Chapter 787 Xu Dingsheng (Two in One)

The Eight Sage King took a step forward and replied respectfully: "Your Highness, the earthen platform has not been completely destroyed, and the competition is still going on. Please wait patiently, Your Highness. If your Highness feels that there is no need to continue the competition, you can admit defeat."

"You... Damn it! Very good, Baxian, I will remember you." Although Li Yuanji couldn't see the Baxian King, he still kicked viciously in his direction.

At this time, riding a tiger is hard to get off, suppression is impossible, and deterrence and persecution are also impossible.

Li Yuanji's face became more and more ugly.

How to break the game can't really last forever.

In that way, all the physical strength and energy carried are used up.

In the end, it ended in embarrassment, which was far worse than winning.

Li Yuanji clasped the compass tightly and then moved his little feet forward, walking out of the circle bit by bit.

As soon as he moved, Xu Ding opened his eyes, stared at his moving dust cover, and stretched his hands out of his arms to take out two daggers.

Li Yuanji couldn't see what was going on outside, so he could only move slowly to sense it.

Suddenly a few rubs of sand were drilled under his feet.

Li Yuanji quickly retreated.

Finally, no more sand and dust came in.

However, the air inside the windshield became somewhat cloudy.

Li Yuanji, who was born in the royal family, raised his eyebrows slightly.

This is not the way to go.

It looks tough.

Taking a deep breath, Li Yuanji gritted his teeth and finally made a decision.

So he put the five-star face card in his right hand on his waist, freed some hands, and then put it on the other side of the compass.

In this way, hold the compass in both hands, and slowly move the compass in the direction of the chest.

This process is very slow, and his forehead is sweating soo, it seems to be an extremely difficult process.

It takes a lot of strength and mental strength.

Everyone outside suddenly discovered that the wind shield wrapped in layers of dust was shrinking and compressing inward.

"Li Yuanji wants to force him!" Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di murmured at the same time.

The three countries have been dealing with each other for a long time, and they all understand the strengths of each other's countries.

So they knew exactly what Li Yuanji wanted to do.


The windshield that was suddenly retracted inwards suddenly expanded outwards with Li Yuanji's roar.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, like a thunder.

The people watching from the audience backed away in fright and fell down.

Moreover, layers of sand and dust firmly locked by the centrifugal force of the windshield spread and flew away in all directions.

However, Li Yuanji's head was still densely covered with countless dust particles, which fell down one after another after a shock.

Li Yuanji took the opportunity to jump to the corner of the earth platform on the other side.

But faster than him were two daggers flying from behind.

Li Yuanji's body trembled, and the inscription on his body made him instinctively turn around without moving forward, and just fell down.

At this time, two daggers flew from the top of his head, cutting off a strand of hair that was two fingers wide.

A dagger hit his hair crown, knocking his gorgeous hair crown into the air and landing on the ground.

"Damn it!" As soon as he landed, Li Yuanji knew he had lost, and almost died.

With the batches scattered, he couldn't help shouting angrily, very unwilling.

He was a majestic Tang prince who lost to a doctor.

"Xu Dingsheng, the lord of the Great Zhou Xiaoyao City!"

No matter how unwilling Li Yuanji was, the result was announced, and the Eight Sages announced the result loudly.

All the people in the audience clapped their hands and applauded.

"Great, Xu Ding won, and I, the Great Zhou Xiaoyao City Lord, won!"

"It's not easy! It's not easy! This is the first time this old man has seen me since he was a child. If he can win once, this old man will die without regret!"

"Lord of Happy City! Lord of Happy City!"

"Lord of Happy City! Lord of Happy City!"

The people of Dazhou had tears in their eyes, especially the elderly and young people.

One is hot-blooded, which is the time when the energy and blood are fresh and the most likely to be emotionally infected.

One is the old age, which is the easiest to evoke memories of the past, and there are too many losses and sadness in my heart.

All broke out at this time.

