Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 780 From 1 onwards, I came to find the little princess

Chapter 780 Let's Go Together, I'm Here to Find the Little Princess (Two in One)

Xu Ding took a step forward and said: "Your Majesty, I understand that I am going to the palace today, so naturally I am not afraid of any difficulties."

After speaking, Xu Ding walked to the side, put the medicine box down, then walked back and said: "Wen first or martial arts first, everyone please!"

The faces of all the heroes were filled with deep smiles.

The fool was fooled.

Really dare to accept.

Then someone jumped out and said: "In order not to say that we bully you, let's wipe it first, but you are not qualified to wipe it."

Everyone nodded in support, even the courtiers agreed.

If you can't beat it, it's better than writing.

Xu Ding glanced at the feet of some people, then glanced at the bottom of the crowd, flicked his sleeves and said: "Let's go together, save time!"

What an arrogant young man!
Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then became angry.

It is outrageous to be so arrogant above this hall.

The person who came out to provoke Xu Ding just now yelled: "Surrender, boy!" Then he rushed over fiercely with fists in both hands.

This person has practiced a set of tiger-shaped fists, which are fierce and straight, with a fierce momentum.

But as soon as he rushed to Xu's side, he punched out, and his body froze instantly. His fist was held by Xu Ding, and he couldn't move an inch.


He actually caught his own fist. This person wanted to break free and retract his fist, but found that he couldn't do it at all.

So the other hand also hit it, but it was still firmly caught by Xu Ding.

"You... let go!"

Xu Ding smiled slightly, raised his mouth, lifted him upside down on top of his head, and then threw him towards the gate of the palace.

The whole body of this person flung out of the temple door involuntarily, and landed heavily on the marble floor, and then heard the sound of tragic pain.

The whole hall was silent.

What a domineering technique, what a lot of strength.

Vote for the living, I'm afraid it's the power that only the northern barbarians have.

"Come on, you have no chance if you don't come!" Xu Ding clapped his hands and looked at the dozens of young heroes who were a little timid, showing a teasing smile.

"Come on, let's go together!"

I don't know who yelled, everyone clenched their fists or grabbed them, their eyes all showed fierceness, and then they all rushed over.

Xu Ding was not afraid at all, one punch, one kick, two kicks.

The body is like the wind, and the afterimage is swept away, turning to fight and fighting among the crowd.

Then beat them all.

Dozens of young heroes fell to the ground and screamed, all with bruised noses and swollen faces.

"So strong!"

Someone exclaimed in admiration, even Zongzheng looked straight at him, and softly said to the Baxian King: "Don't cry, where did you find this kid, so fierce!"

The Eight Sage King Ji Wuming smiled slightly and said, "I picked it up on the way back to Beijing!"

"Ahem...I picked it up!" Elder Zongzheng was astonished, he found that the Eight Worthy King Ji Wuming didn't seem to be joking.

"Your Majesty, does this count as Xu Mou passing the test?" Xu Ding cupped his fists and half-bowed in the direction of the emperor.

Ji Wuji, the Emperor of the Middle Zhou Dynasty, coughed and said, "Your martial arts are indeed outstanding. You are above all others, so you must pass the test."

Zhou Emperor Ji Wuji was a little reluctant when he said this.

The Eight Worthy King Ji Wuming was already very strong. If it weren't for the other three kingdoms, the emperor would not have been his own.

Therefore, I always feel guilty towards Shangji Wuming and Ji Wuji, so I work hard and dare not neglect in the slightest.

As a result, the boy recruited by the eight sage king Ji Wuming is also so strong that he has defeated all the contestants selected in the Ritual Competition.

So Ji Wuji was naturally a little unhappy.

People can really piss people off more than people.

The Minister of Rites is even more shameless. The seed players selected by Lao Tzu through competitions are not as good as the poor boy.

It was so fucking annoying, so he stood up and said: "If you have passed it, let's write it. I don't know how good your writing skills are?"

"My lord can come up with any questions!" Xu Ding turned around and replied to the Minister of Rites.

Still the same confidence.

Zongzheng asked the Eight Sage Kings: "How is Wu Ming's talent?"

"I don't know!" Ji Wuming replied flatly.

I... Zongzheng wanted to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

I don't know!

I don't know that you will give him the waist card and let him come directly to the hall to wipe it.

But soon Ji Wuming said again: "You should be very talented!"

"Okay! Since you are so confident, then I won't make things difficult for you." The Minister of Rites smiled slightly, pointing to the people who were beaten just now, and said, "I will give the same questions as the ones they have tested, and you will do four first. Poems containing spring, summer, autumn, and winter!"

Spring, summer, autumn and winter, four poems in a row.

This is quite difficult!

Who needs to make four excellent poems in such a short period of time, and the title is still limited.

