Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 789 Sun Jian's Reaction at the Night Banquet in the Flower House

Chapter 789 Sun Jian's Reaction at the Night Banquet at Baihualou (Two in One)

Inside the Baihua Building, there are also the most beautiful girls in the building standing one by one, each with a graceful figure, a graceful figure, and a graceful demeanor.

When they saw Xu Ding, they squatted slightly at the same time and said softly in unison, "I've seen Mr. Xu!"

The voices of all the girls are graceful, crisp and numb, making people feel like a sea of ​​flowers all over their bodies, so full of life.

Xu Ding smiled slightly, then walked straight forward and stepped up the stairs, when the sound of the piano came from upstairs.

The sound of the piano is none other than "High Mountain and Flowing Water" played by Xu Ding when he won Judy.

Xu Ding stopped suddenly, frowned slightly, and then turned around to leave.

At this time, a clear and clear female voice came from upstairs asking: "Young master has not gone upstairs yet, why are you leaving?"

"It's not playing right!" Xu Dingping replied nonchalantly.

"It's not played right, but that's how the music score given by the young master is played!" The woman complained in her voice, as if she was blaming all the problems because of promises.

Xu Ding said: "It's the wrong place to play, I'm sorry, I wanted to drink, but now I want to drink tea!"

After speaking, Xu Ding walked outside the Baihua Building.

At this moment, the sound of the piano upstairs stopped.

I saw Zhu Di stuck her head out and shouted: "Brother Xu, please slow down, refreshments are ready upstairs, please forgive me for neglecting."

Zhu Di didn't expect that Xu Ding would leave as soon as he said so, because the song "High Mountains and Flowing Mountains" is an elegant song, played in Baihualou, Xu Ding was about to leave.

Xu Ding looked up at Judy, then stared at him slightly askew: "Are you apologizing, are you begging me to go up?"

Judy's eyebrows twitched, seeing Xu Ding's serious expression, knowing that he would really leave if he didn't give an explanation.

So he had no choice but to hold back, and clasped his fists and said, "It was Zhu who neglected Brother Xu and humiliated this song. Please, Brother Xu, go upstairs. Zhao Zheng and I will wait for a long time."

Xu Ding said with a smile: "Your Highness is open-minded, he is really a model of the dragon among men, Xu admires, admires!"

Xu Ding just went up the ladder again, but he thought to himself, this Zhu Di is really at the upper level, and among the princes of the Three Kingdoms, this person is the most dangerous.

It is definitely not easy for people to bear the intolerance of ordinary people.

Xu Ding knew very well that Zhu Di was more terrifying and difficult to fight than Zhao Zheng and Li Yuanji.

Because the latter is the enemy on the bright side, what tricks the enemy will use is predictable and visible.

Only the black knife is invisible and inaudible.

When Xu Ding went upstairs, the little lady who had just played the tune came down slowly from the upstairs, and when she passed by Xu Ding, she glanced resentfully.

Xu Ding also had a quick glance, she was indeed a rare beauty, but Xu Ding was already immune.

It's not just any beautiful woman who can fascinate him or make him feel good.

Go upstairs, and follow Judy's reception into the private room.

Zhao Zheng got up to signal, Xu Ding returned the gift, and the three of them sat down.

Sure enough, I heard that Xu Ding drank tea instead of alcohol, just now Zhu Di asked people to withdraw all the wine according to the scriptures.

Now he has to take good care of this uncle Xu Ding, otherwise tonight's scene will be wasted.

"Brother Xu, Xu Pincha!" Zhu Di greeted.

Xu Ding picked up the teacup, took a sip, then tasted it lightly, put down the teacup and said: "Although this tea is good, it is far from the tea in my Happy City. Since the two Highnesses like to drink tea, Tomorrow, I will have someone send some over, I believe that the two Highnesses will definitely love it after drinking it."

"Oh! Happy City also produces tea, which is unheard of." Zhu Di was a little surprised. In the east of Longteng Continent, Nanming is the best tea.

One is the geographical location of Nanming, and the other is that the craftsmanship is incomparable between the Eastern Tang and Western Qin.

Therefore, tea from Nanming was generally sold to other two countries and northern barbarians through Dazhou.

Earn a lot of money and taxes for Nanming.

So Judy is very concerned.

Xu Ding said: "It was not produced before, but after I took over, it started to produce, and it will definitely make you love tea more and enjoy tea even more."

"Hey, you people like to make this drinking thing so much." Zhao Zheng was a little confused when he heard it. Originally, drinking was the temperament and hobby of their West Qin people.

In the end, because Judy shot himself in the foot with a rock, he withdrew the wine and replaced it with this bitter and bitter tea.

Hearing this, Xu Ding and Judy looked at each other, and then laughed a lot.

Xu Ding said: "Actually, your Highness doesn't like to drink tea, but Xu has no intention of forcing His Highness to drink tea."

Zhao Zheng looked at him suspiciously: "What you said is true."

