Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 792: Mid-Zhou Changes and Great Ming Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 792: The Mid-Zhou Revolution: Ming Zhu Yuanzhang (Two in One)

Everyone heard the words and looked outside the hall, only to see Xu Ding stepping into the hall holding a giant sword made in the Western Qin Dynasty.

The external sunlight hit behind him, making it extremely dazzling.

And Xu Ding's icy expression, as well as the murderous aura emanating from his body, made people shudder involuntarily, and they all backed away to both sides.

Ji Wu was overjoyed, Xu Ding came back.

Earlier, he sent people to Xiaoyao City to spread the news. Xu Shu, who was in charge of the government affairs of Xiaoyao City, said that Xu Ding had gone hunting in Wanmo Mountain.

Ji Wuji was still a little anxious to get angry, now that he saw him back, he instantly had some confidence and strong expectations.

Xu Ding's eyes were fixed on the second son-in-law, and he walked straight to him.

Intimidated by Xu Ding's aura, the second son-in-law could not help leaning towards the first son-in-law.

The eldest son-in-law hastily pushed him away, and turned to the side.

He didn't want to get involved with the second son-in-law.

The three of them had a bad relationship and were competitors with each other.

Moreover, Xu Ding is a pervert, he can beat Li Yuanji with a mere mortal soldier, so he doesn't want to provoke such a freak directly.

Especially now that some are about to go crazy, Xu Ding who holds the Western Qin Divine Soldier in his hand.

"I didn't hear clearly just now, can you say it again?" Xu Ding suddenly stopped, only ten steps away from the second consort, but the momentum completely overwhelmed the second consort.

The second son-in-law fell straight back, shivering and said, "I... I... didn't say anything, didn't say anything!"

Xu Ding snorted coldly, he was not looking at the second son-in-law, but said to Ji Wuji: "Your Majesty, please punish the first son-in-law, he has committed the crime of collaborating with the enemy and treason, and wants to trap our Great Zhou in a place of eternal doom."

With a thud, the son-in-law's legs softened and his whole body half-knelt down, and said to Ji Wuji, "Your Majesty, I have been wronged..."

Ji Wuji and all the ministers were stunned for a while, and were stunned for a while.

Didn't Xu Ding want to kill the second son-in-law?

Why did you suddenly fire the big son-in-law?

Even the second son-in-law looked dazed.

Where am I, who am I, why don't you want to kill me.

what have i done?

Ji Wuji came back to his senses, sat upright and asked, "Third son-in-law, what do you mean?"

Xu Dingdao: "Your Majesty, the eldest son-in-law said that he would agree to Dong Tang's request to raise the year coin, which is obviously injuring His Majesty. If His Majesty agrees, he will definitely become a sinner of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and Western Qin and Nanming will follow suit.

At that time, where will His Majesty allocate money and food to them, it will inevitably increase taxes for a long time. At that time, the people will be full of grievances, suffering unspeakably, and the people will complain. The country will not be the country, and the city will not be the city.

Let me ask if the Great Zhou can still exist, and can His Majesty still be the emperor? "

Ji Wuji's face darkened, and his brows were tightly wrinkled.

Then Xu Ding continued: "Besides, Dong Tang revoked the defensive formations of the border towns based on scriptures. It is obvious that Dong Tang disregarded my life and death, how could we show mercy just because we sent a mission to kneel down and beg for mercy.

As the saying goes, the mountain will fall if you rely on the mountains, and the water will flow if you rely on the water. Only by yourself can you survive forever. "

Ji Wuji nodded lightly, and then asked: "The third son-in-law has some truths, but how can we save ourselves, everyone knows the barbarism of the Northern Man, they are more merciless than...cough cough."

Xu Ding said: "It's simple, Your Majesty, we moved the capital to the south, moved the people and all the officials to the south, and re-established the capital on the edge of the Wanmo Mountain Range. The northern barbarians didn't dare to go too far.

In this way, I can solve all the problems during the week without spending a single soldier or a single grain and money. "

" move the capital!" Ji Wuji thought he heard it wrong.

Everyone was stunned again.

No matter how you say it, it has become a relocation of the capital.

Xiaoyao City Lord, don't you want to kill the big son-in-law?

Why did it involve moving the capital again?

What are you trying to do?
Everyone was completely bewildered for a moment.

It seems that they will never be able to keep up with the pace and rhythm of the third son-in-law.