A group of young heroes expressed their gratitude to the Minister of Rites.

Those who know me are the Minister of Rites.

"It's really simple, thank you sir for your generosity and kindness!" Xu Ding said to him in a nonchalant way, and then put his hands behind his waist and said:
"Sitting alone in a pond is like a tiger crouching, and under the shade of a tree nourishes the spirit.

When spring comes, if I don't speak first, no insect dares to make a sound. "

After reading the four lines, Xu Ding glanced at the Minister of Rites, and the Minister of Rites, who came back from the memory, was flushed, so angry that he wanted to explode his lungs.

You arrogant brat, you actually played tricks on me.

Everyone was also whispering.

But Xu Ding didn't stop, and read again:
"The spring eye silently cherishes the trickle, the shade of the tree shines on the water and loves the softness.

Xiao He only showed her sharp horns, and a dragonfly had already stood on her head. "

So fast, so smart and agile, it's another masterpiece.

But is this guy alluding to something again?

Then Xu Ding said:

"After empty mountains and new rain, the weather is late to autumn.

The bright moon is shining, and the clear spring stone is flowing.

The bamboo noise goes to Huannu, and the lotus moves off the fishing boat.

Break free to Chun-fang, Sun-self to stay. "

After reading this, Xu Ding deliberately stopped for a while and did not continue reading.

"Okay!" At this time, someone was convinced and applauded.

Spring, summer, and autumn are all present, and they are all good poems, and they are all good poems that can be passed down through the ages.

"There's still winter, maybe you won't know it anymore." The Minister of Rites pressed as dark as his face was.

The sour young heroes below also shouted: "Winter! Winter!"

Xu Dinghan scolded: "Shut up."

A group of sour young heroes were dumbfounded for a moment, retracting their necks.

This kid is so fucking fierce.

"You must not be presumptuous in the hall. If you don't know how to do so, your Majesty will forgive you." The Minister of Rites also said in a cold voice.

Xu Ding said: "It's not that I can't, but I have two songs in my mind. I don't know which one is more suitable. Which one to choose will make His Majesty happy, satisfy all officials, and make His Highness the Eight Sage Kings not disappointed."

"Hahaha, return two poems. You can read all your skills. If you don't know it, you can't. Don't use your tongue." The Minister of Rites seems to have discovered Xu Ding's weakness. This guy can't write winter poems. A fatal point, just poke it hard.

Even the Eldest Princess and the Second Princess started talking in whispers.

"This person is outstanding in growth and talent, but he is too sharp."

"My sister is right. If you are wrong, you are wrong. If you don't know it, you won't. There are three good poems in front of you. As long as you give in, we are begging for mercy. Father may let him participate in the final selection."

"Hehe, sister, you have taken a fancy to him."

"How is it possible? It wouldn't be a pity to give him a chance, but it's just a chance. Look at him like that, can he be a good son-in-law? My sister won't take a liking to him."

"How is it possible, my sister won't even want a man my sister doesn't want!"

The two talked without hesitation.

Although the third son kept his back to the hall and didn't know what Xu Ding looked like, he felt sympathy for Tong Wei Mo.

Isn't this person's experience now almost the same as mine.

One pair against everyone alone, one person against fate.

But life is life after all, there are things that should be there, and things that shouldn't be there are not.

"Since you want to hear it, I'll read it all out, and I hope you can correct me." Xu Ding cleared his throat and said:

"The first title of "Jiang Xue"

Thousands of birds and all-rounders.

Boat PC World Weng, fishing alone trees and snow. "

"Second place "Snow Plum"

Meixue contended for the spring and refused to surrender, so Sao Ren Ge wrote a review.

Meixu is three points less white than snow, but snow is less fragrant than plum. "

I can really make two poems describing winter, and the artistic conception is higher and the poetic flavor is stronger.

They are all excellent works.

For a while, the hall was extremely quiet.

They were all conquered by Xu Ding's talents.

"My lord, if you are still not satisfied, then I have another pleasant poem for you that covers spring, summer, autumn and winter at the same time." Xu Ding smiled and said, "There are flowers in spring, moon in autumn, cool wind in summer and snow in winter. , if you have nothing to worry about, it is a good time in the world."

"Pfft!" The Minister of the Ministry of Rites finally couldn't stand it any longer, spat out a mouthful of stuffy blood, and fainted.

quick!Quickly spread the doctor..."

Seeing that Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites fainted, Emperor Ji Wu hurriedly said to his opponent.

Soon two guards came up and carried the Minister of Rites down to the side hall for treatment.

After the Minister of Rites carried it down, Emperor Ji Wuji said to Xu Ding: "Your poems are very good, but you should restrain your edge when you are young. It is not good to be too impulsive."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your suggestion." Xu Ding bowed.

