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Chapter 783 Zhao Zheng Judy Li Yuanji

Chapter 783 Zhao Zheng Judy Li Yuanji

"Presumptuous! Zhao Zheng, have you made enough trouble!"

Zhu Di, the prince of the Nanming Kingdom, interrupted Zhao Zheng's wild words with a loud yell.

Li Yuanji, the prince of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, also sneered: "Tsk tsk, I have never seen such a vulgar person. I don't understand the rules. Fortunately, you are the prince of the Western Qin Dynasty, and Qin's strict laws have been swallowed up.

Those who didn't know thought it was the Northern Barbarian who came. Princess Jixuan can't help but see her, even if she comes out, she won't be able to choose you. "

Zhao Zheng's face turned red when he was refuted, and he pointed at Li Yuanji: " dare to fight me, I will make your blood splatter five steps!"

When Zhao Zheng spoke, he made a posture of drawing a sword to attack. He had a long sword pinned to his body, which was the longest among all people. This is a characteristic of the Western Qin Dynasty. The higher the rank and official position, the longer the sword, to show nobility superior.

Therefore, the sword of Western Qin is stronger than the world.

"Hahaha, what's the point of fighting you? I, Li Yuanji, can kill you without a sword." Li Yuanji took out a compass from his cuff.

Li Yuanji tapped it lightly, and the compass instantly released a dazzling light, and then disappeared in a flash.

Then, gusts of wind blew gently around Li Yuanji's body.

Zhu Di, the prince of Nanming, took a few steps back.

You must know that Li Yunji played the famous inscriptions and formations of Dongtang.

The compass is a formation, and Li Yuanji must have many secret symbols engraved on his body.

It is very difficult to kill Li Yuanji, and it is easy to be hurt by him.

But this didn't frighten Zhao Zheng. He also took out five finger spanners from his pocket and put them on his right hand. Then he didn't draw his sword, but took it from his waist.

The five spanners touched the sheathed sword lightly.

Immediately, the sword with its sheath buzzed, and a flash of green light also flashed.

Then the body of the sword becomes larger and expands.

Then the scabbard began to deform, and gear-like things began to emerge, and then they were unlocked and overlapped again. After a complex change, a huge sword was held in Zhao Zheng's hand.

The body of the sword is a three-sided rhombus, like a sword and a mace, with a fierce and sharp appearance, as if it can break everything.

Zhao Zheng confronted Li Yuanji with a huge sword in his hand, and the atmosphere suddenly reached the point where swords were on the verge of death.

The civil and military members of the Great Zhou retreated one after another, their faces terrified.

Even Ji Wuji had a cold look on his face, his hands were fisted but he didn't dare to attack.

Both Zhao Zheng and Li Yuanji are the princes of the two countries, he was powerless to stop them, so he had to set his sights on Nanming's prince Zhu Di.

Only Judy can stop the duel between the two.

But Judy didn't seem to want to stop, watching the show from the sidelines.

It was only when he saw Ji Wuji's earnest gaze that he hooked the corners of his mouth proudly, then took out two firecrackers from the gun pouch at his waist, and gently pushed the button of the firecracker with his thumb, Then he said with a smile: "You two, this is the main hall of the Great Zhou Empire. The two of you came here with important responsibilities. If you fight here so recklessly, it might not be good to spread the word.

Put away your weapons, let's listen to what His Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor has to say! "

Li Yuanji snorted coldly and said, "Let this idiot put away his sword first, it's an eyesore!"

"Who are you calling an idiot? Your whole family is an idiot, and you Dongtang people are idiots." Zhao Zheng scolded angrily, "Judy, make this idiot apologize, and I'll let him go when I apologize."

Judy shook her head slightly, then pointed at each of the two guns and said, "It seems that the two of you are unreasonable, and my gun will do the talking."

Li Yuanji frowned slightly, his face turned cold.

Zhao Zhengju pointed at Judy and scolded, "If you dare to shoot, I'll be the first to kill you."

Zhu Di pointed both guns at Zhao Zheng: "You are saying something, I will kill you with Li Yuanji, he will defend, I will attack, you can't get out of this hall today."

Li Yuanji liked to hear this, so he sneered and stared at Zhao Zheng with his head tilted.

Killing Zhao Zheng is also a good idea, because there is one less competitor.

"You..." Zhao Zheng was so angry that he wanted to curse, but when he saw that Zhu Di and Li Yuanji were really going to join forces to kill him, he endured it again, struggled for a while, and then lowered his sword to the ground.

Zhu Di looked at Li Yuanji, and Li Yuanji stopped and turned Rome over.

The surrounding wind stopped immediately.

Zhu Di also retracted the gun, and said to Ji Wuji, "I made the emperor of Zhou laugh."

"Don't dare! Don't dare!" Ji Wuji didn't dare to accept this, and hurriedly said: "The three are all young talents, and I am lucky to have the honor to see the three heroes today!"

Li Yuanji took the compass, then raised his head and asked, "Emperor Zhou, let's not talk nonsense. We are all here to marry Princess Jixuan. You can choose one. Anyway, one of us is going to marry Princess Jixuan. Which one do you want?" suitable!"

