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Chapter 791 The Revenge of the Eastern Tang Empire Comes

Chapter 791 The Revenge of the Eastern Tang Empire Comes (Two in One)


Shi Hao replied respectfully, then stepped back and left to prepare for the cannon test.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Xu Ding shouted: "Wait a minute, I went back to Weiyuan Island this time and brought back some finished firearms. After testing the artillery, your Firearms Bureau will take it over and study it carefully. You should gain something."

Shi Hao was overjoyed when he heard the words, there was a finished product, and it was much easier to study and study.

It can be used for reference, which saves the tiredness of working behind closed doors and searching hard.

The artillery test is relatively cumbersome.

One is to measure the range, the other is the power, and the third is whether the quality and design of the artillery itself are reasonable.

And its risk factor is the greatest.

Because once the chamber explodes, it may really cause death and injury, and it will be on a large scale.


The cannons were tested non-stop, and suddenly one of the cannons was blown up after only two tests.

Others suffered minor injuries.

But Shi Hao and others were not intimidated by the difficulties, and the wounded were carried down for treatment.

Others continued to wipe their guns.

They fought until evening, when the sunset glow covered half of the sky, and the sound of the cannons stopped.

Most of the guns were damaged by blasting or splitting.

Various detailed parameters were also statistically analyzed.

But Xu Ding and Huang Chengyan couldn't calm down for a long time.

The power of the artillery was more obvious, and the test range was blown up to a mess.

It is heralding that a new era is coming.

A new revolution is underway.

"Whether Bokang has this thing will attack the city in an instant. Even a strong city or a majestic checkpoint can't withstand its blow." Huang Chengyan suddenly thought of Xu Ding before he went to Pingzhou last year what he said.

In just a few short months, the power of firearms has been fully revealed.

And it is unstoppable.

No wonder Xu Ding was so nervous when he found out what happened in Pingzhou, so he made arrangements for the funeral.

"Father-in-law, it's true. It's just pediatrics. When firearms develop to a certain extent, a single shell may directly raze the entire Weiyuan Island to the ground." Xu Ding knew that if the devil of gunpowder was released, the war would be lost more and more. original taste.

A bomb destroys an island, destroying a place comparable to the size of a county.

Huang Chengyan didn't dare to imagine at first.

This is horrible.

The scalp is a little numb.

Can't help worrying: "Bokang, this thing must be firmly controlled, and it must not fall into the hands of enemies and people with no evil thoughts, otherwise the whole world will be destroyed."

"Father-in-law is far-sighted, so I will definitely remember it." Xu Ding nodded slightly, and then replied:

"I won't use it casually unless it is absolutely necessary, and I can't stop researching this thing because we never know when the enemy will master it and research it. Only with a sword in hand can we protect ourselves."

While the two were chatting seriously, Shi Hao came over with a record file and reported the results to Xu Ding.

Xu Ding took a look at the file, thought for a while, and then told Shi Hao some of his opinions and opinions, so that he had a clear direction for improvement and research.

"Okay, let's stop here today. Artillery is like a gun. It still needs to be researched and improved. Don't put it into production for the time being. You have worked hard. Let everyone take three days off and take a good rest. Everyone is receiving some rewards , to combine work and rest." Xu Ding looked at the sky and instructed.

"It's the general!"

After leaving the Equipment Department, Xu Ding went back to his place of residence and asked Mao Jie to enter the mansion to discuss matters at night.

The two opened a hot pot and chatted while eating.

Xu Ding took a piece of meat and mixed some sauce into his mouth, chewed it beautifully and then put it into his stomach.

Then he put down his chopsticks, poured a glass of wine for the two of them and said, "Xiaoxian, how much brass do we have in reserve?"

Mao Jie thought about it, and then reported it to Xu Ding.

Because it has been under development, the current reserves of copper can be said to be astronomical.

The large ships in the South China Sea are constantly pulling and transporting, and various parts of the jurisdiction are also developing and refining, and the richness is jaw-dropping.

Xu Ding made an estimate and said: "Well, I'm going to prepare a large amount of copper coins. I brought back the samples. You arrange manpower and machines to go to Pingzhou Chuanmen to set up a mint."