Xu Ding nodded.

Xu Ding can be more tolerant of Zhao Zheng, because he knows that Zhao Zheng is a real man who is fierce and willful, so he doesn't ask too much.

Zhao Zheng was overjoyed, and immediately muttered something, and a guard brought over two jars of wine,
Zhao Zheng split the seal mud with one palm, then poured it into his mouth and drank it with a headache.

After a few gurgles, half of the jar of wine was gone.


Xu Ding said: "Your Highness is good at drinking, but I smell that the wine doesn't seem to be mellow enough. Tomorrow, I will send His Highness several altars of high-grade liquor produced in Xiaoyao City. It will definitely satisfy His Highness."

"Oh! You also produce wine in Xiaoyao City. Is it really stronger, more fragrant and more mellow than my Xiqin wine?" Zhao Zheng also had doubts. You must know that the world's famous wines come from Xiqin, and wine is also a major feature of Xiqin. After the Great Zhou Dynasty, it was sold to Dongtang and Nanming.

"It's natural. I still have many good things in Happy City. I dare not say that they are the best in the world, but they are definitely the best in the world. I believe you will not be disappointed." Xu Ding said confidently, this wine and tea are enough to hook you arouse the interest of the two.

Now it was Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di's turn to look at each other, and then they smiled slightly.


Nanchang City, the capital of Yuzhang County, Yangzhou, Han Dynasty.

In Sun Jian's mansion, Sun Jian held a Donglai Daily Report in his hand: "What do you think of these actions by Bokang?"

Because of this incident, Sun Jian specially gathered his eldest son Sun Ce, his important advisers Zhou Yu, Sun Quan, his assistant Pang Tong, and the advisers around Sun Jian.

"Father, I'm afraid Xu Ding's plan is not simple. Shipbuilding skills are the foundation of his foundation. How could he easily announce it to the world, and he is also willing to accept talents sent by various states and counties to learn technology and cultivate talents for the world. I think he is so They want to deceive us so that they can attract our talents and then detain them." Sun Ce was the first to stand up and say.

Sun Jian didn't express his opinion and asked Zhou Yu beside Sun Ce, "Gong Jin, what do you think?"

"Hou Ye, what the eldest son said is not unreasonable. Xu Ding has big plans, but he dare not detain talents openly, because it will ruin his reputation, so we should treat it with caution." Zhou Yu stood up and said simply .

Sun Jian looked at Pang Tong again.

Pang Tong said: "Master Hou, Xu Ding's experience can build iron-clad warships, and the speed is faster than other ships. I think the basic information he announced is to attract more talents in this field, so we Brain outflow should be restricted.

The second is to use this method to frighten me in Yangzhou and Jingzhou. At the same time, it is a signal to the world. He promises not to be afraid of anyone. His confidence and Donglai's strength have reached the point where others cannot shake him. Suppress all states and counties in the world. "

This time Sun Jian nodded slightly, and then said: "So from your point of view, these materials are all true and can be learned, and Bokang is not afraid of us learning, because he is confident that even if we learn, we can't beat him. He wants to have the upper hand psychologically and make us cringe."

Everyone didn't answer, and silence was the default.

"Then do you think that if we can digest the technologies he announced, is it possible for our navy to defeat him?" Finally Sun Jian still asked such a sentence that he really didn't want to say.

In the last year's war, the Jiujiang and Kuaiji naval forces were defeated in the first battle, and almost all of them were wiped out.

Not even the slightest ability to resist.

Yes, it is undeniable that these two water armies have been established for a short time, and the whole entity is not as good as the main water army commanded by Chi Jian himself, which runs rampant on the surface of the river.

But such a victory is really hard to accept.

In particular, the information collected on the warships of the Donglai Navy felt suffocating to him.

All counties in Yangzhou are mainly connected to waterways, and water battles are inevitable.

It is an important factor in determining the ownership of Yangzhou.

In contrast, Donglai's navy is too powerful, and his Yangzhou may be overturned and swallowed by Xu Ding at any time.

How could Sun Jian remain calm?

So before the beginning of spring, I called several sons and important counselors and civil servants back for a meeting.

Discuss the way forward.

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu looked at each other, Sun Quan looked at Pang Tong, and the others also looked at each other in pairs.

In the end Zhou Yu, Pang Tong and others replied: "Master Hou, even if we have learned these shipbuilding technologies, we are no match for the Donglai Navy. The growth of the navy takes a long time, and the construction of ships also takes time.

But if we don't learn, we don't become stronger, and we will lose even worse when we start a war in the future, without even a glimmer of hope. "

Sure enough, Sun Jian sighed inwardly.

Xu Ding will always be the benchmark that cannot be surpassed.

To be ahead in everything, we can only chase, not surpass.