This is not a question, this is an imperative sentence.

The threat is obvious, if you dare to pick the other two, I, Dong Tang, will destroy you Can Zhou.

Zhu Di also said: "His Majesty Zhou Huang should indeed be cautious."

Zhao Zheng stared at Ji Wuji, the hand holding the sword was still firmly on the hilt, with the strongest killing intent.

"This..." Why did he kick the ball at him again, Ji Wuji looked a bit embarrassed.

Then, after dawdling on the dragon chair for a long time, he looked down at the Eight Sage Kings. The Eight Sage Kings stood up and said to the three of them, "All three of your Highnesses want to marry Princess Jixuan?"

Zhao Zheng, Zhu Di, and Li Yuanji all clasped their fists politely when they saw Ji Wuming, and said, "Eight Worthy King, I am ordered by my father to marry Princess Jixuan!"

"Okay! Since the three Highnesses really want to marry the princess, and it is impossible for Princess Jixuan to marry all three at the same time, why not have a civil and military battle, and the one who wins the most can naturally marry the princess. This is also fair and just. The three Highnesses think How is it?" The Eight Sage Kings also did not ask questions, but affirmed, although the words were soft, the attitude was firm.

He is the eight wise kings of the Great Zhou, not the emperor, so there is no need to fear the Three Kingdoms.

This is why Zhao Zheng, Zhu Di, and Li Yuanji did not dare to ignore him.

If you want others to respect you, you must first have the ability.

If you want others to respect you, you must first love yourself.

Zhu Di glanced at the other two, then nodded and said first: "I have no problem, the suggestion of the Eight Wise Kings is indeed fair."

Li Yuanji also said: "Very good!"

Then Li Yuanji glanced at Zhao Zheng provocatively.

It means Wen Dou, are you afraid of your grandson?

Dare to accept the move.

You Xiqin are also barbarians and uncivilized, and you are crazy about your brains.

Zhao Zheng snorted coldly at Li Yuanji: "Compare with each other, fight with each other, I, Zhao Zheng, am not weaker than anyone!"

"Okay, since the three His Highnesses are so sincere, after three days when Mr. Xu comes back, the four of them will compete on the earthen platform outside the door at the same time. The winner will be the son-in-law of the third princess of the Great Zhou Empire." This guy repented and directly blocked their retreat.

"Wait, Eight Sage Kings, why is there another Xu Ding?" Li Yuanji said:
"The three of us are princes. Isn't it a bit impolite for you to let a commoner compete with us for the princess?"

"According to the etiquette that His Highness said, Xu Dingyijing is the son-in-law of the third princess of the Great Zhou Empire." The eight virtuous kings looked at Li Yuanji, did not back down at all, but smiled softly:
"Could it be, Your Highness is afraid of losing, afraid of losing to people from my Great Zhou Kingdom."

The Baxian King looked at Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di again: "It's still the two Highnesses who dare to be afraid of losing, or the Great Ming, Great Qin, and Great Tang Empires are afraid of losing."

"Hmph! It's just a commoner. I'll kill one of them. I'm the same as two of them. I'm no match for a group of people." Zhao Zheng said domineeringly.

Judy narrowed her eyes slightly, felt a little nervous in her heart, and then she cupped her hands and replied: "It's okay, the four of you are competing, and it's just a good time to teach each other."

Both of them agreed, and Li Yuanjie secretly scolded a group of stupid pigs, and then said with a flick of his sleeves: "Okay, then I will wait in three days, and hope that Mr. Xu has the courage to come."

After speaking, Li Yuanji left the hall straight away and walked outside.

Zhao Zheng also put away his sword and looked at the Eight Sages appreciatively, "Let Xu Ding wash his neck, my sword is very sharp, hahaha..."

Zhao Zheng also left, and Zhu Di didn't stay much.

Seeing that the three of them had left, the civil and military men of the Great Zhou Kingdom began to discuss.

"The prince from the Western Qin Dynasty is the most domineering. He really is a man raised in the Northwest land with rough mines. He will kill people at every turn and jump violently at every turn!"

"But the prince of Dongtang is not a good thing, he looks superior!"

"The prince of Nanming is more humble and courteous..."

"Do you think Xu Ding really dares to compete with the three princes for the princess?"

"I see Xuan, I heard that Xu Ding has already run away, and now he doesn't know where he went, and he may not dare to show up in three days."

"That's right, don't look at him being majestic in the court that day, but against these three princes, I'm afraid he will lose if he loses one move."

"Wu Dou, definitely not, Wen Dou is hard to say!"

"Anyway, if he dares to come, the three princes will definitely try their best to kill him. A commoner who dares to compete with them to snatch the princess is really..."

Ji Wuji heard the discussion below, no one was thinking about doing something for Zai Zhou, she tossed her dragon robe and said, "Okay, retreat!"

After speaking, Ji Wuji got off the dragon chair and left through the side door.

The Eighth Sage King led the crowd to send off the court respectfully, and then went to see Ji Wuji alone.

In the study, Ji Wuji said worriedly: "Eighth brother, do you think Xu will come back? It's been so many days, he probably ran away and hid."

