Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 781 Meeting the little princess for the first time 8 The wise king has plans

Chapter 781 Meeting the Little Princess for the First Time

See what you can do, see how arrogant you are, and see how arrogant you are.

One by one they began to gloat.

Someone had the same fate as them, and now I feel a lot better.

"Xuan'er, don't make trouble, how can this matter be such a trifle!" Emperor Ji Wuji responded, a little bit angrily.

It's fine to spoil the third child normally, but he absolutely can't allow this kind of thing.

This is for the annals of history.

Moreover, although Xu Ding is a little arrogant and crazy, but his literary talent and martial arts are all top-notch, he is really a good son-in-law.

If the third child can marry him, it will be a beautiful thing, and the feeling of guilt in my heart will be much less.

"Father, I..." Ji Xuan was still stubborn after her temper came up, and wanted to say something, but at this moment Xu Ding stood up and said:

"Your Majesty! Xu has something to say."

The emperor Ji Wuji, who was about to reprimand him, turned around and said, "What do you want to say?"

Xu Ding said: "Please forgive me, Your Majesty, Xu didn't actually come to participate in the palace swab, but to help the third prince heal his illness, so the matter of the son-in-law shouldn't exist, your majesty doesn't need to embarrass the third princess."

"Er... what did you say?" Ji Wuji was taken aback again.

It's for the old man to treat his illness.

The others were even more confused.

This... this... what the hell is going on.

Just now, swords were on the verge of breaking out, and she made a big move in order to become a son-in-law.

One princess said she didn't want to choose, and the other said she didn't come to the palace to choose a son-in-law.

He also said that he came to treat diseases, so can we stop such a joke.

What did you think of the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty?

"Your Majesty, Xu is here to treat illnesses." Xu Ding walked to the middle with a medical box on his shoulders and said, "I am confident that I can cure Your Highness Three Princesses, please allow Your Majesty."

Everyone took a deep breath before they remembered that Xu Ding had a medical kit on him.

This kid won't really come to treat illnesses, this... is too unbelievable.

This man's brain is sick.

Emperor Ji Wuji's face turned dark again, and countless sword lights shot out from his eyes, staring at Xu Ding firmly.

The entire court was extremely quiet, as if a big storm was brewing.

Everyone awaits sentencing.

After a long time, the Eight Virtuous King got up, stood up and said, "Your Majesty, since someone can cure the third princess' illness, you might as well wipe it off. It's getting late today, let's end it for now and let everyone have a good rest!"

Zong Zheng also stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I think what the Eight Sage Kings said is true!"

Those ministers who supported the Eight Sage Kings also echoed.

Even the family forces who became the two son-in-laws of the eldest princess and the second princess hurriedly came out to agree.

There can be no more twists and turns in this matter.

Otherwise, their good deeds will be ruined, and it will not be worthwhile.

Emperor Ji Wuji glanced at everyone, then said: "Yes!"

Everyone retreated according to the courtesy.

The emperor and his concubines walked in front, followed by three princesses, two newly recruited concubines, and important figures of the Ji family, such as the Baxian King and Zongzheng.

Of course there is Xu Ding, he was led by the eunuch and walked at the end.

Turned several corridors, walked through a wide courtyard, and finally came to a large hall.

The crowd guarded the emperor, and they still lined up on both sides according to the situation in the court hall.

As soon as Xu Ding came in, Emperor Ji Wuji said, "Xu Ding, you said you can cure Xuan'er's illness?"

Xu Ding replied: "There are five layers of confidence!"

Emperor Ji Wuji frowned slightly: "You are only on the fifth floor, weren't you full of confidence just now? Could it be that you are deceiving the emperor!"

"No! Your Majesty, I have never met the three princesses, nor have I hoped, heard, asked, or heard. Naturally, I can only be sure of five levels." Xu Ding explained.

Emperor Ji Wuji raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and then said: "Okay, I will allow you to treat Xuan'er. If you can't cure her, you should know the consequences!"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, there is nothing worse than the third princess' continued illness." Xu Ding stood upright, still neither humble nor overbearing.

Emperor Ji Wuji snorted coldly, not sure if it was anger or something else.

The Eighth Sage King stood up and said, "Then let the third princess see a doctor!"

The third princess was pushed into the side room according to the scriptures, and the eight virtuous king led Xu Ding in.

Everyone else is waiting outside.

There were no other people inside, and the Eight Sage Kings just sent them to the door curtain, then gestured with their eyes, and finally patted Xu Ding's shoulder lightly, then turned and went back.

Xu Ding understood what he meant, this was probably arranged by Emperor Ji Wuji.

In fact, from the moment he stood in line, his status was determined by scriptures.

It was impossible to change anything because of Ji Xuan's nonsense.

Pushing aside the curtain, Xu Ding walked in, but Ji Xuan still had her back to him.

Knowing that Xu Ding had come in, he said coldly, "Go away, I won't let you cure me, go away, I won't like you."

Xu Ding didn't speak, but approached step by step until his back was touched, then he stopped suddenly, and asked Xiaoliu to start various X-ray examinations.

