Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 778 Jiang Li's Suspicion 8 Recommendation of the Wise King

Chapter 778 Jiang Li's Doubt About the Recommendation of the Eight Sage Kings (Two in One)

"City Master, this Hero Building is really amazing. Not only is the wine outstanding, but even the dishes are delicious that we have never tasted before."

There was a man standing behind Jiang Li. If Xu Ding and the others were here, they would know that this was Bai Xiaosheng Bailang.

It turned out that he was Jiang Li's man, and he was in charge of collecting gossip and anecdotes in the city for Jiang Li.

Master the changes in the whole city.

"Have you sent someone to check their details?" Jiang Li asked.

Any emerging forces in 'Feng' City need to be vigilant.

As for Jiang Li, who has ruled for ten years, 'Feng' is his taboo, and no one is allowed to change his mind.

Bailang said: "They came out of Wanmo Mountain, so far we haven't found any news, and they don't look like people from Nanming, let alone people from West Qin. Their weapons are not good. But the workmanship is excellent, which is beyond the possession of ordinary reckless people."

This is where Bailang was puzzled.

The continuous crossbow brought by Ji Ding and others is even more exquisite in workmanship than Xiqin's, but the range is a lot worse.

It is only half the distance of the Western Qin Armament, which is really not a compliment.

However, the swords they carry with them are exquisite and sharp, not ordinary.

There are no firearms, imitation Western Qin equipment, and no inscriptions and formations of the Eastern Tang people, and it is impossible to be a northern barbarian.

So Bailang couldn't understand, couldn't see through.

Even Jiang Li was puzzled.

However, the more doubts there are, the more vigilant he is. This is his best experience after becoming the city lord.

Xu Ding and Xu Shu have problems, and they are big problems.

"You said, they came from Wanmo Mountain, did they come out from the hinterland?"

Jiang Li asked suddenly.

Bailang was taken aback.

How is this possible in the hinterland of Wanmo Mountain? The environment in the hinterland is harsh, so many strong people want to go in and explore, but they all give up halfway.

That's what people are waiting for, how can they get in.

Besides, it is simply impossible to bring out all kinds of materials from the deep mountains.

And now Xu Ding and Xu Shu are also collecting materials from Fengcheng, such as furs, blood and bones of wild animals and rare birds, etc.

There are so many of these mountains, if Xu Ding and the others really walked out from the hinterland of Wanmo Mountain, why bother to collect these things.

With their equipment, it is impossible to get out of the hinterland.

This point cannot deceive Bailang, nor can it deceive the soldiers guarding Fengcheng.

"That's right! I overestimated them." Jiang Li smiled coldly.

Xu Ding and the others did not have the firearms of the Southern Ming Dynasty, nor the weapons of the Western Qin Dynasty, nor the inscriptions and formations of the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

It's also not the Northern Barbarian, how could it be possible to penetrate into the hinterland of Wanmo Mountain.

"Don't worry, the city lord, we will continue to investigate. After the wine and tea are sold out, they will definitely restock and some people will go back. We will continue to track them down and find out their details." Bailang vowed.

But Jiang Li snorted coldly: "I heard that all your people disappeared last time, so you won't lose them this time!",

As a superior, Jiang Li knows everything under his command, so he makes decisions and reminds him from time to time.

Bailang's face was ashamed.

Originally, this kind of thing was what he was best at, but he lost it after chasing him.

All the powerful men were killed, and they didn't know where they died.

But he lowered his head and replied: "Please don't worry, the city lord, this time I will definitely not lose it again. The enemy is cunning and will leave traces. If it doesn't work, I will take action myself."

Jiang Li glanced at Bailang, continued to focus on the side of the Hero Restaurant, shook his head slightly and said, "Don't worry, take your time, since they chose to set up a stronghold in 'Feng' City, they won't show their feet for a while. If you want to lie dormant for a period of time, just watch carefully, if you can’t do it once, then you can do it twice, if you can’t do it twice, you can do it three times, if you can’t do it three times, then you can do it yourself!”

Bailang remained silent like a cicada, his body trembling slightly.

He knows Jiang Li's methods too well.

Don't look at him not angry, his words are calm, but he is always murderous.

He wants to kill people, who he wants to kill, he will not tell you in advance, he will do it if he wants to, without reason, let alone reason.

Everyone thought Zhong Zhou was the weakest.

But not many people know that all the city lords in Zhongzhou are extremely domineering people.

Once they lose their sense of security and feel threatened, they strike faster and harder than anyone else.

And do everything.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Zhongzhou to exist all the time.

Weakness hides indomitable ambition and longing for strength.

This is the real situation in the middle of the week.

Hero House!
The night was fading, and the lights flickered gently.

Xu Ding and Xu Shu discussed the issue in the study.

