Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 782 Three Kingdoms Compete for Daughter Xu Ding to Leave Beijing

Chapter 782

After several days of treatment, the condition of the third princess, Ji Xuan, has changed a lot.

Talking and laughing with Xu Ding every day, the whole person has become more lively.

On this day, Xu Ding was about to resign from Emperor Da Zhou, because he didn't have much medicine and needed to go back to Weiyuan Island to replenish it.

Moreover, Xu Shu also needs to contact him, so he can't stay in the palace all the time.

"You're going out of the palace, isn't this a good time!" Ji Wuji was a little surprised.

Xu Ding said: "Your Majesty, the medicine to treat the princess is running out, I need to go home, and I will come back as soon as I get it."

"That's not what I'm talking about. Xuan'er's illness needs to be recuperated slowly. I can understand. What I actually want to say is..." Ji Wuji said:
"The Nanming, Western Qin, and Eastern Tang empires learned that Xuan'er's illness could be cured, and Xuan'er did not choose you in front of all civil and military officials in the court that day, so the three kingdoms wanted to marry Da Zhou, and each sent their princes. Come to Haojing, there may be twists and turns in the matter between you and Xuan'er."

Speaking of this, Ji Wuji was a little ashamed and angry.

In terms of the dominance of the Three Kingdoms, they definitely didn't want Ji Xuan to marry Xu Ding.

His own daughter's lifelong happiness, but he, the father, can't make the decision, and has to obey the orders of the other three kingdoms, which is really a shame.

"The Three Kingdoms sent their princes to marry the three princesses!" Xu Ding heard a cold light in his eyes when he heard this, he was like a Nanming, Xiqin, and Dongtang.

"That's right, the documents from another country have been sent here. Otherwise, if I just let you marry Xuan'er, they would be very involved, but now... hey!" Ji Wuji sighed heavily.

Xu Ding looked at Ji Wuji who didn't know the truth or lies, thought for a while and asked, "Then what about the eldest princess and the second princess?"

Ji Wuji was taken aback, why did she ask these two daughters.

Although he was doubtful, he still said truthfully: "Wu'er and Yun'er are set to get married tomorrow, they should settle the matter as soon as possible, otherwise..."

Otherwise, the three kingdoms would fail to compete for Ji Xuan, so they would simply take one and divide the three daughters up.

In that way, Da Zhou would become the laughing stock of the world even more, and Da Zhou lost even the last bit of his status and was completely eaten up.

"Ha ha..." Xu Ding shook his head lightly, suddenly he looked down on Ji Wu extremely.

"What's the exact date?" Xu Ding asked.

Ji Wuji said: "The princes of the Three Kingdoms came from their respective capitals, the convoys will not be too shabby, at most 20 days."

"20 days, okay, just 20 days, with 20 days as a period, you wait for me for 20 days, help me hold them back, I will definitely come back within 20 days, then you don't have to reject the Three Kingdoms, and hold a public election for the three princesses, I If I fight with them openly, I want to see what the prince of the Three Kingdoms is." Xu Ding half-bowed to Ji Wuji, and then retreated without waiting for him to reply.

"You... that's all!" Ji Wuji saw that Xu Ding was still so persistent, and he didn't know where Xu Ding got his courage and confidence.

Three Kingdoms, how can Da Zhou afford to offend them?

Xu Ding went to say goodbye to Ji Xuan, and after she was reluctant to let her go and comforted her, Xu Ding left the palace.

Outside the palace gate, there was a waiting carriage parked.

The groom respectfully asked Xu Ding: "Young Master Xu, please get on the carriage."

Xu Ding took a look at the carriage and found that it was very ordinary, with a single horse and a very simple body.

But he still stared up, because he smelled a familiar smell.

After getting into the carriage, I saw a familiar person.

"Xu has met the Eight Sage Kings..."

The eight virtuous king slowly opened his closed eyes, and then nodded slightly.

The curtain was lowered, and the carriage gradually disappeared on the wide avenue.


'Feng' city!

City Lord's Mansion!
"Check, keep checking, I want to know where Xu Ding has gone? How could a big living person disappear out of nowhere, did he quietly return to Wanmo Mountain?" Jiang Li became more and more uneasy, and Xu Ding even lost his sight .

I don't know how it disappeared.

I don't know where I went.

Bailang's expression was also not good, and he tried his best to collect all the information in his mind for a continuous analysis, but he still couldn't find any clues.

However, he still replied affirmatively: "City Master, Xu Ding definitely did not enter the mountain. We have closely monitored the way to enter the mountain. None of the people he brought entered the mountain, and none of our people disappeared."

"Then where did you say they went?" Jiang Li asked angrily.

Bai Lang said: "Maybe he went to other cities, maybe he went to Haojing. If he is from the other two countries, he will definitely go to Haojing, because our 'Feng' city is only his first stop."

"Then what if he is not from the other two countries?" Jiang Li asked coldly.

