Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 785 Western Qin Zhao Zheng vs Eastern Tang Li Yuanji

Chapter 785 Zhao Zheng of the Western Qin Dynasty vs. Li Yuanji of the Eastern Tang Dynasty (two in one)

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

All kinds of gossip and gossip in the city of Haojing.

People were guessing which country's prince could win over the third princess, Ji Xuan.

While guessing, where did Xu Ding, who made a high-profile appearance, go?

How dare he show up to compete with the three noble princes for the princess.

Was he so scared that he hid and didn't dare to show up again.

Today, the people outside the city are surrounded by layer after layer against the howling wind.

The three princes competed openly, which was a rare event, and few people wanted to miss it.

"Emperor Zhou, may I ask where is that person named Xu Ding? Hurry up and invite him out, so that we can see him!" Li Yuanji said to Ji Wuji, who was neither yin nor yang.

Zhao Zheng also had the same expression and said proudly: "That's right Emperor Zhou, I want to see who has the guts to rob us of Her Royal Highness the Princess."

Ji Wuji only felt that cold sweat kept coming out, and he kept wiping it gently with his sleeves, his eyes swept over the people in the audience.

Hope to find the shadow of Xu Ding.

In the end, he was very disappointed, there was no figure of Xu Ding, so he set his sights on the Eight Wise Kings.

The Eighth Wise King also had a sad expression, but he was much calmer than Ji Wuji.

He stood up and said: "Next, I will read out the rules of this competition."

Saying that, the Eight Sage Kings went straight to the earth platform.

Zhu Di made a gesture of invitation, and Li Yuanji snorted coldly and said, "Procrastinate, let's see how long you can procrastinate."

Zhao Zhengdao: "Don't ink the Eight Wise Kings, hurry up, finish beating these two guys, so that I can be intimate with the third princess."

"Bah!" Li Yuanji cast a contemptuous look.

Judy shook her head slightly.

This Zhao Zheng has both the boldness of the Western Qin Dynasty and the vulgarity of the Western Qin Dynasty. He is obviously a prince. Why does he act so eagerly and surlyly? It seems normal, but it always feels weird.

The Eight Sage Kings ignored the three of them, walked up, looked around, and then said: "This competition is to recruit virtuous people for the three princesses. It is divided into two parts: Civil and Military Competition. Four people will participate. The rules are simple. The other three will compete in civil and martial arts for three games each, and the one with the most winning percentage will become the third son-in-law.

If the outcome is even, the ratio will be added separately.

Only the common people of the world are used as evidence. Winners and losers are based on their own abilities. There can be no resentment or hatred. It is fair, just and open. If there is any objection, you can withdraw from the competition. "

There is a discussion below.

"It seems to be true, four people, that Xu Ding really wants to compete with the three Highnesses for the third princess."

"That's right! It's just that Xu Ding didn't come, otherwise the Wenbi would definitely win, but the martial competition is suspended..."

"So he has self-knowledge, his status is not comparable, and his martial arts is probably not good, otherwise he would have come earlier, why wait until now."

The Eight Sage King cast his eyes on the three of Zhao Zheng, and then said loudly: "The first martial arts competition is between His Highness Zhao Zheng and His Highness Li Yuanji."

After finishing speaking, the Eight Sage Kings stepped down from the earth platform, and did not give the three of them a chance.

Zhu Di secretly called out cunning, then looked at Zhao Zheng and Li Yuanji, and got off the platform herself.

Zhao Zheng and Li Yuanji also cursed secretly.

But there were only two people left on the stage, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

They had a fire in the main hall that day, this time they can fight openly.

"Zhao Zheng, if you admit defeat, you still have a chance to beat Judy. You may win once. If you are defeated by me, you will not be able to beat him. Then you have no chance to win once. When the time comes, it will be reported that you are in two competitions. If Zhongdu loses, it will lose the face of Xiqin." Li Yuanji said to Zhao Zheng persuasively:
"If you admit defeat this time, I'll let you win Wenbi once, how about it!"

I have to say that Li Yuanji's proposal is quite tempting.

