Shao's attacks, Xu Shu has performed well.

Coping was very good.

Coupled with his background and talent, he is more trustworthy.

When not fighting, don't fight.

If you fight, you have to go.

This is a good show to watch.

Xu Ding glanced at everyone and said, "Let's draw lots!"

In the future, the team will become bigger and bigger. It is impossible to be just a class of civil and military. There will be children from aristocratic families, poor families, and ordinary people.

It is definitely not acceptable to favor one over another.

As far as the matter is concerned, he believes that it doesn't matter if you are from a family or from a poor family, it will work.

No one is impossible.

In the face of the interests of the Han nation as a whole, everyone will maintain the bottom line. For the safety of the Han nation, no one dares to mess around.

It was possible to fight against the alien Huns in the past, and it can be done now.

The Xun family's tutoring character is still guaranteed.

Otherwise, Xu Ding wouldn't have brought Xun You in for this meeting.

Being able to come in speaks for itself.

Xun You and Xu Shu stood up and bowed to Xu Ding.

One is grateful for fairness and justice, and the other is grateful for the importance.

Two people draw lots, two balls of paper, one with the word Zhong Zhou written on it.

One has nothing written on it, just a blank sheet of paper.

Xun You and Xu Shu each caught a hand blindly.

Xun You opened the note first, frowning slightly, because there was nothing in it.

Xu Shu didn't open the note any more, he clasped his fists and said, "Gongda accepts!"

"Congratulations!" Xun You cupped his fists in return.

Xu Ding said: "Then Yuan Zhi will preside over the mid-week affairs, and everyone should not be lazy. In the future, we may devote a lot of energy to Longteng Continent. Everyone has a chance to go there. For the time being, we will finish dealing with the affairs in Han. "

"It's the lord!" Everyone nodded and replied.

Although he doesn't go there to preside over affairs, he is still curious about the situation in Longteng Continent, and wants to see what's different in that world.

What is so special about it.

Then Xu Ding discussed with everyone and decided on some 195-year prospects and plans.

The New Year is passing in these busy days.

The weather is cold and the ground is freezing, and the gunpowder smoke is also settling in various parts of the Han Dynasty. There is no place to fight for the time being, and they are all preparing for spring plowing, hoping to have a greater harvest in the coming year.

The taste of the new year has just passed, and Xu Ding and Xu Shu, along with a group of elite soldiers and a bunch of well-maintained goods, headed for Pingzhou.

The road up the mountain has been expanded and turned into a wide concrete avenue to facilitate the transportation of personnel and equipment.

Even the aisles on both sides of the cave have been widened, the left and right walls and the roof of the cave have been widened, and the ground has been paved with cement, making it very convenient to pass through the bronze door.

The hole here has also been carefully camouflaged and fortified, and it is extremely strong.

"This is the Ten Thousand Demon Mountain in the Soaring Dragon Continent. The air here seems a little sweet!" Xu Shu stuck out his tongue and caught a few snowflakes that were falling down.

Human subconscious right and wrong is terrible.

Xu Ding had told him about the specialness of Longteng Continent.

So Xu Shu deliberately thought about it.

And Xu Ding also said: "It seems that Yuan Zhi is also a sensitive person. There is indeed something different in the air. There is a substance or many elements that are helpful to the human body, but it is very small. I don't know how to get it."

Before going down the mountain, Xu Ding went over the situation he had collected recently.

The person in charge told Xu Ding that people have been exploring this side of the mountain, but because of the intermittent snowfall.

A batch came and a batch left, but recently there are no more, probably because the Zhongzhou people have completely lost interest in this place.

"It should be because of the cold weather. In this area of ​​Wanmo Mountain, the ice and snow period is a bit long, and the altitude is too high, so even if it is not the deep mountain hinterland of Wanmo Mountain, there are not so many Zhongzhou people who come here to explore treasures." Xu Ding waved them off.

Then he took Xu Shu along the downhill road and went out to the city of 'Feng'.

This time, Xu Ding was fully prepared.

The first currency used was silver instead of new coins such as copper coins.

So the money he brought was silver and gold.

Secondly, there are items that are not as good as Donglai in Zhongzhou or "Feng", including wine, tea, white paper and so on.

'Feng' City, the residence of the Bai family.

Suddenly a Stoudemire ran over.

"Report! Master Bai, someone is looking for you in Zuiyun Tower..."

After a while, Bailang appeared in the Zuiyun Tower where Xu Ding was entertained last time.

Pushing open the box, Bailang greeted enthusiastically: "Brother Xu, long time no see, I miss my brother!"

Xu Ding said: "Brother Bai is doing well recently!"

"Good! Very good, no, life without Brother Xu is not good at all, I just want to see Brother Xu soon, and I am waiting to drink Brother Xu's fine wine!" A more straightforward and elegant scholar asked:

"This brother is..."

Xu Ding said: "This is my good brother Xu Shu and Xu Yuanzhi. Yuanzhi is the Bai Xiaosheng in Fengcheng I told you about. He is one of the most talented brothers in Feng, Bailang Bai."

