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Chapter 788 Xu Ding Talks about the Great Zhou Reform and Reform

Chapter 788 Xu Ding Talks about the Great Zhou Reform and Reform (Two in One)

Zhao Zheng was startled, and looked at Xu Ding with some awe, this is a ruthless person, a ruthless person.

You can swear at each other.

Also fucking let yourself scold yourself.

People from the Eastern Tang Empire hurried up to carry Li Yuanji down for first aid.

The Eight Sage King said loudly: "Xu Dingsheng in Xiaoyao City, since he won four games so far, there is no need to compete in the future. I announce that Xu Ding won the big competition. He is the son-in-law of our princess Ji Xuan."

After finishing talking, the Baxian King looked at Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di: "What do you two think, Your Highness?"

Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di looked at each other, what else could they say to make it a fact, so they both said: "Xu Dingsheng, we have no objection."

Below, a group of hundreds of letters burst into even more enthusiastic cheers when they heard this.

Xu Ding wins, Xu Ding is the son-in-law.

Xu Ding kept the three princesses.

Xiqin and Nanming admitted the result.

"Promise! Promise! Promise!"

"Promise! Promise! Promise!"

"Promise! Promise! Promise!"

At the city gate tower, Ji Xuan cried violently.

He really did it.

"Princess, Xiaoyao Chengzhu did it, he won, princess, you don't have to marry those three annoying guys." The maids said excitedly with their sincere blessings.

Civil and military have decided the final victor, and it has come to an end.

The emperor drove back to the palace, and Xu Ding and others also entered the palace.

Back in the palace, Ji Wuji immediately announced Xu Ding as the third son-in-law, and issued an edict to spread throughout the country.

This can be regarded as a complete confirmation of the good match of the three princesses, and it can also be regarded as the default successor in a hundred years.

At the same time, it was announced that the three sons-in-law would be trained and given the post of inspector, responsible for inspecting the situation in the whole country in three directions of the empire.

And quietly granted the status of city lord to one city, hoping to borrow the idea of ​​the eight sage kings to gradually take back the power of each city.

Xu Ding's identity as the owner of Xiaoyao City was also formally confirmed, and the state filed to change "Feng" City to Xiaoyao City.

That night Li Yuanji and the people from Dongtang left Hojing to the northeast.

This time I lost face in Haojing, so I don't want to stay longer.

After Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di learned about the new actions of the Great Zhou Kingdom, they visited the Great Zhou Prince Consort and the Second Consort respectively.

The direction of the eldest son-in-law's inspection was to the west, so Zhao Zheng went to find him.

The second son-in-law's inspection direction is east, so Zhu Di only looks for him.

"Eighth brother, both Xiqin and Nanming have gone to look for them." Ji Wuji asked the Eight Sage Kings in the study room of the Great Zhou Palace.

The Baxian King said: "That's right, Brother Huang, they went to look for it, and it is estimated that these two people will definitely agree to the conditions with Xiqin and Nanming."

"Hey! The Great Zhou is precarious. Once the three-legged power is established, there will be no turning back in Zhou." Ji Wuji understood Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di's plan. My worries come from my heart.

The Baxian King said: "So, brother, you should make a decision early. Only Xu Dingfang is the hope of my Dazhou. He is the lord of Xiaoyao City. He has a higher starting point than the other two. After the competition, he won the people of my Dazhou. He is the only one who can save Da Zhou in the future."

Xu Ding has nothing to do with the civil and military affairs of the Great Zhou, and has nothing to do with Nanming, Western Qin, and Eastern Tang, and will not be controlled by the Three Kingdoms, so he is the most suitable candidate.

Ji Wuji thought for a long time before saying: "Then let him be my successor for the time being, but it's good for both of you and me to know about it, and you should help him in secret, let him grow up as soon as possible, wipe out the cities in the south, and divide the cities in the south." Bring it back to the central government, so that it will have the strength to compete with the other two, and the strength to resist the Three Kingdoms."

"It's the emperor's brother." The Eight Sage Kings suddenly agreed.

When Ji Wuji was talking about Xu Ding with the Baxian King, Xu Ding actually received an invitation from Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di at the same time.

"It's interesting!" Holding the invitation card jointly sent by Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di, Xu Ding looked at it again and again, and then said:
"Tell your highnesses that I will attend the appointment tonight as scheduled."

The person who sent the letter went back to report.

Xu Shu said: "My lord, I'm afraid it's deceitful. The two of you have just met the other two sons-in-law respectively, and they must have promised some conditions. Now invite me over together. I'm afraid there will be no good banquet and no good wine."

"Don't worry, the two of them don't dare to act recklessly. If they want to kill me, they can do it openly during the martial arts competition. As a child of the royal family, they are not so stupid to discredit themselves. Tonight's banquet may have some other gains. "Xu Ding stuffed the letter back into the envelope and said confidently.

Xu Shu was still a little worried and said, "I'm afraid they are also plotting. After the emperor finds out, there may be troubles."

Ji Wuji is obviously an insecure emperor.