Mao Jie said: "My lord, do you want to cast money from the Dragon Continent?"

Mao Jie understood that Xu Ding had been emphasizing economic rationalization and economic regulation.

So even though Dongnae has a lot of copper, it did not issue new coins indiscriminately, in order to stabilize the economy and currency.

Now I suddenly want to cast a lot, most of it is because of Longteng Continent.

After all, Xu Ding is not a short-sighted person, so it is impossible to harm the big man.

"That's right, I'm going to mint a large amount of copper coins of the Great Zhou Kingdom. I have reached an agreement with the emperor of the Great Zhou Kingdom. I will do the currency reform of the Great Zhou Kingdom, and I can intervene in the economic aspect.

At that time, I will let all the countries and regions in the east of Longteng Continent use our money, bad money will drive out good money, and the four families and five places' right to print and mint small money will be broken.

Exchange the gold and silver in their hands for copper. "Xu Ding smiled slightly, and this smile was somewhat meaningful.

Copper is worthless in his hands. By exchanging all the gold and silver in Longteng Continent, a new gold and silver system can be implemented, and at the same time, a banking mechanism can be established to carry out financial warfare to weaken countries.

Mao Jie looked a little like crying, put down his chopsticks and said, "My lord, am I going to learn something new? Can I not be the only one here, and let Zhicai and the others study hard?"

Xu Ding also invented the word "advanced study", and Mao Jie felt that everyone should suffer together.

Good things must also learn to share.

It's best not to let go of that lazy Guo Jia.

"Haha, yes, everyone has to learn, no one can be left behind, the way of governing the country, if you don't understand the economy, you can't manage the country well." Xu Ding understood Mao Jie's meaning, and smiled instantly.

Anyway, this group of guys are full of affection among each other, and in the spirit of being able to cheat one is a scourge.

Then Xu Ding talked with Mao Jie for a long time, mostly around the economic aspect.

For example, establish a bank and conduct swabs in your own jurisdiction to facilitate businessmen's trade, and at the same time facilitate the allocation and distribution of government money and food at all levels.

Once the experience and conditions are obtained, it will be rolled out across the country, further penetrating the Dragon Continent.

Economic warfare is a war without gunpowder, which is more cruel and ruthless than military warfare.

Xu Ding chatted for a long time that night, and Mao Jie also listened and took notes at the same time, so that he could take time to study, study and digest after returning home.

I stayed in Weiyuan Island for half a month, during which time I went back to Huaguo Mountain to visit my wife and children, and listened to Guo Jia's report on the changes in the situation in Hanoi, as well as the latest developments in Cao Cao, plus the undercover situation in Yizhou Fazheng. , in short, everything was relatively stable, without any waves, Xu Ding then set off for Happy City again.

"My lord! The Eastern Tang Kingdom's revenge is coming." As soon as Xu Ding returned to Xiaoyao City, Xu Shu hurriedly reported the recent situation of Da Zhou.

Xu Ding asked: "How does the Eastern Tang Empire plan to take revenge on Da Zhou?"

"Eastern Tang Dynasty unilaterally increased the yearly money that Da Zhou paid to Eastern Tang every year, directly increased by ten times, and sent people to the northern border to dismantle the magic circle, eliminated the inscription patterns carved in the border town, and took away Energy stone, now the north of Dazhou has become an undefended place, and the northern barbarian tribe can go south to plunder at any time." Xu Shu said:

"It is estimated that Dong Tang will not send troops to assist Da Zhou in resisting the northern barbarians, let alone allow Dong Tang's mercenary organization to accept Da Zhou's employment."

"It's so ruthless! It's a bottom line. As expected of a big country, it's lazy and hits the nail on the head." Xu Ding asked:
"The Eastern Tang Kingdom can make other requests, such as me and Princess Jixuan."

Logically speaking, the source of this matter lies with him. He made Li Yuanji unable to step down and lost Dong Tang's face.

Essentially speaking, everything should be pointed at oneself.

To put pressure on the Great Zhou Kingdom, there should be a purpose.