"This...he should and cannot be from my Dazhou." Bailang couldn't think of Xu Ding's identity for a moment, it was too difficult to find out.

Jiang Li said: "That's not necessarily the case. You should find out where he came from as soon as possible. According to what you said, go to Haojing to look for it."

"It's the city lord!" Bailang bowed and bid farewell.

Just when Jiang Li and Bai Lang were thinking about Xu Ding, Xu Ding entered the Wanmo Mountain with the scriptures.

The Myriad Demon Mountain is huge, and there is more than one way to enter the mountain.

It turned out that Xu Ding borrowed a few things from the Eighth Sage King after he left Haojing that day.

The Eight Sage Kings are the contemporary virtuous kings of the Great Zhou Dynasty. They have been active in various parts of the Great Zhou Dynasty under the emperor's instruction, making friends with strangers from all over the world, and secretly forming many forces.

So Xu asked him to borrow strength, and the Eight Sage Kings naturally did not refuse.

Because the Eight Sage Kings also found out that Xu Ding came from the city of 'Feng', he probably also guessed what Xu Ding wanted to do.

This was exactly what he wanted to see. It was time for a change in Da Zhou, who was in a pool of water.

He is also waiting to see how much change a sudden emergence of Xu Ding can bring.

Entering the mountain from other directions requires re-exploring the path, and it takes a long detour, so it took Xu Ding a lot of time to turn back to the cave.

Back in Pingzhou, he hurried back to Weiyuan Island again.

Then he inspected the Equipment Department, and then interviewed Guo Jia.

"My lord, there is no major event during this period. Liu Bei is still the same, continue to train more soldiers, expand the force, and actively defend and strengthen the city checkpoints." Guo Jiahui reported:

"Jiang Qi successfully entered the Taihang Mountains to get rid of Tao Sheng and Suigu, and wiped out all the banditry in the direction of Jizhou. Our Donglai armies are also stationed in various places. The basic defense can still be guaranteed, but we still need to conquer the world. Further expand the troops in the field order."

"For the expansion of the army, please draw up a charter. I want to establish a new army. First, a new type of army with firearms as the mainstay. If more information is obtained from the Longteng Continent, at the same time, we will establish a new army with weapons from the Western Qin Dynasty, inscriptions from the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and formations. In the establishment of these troops, the physical and cultural qualities of our soldiers are relatively high, so we continue to increase education expenditures in various counties and counties, and improve the overall education level of our big men so as to adapt to the new tactics in the future. .” Xu Ding thought about it and listed this guidance plan, and Guo Jia quickly recorded it.

Xu Dingshuang asked, "What's the situation with Cao Cao? Are Zhao Ling and the others from Liangzhou all right?"

Guo Jia replied: "Cao Cao wanted to recruit Jia Xu from Hanyang County, Hao Meng and Tuoba Yu from Wudu County, but all three refused, but in my opinion, this is just Jia Xu deliberately raising his status to gain Cao Cao's appreciation. And recognition, as well as the strategy of gaining a foothold in the Cao Cao Group.

And Tuoba Yu had no intention of surrendering Cao at all, even if it was a false surrender, so he guessed that in the end he would join forces with Zhang Lu in Hanzhong to get rid of Hao Meng. "

"Don't worry about Jia Xu's matter, let him toss about it. This person understands the general situation, is a smart person, and knows how to choose, so remind Zifan more and don't let him be exposed." Xu Ding is right. It is expected, so there is no strange doubt.

Then Guo Jia said: "By the way, my lord, there is an incident between Yuzhou and Yangzhou that needs to be cautious recently. Then Sun Ce and Zhou Yu frequently contacted Yuan Shu, and our people discovered that the Sun family had sent people, things, and generals to infiltrate Yuan Shu's army. To provide supplies and support for them, I suspect that the Sun family and Yuan Shu have reached some kind of secret deal, and they may attack Lu Bu, which may affect our layout in the south."

"Yuan Shu got mixed up with Zhou Yu and Sun Ce, which is very interesting." Xu Ding asked with a chuckle, "Did Yuan Shu's son die?"

"Well! How did my lord know?" Guo Jia asked curiously, but his eyes lit up after asking: "My lord means..."

"Very likely?" Xu Ding nodded slightly.

"Yuan-Sun United, that's going to be troublesome." Guo Jia said:

"The Sun family will develop faster with the help of the Yuan family's influence, and Yangzhou will sit more securely. Moreover, Lu Bu will be hit with two fists, which may be extremely disadvantageous."

Xu Ding said: "It's okay, this thing has advantages and disadvantages. Sun and Yuan are integrated, and when they face problems and enemies together, they may be able to unite, but when the problems are solved or the enemies cannot be eliminated, their honeymoon period is over. Contradictions will come.

There is another saying that success is Xiao He, and failure is Xiao He. The Sun family borrowed the strength of the Yuan family, and sooner or later he will have to repay it, and his growth height is limited.