Being suppressed by the inside and outside all the year round, the suspicion in my heart must be no less than anyone else.

If he heard that Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di made friends with Xu Ding, he would definitely think about it.

Xu Dingdao: "So, I need to ask His Majesty for instructions first, and give him a reassurance."

After speaking, Xu Ding stood up, let Xu Shu stay, and went to the palace alone.

Ji Wu was a little surprised, and asked, "What's the matter with you, son-in-law?"

Shouldn't this kid go to that girl Ji Xuan after entering the palace?

What are you doing here, an old man?
Xu Ding then expressed his intention in the future.

Ji Wuji frowned slightly.

"Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di asked you to go to Baihualou for a banquet together." Ji Wuji tapped the dragon case with his index finger, remembering the words of the Eight Sage Kings just now, he felt even more doubtful, and asked:

"What do you think they want?"

Xu Ding replied: "Paralyze, win over!"

Concise and concise, just four words.

Ji Wuji asked again: "Then how are you going to deal with them?"

This is a test in disguise.

Look at Xu Ding's political talent and vision.

Xu Ding said: "Paralyze, win over!"

Still simple four words.

What attitude does the enemy have towards him, and what attitude does he have?

Ji Wuji was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect Xu Ding to be so sophisticated.

The simple four words can show his ability to deal with the relationship with the world and politics.

This is really evil.

This made Ji Wuji, who had been emperor for more than ten years, feel ashamed.

But it also proved the eyesight of the Eight Sage Kings.

Xu Ding this person is indeed the heir to the throne above.

Perhaps Da Zhou can really be revived in his hands.

But Ji Wuji was not in a hurry to react, and asked again: "What are your views and thoughts on our Da Zhou, and what do you think my Da Zhou should do in the future?"

, Xu Ding thought for a while, and then replied: "My great Zhou country is weak and the people are few, and it has nothing but economic activity."

"Ahem!" Ji Wujiqing coughed, his face a little embarrassed.

Xu Ding went on to say: "The future of Dazhou is very difficult, so we must reform. My Dazhou is located in the middle of the east of Longteng Continent, surrounded by various countries. Only by reforming and reforming can we really become strong."

"Tell me more about it! What kind of reform!" Ji Wuji became very interested. It seemed that this son-in-law had his own ideas.

Maybe he really has a good suggestion to rejuvenate Da Zhou and revive him again.

Xu Ding said: "Reform, first of all, reorganize the army. The strength of a country is only rooted in the strength of the army. If the army is not strong, it will be mermaid. Therefore, military merit and military treatment should be improved, the royal guard should be expanded, the national defense standing army should be established, the reserve force should be added, and the whole people should be armed. All men of the Great Zhou Dynasty are obliged to join the army, no matter whether they are officials or merchants, there are no exceptions, and anyone who does not obey orders will be killed."

Such a murderous intent, such an overbearing military law.

Arm the whole people, expand the Royal Guard, and establish a standing army for national defense.

Added reserves.

You must know that after the years of the Great Zhou, the armaments have long since been abolished.

Because of the developed economy, anyone who wants to be a soldier has devoted himself to business and started a business.

From the royal children of the Sangong and Jiuqing in the court to Liming must, it is the wind to make money.

Therefore, Haojing is the most active big city in the East, and its economic prosperity is the highest among all countries.

Coupled with the special location, it is also the place where the headquarters of merchants from all over the world gather.

"My son-in-law, I'm afraid it will be extremely difficult to realize this one. The people will rebel, and the ministers in the court will not agree." Ji Wuji knew that this idea was good, but it was difficult to realize, and there were too many obstacles.

To cut off people's wealth is to kill their parents.

You let everyone serve as soldiers, how can they have time to make money, isn't it a disguised form to anger the world?
The terrorist reform has not yet been accomplished, and the army has not yet been established. The Great Zhou is over first.

"Your Majesty, if this continues and the common people don't rebel, how long can the Great Zhou last?" Xu Ding asked Ji Wuji, looking directly at him.

He knew that the emperor in front of him was probably afraid of wolves before and tigers later, far less wise and courageous than the Eight Sage Kings.

I’m afraid of this, I’m afraid of that, and I’m going to revive a P.
"This..." Ji Wuji was momentarily at a loss for words.

How long can it last, Ji Wuji can't answer.

In fact, the Great Zhou is just a name, except for the city of Haojing, which is barely controlled by the royal family, and there is no piece of land in the Great Zhou that respects the Central Committee of the Great Zhou.

There is no difference with no.

"Your Majesty, I don't mention this to immediately divide everyone into the group. It is impossible to do things overnight. You can do it one by one. This is just a preliminary policy. The economy is the only advantage that Dazhou can take. Naturally, It is impossible to destroy it, after all, a strong military power also needs the support of economic power." Xu Ding explained.

Ji Wuji nodded, then asked again: "What else?"

"The second point is to reform the political system of the Great Zhou, gradually abolish the city lord system, establish a local county system under the overall planning of the central government, and a multi-province and multi-department system under the central government.