One shout was louder than the other.

People have completely forgotten that there are still the princes of the Three Kingdoms and their entourage.

This made Ji Wu on the stage extremely happy.

For the first time in so many years, he was so happy.

Da Zhou won, defeated Dong Tang.

He Da Zhou was finally able to lift his chest and stand up once.

Xu Ding fixed his gaze on the city gate tower.

Princess Jixuan put the sword in her hand on the ground, wept with joy, and exchanged eyes with Xu Ding affectionately.

"Dogs and girls, wait for me and I will definitely grab them." Li Yuanji glanced at Ji Xuan on the sixth floor of Xu Ding and City, then patted the dust off his body, and quickly walked out of the deep pit of the platform.

"Da Zhou...I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with in the future." Zhu Di swept around the cheering people of Da Zhou, secretly worried.

An awakened Great Zhou is not good for Ming.

"Quiet! Let's continue the martial arts competition!" Eight Wise King coughed and made a gesture of invitation: "His Royal Highness Zhao Zheng, you come first."

Zhao Zheng was taken aback when he heard the words, and almost forgot that the fighting was not over yet.

Seemingly hesitating, he jumped onto the corner of an earthen platform, and then said arrogantly to Xu Ding: "You can beat Li Yuanji, it's just a chance, it's not so easy for you to beat me."

Xu Dingdao: "The strength of His Highness Zhao Zheng is obvious to all. It is indeed very high, but for my wife, I will fight to the end. Your Highness invites you."

Zhao Zheng didn't make a move, nor held his sword, but said arrogantly: "I don't like bullying the weak with the strong. There is no need to compete in this round. We are tied."

After speaking, he jumped off the corner of the platform.

The implication is that he does not recognize Xu Ding's identity, and his arrogant identity does not allow him to compare with Xu Ding.

This was considered ironic, and Li Yuanji was so angry that he gritted his teeth again.

Why didn't he see that Zhao Zheng, a bastard, was so calculating.

Xu Ding cupped his fists and said, "As Your Highness wishes! Thank you Your Highness for fulfilling it!"

The Eighth Sage King nodded slightly, and then announced: "This game is a tie, Xu Ding still wins a game, and I invite His Royal Highness Zhu Di!"

Judy didn't come to the stage, and said on the spot: "No need to compare, it's a draw!"

Zhao Zhengdu insisted on his own identity, so naturally he, Zhu Di, would not drop the price.

Xu Ding paid his respects to him and said, "Thank you, Your Highness, for fulfilling everything!"

Zhu Di said: "Don't be in a hurry to thank, you just won one game, I won't show mercy to Wen Dou."

"Looking forward to a battle with His Highness!" Xu Ding replied neither humble nor overbearing.

Outsiders thought Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di were self-confident, but Xu Ding knew better.

In the fight with Li Yuanji just now, my speed was brought to the extreme, so my confidence in the two of them was shaken.

The two may not really be able to hurt themselves.

At the end of the fight, no one may be hurt and the end will be a draw, so it's better to take advantage of this to sell the big week and gain a wave of goodwill.

It is also a negative foil to the Eastern Tang Dynasty, restoring the images of the Western Qin Dynasty and Nanming Dynasty in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

In essence, the princes of the Three Kingdoms came to Dazhou to do publicity.

Marrying a princess is just incidental.

After all, no one is sure to defeat the other two countries and marry the beauty back.

"Okay! This is the end of the fight. His Royal Highness Li Yuanji and the owner of Xiaoyao City, Xu Ding, each won one game." Eight Sage King said loudly:

"Next, wenbi, wenbi can choose the type of competition, such as reciting poems and prose or antithetical couplets, as well as chess games, competition of piano rhythm, etc. The classification of the competition can be freely determined by both parties, and one side cannot be forced. Everything is voluntary. .”

The content of Wenbi is quite rich, and the rules are also very flexible.

Generally speaking, it is a contest of wisdom.

