Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 784 New City Lord Happy City

Chapter 784 New City Lord Happy City (Two in One)

Bai Lang waited at the side, and soon the captain of the White Tiger Regiment came in.

This is a newly built tall man with facial features carved like a knife and an axe, with a straight figure and countless scars on both hands, including two newly added cuts, and he walks silently.

Jiang Li asked, "How is the situation?"

"Return to Lord City Master, we can't enter the hinterland of Wanmo Mountain at all, the environment there is still extremely cold, and there is almost no way to enter.

We didn't find any traces of human activities, so we retreated. On the way back, we tried to find some caves where people could hide, so we moved a hundred miles eastward.

Then our people were ambushed by a large army, and the two teams of my White Tiger Regiment were killed collectively, and I almost died in this battle. "

"So you returned to 'Feng' City immediately!" With a flick of Jiang Li's hand, a short dagger flew out from his sleeve, and the next moment, with a bang, the dagger was stuck in front of Captain Baihu's right shoe.

The dagger fits tightly to the shoe leather.

An indiscernible opening cracked, and the head of Baihu only felt that his right index finger was a little cold.

He was busy paying homage, not daring to move his body.

This is the head of the white tiger regiment who is well-known in the city of 'Feng'.

The head of the strongest mercenary regiment in 'Feng' city and even in this county, in front of City Lord Jiang, did not dare to breathe, and did not even dare to resist.

Bailang felt the deterrent power of the city lord once, and he also held his breath and pricked up his ears, like a neutered puppy.

"Trash, he was ambushed by others, and he still has the face to come back." Jiang Li scolded angrily, then flicked his sleeves again, and a short dagger flew out again, flying over the head of the White Tiger Captain.

Then the tied-up head of the White Tiger's hair fell out one after another, directly covering the cheeks on both sides.

The head of Baihu didn't say a word, and he didn't dare to raise his head.

Jiang Li stood up, put his hands behind his back, then walked to the window, opened the curtains, and looked at the dim night city, his eyes widened.

Bailang and Captain Baihu didn't dare to move or make a sound.

It wasn't until Jiang Li was staring outside looking at the two cups of tea that Jiang Li's voice was heard.

"Martial law will start tomorrow in 'Feng' City. All members of the White Tiger Group will go into Wanmowan to search for traces of Xu Ding's group. Bailang will investigate secretly, and you will cooperate with each other to find their lair."

"It's the City Master!" Bai Lang and the head of Bai Hu replied.

The next day, in the name of seeking revenge, the head of the White Tiger entangledly invited friends on the bright side and some combat-capable mercenaries to enter the Wanmo Mountain for revenge.

Bailang led people out of Fengcheng quietly, and then secretly cooperated with the search. This time, he had a direction, and he believed that he would be able to find Xu Ding's place in a short time.

And the city has just started martial law after these people went out, and no one is allowed to come in or out.

Not even a caravan.

The entire 'Feng' city was shrouded in a tense atmosphere.

Hero Building, because of the martial law, Xu Shu also made people close the door early.

"Military division, there are more people watching around the Pepsi store, the tea house, and the winery. There are suddenly a lot of people outside our restaurant. I'm afraid that Jiang Li is going to move." He looked very anxious.

Xu Shu said: "Don't worry, Jiang Li doesn't dare to touch us now, the lord hasn't shown up, and the specific situation outside the city hasn't been sent to the city yet, he won't touch us, tell everyone not to panic or mess up.

It really started a war, and if it couldn't resist, all the secrets would be destroyed, and Zhuangzi and the warehouse would all be burned. "

"Here!" The crowd replied in command.

Those who can come here are the elite among the elite, even those who are brewing and running errands are all from the army, and none of them will be afraid or timid. .

Even to the point of death, he will complete the tasks assigned to him.

Jiang Li has also been watching Xu Shu's movements, and he said the same thing as Xu Shu, as long as Xu Shu doesn't riot, he won't make a move.

Because he knew that Xu Shu and the others were all small fish and shrimp, and they were all meat on the chopping board, so they couldn't escape.

So there is no need to rush.

The night is fleeting.

The next day was under martial law again, and there was no news from outside the city. Jiang Li stayed in the tall building and never left.

After sunset, the gray sky replaces everything.

Jiang Li's face became darker and darker.

He weighed the dagger in his hand and stared out the window.

Suddenly he swung the dagger in his hand and pierced the wick in the room.

The already dim room instantly darkened, just like the night outside.

No, it's darker than the outside.

"You came!"


"It didn't disappoint me."

"Isn't this the result you want? This process is the best for you and me."

"Yes, this is the best result, and it can save a lot of people from dying, but you have no result."

"This is not necessarily the case. The way of heaven is reincarnation, who will the sky bypass!"

"Hahaha, in the territory of the Great Zhou Kingdom, don't you think it's ridiculous that you still believe in the sky and talk about the way of heaven? Or you have never understood the Great Zhou." Jiang Li walked towards the center of the room step by step, clasping his hands secretly dagger.