Xu Shu shook his head and said, "My lord, the Dongtang side didn't mention you and Princess Jixuan at all, let alone the matter of Gaojing's selection of a consort.

This matter is a great image damage to them, so naturally they won't mention it more. "

"That's right. The Eastern Tang Kingdom is a big country anyway, and it still wants to maintain its image. Everyone is tacitly aware of this, and they don't dare to mention it." Xu Ding touched it, and was also thinking about the matter of the Great Zhou. stand up.

Originally, the Eastern Tang Dynasty and the Central Zhou Dynasty signed an agreement to jointly protect the northern barbarians.

Therefore, the northern border of Zhongzhou has always been under the responsibility of Dongtang, and a large defensive array has been built.

Just for this aspect every year, Da Zhou would pay Dong Tang a huge amount of money.

Now that Dongtang has stopped this matter, if the northern barbarians go south, it will be difficult for Zhongzhou to resist.

"From this point of view, we can only seek assistance from Xiqin and establish a joint defense agreement between Xiqin and Zhongzhou. However, Xiqin will probably speak loudly." Xu Ding found that this matter was a bit tricky.

After all, Zhongzhou's national strength is too weak, it has no military strength at all, and it is always passive.

Xu Shu said: "In the past, because the Mid-Zhou Dynasty and the Eastern Tang Dynasty had a common defensive formation, the northern barbarians preferred to attack the mighty Western Qin Dynasty, so although the Western Qin Dynasty had no border disputes with the Eastern Tang Dynasty, they regarded them as enemies, and the suspicion was the heaviest.

Now that the Eastern Tang had withdrawn the defense formations of the Central Zhou Dynasty, the Western Qin Dynasty would be happy to see the success, willing the northern barbarians to attack the Central Zhou Dynasty. "

"Therefore, we need something that is enough to tempt Xiqin, so that we can solve this big crisis and help Zhongzhou tide over the difficulties." Xu Ding murmured softly:
"What does the Western Qin need? The Western Qin is to the west, and most of the land is barren. The country is strong and the people are poor, and the products are not rich. They lack food and money. What else do they lack?"

After several months of understanding, Xu Ding knew that Xiqin's demand for food has always been strong, so he has been relying on the turnover of food from the middle week and obtaining huge amounts of money to help Xiqin with huge military expenditures solve practical problems.

But neither of these two things can play a decisive role, they can only be used as an introduction.

"Master, I really thought of a way, but this way is not good for Zhong Zhou, and it is extremely difficult to operate." Xu Shu suddenly thought of an idea, but he was not sure.

Xu Ding asked: "Tell me!"

"My lord, since Dong Tang wants to use this to make Zhong Zhou surrender and take revenge on Zhong Zhou, if he doesn't follow the trend and let Zhong Zhou abandon his capital, he will directly come to a dead end and let everyone have a bad life. I don't believe that Dong Tang can arrange the formation. To all their cities, I don't believe that their energy column is endless."

Xu Ding raised his eyebrows slightly.

Then he took out the map of the Eastern Region.

After looking at it for a long time, Xu Ding let out a foul breath and said, "It's not a bad plan for you to hurt yourself by eight hundred and your enemy by a thousand.

The difficulty lies in how to control the extent of Beiman's southward push, and see whether Beiman is willing to follow our rhythm and plan. "

Abandoning the defense and directly letting the northern barbarians go south, attracting Xiqin, Eastern Tang, and Nanming to fight directly with the northern barbarians is indeed a loss of chess.

However, the northern barbarians are used to living as nomads and moving on the grasslands.

Even if they capture Zhongzhou, they may not stay and fight a long-term war of attrition with the three major powers.

Moreover, without Haojing in Zhongzhou, its economic status would be lost.

The trade channels between the three major countries will change, and the economic hub advantage of Zhongzhou will disappear.

Of course, if Haojing was abandoned, Zhongzhou could take the opportunity to move south to Xiaoyao City and other places, and then take advantage of the opportunity to deal with the northern barbarians to gather the power of each city, disintegrate the city lords of each city, and have a rebirth from nirvana.