Compared with personal cultivation.

Xu Ding didn't step down because he wanted to end this contest that shouldn't have happened in the shortest possible time.

The Baxian King also guessed Xu Ding's intentions, so he said again: "In the first match, His Highness Zhao Zheng will face City Lord Xu Ding!"

Zhao Zheng jumped onto the circular earthen platform in the middle and said: "I choose the chess game, I promise you dare!"

Xiqin is not strong in other genres, only chess is the best in all countries, so it is not surprising that Zhao Zheng chose chess.

Xu Ding jumped from his own position, jumped onto the circular earthen platform, and said with a smile: "No matter what your Highness compares me to, I dare!"

"Okay, straightforward person, my prince admires you a little bit." Zhao Zheng laughed heartily. He, the Western Qin people like to be bold and unpretentious, and he hopes to be bold and not afraid of powerful enemies.

Soon the guards of Da Zhou sent the chessboard and chess pieces.

Zhao Zhengdao: "Whoever gets off first!"

Xu Ding said: "Your Highness is holding the black chess, of course the black chess moves first."

Zhao Zhengdao: "Then I will not be polite."

So Zhao Zheng began to settle in the middle.

This is clearly wanting to occupy the middle game, full of murderous intent.

Xu Ding smiled slightly, and followed him to the corner.

Zhao Zheng wanted to kill, so he avoided him and occupied the four corners first, stabilized the market and then attacked.

As the two continued to fall, Zhao Zheng was a little complacent at first, ready to kill the Quartet, constantly showing killer moves.

But Xu Ding didn't accept the move, and followed his own routine.

Gradually Xu Ding's countermeasures began, and Zhao Zheng was sweating frequently, and the more he watched, the more frightened he became.

He found that Xu Ding didn't kill him, but was planning the overall situation, and the path he could walk became narrower and narrower.

But he wanted to kill Xu Ding's Bai Zi, but found that there was nowhere to start.

Finally, he held Heizi for a long time without dropping it, closed his eyes for the last time, put Heizi back into the chess box and said, "You won!"

"Your Highness has accepted." Xu Ding smiled slightly.

Zhao Zheng turned around and jumped off the round platform.

The eight virtuous kings announced the result, and then asked Zhu Di to come on stage.

Judy went up and said: "We are playing the piano, you may fight!"

"Your Highness please first!" Xu Ding made a sign to invite, and he was relieved in his heart.

He has to brew it more than others, but Biqin, unfortunately, his wives are all masters in this way.

Nature learns early.

Zhu Di played the last song first on stage, which was an elegy, and he played it so well that people wept when they listened to it, and those who heard it were sad.

The musical talent is extremely high.

At the end of the song, he said: "It's your turn!"

Xu Ding nodded slightly, then sat down, and gently plucked the strings.

With just a light touch, the sound immediately touched people's hearts, and then Xu Ding was slow or anxious, and the rhythm was ups and downs, which was extremely mysterious.

Although it failed to make the people in the audience hear any emotions and arouse their emotions.

Some people even murmured that he was not as good at playing as Judy, and when he was about to lose a game, Xu Ding stopped and the sound was cut off.

But Judy is still immersed in it.

It wasn't until I found out that Xu Ding had finished playing that I realized it.

"What's the name of this song, why have I never heard it before?" Judy asked in confusion and delight.

Xu Ding got up and replied: "This song is called "High Mountain and Flowing Water"."

"High mountains and flowing water! What a high mountain and flowing water." Zhu Di bowed to Xu Ding and said, "I'm not as good as that!"

"Your Highness has accepted." Xu Ding replied calmly.

Judy said, "Can you send me a copy of the sheet music for this song?"

Xu Ding said: "Your Highness likes it, of course you can."

Judy got off the platform with a smile on her face.

Eight Wise Kings said: "Xu Dingsheng, please Your Highness Li Yuanji come to the stage."