That's right, there was another person in the room, and it was Xu Ding who was talking to him.

The Great Zhou Empire was a sick empire.

Fame has no title, land has no border.

The battle of the city master has always been bloody and exposed, but it is also single.

The old city lord dies, and a new city lord is born.

No one will avenge the old castellan.

The whole Dazhou is a sick existence, they have long forgotten the true shame and glory.

If you change to a new owner, then just change your allegiance.

So dueling is the mainstream.

So Xu Ding single-handedly joined the meeting.

And Jiang Li was also waiting for this moment.

If Xu Ding dare not come, then he is not qualified to be the Lord of Fengcheng.

It has not been recognized by all walks of life in 'Feng' City.

"Da Zhou, you don't need to understand, because I will change it, it just needs to become better, not to understand." Xu Ding slowly drew out his sword, and a vague figure appeared in Jiang Li's vision along with the sound.

Jiang Li reached out with his right hand, and a short dagger flew out.

However, the black figure in front dodged lightly, and the dagger plunged into the wooden pillar.

Then Jiang Li's left hand approached, and the short dagger accurately pierced the spot where the black shadow had just appeared.

This is anticipation, and it is a necessary skill for those who use long-range combat weapons.

However, his judgment was accurate and his firing rate was fast, but the black shadow belonging to Xu Ding was just an afterimage.

The dagger shot straight through, and then pierced another wooden post as well.

"It's kind of interesting..."

The two hits missed, Jiang Li raised his hands, flicked his lower body, and clasped two more daggers in his hands.

His eyes stared at the front right, and then he flicked the dagger, and then a gust of wind blew past, and the dagger in Jiang Li's other hand flew out like a bullet.

Then Jiang Li kept swinging, and the daggers flew out one after another.

The sound of ping-pong-pong was endless, the shadow that Xu Ding belonged to kept approaching, and Jiang Li kept pulling away to the side and rear.

Finally, Jiang Li's dagger finished shooting, and his whole body stopped, and the black shadow on the opposite side was also fixed in a certain place.

"Jiang Li's series of flying shots is really worth seeing once. It's really admirable, but it should be gone now." Xu Ding turned into a black shadow and gradually walked forward.

Jiang Li said coldly: "Your Excellency Xu Ding's agility is also unexpected, but why do you want to take the city of 'Feng' because you are like this, other cities are easier to take."

"Hehe, it's not that I want to take it, but you forced me to take it. I have no intention of being an enemy of Ren Keren, but you have also seen that the hostility first came from the city lord's mansion. I have done any damage to the city of 'Feng' Is something wrong?" Xu Ding lightly blew on the torch, and the sparks became brighter and closer to the lampstand.

The tip of the lamp cut off by the dagger suddenly burst into a small flame, and the dim yellow candlelight illuminated the entire room.

With his hands behind his back, Jiang Li's face was still extremely cold, and he said sneeringly: "Joke, I forced you, wouldn't you leave? If it wasn't for the capture of 'Feng' city, you would have sent so many people into the city, Need to collect so much information?

Maybe we are the same kind of people in essence, so there is no need to be hypocritical, just draw your knife! "

"If I draw the knife, you will die, do you believe it?" Xu Ding raised the corner of his mouth slightly, staring at Jiang Li with a half-smile.

Jiang Li replied without showing any weakness: "Do you think I still have a dagger?"

"I guess it's gone." Xu Ding slowly stretched his right hand towards the Dragon Tooth Knife pinned to his waist.

"Hahaha, you guessed right, but..." Jiang Li suddenly laughed wildly, then his face turned ferocious, and he drew his hands from the back to the front, and two firecrackers appeared impressively.

"go to hell……"

Xu Ding's eyes focused, he pulled out the knife, and his body moved.

He only heard a gunshot from the opposite side, the smoke rose, and the bullet almost flew past his ear.

Then it hit the objects behind him, and there was a sound of explosion behind him, and various objects flew and splashed.


There was another gunshot, and the gun aimed at Xu Ding's chest, but Xu Ding jumped away.

A vase was smashed to pieces.

The two shots missed, Jiang Li was furious, threw the gun away, and rushed towards Xu Ding.

Xu Ding swung his knife to block, and knocked out two firecrackers without bullets. He rushed towards Jiang Li's body, then leaned slightly, and kicked with his foot.

Jiang Li clenched his fist and raised his elbow, blocking it with his arm.

The next moment, Jiang Li's whole body flew upside down, and he was horrified.

Xu Ding raised his eyebrows slightly, only feeling a little numb in his back.

Although Jiang Li had been repelled with one kick just now, Jiang Le's body was wearing special clothes.

Jiang Li didn't launch an attack immediately, but asked: "How about making a promise, how does it taste, and by the way, it's poisonous."

It turned out that Jiang Li was wearing an iron coat covered with short nails.