"My lord, there have been a lot of eyes staring at us near the Hero Building and Pepsi Store recently. I'm afraid the visitors are not friendly." Xu Shu said:

"Our wine and other goods are sold out and need to be replenished. If we go back to Wanmo Mountain, I'm afraid someone will continue to follow them to the other side of the cave."

"These people who are not Jiang Li from the city lord's mansion are also other people who covet our wealth, so they can't just return to Wanmo Mountain." Xu Ding said: "

"How about this, don't go back to restock the wine and tea for the time being, we brew new wine and stir-fry new tea here, first make high-quality goods, sell them in limited quantities, and at the same time let people from all over the world not be active in 'Feng' City, and develop around. In order not to attract Jiang Li's attention, we are looking for the city of 'Feng' first!"

"Whether brewing wine and frying tea here will be stolen by them." Xu Shu was a little worried.

Alcohol is not a big deal, the core of technology can make the local forces covet and take action.

"It doesn't matter, pull Bai Xiaosheng to do it together, and give him [-]% of the shares. I think the forces behind him know what a long stream of water is, and they will help us avoid all troubles in a short time, and they won't kill the donkey so early. Yes." Xu Ding said confidently.

Seeing what Xu Ding said, Xu Shu didn't say much.

"Oh, it's getting more and more interesting to give us the second-tier shares. He dared to set up a winery and tea house in my 'Feng' city, and set up a joint venture store. He is a shrewd person." Jiang Li received the report from Bailang, The corner of his mouth raised slightly:
"He must have seen you through!"

Bailang shook his head and said: "Probably not, let alone he has only been to 'Feng' city twice, even people who have been in 'Feng' city for a long time don't know that I am the owner of the city, how can he guess? arrive.

And I have never mentioned the city lord to anyone, I have never talked about the city lord, how can I think of the city lord from me. "

"But he knows that if he gets you done and pulls you to do it, he can be safe in Fengcheng and keep his property. Do you think he is confident, or is there a ghost?" Jiang Li is not an ordinary person. Stillness is sharper and more sensitive.

He felt more and more that Xu Ding was not easy.

What is the origin of this mysterious guy.

It is really curious.

"Then City Master, what should we do?" Bailang asked uncertainly.

Jiang Li said: "Follow what he said first, [-]% of the shares will be three tiers of shares!"

Three floors, not two floors?

Bai Lang glanced at Jiang Li, and found that his eyes were cold, so he shut up immediately and did not dare to ink.

Soon Bailang retreated to the Hero Inn.

He said to Xu Shu with a troubled face: "Yuanzhi, I am very interested in your proposal. If you have money, everyone can make money together, but this 'Feng' city is no better than other places. If you want to do business for a long time, the city lord's mansion can't neglect it. Other heroes in the city also need to manage, originally they wanted half of the shares.

After my persuasion, they only need three floors. I hope Yuan Zhi can understand. "

Xu Shu didn't believe Bailang's nonsense at all, but he still replied enthusiastically: "It can be seen that Brother Bai has been busy helping us run, it is really hard work. Since Brother Bai has made a decision, then I will not be hypocritical. What my brother said is that if you have money, everyone earns it together.

Hello everyone is really good, and being happy is better than anything else. "

"Yuan Zhi's words speak for themselves, everyone is really kind." Bailang was overjoyed, he didn't expect Xu Shu to be so eloquent.

However, he secretly said in his heart: "Looks like City Lord Jiang Li's guess is right. This Xu Ding and Xu Shu really have a ghost, and the plan is not small. The third-tier shares are let go, and we must pay more attention to it in the future."

With Bai Lang and Jiang Li's indulgence and some support.

Xu Shu quickly prepared the winery and tea house, and then used the name of collecting refined wine, food and selected tea trees to send people to various places in the surrounding area.

Xu Ding also took advantage of this event to travel around, make friends with people in the village, and extend his hand to other cities.

Ho Kyung!

Midweek Kyoto!
The central nervous system of the Mid-Zhou Empire, or in other words, the only city controlled by the Ji family within the Mid-Zhou Empire.

The Middle Zhou Empire was established for nearly [-] years, from weak to strong, from small to large, from prosperity to decline, from large to small.

During this period, it rose up several times and went down several times.

It has reached the most dangerous point now.

There is only one capital in the entire empire under control.

The entire empire does not have a decent army.

There is no armed force against the Three Kingdoms.

Whenever the northern barbarians went south to plunder, they had to rely on the Southern Ming, Western Qin, Eastern Tang or hired civilian armed forces for defense.

As a result, the prestige and momentum of the Mid-Zhou Empire were reduced to an extremely low point.

But when Xu Ding came to Haojing with a few soldiers, he still sighed when he saw the majestic city wall.

"My lord, the Gaojing in Zhongzhou is more majestic and towering than our state capital city." A subordinate said with emotion.