At this time, the eunuch Si Li said: "Now stand in line again, I hope everyone will seize the opportunity."

A group of young heroes glanced at Xu Ding resentfully, and then they each returned to their original positions, standing in the direction of the two princesses.

The eunuch Si Li said: "Young Master Xu, why don't you stand in line?"

Everyone didn't understand, what kind of tricks this kid was doing.

Xu Ding said: "May I ask, where is the third princess?"

"Cough cough...!"

Everyone was surprised and astonished.

Third princess, does this kid want to be the third princess' son-in-law?

All the people showed strange looks for a moment.

Even the Eight Sage King Ji Wuming was puzzled.

Ji Wuji, the Emperor of the Middle Zhou Dynasty, had a look of joy on his face, and asked, "You want to choose the third child?"

"Return to Your Majesty, that's right! I choose the third princess!" Xu Ding glanced at the third princess who was sitting in the wheelchair and turned around, and then replied seriously.

Emperor Ji of the Middle Zhou Dynasty slapped the dragon chair heavily, and his face became more joyful.

It's so numb, finally someone chooses the third child.

Others looked as if they had eaten a fly, as uncomfortable as they wanted to be.

Especially the young heroes who stopped him just now looked annoyed.

You fucking want to choose the three princesses, you said it earlier, not only will I not stop you, but I will make it happen.

The beating was in vain.

It turned out not to be a contender at all.

The minister of the Ministry of Rites, who had just been rescued by the doctor in the side hall, spit out another mouthful of blood, rolled his eyes and passed out again.

The third princess, whose back was facing everyone, trembled slightly when she heard the words.

Hold the corners of the clothes tightly with both hands.

Someone chooses her.

It was Mr. Xu just now.

It was he who chose me.

I also have options.

The third princess who had never shed tears, a crystal slipped down from the corner of her eyes and flowed into her lips.

It is obviously salty, but it is sweet.

But she didn't turn around, because she was afraid of losing, she was afraid of being unreal.

She was afraid that if she turned around, all of this would be false.

How many times have there been hopes, and how many times have they been shattered and disappointed.

So she dared not turn around.

She is afraid of hallucinations.

When the eldest princess and the second princess heard the words, shame and anger appeared on their faces.

What a guy who doesn't know good and bad, actually looks down on the two of them and chooses the third.

Women are naturally jealous.

After Xu Ding showed all his talents and overwhelmed the Minister of Rites with one or five poems, both the eldest princess and the second princess developed a good impression.

He was appointed by the scriptures in his heart.

One person can fight everyone, one talent surpasses all others, such a person is the best match for them.

Originally, I was expecting him to stand on my side, but this kid chose the third child.

The third child has something worthy of his choice.

a fool.

"Hehe, good! Since you choose the third child, then you don't need to stand in line, just stand by the Eight Sage Kings!" Ji Wuji was in a good mood, and promised that this kid had the same civil and military talents as the Eight Sage Kings. Not bad, so he directly sent him to the side of the Eight Sage Kings.

Because the little princess has no competitors here, she basically acquiesced to the fact that he is a son-in-law.

When he came to the Baxian King, Wang Xianwang said: "You are very special!"

"My lord is also very special!" Xu Ding replied without saying much.

At this time, the eldest princess and the second princess had no choice but to make a choice. Since there was no Xu Ding, they would also choose the most pleasing one from the others to stay.

Those who were not selected will be disappointed and regretful.

But as a result, they had no choice but to retreat to the minister's side and wait.

The chosen one stood beside the two princesses.

At this time, Emperor Ji Wuji said: "Xuan'er, it's up to you to choose a son-in-law!"

It's my turn!
The third princess, Ji Xuan, was shocked.

This is not an illusion.

This is real.

Is anyone really willing to marry her, a woman who can't live to be 17 years old?

Does he really like himself?

What purpose does he have, is he really for himself or...

All of a sudden, the third princess, Ji Xuan, suddenly thought wildly.

Until Emperor Ji Wuji asked Xuan'er five times.

She just came back to her senses, and then replied coldly: "Father, I don't choose anyone, let him go back!"

After saying this, Ji Xuan felt a deep tug in her heart.

There was a twinge in her heart.

Want to hug, but afraid to get.

It's better to refuse, because I won't live past seventeen anyway.

So as not to harm others.

Emperor Ji Wu swallowed involuntarily, and everyone was also taken aback.

Three princesses, what does this mean?
Someone chooses you, and you still push it out.

This made the eldest princess and the second princess roll their eyes.

Don't let him out early.

Now that we have chosen, we have no choice but to go back on our word.

Damn it!

All the young heroes who failed the selection laughed secretly.

Well, you bastard, you thought you could be a son-in-law if you chose the third princess, and now the third princess doesn't like you either.

(End of this chapter)

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