Whoever hit Jiang Li harder would be more seriously injured.

The most insidious thing is that this iron coat has been poisoned.

"It's poisonous, why don't I feel it." Xu Ding sneered, then moved his body and rushed over with the knife.

"Hmph, looking for death!" Jiang Li didn't believe Xu Ding's words, and moved forward to meet him.

When Xu Ding's knife slashed, he blocked it with the iron coat.

The knife cuts on the iron clothes like steel.

But Jiang Li underestimated the sharpness of Huya Knife and Xu Ding's speed.

The knife slashed over, and his iron clothes were immediately torn.

And the promised speed exceeded his expectations and was several times faster than before.

With his punch, he couldn't find Xu Ding's figure at all, and there were afterimages all around him.

Xu Ding chopped down with a knife, and the iron clothes on his body were all torn apart.

"Damn it!" Jiang Li's body trembled, and he immediately knocked off the iron clothes and coat. He was terrified in his heart. Xu decided that this guy would never be able to kill him. If he continued to fight like this, he would die as soon as possible.

Without the protection of the iron suit, he has no sense of security.

So he rushed towards the stairs, but only halfway there, he was stopped by Xu Ding.

Xu Ding punched him, knocking him upside down and landing heavily under the window.

Jiang Li only felt that his internal organs were burning, and his heart felt as if a knife had been twisted.

However, he still held up the last bit of strength in his body, propped himself on the ground, and jumped onto the window, intending to go downstairs from now on.

But as soon as he jumped up, a dagger flew towards him.

That's exactly what Xu started shooting at Xu Ding.


Before he could utter a scream, Jiang Li missed and fell.

With a bang, it hit the bluestone slab five or six floors down.

As soon as Jiang Li died, his guards rushed from all over and surrounded the small building.

Under the torch, Jiang Li's brains were constantly flowing out, and the expressions of his confidantes changed greatly.

Looking towards the top of the building, at this moment, in front of the window where Jiang Li likes to stand most, a shadowy handsome face shouted coldly: "Jiang Li is dead, I am the Lord of 'Feng' City, pass on my order, 'Feng' City All taxes are temporarily exempted for one month, the guards of the city lord's mansion doubled the amount, changed the city of 'Feng' to Xiaoyao City, and Xu Shu of the hero building was passed on to the mansion to carry out the orders of the city lord."

After saying that, the shadow above turned around and left, leaving the empty window to let the cold blow.

Jiang Li's guards looked at me and I looked at you, and then paid homage to the small building with one knee: "Meet the city lord! Congratulations to the city lord, and enjoy Happy City forever!"

Hero Restaurant!

"The military division is not good, the guards of the city lord's mansion are here."

The subordinates hurried in and shouted.

Xu Shu frowned, secretly thought, is it finally here?

"Military division, let's fight."

Everyone has already taken up their weapons and grasped the crossbow, waiting for Xu Shu's order.

Xu Shu raised his hand to stop it and said, "Don't worry, look at the situation, maybe it may not be as bad as we think, we have to trust the Lord."

"It's a military division!" Everyone had no choice but to hold back.

Outside the Heroes Restaurant, a captain of the city lord's mansion guard stood forward, clasped his fists and shouted respectfully: "Mr. Xu, please leave. The new city lord is waiting for you."

Um!Everyone in the restaurant was taken aback when they heard this.

They didn't come to attack our hero's restaurant.

"New city lord, could it be..." A big guess suddenly popped up in Xu Shu's mind.

After leaving the gate of the Hero Restaurant, the guards of the City Lord's Mansion said in unison: "Mr. Xu!"

Xu Shu returned the salute, and then asked: "You just said the new city lord! But the old city lord has been taken over."

"Yes, Mr. Xu, the old city lord is dead, please go to the city lord's mansion, Mr. Xu." The captain of the guard made a gesture of invitation.

Xu Shu showed an expression as expected, and his nerves relaxed a little.

Jiang Li died, which was good news, so he asked, "Who is the new city owner?"

The captain of the guard shook his head and said, "I don't know."

I don't know, what kind of bullshit is this.

Even who the new city lord is doesn't know whose orders you are obeying.

Everyone in the Hero Restaurant was surprised.

Even the guards of the City Lord's Mansion were equally at a loss.

They really didn't know who the new city owner was, because they didn't see who killed Jiang Li.

The new castellan didn't even declare his family background.

Xu Shu saw that they really didn't know, so he said to his subordinates: "I'm so good to guard the restaurant, just follow the instructions, and don't mess around."

"No!" Everyone understood Xu Shu's meaning, in case something happened, follow the original plan and destroy the secret first.

Soon Xu Shu followed the city lord's mansion guards to the city lord's mansion, came to the small building, the guard captain said: "Mr. Xu, please!"

Xu Shu glanced at Xiaolou.Then he walked in and quickly went up to the sixth floor.

Turning around the door and looking inside, a familiar figure came into view.


(End of this chapter)

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