Xu Shu said, "I've seen Brother Bai!"

"Brother Yuanzhi is being polite!" Bailang replied politely.

"Come on, let's sit down and chat. This time I came to 'Feng' City, and I brought some good wine for Brother Bai. Let's see if it suits your appetite." Xu Ding pulled the lid off the wine jar on the table, and the rich wine immediately The fragrance is tangy and permeates the entire private room.

Bailang sniffed lightly with his nose, and immediately showed an expression of enjoyment.

This wine has not been tasted but it has made people intoxicated. It is fragrant, so fragrant.

"This wine is extraordinary! Hahaha Brother Xu, I'm not being polite." Bailang was not hypocritical, he couldn't wait to put the wine in his glass into his mouth, and drank it in one gulp.

Then choked.

What a strong wine!

"Brother Bai, although this wine is good, you can't be reckless. If you can drink it carefully, you will pour it down after a few drinks like this." Xu Ding deliberately didn't mention it at first, just to let Bai Lang have a better memory.

Bailang's face turned red, and he was indeed a little dizzy, the alcohol was too strong.

But he likes it, put down his glass and replied proudly: "Good wine, it really is good wine, Bai Mou claims to have drunk good wine without wine, but it is not half as good as this wine, Brother Xu really does not deceive me."

After finishing speaking, Bailang took the second glass that Xu Ding poured down. This time, he took a small sip, letting the wine stay between his mouth and throat.

Taste slowly, taste slowly.

At this time, the wine has another flavor and feeling, which is even more intoxicating.

"Come on, brother Bai, don't just drink, eat vegetables!" Xu Ding called Bailang to eat vegetables.

Bailang picked up the chopsticks, picked up the dish closest to him, and just put it in his mouth to chew, his expression brightened again.

"This dish...why is it different from usual!" Bailang murmured in disbelief.

Xu Ding and Xu Shu smiled without saying a word, Bailang suddenly realized when he noticed the expressions of the two: "Could it be, this dish..."

Xu Ding nodded lightly and said: "The cook we brought, how is it? Is it to your liking? I'm trying other things!"

It was only then that Bailang realized that the table was full of dishes, some of which he had never seen before, and he hadn't looked at them carefully just now.

Observing at this time, it is indeed very different.

So he ate dishes one by one, and paired them with a sip of good wine.

The whole person is comfortable and happy, and praises are endless.

"Good wine, good food, Brother Xu has a heart, and Bai has written down this favor."

"Brother Bai, you are welcome. We are friends. It is fate to meet each other. These are just vulgar things, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning!" Xu Ding raised his glass, and then accompanied Xu Shu to drink and eat with Bailang.

Bailang's expression was moved, and the conversation among the three became more joyful.

"Oh! Yuan Zhi wants to open a restaurant in 'Feng' City to sell this wine and this dish?" While chatting, Xu Ding and Xu Shu brought up the topic, and Bai Lang was also interested.

If Xu Ding and Xu Shu took root in Fengcheng, they would be able to drink good wine and eat delicious food.

Xu Shu said: "Not just a restaurant, I also want to open a grocery store to sell some rare things unique to our Xu family. At the same time, I will also buy special products from Fengcheng and sell them to other places. , I still don’t know how to proceed.”

"Yuanzhi don't worry, I'm still a bit thin in this 'Feng' city, if you can come to me for anything, you will be satisfied." Bailang is not a fool, Xu Ding and Xu Shu invited him to drink for a reason.

Naturally, he would not refuse such a trivial matter.

Xu Ding's identity has not been found out, and Xu Shu is a rich man, so there is no reason to push it out.

It's just for business.

With Bailang's assistance, it will be easier for Xu Shu to move in Fengcheng.

Xu Ding didn't leave 'Feng' city in a short period of time, and continued to observe and understand in the city, and went to the martial arts arena to watch the competition every day.

Occasionally, a wonderful contest broke out there, and some masters appeared.

However, there were no northern barbarians that Xu Ding expected, so these so-called masters were only mid-level generals in Xu Ding's eyes.

Moreover, during this period of time, they did not see Jiang Li, the lord of 'Feng' City, so it was impossible to estimate Jiang Li's strength.

Xu Shu's Yingxiong Building and Pepsi Grocery Store are finally completed, and Bailang recommends them to give wine before adding the restaurant.

Soon the entire 'Feng' city knew the existence of fine wine and restaurants.

People who don't believe in evil sang about the wine, praised it one after another, and then went in to consume it, and the Hero Building became popular all of a sudden, making it known to everyone.

'Feng' City, the City Lord's Mansion!

"It's interesting. This wine is really different. Even in Kyoto, there is no such good wine."

There is a tallest building in the whole city in the City Lord's Mansion of 'Feng' City, which stands out from the crowd.

It was built by Jiang Li after he captured the city, in order to monitor the whole city and notice the changes in the whole city at any time.

At this time, Jiang Li, the city lord, was holding the wine glass with one hand, savoring the sweetness and deliciousness intoxicated, while staring suspiciously at the direction of the hero building.

(End of this chapter)

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