"Father, the most important thing is that after Xu Ding announced these materials, Jingzhou will definitely digest them quickly and strengthen the Jingzhou navy. Even if there is no Donglai navy, we will face the re-emergence of Jingzhou, so Xu Ding is forced We once again had a rift with Jingzhou and clashed, forcing us to learn his shipbuilding technology." Sun Quan stood up, pointed Maotou at Jingzhou, and reminded Sun Jian.

If Jingzhou is not won, Yangzhou will never be able to compete with Xu Ding.

Last year's World War I completely woke up Sun Quan.

With the strength of the Sun family, it is far from provocative.

Xu Ding didn't even send out the main force, but with a slight counterattack by the local troops, the Sun family lost a large piece of land and took away Sun Quan's foothold.

What a painful realization.

Sun Quan also learned a lot from a fall in the pit.

"What my son said is right. We are so ambitious. Bokang is not our direct goal now. Without Jingzhou as the backer of the younger generation, we and Bokang will never have a slight chance of winning. Winning Liu Biaofang is our next stage, and it is even very close." It needs to be done in a long time." Sun Jian's eyes suddenly became far-reaching, he looked at Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, and then said:

"Although the two of you think that you are Yuan Shu's hypocrite, you must not provoke the Donglai Army. If Yuan Shu wants to move Xuzhou, you two must persuade him. Wait for us to eat Liu Biao and say that now our Yangzhou is more about recuperation. , and Liu Biao to a showdown."

Sun Ce wanted to say no, but his father was more aggressive than him, and Zhou Yu also touched him lightly, so he could only cup his fists and say, "It's the father, the child understands."

Zhou Yu also said: "It's Lord Hou, we must put the overall situation first, and we will not prepare a navy in Jiujiang for the time being, so as to paralyze the Donglai army."

Only then was Sun Jian satisfied, and then he looked at Sun Quan: "You too, Danyang is too close to Wu County, so I will stay in Yuzhang from now on and study hard by my side."

"Here!" Sun Quan also felt a little helpless. If he stayed with Sun Jian, he would have no chance to fly out and form his own army.


Just as Pang Tong said, after Biao Liubiao saw Xu Ding's Donglai Monthly Report, he urgently called a meeting of civil and military personnel, and then agreed to build new ships and study Xu Ding's new technologies.

And increase efforts to attract talents and increase the strength of the navy.

It is also eyeing Yangzhou even more.

Perhaps this enemy is still too far away, and the threat only exists on paper or in imagination.

Sun Jian's threat is always there.

Although the two reached a settlement at the end of the year, the war was quelled.

But how could Liu Biao and his civil and military personnel give up like this.

What a shame that half of Jingzhou was lost.

Without Jiangxia, Changsha and other counties, is Jingzhou still complete?
Liu Biao also wanted to take it back, so naturally he was gearing up for it.


Xu Ding, Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di drank tea and wine in Baihualou for half the night, and Xu Ding and the three of them bid farewell to each other and left.

No one knows what the three of them talked about.

All I know is that when we left, everyone had smiles on their faces, like friends who hadn't seen each other for many years, and they were very close.

This added more mystery to the trio's night party.

When Xu Ding returned to his residence, Xu Shu hadn't fallen asleep yet, and was still waiting for him.

"My lord, how's the situation?" Seeing Xu Ding's return, Xu Shu let go of his worries. This is Longteng Continent, not a big man, and Xu Ding's safety is far less reliable than over there.

There are armaments from the Western Qin Dynasty, firearms from the Southern Ming Dynasty, and inscription formations from the Eastern Tang Dynasty, all of which can form powerful constraints on Xu Ding and directly threaten his safety.

Xu Ding said: "Don't worry Yuan Zhi, everything is in the plan, Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di really want to numb and win me over, I also use the same way to repay him and I won't suffer.

And I have also reached a lot of consensus with them. In the future, our things can be sold to Nanming and Xiqin through their hands, which guarantees great benefits.

At the same time, I also proposed to them that I want to buy firearms and ordnance. "

"They agreed?" Xu Shu couldn't wait to know.

The firearms of Nanming and the ordnance of Western Qin are the most important existences in this world.

As long as you can get it and imitate it, Donglai will definitely take off quickly.

It can speed up the unification of the Han Dynasty and end the conflicts and chaos of the Han Dynasty early.

"They promised to buy their next level or eliminated equipment, but the quantity will not be too much." Xu Ding replied.

Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di are both little foxes, this is just a little sweetness given by the paralyzed self, it is impossible to strengthen themselves.

Xu Shu said: "This is also very good. With the original, it will be more convenient for us to study. I believe that as long as we are willing to work hard, there will always be a day when we catch up with our efforts."

"It's hard to say, we have never been able to decipher the mysterious material elements of Longteng Continent. Even if we can catch up with them in terms of shape, we still can't compare with them in terms of internality." Xu Ding said:

"For example, for Nanming's firearms, Zhu Di only sells some base gunpowder in a limited supply. It is difficult to hoard the quantity, and he will definitely block private transactions after he returns. It will also be difficult for us to buy from the private sector."

(End of this chapter)

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