Xu Ding smiled and said, "It's more than that, it's even richer than the former capital of Luoyang. It's really a big city worthy of its name!"

The city is not big, but the height of its buildings and the materials used for construction can tell a little about the layout of the gate towers in the past.

Xu Ding almost ran around half a big man, thinking about it, the Luoyang City in his memory is no match for Haojing.

One can imagine how powerful the Zhongzhou Empire was in the past.

"It's bigger than the Luoyang of our big man!" Everyone couldn't help but gasped.

The majestic Huaxia, the mighty man, the state of the heavens, can't even compare with a Zhongzhou empire that doesn't even have a country and an army.

"When autumn comes on September [-]th, I will kill a hundred flowers after the flowers bloom.

The incense in the sky penetrates Chang'an, and the whole city is covered with golden armor. "

For some reason, Xu Ding suddenly got emotional and read out such a line of Huang Chao's poem.

"Good poem! Good poem, a good sentence I will kill the flowers after the flowers bloom, a good sentence is full of golden armor in the city!"

Suddenly, a cavalry team came up behind Xu Ding and the others, and a cavalry was urged out of the crowd of horses, and the surrounding people who were about to enter the city dispersed one after another.

Even the Zhongzhou National Guards who were on duty at the city gate also stood aside respectfully, making a gesture of bowing and beckoning.

Xu Ding stared at the man who was urging the horse forward. He was a middle-aged man, dressed in military uniform, with a heroic look. He was only in his 30s, but his face had vicissitudes that were not too late.

"Young man, you came to Beijing to participate in 'Jumping the Dragon Gate'. Whose family are you from?" The middle-aged man looked at Xu Ding when he asked.

Seeing that although Xu Ding is not a teenager, he is also a young man, about fifteen or sixteen years old.

He was handsome and heroic, with an indescribable aristocratic air about him, so he couldn't help asking a few more questions.

"'Yuelongmen'?" Xu Ding clasped his fists and replied: "Senior, what is this 'Yuelongmen'? Xu Dingfei is a son of a prince from some family. He came to Haojing for the first time because of his pleasure."

"Hahaha, you don't even know who I am? Who still cares about who I am?" The middle-aged man laughed at himself, seeing that Xu Dingzhen didn't come to participate in the "Dragon Gate", and heard him report his family name, thinking about the Zhongzhou Empire It is true that there is no city lord surnamed Xu, and there is no middle Zhou nobleman surnamed Xu, so he believed half of it, and then said:
"Your hobbies are so special. If you come here on a leisurely basis, then you have been to other three countries."

Xu Ding shook his head slightly.

"I have never been to the Three Kingdoms! Then you are not from the Three Kingdoms?" The middle-aged man stroked his beard and became more curious.

Such a young hero did not come from the Three Great Empires.

Xu Ding still shook his head: "In terms of origin, I first went east and then north from Fengcheng, and just arrived at Haojing. I have a little bit of property in Feng, so I should be considered half of the middle Zhou people!"

"Half a middle-aged man, hahaha, interesting." The middle-aged man had a clear expression and smiled more heartily, then he took off a waist card from his body and threw it at Xu Ding, saying: "Take this thing, If you want to participate in 'Yuelongmen', you can enter the final stage with him."

After speaking, the middle-aged man urged his horses to enter the city, and his cavalry team also rushed into the city, and the guards did not dare to stop them.

Xu Ding watched the middle-aged man leave, turned over the waist card and saw the word Ji on it.

Urging his horse to the city gate, Xu Ding asked the general guarding the gate: "Dare to ask this general, the one who just entered the city is the prince of the Zhong Zhou Empire!"

Xu Ding is not aimless, the way of the past person just now was too domineering and arrogant, and his actions were too free and easy.

And the waist card bears the surname Ji, even if it is not a prince, it is related to the royal family.

Seeing that Xu Ding was holding the waist card given by the middle-aged man in his hand, the guard explained respectfully: "Young master is right, the person who gave you the waist card just now is the Eight Sage Kings of our Great Zhou Empire, young master cherish this opportunity Well, the Eight Sage Kings will not easily praise a person, let alone give away things easily, and will not lend you a waist card. I hope that the young master can marry one of the three princesses in "Jumping the Dragon Gate", Spread branches and leaves for our Great Zhou Empire, and revitalize our country."

"Is that so?" Xu Ding suddenly realized.

The Eight Sage Kings of the Mid-Zhou Empire!
Recruit a son-in-law's 'jumping the dragon's gate'!
It's better to come by chance than to come here.

After Xu Ding entered the city, he inquired about the personal information of the Eight Sage Kings and the matter of 'Leaping over the Dragon's Gate'.

After figuring it out, Xu Ding let out a long breath of foul air.

(End of this chapter)

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