Xu Ding won three games, and if he won one game, there would be no need for any subsequent competitions, because even if Li Yuanji was lucky enough to win against Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di, it would only be in the field.

So now comes the most critical round.

Li Yuanji jumped onto the round stage that he hated very much, flicked his sleeves and snorted coldly: "I don't compare others who have compared it. I heard that you are writing poems and prose very quickly, so let's compare the pairs. You and I each come up with three pairs. Who will compare?" No matter who loses."

The most popular couplets and poems in the Eastern Tang Empire are the strongest in all countries.

"Okay, I'm a guest from afar, so why don't you ask questions!" Xu Ding said nonchalantly.

Li Yuanji faced the Great Zhou Emperor Ji Wuji, and then said: "The people are still the same, the country is still the same, how can the north and the south be divided!"

Ji Wuji's heart skipped a beat, this pair is very difficult.

Even the Eighth Sage King frowned slightly.

Li Yuanji's mouth curved slightly.

But the next moment Xu Ding said: "In short, in general, it's not a thing!"

Li Yuanji choked for a moment.

TM's Xu Ding, that bastard, even pointed his finger at him and scolded him.

Taking a deep breath, Li Yuanji said again: "Who dares to play when the sky is the master of the chessboard!"

"Which one can play the pipa and the silk!" Xu Ding said seamlessly.

Li Yuanji felt bored for a moment, took a step back, and said again: "Twilight at dusk, dusk at dusk!"

This was the most difficult pair that Li Yuanji could think of for Datang, and he suddenly became inexplicably frightened.

Xu Dingyin smiled and said, "The article is posted on the Dongwenwensi Bridge."

"Pfft!" Li Yuanji took two steps back with a mouthful of stuffy blood.

All TM pairs came out.

There was applause from the audience.

Wendou's Xu Ding is even more powerful.

Xu Ding smiled and said, "I've been right about all the pairs you made, so you may be right about what I said."

Li Yuanji straightened his body and said: "Come out, I want to see what pair you can make."

"Yan Suo Pond Willow!" Xu Ding read these five words slowly, and then smiled badly.

This is absolute through the ages, and it can be called the most difficult match in the world.

Let alone Li Yuanji, there is probably no one in the entire Longteng Continent who can do it, right?

"It's so simple, then I'm right..." Li Yuanji read it for a while, and at first he thought it was quite simple. Gao, and thought that Wang Xing, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth were the side, so he immediately became dumb and dared not speak.

I can only frown, think hard, and keep searching for the inventory in my stomach.

Seeing that Li Yuanji was in trouble, Zhao Zheng asked in the audience: "It's so simple to lock willows in the pond, why Li Yuanji dare not be right!"

Judy smiled wryly and said: "I wouldn't dare to be right, if I am right, I will make a fool of myself, it's difficult..."

"Okay, I know this is a bit difficult, if you can't figure it out for a while, then I'll change it." Xu Ding said again:
"Second - Lonely Cold Window Empty Widow"

Li Yuanji silently recited the lonely cold window again, the widow's brows were also furrowed, and Xizhu oozes from between his temples.

One pair can still be perfunctory, but now two can't come out, this time I have a big problem.

"Is it still difficult? Then I can tell a six-year-old child." Xu Ding smiled slightly and said: "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven."

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, it's so simple.

Li Yuanji instantly thought of the perfect answer, and replied: "My filial brother is loyal, honest, righteous and honest."

But after the confrontation, Li Yuanji's expression changed drastically, his chest heaved, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and he fainted.

Surprised all around, completely unable to understand what was going on.

Why did he vomit blood and faint when he played a pair.

Zhao Zheng asked Zhu Di: "What the hell is Li Yuanji doing?"

Zhu Di stared at Xu Ding, her eyes became more and more complicated, and then sighed leisurely: "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, forget eight, my filial brother is loyal, honest, honest and shameless!"

"Bastards are shameless, I'm sorry..."

(End of this chapter)

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