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Chapter 786 Xu Ding Breaks the Formation

Chapter 786 Xu Ding Breaks the Formation (Two in One)

Originally, the people of Dazhou could not see through the princes of the Three Kingdoms, and had deep resentment towards the Three Kingdoms.

Now the three princesses are coming out to give their final roar.

The common people discussed and accused Li Yuanji and the other three people.

"Ji Xuan must not be rude, go back quickly." Ji Wuji stood up and shouted.

who is it?

Who brought the third child out of the palace.

Ji Xuan said: "Father, what I said is true, Xu must be the son-in-law chosen by me, the ministers of the court and you, is it too many to count?"

The civil and military officials of the Great Zhou Kingdom instantly changed their colors.

Choose a hammer, we chose Xu Ding, and we recognized him.

The third princess, you are trying to push us to the opposite side of the princes of the Three Kingdoms, and create hatred for us.

The civil and military officials all looked anxious.

Even Ji Wuji seemed to have been stepped on by the cat's tail, and immediately said angrily: "You bastard, what nonsense are you talking about, someone, let me take her back to the palace."

The royal guards were about to leave, but Ji Xuan from the city gate raised her sword across her neck and said, "Whoever dares to approach, I will die in front of you right now."

"Wait..." Ji Wu hurriedly stopped the royal guards, and persuaded dotingly: "Xuan'er, don't...don't, just talk if you have something to say."

After finishing speaking, Ji Wuji looked at Zhu Di and Zhao Zheng, hoping that Xiqin and Nanming could make a statement.

Ji Wuji naturally had his own plans, and took advantage of the trouble of the third daughter to cancel the contest.

This is a good opportunity to collect the hearts of the people of Zhou.

It was a chance to regain Da Zhou's dignity, but neither of them spoke, but looked at Li Yuanji.

Li Yuanji said to Xu Ding with a straight face: "Xu Ding, you voluntarily give up the martial arts competition. This prince can let the past go, and you don't want to see the third princess kissing herself and throwing herself into the city. If you are sensible, get out of Haojing immediately."

Xu Ding didn't even look at him, but kept his gaze fixed on Ji Xuan who was at the gate tower.

"Xuan'er put the sword down, don't hurt yourself, don't worry I'll be fine, you have to trust me, just like I helped you heal the disease back then, your son-in-law is omnipotent, any miracle can happen , We haven't reached the most dangerous moment yet, so there is no need for this." Xu Ding said affectionately:

"Even if I have any accidents, you should still live a good life. You represent not only my fiancée, but you also represent Da Zhou. You shoulder the hope of Da Zhou's revival and rise. You have to be strong." If you want to live, as long as you persevere, hope will be delivered before dawn, believe me, I will be fine, you must believe me."

"What you said is true." Ji Xuan had tears in her eyes, her expression was still agitated, but her emotions had stabilized for the most part.

Xu Ding nodded and said: "Of course, it's just a competition. I can't beat me. There is nothing in this world that I can't do. I promised you that I will help you cure your illness and show you the most beautiful things." Jingjing, I must have a bunch of children with you, and be happy every day, how could I break my promise."

"Hmm! I believe in your husband..." Ji Xuan slowly lowered the sword across her neck, and looked at Xu Ding affectionately and tenderly.

The people outside the city all cried when they heard this, and were moved to be sad and weep together.

Weak countries have no diplomacy.

Even the princess of her own country has no right to choose happiness.

The three princesses and their son-in-law Xu Dingzhen are concubines, and they are true love.

But Zhao Zheng, Zhu Di, Li Yuanji and others felt as uncomfortable as eating flies.

As soon as this bloody plot came up, they were really like robbers, they were not human inside and out.

It seems to have aroused the people of the Great Zhou Kingdom's resentment towards their Three Kingdoms, and the deterrent power that was just established has disappeared.

The more affectionate Xu Ding and Ji Xuan were, the more jealous they became, and the greater the excitement of dog food.

"Hmph! Since Xu Ding refuses to drink a toast, be prepared to die. I don't mind seeing Mei die." Li Yuanji said coldly to Xu Ding, and turned his left hand on the compass. , holding a five-star face card in his right hand.

Xu greeted Ji Xuan with a glance, then took out a black ribbon from his body and tied it to cover his eyes.

"What is he going to do?"

People are amazed.

Xu Ding actually tied his eyes.

"He is avoiding Li Yuanji's light interference and stimulation." Zhu Di seemed to have seen some tricks, but she still shook her head slightly and said:
"Even so, he can't break through Li Yuanji's defense at all, and he doesn't have any special weapons."

"That's right, civilians are civilians after all, formations and inscription blessings cannot be dealt with by ordinary three-legged cats." Zhao Zheng naturally didn't want Xu Ding to beat Li Yuanji, after all, he just lost. Even if Li Yuanji was defeated in martial arts, wouldn't he be a joke in Xiqin?