Even he, the dignified emperor of the Zhou Dynasty, dared not stand against the power of the three empires, promised a commoner, would he dare?
Wang Baxian replied affirmatively: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, Xu Ding's heart is firm and arrogant, and he is not the kind who will succumb after being frightened. I believe that he will definitely come back, and he will definitely win the three of them. With this person's body, the prosperity of my Great Zhou must also start from this person's hands."

"Hey, you have so much confidence in him, we don't even know who he is? Where did he come from? No other power knows, how can we easily entrust all the hopes of Da Zhou in his hands." Ji Wuji Not shaking his head slightly, rubbing and lifting his temples.

People who have been emperors for a long time are inherently suspicious. It has nothing to do with whether he is a good emperor or a bad emperor, or whether he is a mediocrity or a hero.

'Feng' city!

Bai Lang hurried in at the City Lord's Mansion, and after seeing Jiang Li, he reported directly: "The City Lord found out, Xu Ding went to Haojing, and was appreciated by the Eight Sage Kings, and he was elected as the son-in-law in the palace examination."

"Ahem! What? He went to participate in 'Leaping over the Dragon Gate'?" Jiang Li couldn't believe it.

That guy is going to choose a son-in-law.

How could it be possible to choose a son-in-law? Shouldn't this fucking man plot against my 'Feng' city?
Shouldn't he secretly disappear to plan to seize the city of 'Feng'?
This is quite different from his guess, and the discrepancy is a bit big.

"That's right, the city lord, he not only participated, but also became the third son-in-law." Bailang said truthfully.

Jiang Li was a little jealous when he heard the words, and he actually became a son-in-law, but when he heard the latter sentence, he was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly laughed out loud.

"He chose the third princess, no wonder, hahaha, no wonder, no, I laughed so hard."

Jiang Li laughed so hard that tears came out of his eyes, changing his indifferent and cold sense of mystery.

It turned out that a dead man was chosen.

Xu Ding, Xu Ding, I really have you.

I am too old.

What a weird brain circuit to choose the third princess.

Bailang didn't know why Jiang Li was smiling, he hesitated for a while and said truthfully: "Even if it is like this, he might not be able to marry the third princess."

"Hmm! What do you mean by that? There are people who are as stupid as him and choose the third princess." If he was in his teens, Jiang Li would have considered participating in the 'Jumping the Dragon's Gate', so he became more curious.

Xu Ding Yijing successfully aroused his unprecedented interest.

Bailang said: "I heard that he has a way to cure the third princess's illness, so Nanming, Western Qin, and Eastern Tang all sent outstanding princes to marry the third princess. His Majesty the Emperor dared not refuse, so he could only agree to one of them in the end.

So Xu Ding couldn't marry the third princess. "

"Hehe, that's interesting. He's actually good at medicine, but it's interesting to help someone else make a wedding dress in the end." Jiang Li chuckled lightly, then asked:

"Then what was Xu Ding's reaction?"

Bailang didn't know how to answer these words.

Jiang Li said: "Why, Xu Ding still wants to compete with the three princes for the princess."

Bailang said: "No, but Xu Dingyi hasn't shown up for half a month. He may not be in Haojing anymore, so I don't know how he will make a choice."

"Not in Haojing! Then where is he?" Jiang Li's uneasiness grew again.

Bailang shook his head, and replied with the same puzzled look: "I don't know, because we can't find the one below. Someone in Haojing is helping him. Our manpower and resources are limited, so we can't find him for the time being."

"Hmph! He didn't sneak back to 'Feng' City, did he? He returned to Wanmo Mountain!" Jiang Li felt that there were only two possibilities for Xu Ding, either to seize his 'Feng' City or return to him. The real lair.

Jiang Li has a strong premonition that Xu Ding must want to seize Fengcheng.

This is a warning from the deepest part of the lonely.

Don't look at Xu Ding's harmless face, and his subordinates have not done anything to harm Fengcheng during these days.

He didn't reveal any covetousness, but he, Jiang Li, was sure of it.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so persistently staring at Xu Ding.

If Xu decides to be here, he must greatly appreciate this enemy that he has never met before.

This sixth sense is really fucking accurate.

"It shouldn't be possible to go back to our 'Feng' city. Once he enters the city, we will definitely know the first time. If he wants to return to Wanmo Mountain, he must enter the mountain from other places, or he just... No, why did he To enter the Wanmo Mountain, could it be that they really emerged from the hinterland of the Wanmo Mountain?" Bailang became more and more confused as he analyzed.

Since the princes of the Three Kingdoms are going to marry the three princesses, it means that Xu Ding will definitely not be from Nanming and Xiqin.

Otherwise, there is no need for their princes to do anything extra. It would not be better to let Xu Ding continue to hide and secretly seize the power of the Great Zhou Kingdom.

But the hinterland of Wanmo Mountain is simply impossible, no one can survive there.

Just when Bailang was puzzled, someone suddenly reported that it was the head of the Baihu mercenary regiment asking to see him.

Bailang was about to leave, but Jiang Li said, "Let's listen together and see what news Captain Baihu has brought us."

(End of this chapter)

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