The culture of Western Qin Dynasty is much worse than that of Eastern Tang Dynasty and Nanming Dynasty.

The folk customs are sturdy, but the culture and education are much worse.

Compared with poetry and articles, it is definitely not as good as Zhu Di and Li Yuanji.

You give up one game, I give up one game, it seems that Zhao Zheng is the most cost-effective.

It seems very reliable to exchange a bet with a match that must be lost.

Zhao Zheng showed a little interest, looked at Li Yuanji again, and then glanced at Zhu Di in the audience, then turned back and said with a straight face:

"Sorry! I, Zhao Zheng, never admit defeat, and I can't trust you either!"

When Zhao Zheng said this, his lips curled up slightly, his haughty temperament was clearly evident.

He is not stupid, Li Yuanji asked him to admit defeat first, and if Li Yuanji did not admit defeat in the next fight, Zhao Zheng would suffer a great loss.

Western Qin people have never needed other people's handouts. If they want to get it, they must fight for it themselves.

What you grab is your own, and what others give is always someone else's.

A murderous intent flashed in Li Yuanji's eyes.

Li Yuanji secretly took out the compass and turned it upside down.

Undeclared war, the wind and dust around me.

Zhao Zheng also put on his five spanners and held the sword hilt with his right hand.

Then turn the scabbard lightly.

The entire sword with the sheath immediately began to rotate layer by layer, making a constant clicking sound like a joint, and the light sword became a sharp giant sword.

The common people in the audience were astonished. The sword worn by the younger brother of the Western Qin imperial family turned out to be so mysterious that he didn't need to take off the scabbard.

It's really amazing that it can change like this.

No wonder it is said that the strongest in the Western Qin Dynasty is an ordnance.

This sword is the king's weapon, and it is normal for it to be exquisite.

"Come on, Zhao Zheng, let me have a good experience of what Xiqin is like!" Li Yuanji said provocatively, his right hand was quietly pushed behind his back, and the palm of his hand was also quietly retracted into his sleeve.

Zhao Zheng didn't notice this at all.

With a cold snort, he rushed straight forward, leaped forward, and slashed Huashan from the front with the huge sword.

This sword, wrapped in a torrent of murderous intent, made the people watching in the audience feel a tremor in their hearts and a chill all over their bodies.

It was as if a single sword cut could cut through mountains and everything in the world.

Destroy the world, overbearing without bounds.


However, the sword did not cut through Li Yuanji's body.

Instead, it was blocked by the strong air waves formed above its head.

It was really an eye-opener.

But the air wave didn't last long, and then under Zhao Zheng's roar, the air wave disappeared in a flash, and Li Yuanji didn't just stand there stupidly, but stepped back a few steps.

The gigantic sword slashed at the position where he was standing.

Then that place was directly chopped off, giving out a deep groan.

There was a burst of dust, and this sword was a bit shocking.

Zhao Zheng raised his sword, turned around, and charged at Li Yuanji, making another horizontal cut.

Li Yuanji tilted his left hand to his side.

In an instant, tornado winds rose again from the direction Zhao Zheng was slashing horizontally, colliding with the giant sword, making rustling and chirping sounds.

Seeing that the sword edge was blocked again, Zhao Zheng shouted again, raised his sword and leaped, holding the sword in both hands, his giant sword clicked again, and then the sword became one-third stronger.

It looks sharper and more lethal.

Not to mention the astonishment of everyone outside the arena, even Li Yuanji touched his eyebrows slightly, and then stretched out his right hand straight from behind.


When the giant sword was cut down, there was another explosion, and then the air wave dissipated in an instant. Li Yuanji's left hand made a slight fight, and the compass almost lost its stability and dropped his hand.

But this time he didn't move, but stuck out his right hand from his sleeve, and a small five-pointed star face plate suddenly shot out white light.

The white glow instantly pierced Zhao Zheng's eyes.

Zhao Zheng was blinded in an instant, and he was in a hurry. At this time, he wanted to withdraw the sword because he was in no hurry. He wanted to retreat in mid-air, unable to turn around, so he could only hold the sword and buckle a certain mechanism on the hilt.