You forgot Liu Biao. "

Liu Biao originally reached a reconciliation with the Sun family through scriptures to jointly deal with the sudden changes in the Kanto region.

As a result, Yuan Shu and the Sun family are now combined.

These two are his enemies in Jingzhou, what will Liu Biao think if they join forces suddenly.

His worries will be greater.

Because Yuan Sun did it, it was easy to kill him.

Can Liu Biao not be afraid?

Was he still waiting for the threat from the Donglai army? The terrifying far enemy didn't come, but the near enemy killed him.

How can he take care of the big game of chess in the world?
"So what the lord means is, let them mess around, and we don't care about anything for the time being." Guo Jia quickly understood Xu Ding's meaning.

Xu Ding said: "That's right, let them play first, remember to remind Lu Bu first, guide him to form an alliance with Liu Biao, if Lu Bu wants to join forces with us at that time, don't let the people under his rule live too much with decent support and supplies." Suffering is good, today our strategy is to rest and recuperate, and when we gain a firm foothold in the Soaring Dragon Continent, the entire Han Dynasty will be unified."

"Understood my lord, I will pay attention to it." Guo Jia replied.

"By the way, let the newspapers publish more knowledge about Gewu. Those basic knowledge can be opened to the world. Even the shipbuilding technology can be properly taken by Jingzhou and Yangzhou. It is not enough for us to develop and revitalize the big man. They There are talents under the government, let them study hard and keep up with our pace, and the world will be unified in the future, so that there will be no serious deviations in a certain state or a certain county." Xu Ding thought for a while and said:
"Also, we can let the great Confucian scholars and professors of our Dongnai College go to other places in the country to give lectures and give lectures, so as to benefit the world, don't be petty, and be more generous."

"My lord is heroic, but my lord is broad-minded. If it were Jialai, I would definitely cover it up and not give any soup to these white-eyed wolves." Guo Jia said convincingly.

Xu Ding shook his head slightly and said, "Do you still remember what I said in Yingchuan back then?"

"Stand up for the world!"

"Life for the people!"

"Keep learning for the sake of the saints!"

"Create peace for all generations!"

Guo Jia couldn't help being awed, and straightened his body.

Xu Ding patted Guo Jia on the shoulder and said: "All of us didn't talk about it, but did it with our hearts. Although we will be confused and misunderstood in the process, when that day comes, we will all do it for you. pride.

When we are old, when our grandson listens to our stories, he will definitely applaud and say, Grandpa, you are so great! "

"Great!" Guo Jiameng's heart shook.

It is because I am stunned, how can I embrace the world without the mind to carry the world.

"That's right!" Xu Ding who walked outside the door turned to look at Guo Jia: "First of all, you have a grandson!"

Xu Ding smiled evilly, turned around and left again.

Guo Jia was taken aback for a moment, then his face turned awkward.

Not to mention grandson, he doesn't even have a son yet.

Because I haven't officially married anyone yet, my normal physical needs are also for those...

"Hey! My lord has worked so hard, Jia understands." Guo Jia sighed softly.

A few days later, Guo Jia officially got married, and vowed that he would never drink flower wine or sleep in Goulan.


Zhou Haojing in the Dragon Continent!

The princes of Nanming, Western Qin, and Eastern Tang arrived at Haojing almost on the same day, and entered through various city gates.

The next day the three princes entered the palace to meet the emperor of the Great Zhou Empire.

"The three princes have worked hard all the way, please give me a seat!" Ji Wu raised her hand very politely.

Only the princes of the Great Zhou Empire are eligible for this treatment, but none of the three princes sat down, but the prince of the Western Qin Empire said first: "Wait a minute, His Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor, we are here to marry the third princess Jixuan. There is no need to be the host, please invite Princess Jixuan to come out and see you."

The military generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty all showed anger, and the civil servants whispered.

This is too straightforward, you have to see the princess when you come up.

It seems that he will not marry.

You must know that the third princess has something to do with Xu Ding, so she should have married Xu Ding.

"This... I'm afraid it's inconvenient for the little girl to be sick." Ji Wu dared not to be angry, and explained: "This court will learn from foreign envoys. How can a girl enter the palace? I don't think there is such a thing in Daqin Set a precedent!"

"I don't have such a precedent in Daqin, but that is my Daqin. This is Dazhou. It is not surprising that this happened. You must know that your state of Zhou has a loose state policy and has always been business-oriented. You don't respect rules and don't care about it." This kind of thing." The prince from the Western Qin Dynasty is called Zhao Zheng, and he has always had a domineering style, so he stared at Ji Wuji and said:

"So Emperor Zhou, let Princess Jixuan come out. If she is really sick, I will treat her. Don't worry, I will bring all the famous doctors from Xiqin. After the cure is cured, I will marry her in a prosperous manner."

(End of this chapter)

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