Ji Wuji, Baxian Wang and others also couldn't understand.

Xu Ding's strength was great and his speed was quite fast, but against Li Yuanji, who was covered in armor all over his body, he would lose [-]% of the time.

I just hope that I don't lose too badly, let alone die, otherwise Ji Xuan will be finished too.

The common people in the audience were also worried, their faces were blank, and they also felt desolate in their hearts.

I don't have anything to show in Dazhou, and I can only lose in the Three Kingdoms.

"Hehe, you don't even dare to look at me. You want to die in peace, okay, I'll let you do it!" Li Yuanji was even angrier when he saw Xu Ding tied the ribbon, because he was provoking him.

Zhao Zheng didn't dare to humiliate him like this, even a little doctor An dared to do so.

"Gun here!"

Xu Ding stretched out his hand and roared angrily.

The next moment, before everyone could react, they saw a big cold iron gun flying towards the carriage.

The big gun was held firmly in Xu Ding's hand.

Li Yuanji's figure was stagnant, and he looked at the gun in Xu Ding's hand for a while.

Zhu Di in the audience glanced at Zhao Zheng, Zhao Zheng said with a cold face: "Ordinary heavy guns, in terms of their trajectory, are made of special steel, weighing more than two hundred catties, not made by us in Daqin. "

In just a few sentences, I will give an example of this gun.

Ordinary guns are only ten times heavier than ordinary people.

Thinking of Xu Ding's strength, it's quite normal.

Weapons not made in the Western Qin Dynasty are not wear-resistant and not resistant to beatings.

Li Yuanji's magic circle could not be broken.

There is no doubt that you will lose.

"Fancy show!" Li Yuanji snorted coldly, and continued to walk towards Xu Ding. He wanted to directly step down Xu Ding to Zhenfei with an upright formation.

Bounce him away with just one blow, and let the people of Dazhou know what it means to be crushed by strength.

But when he moved, Xu Ding also moved.

Xu Ding also had a cold expression on his face. He turned the heavy iron gun in his hand, clasped it with both hands and hit the ground directly.

The heavy gun of Han Tie hit the ground heavily, and the ground of the two battles centered on Xu Ding shook.

Dust was flying, sand and stones were flying.

Li Yuanji's pace faltered again, with doubts on his face.

What is this idiot doing.

An ordinary heavy gun, hitting the ground to scare who?
Everyone outside the arena also looked puzzled.

I can't figure out what Xu Ding wants to do.

Then everyone was even more puzzled, because Xu Ding's body moved, but he didn't rush towards Li Yuanji, and didn't attack him.

Instead, his figure flashed to a corner of the platform, and then he shot heavily towards the edge.

There was another bang, and the small dirt ditches sank, and then dust flew in all directions.

Then Xu Ding's speed was very fast, he flashed to another corner, and still hit it with a single shot.

Then go to the next corner.

He shifted his body four times, and shot down four times without a single pause.

After the four shots were shot, he didn't give up. He moved his steps and turned to the middle of the two corners, where he hit again.

"Boom!" It was another shot.

Then he did the same as before, finding four identical spots on the platform, and then bombarded them with one shot.

The promised speed was extremely fast, eight shots came down, the entire earthen platform was filled with dust, and the line of sight was seriously obstructed.

Fortunately, the wind of Li Yuanji's compass circle naturally rotated, so that there was no trace of dust in the wind escape, and the breathing was quite smooth.

"What the hell are you doing!" Li Yuanji frowned, seeing Xu Ding's figure flickering and shooting, making him confused.

Maybe this guy doesn't attack, what is he trying to do by bombarding the platform.

Could it be some kind of conspiracy, but it wouldn't hurt him at all.

Everyone in the audience was also discussing one by one.

Only the Eight Sage Kings and that Zhu Di touched it, with a thoughtful expression.

"Using strength to break the coincidence, is he going to..." Suddenly, a strange light flashed in Zhu Di's eyes, and then she looked at the carriage carrying Xu Ding, and there was a young man standing on top of the carriage.

The young man was dressed as a Confucian swordsman, waving a folding fan, smiling slightly, without a trace of panic or fear.

Li Yuanji on the earthen platform did not move, but Xu Ding kept smashing. With one shot, he directly smashed a circle around Li Yuanji.

And this circle is constantly sinking, a little deeper with each blow.

Slowly lowered to a depth of one foot.

And the surrounding dust was so much that people inside and outside the city couldn't see it, they could only hear Xu Ding still swinging his gun.

Only then did Li Yuanji realize that something was wrong, Feng Dun couldn't see the sight of Feng Dun clearly at all, he wanted to take the initiative to attack and kill Xu Ding, but he couldn't find the target.