Immediately, the huge sword was divided into small pieces, attacking Li Yuanji like small pieces of small swords.

Li Yuanji clasped his left and right hands tightly, muttering something, and his eyes gathered together.

The next moment, there was another storm, and all the small swords were thrown away.

A swirling vortex air arrow formed from the five-star small face plate on the right hand flew out, passed through the gaps of all the small sword fragments, and hit the bun on Zhao Zheng's head directly.

Zhao Zheng flew upside down and landed heavily.

The giant sword was released from the hand, and the sword returned to its original shape, becoming a sheathed sword again.

Li Yuanji stepped forward, drew the corners of his mouth, and smiled triumphantly: "Admit it! Xiqin is nothing more than that!"

Zhao Zheng wanted to fight with his sword, but at this moment the Eight Sage Kings also said: "In this battle, Li Yuanji of the Eastern Tang Dynasty will win!"

Li Yuanji was slightly better. Although the Eight Sage Kings didn't like the princes of the Three Kingdoms very much, they didn't want to see Zhao Zheng and Li Yuanji fight to the death. In the end, one of them really fell in Zhongzhou.

In that way, Zhongzhou will be finished directly.

So from time to time, it was concluded that Li Yuanji won.

Zhao Zheng was not reconciled, he patted the ground, got up, gave Li Yuanji a hard look, and said a harsh word before he got off the platform.

Zhao Zheng was defeated, Zhu Di came to the stage, Li Yuanji said: "Judy takes action!"

To deal with Judy, it must be a direct defense. As long as the bullets in Judy's gun are exhausted, you will win directly.

The inscriptions and formations of the Eastern Tang Dynasty are naturally typical representatives of taking defense as offense.

It can be said that Judy's threat is far less than that of Zhao Zheng.

But Judy didn't even draw his gun, and said directly: "How about a draw, you won a game by experience, you have an advantage, and a draw is more beneficial to you.

And my Daming's gun, if you don't fire it, if you fire it, you will definitely die. You can't bet, and I can't bet. "

Li Yuanji didn't expect Zhu Di to say such a thing, and hesitated for a while.

Everyone in the audience looked at each other in blank dismay.

There is also this kind of operation, even if there is no war, it is even worse.

Rogue style of play.

far away!

On a carriage, two figures half stood on the roof of the carriage.

Each person has a telescope, and they can clearly see the fight just now.

"Yuan Zhi, this is what makes the Western Qin and Eastern Tang special. It really is an eye-opener."

"My lord, what kind of world is this? There are such magical weapons. The weapons of the Western Qin Dynasty are a hundred times better than mine in the Eastern Tang Dynasty; , I have never heard of it, I have never seen it before. I don’t know how frightening this Nanming’s real firearm will be.”

Xu Ding put down the binoculars and said, "I guess I won't be able to see it today, but Judy is really a smart person."

Xu Shu also put down the binoculars and asked, "My lord, what you mean is that this Li Yuanji will agree to a draw."

Xu Ding said: "Anyone will agree. Neither Li Yuanji nor Zhu Di has the determination to fight to the death. Unlike Zhao Zheng, they dare to hate, fight and die, so they can't fight."

As he said that, Xu Ding jumped off the roof, and then greeted his subordinates: "Go, it's my turn to go over."

If Nanming and Dongtang couldn't fight, there was no way to stall for time. Xu Ding had to play, otherwise he would be deemed to have abstained.

"Okay! It's a draw!" Li Yuanji said with a very open-minded smile after careful consideration.

Judy clasped her fists and said, "Congratulations to brother Li for temporarily winning the game."

Li Yuanji was equally courteous, and then said to the Eight Sage Kings, "Eight Sage Kings, can we hold a literary competition now?"

The Eight Sages Dynasty glanced around, looking for the target, Li Yuanji said: "You don't need to look for the Eight Sages, I bet the cheap doctor Xu Ding you are looking for would not dare to come."

There was constant discussion in the audience.