"Ding! The master has inspected the girl's feet and there are no defects, and there is no such thing as lameness. At the same time, I have detected that her body should have these kinds of diseases..."

The plug-in Xiao Liu reported the results of various inspections to Xu Ding, and Xu Ding made up his mind, and then Xiao Liu said: "I hope that samples of his blood, urine, feces, etc. can be tested, so that we can know more clearly. Find out about other illnesses."

"Why don't you talk, you are not dumb, aren't you very good at talking in the hall? Why don't you talk, let's go..." The third princess never looked back, but she couldn't hear Xu Ding's footsteps, nor did she Hearing his response, one could only feel a tall and warm figure behind him.

So it made her a little nervous, but also uneasy.

Before I knew it, I talked a lot.

Xu Ding drew the corners of his mouth slightly and said: "Does the third princess really want me to leave? If I really leave, you don't regret it, and you don't want to see what I look like? You don't want to completely get rid of this trouble that has plagued you for many years , You don’t want to go outside to see the wonderful world, to see the spring, summer, autumn and winter outside, to see why people outside live happily and work hard, and you don’t want to see how big the world is.”

"I, I don't want to!" Ji Xuan nunu mouthed and pinched the corner of her clothes unwillingly, feeling complicated.

It's no wonder if she doesn't want to, this is what she has longed for since she was a child, but is it really possible?
She also wanted to see what the only arrogant man who chose her looked like, and whether he was as handsome as he boasted.

Is it in line with the white horse general in my heart?

"It turns out that the third princess really didn't want to, so I just started talking abruptly. I thought of a way to cure the lord, hey..." Xu Ding sighed, then turned around and walked in the direction he came from.

This time Princess Jixuan became anxious, turned the wheelchair around and shouted: "Wait, how can you be so impatient and leave as soon as you say, how can you be a doctor."

Xu Ding didn't reply, but stopped in his tracks, then shrugged his shoulders and said: "Actually, I don't think the princess is sick, but sickness is also a heart disease. As the saying goes, a heart disease needs a heart medicine doctor. I can't diagnose the heart disease of the lord, so naturally I can't help it." Healing, if unable to heal, I have to ask His Majesty for forgiveness."

"Liar, you said just now that you are five levels sure, and you said you have ten levels when you see me, but now you say that there is no way to cure me. You are a big liar." Ji Xuan said angrily.

Xu Ding turned around without speaking, and looked at the third princess who finally showed up.

What kind of person is this.

His appearance was outstanding, his facial features were carved like jade, his skin was snow white, even a little too pale.

The pupils are very strong and unyielding, and at this moment there is a little anger, and the black hair is hanging down on the chest, falling together.

How should I put it, Xu Ding felt that if he could find a similar character in his mind, Ji Xuan would probably be Ruthless in "The Four Famous Catchers".

"" The moment Ji Xuan saw Xu Ding, she couldn't control what she wanted to say.

"What about me? My lord, why don't you continue talking." Xu Ding drew the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a charming smile, and then walked over, halfway down, keeping an eye-level angle with Ji Xuan.

"You... are annoying!" Ji Xuan's chest trembled violently, and then she grabbed the wheelchair with both hands, trying to turn around.

However, Xu Dingshuang suppressed her.

Two warm and generous palms covered the back of Ji Xuan's jade hands, and she stuck her wheelchair with her right foot. Then she looked at Ji Xuan who was a little angry and said, "Obviously I can stand up, but I want to sit in a wheelchair. Do you know that if you don’t exercise regularly, you will gain weight easily?”

When he said this, Xu Ding raised his eyebrows slightly.

Ji Xuan was punctured by the measurement, she retracted her hand, rolled her eyes and said, "How do you know, you are the only one who gains weight, this princess will never be fat."

"Not only do I know, His Majesty should also know, and the Eight Sage Kings should also know, and there should be quite a few people who want to know." Xu Ding said with a smile.

He could see Ji Xuan's little tricks, so naturally the emperor Ji Wuji could also see it, not to mention the wise and mighty Eight Sage Kings.

It's just that everyone didn't want to expose Ji Xuan.

After all, no one wants to hurt a young girl who can only live to be 17 years old, so it's okay to let him be willful.

"You... bully people!" Ji Xuan suddenly realized that everyone knew that she was messing around, and everyone was enduring it, but they didn't want to expose it. Ji Xuan suddenly felt sad, and lightly beat Xu Ding , beating and cursing:
"You're annoying, you're really annoying..."


Outside, everyone was waiting for the result, only to hear the voices of cursing and yelling to hate and hate inside, and everyone was overwhelmed by it.

"What is this?" Ji Wuji glanced at Aifei beside him, raised his hand and put it down again.

This is not seeing a doctor, you want to flirt, okay?

The Eighth Wise King was also a little embarrassed, he knew that he shouldn't just give the waist card to this kid.

Really not a fuel-efficient lamp.

But soon there was no movement inside, and after a while, Xu Ding pushed Ji Xuan out.