"Forget it, don't use this trick for the time being, it's a helpless choice, and the sequelae are too great, the harm outweighs the benefit." Xu Ding shook his head and denied this plan. It was not he who made the decision in Da Zhou, but Ji Wuji, and the There is a wise and virtuous king, Ji Wuming, but he still can't get him to give orders, so Xu Ding said:

"However, we can use this to negotiate with Nanming and Xiqin, and even engage in diplomatic contests with Dongtang."

Xu Shu said: "According to my lord, we will now spread rumors that Zhongzhou intends to abandon the capital, so that everyone will be nervous first."

Xu Ding nodded, the sooner this news spreads, the better.

On that day, Xu Ding rested in Happy City for a day, and then rushed to Haojing with the cavalry team.

Xu Shu sent people to various cities to spread rumors.

For a while, the southern cities of Zhongzhou were terrified.

The Ji family wanted to abandon the capital and move to Xiaoyao City, but the Ji family left. Who will help them resist the northern barbarians on the front line.

What if the Beiman killed them.

The heads of the cities and the lords turned gray for a while, and the people were also terrified. They wrote letters one after another, asking all the cities and cities to send reinforcements to support Haojing, and to support Ji's defense of Haojing.

The city lords had no choice but to send private soldiers to Haojing.

After all, the Ji family is still their monarch on the surface, and Zhongzhou is everyone's Zhongzhou.

The Ji family is over, and everyone is also over.

The panic in the south soon spread to the west and south of Mid-Zhou.

These two areas also quickly keep up with the rhythm of the south.

At the same time, their tense state also spread to Nanming and Xiqin.

The two countries also quickly held a DPRK meeting to discuss the subsequent impact of the withdrawal of the Eastern Tang Kingdom.

As for the capital of Hao, Ji Wuji had already recruited all the civil and military officials, as well as the eldest son-in-law and the second son-in-law to hold a court meeting.

Facing the request of the Eastern Tang Kingdom, Ji Wuji and his ministers were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, and they discussed for seven days without any result.

Even Ji Wuming, who has always been called the virtuous king, did not speak.

"As Aiqing, can we discuss how to deal with this matter?" Ji Wu asked the people below with a worried look on his face.

As a result, there was no answer.

Then the eldest son-in-law stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I feel that there must be some misunderstanding between us and Dongtang. Why don't we agree to the matter of the old coins first, and then send a respected person to Dongtang to ask them not to withdraw. We More money can be given.”

At the moment, some ministers stand up to support it.

However, the second son-in-law snorted coldly and said, "Your Majesty, I don't think this is right. I agreed to ten times the old coins of the East Tang Kingdom. What do Xiqin and Nanming think, and whether their old coins should be raised.

And giving money may not necessarily solve the problem. The minister thinks that Dongtang Kingdom is taking revenge. We should find out the root cause. We should let the owner of Xiaoyao City plead guilty to Xiangdong Tang Kingdom and send the three princesses there at the same time, so that the anger of Dongtang Kingdom can be calmed down. "

At the moment, some ministers also expressed their support.

As long as this kind of thing can be resolved, the border in the middle and Zhou dynasties will be kept safe, Dongtang will be stabilized, and war will not happen. Regardless of whether he gives money or gives people, 1 of them are willing. Anyway, they don't pay money, they give people.

Ji Wuji did not expect the two concubines to raise such opinions, especially the second concubine.

Not only did Xu Ding, the lord of Xiaoyao City, have to take the blame, but he also wanted to marry his third daughter to Li Yuanji.

What is the previous contest.

What is the face of his Ji family?

How to explain to the people of Zhongzhou.

Ji Wu was extremely hesitant and a little scared, so he cast his eyes on Ji Wuming.

It has always been difficult for the virtuous king to make a move.

Seeing the emperor's eyes begging for help, Ji Wuming thought for a while and took a step forward. Just as he was about to finish speaking, a sneer sounded from outside the hall:
"Let my son-in-law see who wants to send Lao Tzu's wife to the Eastern Tang Dynasty and ask me if I have the sword in my hand."

(End of this chapter)

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