The recommendation system for selecting officials was abolished, and the imperial examination system was changed to select talents who can manage the Zhou Dynasty through civil and imperial examinations; generals who can recruit and fight well were selected through military examinations; talents who could manage business and finance were selected through business subjects; Miscellaneous talents who imitated Nanming firearms, Western Qin armaments, and Eastern Tang formation inscriptions. "Xu Ding slowed down so that Ji Wuji could understand and follow his train of thought, and then said:
"The third point is to establish a stable economic system and carry out economic infiltration into the Southern Ming, Eastern Tang, Western Qin, and Northern Man to achieve the purpose of economic warfare and make it a sharp knife of the Great Zhou to counter the Three Kingdoms and Four Regions. "

The strongest thing in the Great Zhou Dynasty is the economy. It seems useless, but in fact it is used well. It might not be able to have a great impact on the Three Kingdoms and Four Regions, and even influence its government affairs.

At one point, economic warfare was more terrifying than military destruction.

And it was silent.

"Imperial examinations! Conduct imperial examinations like Nanming? Conduct three provinces and six departments like Eastern Tang, and set up equipment research departments like Western Qin." Ji Wuji's thoughts were still on the second point before, and the third point was economic warfare, which he had little interest in. I don't even have any ideas, and I feel that it's too imaginary and unrealistic, so I'm still thinking about the second point.

"It's about the same, Your Majesty, but there will be differences. It should be a new type of government that combines the three kingdoms into one. Compared with them, it is more optimized, more flexible, and more powerful. It can mobilize the power of the entire country and inspire the enthusiasm of the whole people." Xu Ding already knew that Ji Wuji would ignore economic warfare, considering the limitations of the opponent's knowledge and the times, so he didn't mention it too much.

After thinking about it, Xu Dingji Wuji said: "Perhaps this is feasible. My Great Zhou really needs all-round reforms, and I need to learn from the Three Kingdoms."

"Is there a fourth?" Ji Wuji asked.

Xu Ding said: "In general, these three points, but there is one more thing that must be evaluated, and that is education. Your Majesty, I have a very active economy, so generally speaking, the counting ability of the common people is second to none in the world. This education Only strong talents can produce talents, so we must pay attention to the cultivation of talents. We need to reshape education, popularize low, medium and high levels in various parts of the Great Zhou, and improve the education level of my Great Zhou country. Make the country not decline, and make the country continue on the road to revival.

At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the patriotic thoughts of the people, starting from the recognition and expectation of the country in all aspects, so that the people have a sense of national identity, and to use education to enhance national cohesion and appeal. "

"Good! That's a very kind word." Ji Wuji patted the dragon chair and stood up.
This way of education was what he had always wanted.

Loyal ministers, this is the way to cultivate and discover loyal ministers.

What the Great Zhou lacked most was loyal ministers and loyalty.

Xu Ding didn't answer, and raised three major points, system, economy, and military.

Ji Wuji didn't care too much about these three aspects, he was just interested.

Only the thought and connotation of loyalty to the emperor in this aspect of education is what Ji Wuji cares most about.

I saw that Ji Wuji still had a heavy old thinking in his heart.

So Xu Ding kept his mouth shut and didn't intend to say too much to His Majesty the Emperor.

But Ji Wuji came forward with great interest, and asked: "Is there anything else? Talking with you today really made people suddenly enlightened, and solved a big problem that I have always had in Da Zhou."

"Your Majesty, it's gone. I think it takes a lot of perseverance, time and energy to do these scriptures well. It's not beautiful to have too many other considerations." Xu Ding replied half-truthfully.

Ji Wuji stared at Xu Ding for a long time, seeing that Xu Ding was really not talking, he said: "You are right, these four points are enough to prescribe the right medicine for Da Zhou, you go to the banquet first, this matter is sloppy I don't think I need to think about it."

"No!" Xu Ding was not hypocritical, and resigned from the palace.

After leaving the palace, I looked at the sky, and it began to darken.

Xu Ding came back and greeted Xu Shu, changed his clothes, and then went to Baihualou for the banquet.

Baihualou is the busiest and most famous place for recreation in the capital of Da Zhou.

When promised to arrive, Baihualou was brightly lit, but there was no one there.

To be precise, it was because the guards from Xiqin and Nanming were at the gate in front of the building.

Anyone who wanted to go in, after seeing it, made a detour and went to another Huafang restaurant.

Xu Ding's carriage stopped, jumped out of the car, glanced around, and didn't rush in.

When the guards of Xiqin and Nanming saw Xu Ding, they respectfully made a gesture of invitation and said, "Young Master Xu!"

Among Mr. Xu, it is not Xu Consort, which is an interesting title.

Xu Ding heard people talking and giving pointers on both sides of the street, and couldn't help but sneer in his heart. It was a good start, and he wanted to start with his most valued reputation.

Xu Ding stepped into Baihualou with a dozen of Shanhehua fans.

He wants to see what big moves Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di have prepared for him.

(End of this chapter)

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