A smile appeared on Ji Xuan's face, and she half-covered her mouth in a daze.

"How?" Ji Wuji asked with the most concern as a father.

Xu Ding said: "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life to find out the cause of my lord's illness. My lord suffered from poisoning since I was a child. I need some special treatment methods and items, and it is not easy to cure in a short time. But please rest assured, Your Majesty, the third princess is not Those who die prematurely will not have a problem living past half a century."

"It's true!" Ji Wu was overjoyed, but it's not easy for an emperor to trust others, so he still had doubts.

Xu Ding replied firmly: "Don't dare to lie to Your Majesty, Xu's words are true."

"Hahaha, good! That's great! My Xuan'er is saved, saved." Ji Wu stood up from the chair very happily, with her hands above her head, shaking her sleeves constantly.

Others also showed liking on their faces.

Especially the Baxian King heaved a sigh of relief, and finally let go of his tense nerves.

I finally read it right.

Xu Ding this kid is not only versatile in civil and military affairs, but also knows medicine.

But everyone was happy, but the eldest princess, the second princess and their concubines were secretly a little anxious.

Originally, there were only two people competing for imperial power, and they had a half-to-half chance.

Now that the disease of the third princess can be cured, everyone's chances have dropped to the third floor.

The key point is that Emperor Ji Wuji still loves Ji Xuan the most, and Xu Ding's Wenwu is far more than the other two consorts.

The balance is clearly biased.

Ji Wu was very happy and held a banquet in the palace to celebrate.

When it was getting late, everyone left the table and dispersed.

The son-in-law of the eldest princess and the second princess also left the palace to go home.

Only Xu Ding was staying in the palace, and it was Ji Wuji's arrangement.

Ji Xuan's illness is a chronic disease and needs to be treated slowly, so naturally Xu Ding can't leave.

And judging from the performance during the day, the youngest daughter Yijing fell into the enemy's hands and relied heavily on Xu Ding.

For all considerations, he needs to promise to stay in the palace.

However, the Baxian King did not leave, but was called to the study by Ji Wuji.

"Eighth Brother, where did you find this Xu Ding?" There was no one else in the study, so Ji Wuji asked calmly.

The Baxian King replied: "Brother Huihuang, I met him at the south gate of the city when he was returning to Beijing. At that time, he wrote a poem and was impressed by his talent. Wu thought he was here to participate in the 'Leaping over the Dragon Gate'." , so I gave him the waist card, I never thought that he is still good at medicine, I think he wanted to come to treat Xuan'er, but because of the minister's mess, it went wrong."

The Baxian King also read another poem by Xu Ding to Ji Wuji.

Ji Wuji nodded in praise after listening.

Among other things, Xu Ding, this literary talent is really suave, probably not even the eighth younger brother.

"Although this person is good, we still need to find out the details. In the end, he shouldn't be from other three countries." Generally speaking, Ji Wuji was quite satisfied, but there was a deep worry in his brows, and he asked:

"This time you are out of Beijing to patrol, what is the situation in the cities of our Great Zhou Empire?"

The Eight Sage King replied: "It's very bad. Although the lords of the cities flatter on the surface, after inspection by the ministers, most of them have ties to the other three kingdoms. They communicate secretly, and they are even sent by the other three kingdoms. I am worried about it." ah."

"It's all because of my incompetence. If Eighth Brother were the emperor, I, Da Zhou, wouldn't be like this." Ji Wu said sadly.

The Baxian King hurriedly said: "My younger brother is terrified. Brother Huang's words are inappropriate. If I change my younger brother, maybe there will be no great Zhou in the scriptures."

"Ah... hey!" Ji Wuji knew that what the Eight Sage Kings said was true.

Ji Wuming is talented, if he comes to power, it will definitely be a great reform period, and the army will be vigorous, but this is not allowed by the Three Kingdoms.

At that time, I will definitely find an excuse to break into the Great Zhou Dynasty, and then do harm to help the younger emperor.

"Then eighth brother, how do you think my Great Zhou will go on in the future? After a long time, my Great Zhou is not a country, a king is not a king, and there is a country without a country. I am afraid it will be difficult to maintain it." Ji Wuji was under the greatest pressure. , there is no son below, so he can only choose a son-in-law and pass the throne to his daughter.

Ji Wuming said: "Brother Huang, we still have to reform, but we can't start from the court, we have to start from the local area, and take power and land step by step. Over the years, people and ministers have been running around everywhere, thinking that I have found something in the Zhou Dynasty. The righteousness of the Shaojiang Lake has made friends with many forces, we can start with the three sons-in-law, openly and honestly take the banner to collect the city, and get back the real land that belongs to my Great Zhou."

"Oh... eighth brother, tell me quickly, how to do it..." Of course Ji Wuji knew that Ji Wuming used the name of Xiaoyao King to travel around all over the years, making friends with strange talents, secretly accumulating strength to fight against the Three Kingdoms, So I can't wait.

As long as it can revive the Great Zhou, he will definitely support it.

(End of this chapter)

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