"Xu Ding really dare not come!"

"I definitely don't dare to come here. If I come here, I'm courting death. Haven't you seen how powerful the West Qin Prince and the East Tang Prince are? He is a mere doctor, and with the skills of a three-legged cat, how dare he come here?"

"Wait! Maybe it was delayed somewhere." The Eighth Sage King was really anxious this time, Xu Ding promised to come, he would definitely come, and he was delaying for a while.

"Hahaha, I have always heard that the eight virtuous kings of the Great Zhou Dynasty were upright and straight-minded. People stopped them from entering the city, and no one robbed them halfway, so how could Xu Ding delay, and please let the Eight Sage Kings announce the next competition." Li Yuanji scored first, and naturally smiled a little grumpily.

He used to give the Eight Sage Kings a face, but today he wants to tell them in front of the people of the whole Zhou Dynasty that their Eight Sage Kings are nothing more than that, and they are nothing in front of the Eastern Tang Empire.

"Yo! Someone really misses me so much, looking forward to my coming, looking forward to my coming, tsk tsk, the prince of the Eastern Tang Empire, right? He looks a bit like a dog, not bad, not bad!" To the soil platform.

Everyone looked over in search of sound, and there was a jade tree facing the wind, and Mr. Pianpian, waving a folding fan, stood on the carriage frame with a smile and looked forward like spring.

The Eight Sage Kings were overjoyed that Xu Ding had really come.

Li Yuanji stared at Xu Ding, looked and looked, only to reveal the murderous intent in his eyes.

Even Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di cast their eyes curiously.

Unexpectedly, the doctor named Xu Ding dared to come.

Xu Ding jumped out of the carriage and walked up the platform slowly, looking very ordinary.

Li Yuanji sneered: "You are worthy of competing with me, Doctor Splash, who gave you the courage to fight for the princess with us!"

"Sorry, your wording is wrong. First, I am not here to rob you. I am just protecting my wife. Only robbers would rob. The princess and I fell in love at first sight. We love and appreciate each other. It is a match made in heaven." Xu Ding finally walked up to the door. Earth platform, and then continue to walk to the center of the field:

"Secondly, all people in the world are expensive, but the division of labor is different. Some people work hard, while others work hard.

Thirdly, I am not here today as a doctor, but as the "Happy City Lord" of Dazhou, but as the son-in-law of His Royal Highness Princess Dazhou to fight against you. "

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, obviously feeling a lot about Xu Ding's words.

That's right, he was supposed to be the son-in-law in the first place, the princes of the Three Kingdoms wanted to rob the princess, the princess of our Great Zhou.

And why are you so high above, so what about doctors? As long as you are of noble birth, can you just trample us civilians casually?
"'Xiaoyao City Lord'? It's ridiculous. Why did you come out of Xiaoyao City in Dazhou, and return Dazhou's son-in-law? Let me ask if your emperor agrees?" Li Yuanji smiled coldly, and then looked to the other side On the stage, Ji Wuji, Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, had menacing and cold eyes in his eyes.

As long as Ji Wu dared to speak nonsense, the consequences would be very serious.

Li Yuanji just wanted to force Ji Wuji to deny Xu Ding in public.

Ji Wuji was in trouble for a moment, his face was embarrassed, hesitant and hesitant.

He pretended not to hear even the eight virtuous kings called him a few times.

"I don't need the consent of the emperor, I just need to agree." Suddenly a sonorous female voice came, and everyone looked for the sound, only to see a female figure appearing in front of the city gate tower, she walked towards the wall step by step, Then he said to everyone:

"'Xiaoyao City Lord' Xu Ding is my son-in-law. The world can learn from it, and the gods and ghosts can be investigated. I am his man in life and his ghost in death. If something happens to my husband, I am willing to follow from this wall. She left without complaint or regret."

There was silence, and everyone outside the city looked at it together, shocked in their hearts.

At the same time, I can't help feeling admiration and sympathy.

What a brave princess.

The third princess wants to make a promise with death, and she wants to make a promise with death. It really is as strong as gold.

(End of this chapter)

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