"Boom!" It was another blow, and the place that Xu Ding hit collapsed in an instant, leaving only Li Yuanji's small circle with four corners.

And Xu Ding finally stopped smashing the gun, and his body stopped at a small corner, with a very tired expression.

This scene is something no one expected.

Xu Ding destroyed the entire earth platform in a short time with his own strength.

And he and Li Yuanji stayed in the same prison.

From the beginning to the end, there was no fight or fight, it was Xu Ding who performed alone.

"Xu Ding, what do you mean?" Even though he couldn't see the outside situation clearly, it was not difficult for Li Yuanji to see the surrounding situation with his IQ, so he was very puzzled and even a little ashamed.

A war is a war, and what a hero it is to destroy an earthen platform.

"It's nothing interesting, I just feel that Dongtang's formation is too mysterious, and I want to appreciate it for a while." Xu Ding said with a smile: "Your Highness, please don't withdraw your formation. This trick is my great Zhou people. But I haven’t seen it before, let us all take a look, I don’t think the people of Zhou Dynasty will applaud.”

"Damn you!" Only now did Li Yuanji know that he had been tricked.

Now that he wanted to withdraw, how could it be possible, as soon as he withdraws, all the dust from outside pours in, and he can be squeezed or even knocked off the stage directly.

Then he loses without fighting.

But do not withdraw.

It would be even worse not to withdraw, because the magic circle needs energy. When the energy is used up, Feng Dun will disappear naturally, and he will also end up in a mess.

"Your Highness, please pay attention to your words. You are the prince of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, representing the royal family of the Eastern Tang Dynasty. Don't be impatient and take your time. We are not in a hurry. Today I will wait here for a day One night, when the prince has figured it out, we will decide the winner with the last blow." Xu Ding smiled slightly, and then shouted in the direction of the city gate:

"Miss, I may not be able to go back to the city to accompany you today, you should rest early, by the way, remember to send some favorite braised pork, kung pao chicken, steamed fish shreds, Shiquan Dabu soup, sauced pork... ..."

The names of the dishes in Xu Ding's newspaper made everyone feel hungry for a while, and then salivated.

What kind of dishes are these? I have never heard of them. They must be extremely delicious.

Seeing that Xu Ding was still talking lightly and jokingly, Ji Xuan from the city gate also covered her mouth and let out a laugh, then turned to her maid and said, "Did you hear what the son-in-law said? Hurry up and get ready!"

The maid also let out a chuckle, and then said with embarrassment: "Princess, we don't know what the son-in-law said, and we haven't seen these dishes!"

"Hmph! Isn't there? Our Great Zhou's palace actually has dishes that are not available in the world?" Ji Xuan looked suspicious, but she didn't mean to blame, but turned around and continued to look at the martial arts platform.

"You are despicable. If you are defeated, you are defeated. Why do you use such a trick." Li Yuanji's lungs were about to explode after hearing Xu Ding's words. How shameless this person is to come up with such a method.

It was a conspiracy and a conspiracy, and he couldn't solve it for a while.

Success is also a magic circle, and failure is also a magic circle.

Formation is not invincible and unsolvable, it also has its weaknesses.

"Hey! How can you be despicable when you are despicable? Openly snatching other people's wives, using the threat of a big country to force them to interfere in the private affairs of a small country's royal family, let me ask the world, who is despicable and who has no morals." Xu Ding sneered, and then yawned road:

"That's it. I drove all night yesterday. It was very hard. I'll sleep first."

As he spoke, Xu Ding thrust the gun obliquely into the ground of the earthen platform, leaned on his back, and fell asleep straight away.

All looked at each other.

This is still a competition of martial arts, one of you is stuck in your own strengths, and the other simply sleeps.

This is even worse.

This is the first time in the world that there is such a strange piece of martial arts competition.

"Hahaha, interesting and interesting, he is a wonderful person!" Zhao Zheng clapped his hands and smiled.

Although he didn't like Xu Ding, he didn't like Li Yuanji even more.

Xu Ding made Li Yuanji depressed, which he was happy to see.

So I didn't hide my attitude, just laughed in class.

Zhu Di also shook her head slightly, and chuckled lightly: "He is indeed an outstanding person. Using this method to break Li Yuanji's formation is really powerful. You really can't underestimate the people in the world."

In her heart, Judy added quietly, using this method can break Dongtang in the future.

This Xu Ding Ke Xu can win over and become Nan Ming's help.

"Eight Wise Kings, shouldn't you say something? Breaking the rules of martial arts like this, is this how you, Da Zhou, confronted Shangguo?" Li Yuanji had no choice but to point the contradiction at Eight Wise Kings, forcing Da Zhou Make a decision.

(End of this chapter)

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