"That's right Your Majesty, moving is the best choice." Xu Ding said firmly, Ji Wuji fell into deep thought.

Even the eight sage kings showed their eyebrows with the word Chuan.

A group of civil and military ministers were at a loss.

The second son-in-law wanted to refute, but when he looked up and saw Xu Ding's icy eyes, he immediately shrank his neck and dared not speak.

After finally escaping a catastrophe, if you are trying to die, you will really die.

Even the son-in-law had a thoughtful expression, not daring to touch Xu Ding's brow.

After a long time, Ji Wuji sighed slightly and asked, "My dear friends, what do you think?"

A group of civil and military ministers looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't say anything.

It's better not to talk about this kind of thing, or you will burn yourself to death.

When Ji Wuji saw it, he was furious.

You can't do whatever you want, you don't have what you want, what's the use of these trash.

So Ji Wu set her sights on the Eight Sage Kings.

The Eighth Sage King stood up and said: "Your Majesty, moving the capital is a serious matter, and we need to make a long-term plan. First, send people to Xiqin and Nanming to see the reaction of the two countries. We are making the final decision."

After speaking, the Eight Sage Kings glanced at Xu Ding, and Xu Ding gave him an affirmative look.

"Yes, yes, what the Eight Sage Kings said is reasonable." Ji Wuji hurriedly said: "Just as the Eight Sage Kings said, this matter will be done from now on. I am a little tired today, so I will retreat!"

"Farewell to Your Majesty!" Everyone bowed and retreated.

After the next dynasty, the Eight Sage Kings walked in front, and Xu Ding walked behind to meet Ji Wuji together.

On the way, the Eighth Wise King said without turning his head: "You came back on time. Your Majesty was almost forced to step down from the palace by them. But are you serious about this?"

"Half-truth, half-false, true or false." Xu Ding simply replied eight words.

The Eighth Wise King stopped immediately, looked back at Xu Ding, and wanted to continue asking, but he swallowed again, then turned around and said, "Let's talk to Your Majesty!"

Xu Ding glanced left and right from the corner of his eye, smiled slightly and did not answer.

When they arrived at the study room, Xu Ding and the Eight Sage Kings were sitting on the left and right, Ji Wuji asked: "My son-in-law, do you think that I, Da Zhou, have really reached the point where I want to move the capital?"

Obviously on the way back, Ji Wuji thought about it a few more times.

Xu Dingdao: "Your Majesty, moving the capital is a helpless move. It has to be used at non-critical moments. However, Da Zhou still has other ways to save himself. It just needs to move the capital to detonate. My Da Zhou can't be passive everywhere, otherwise I will never have a bright future."

Ji Wuji nodded, and asked again: "What do you want to do?"

"Your Majesty, when I came here, the news of moving the capital was spread by the Yijing. I believe that Dazhou, Nanming, and Western Qin have all known it by Yijing. Your Majesty is waiting patiently. Now we only need to make some preparations for moving the capital. I believe it will be soon. Your Majesty will have a big harvest." Xu Ding said firmly:

"Your Majesty, the cities of the Great Zhou are now bound to be in danger, so they can take advantage of the withdrawal of the Eastern Tang Dynasty to gather soldiers from each city, expand their troops at the same time, and promulgate the all-civilian military system.

At the same time, internal affairs were reformed, and the imperial examination system was implemented to resist the threat of the northern barbarians, select talents, and enrich the Great Zhou Dynasty. "

Ji Wuji was greatly moved when he heard this.

Well, it really is a clever move, turning passive into active, taking the opportunity to seize power and reform.

But Ji Wuji didn't immediately agree, but looked at the Eight Sage Kings.

King Eight Sages said: "I agree with Xu's son-in-law. First, use the matter of moving the capital to lure Xiqin and Nanming in, so as not to open their mouths and take the opportunity to gather military power to benefit national defense. Select talents to show my determination in Zhou Fuxing."

Then Ji Wuji nodded and said: "Okay! Since you all think it's feasible, let's do it. I'll leave this matter to you two, how to attract the two countries, how to gather troops from various cities, and expand the national defense force." , How to reform the court party, I will leave it to the eighth brother.

As for the selection of talents, the imperial examination system will be implemented, and I will leave it to you, the son-in-law, if I pretend to move the capital. I hope that you two will unite as one and tide over the difficulties for my great week. "

"It's Your Majesty, we will do our best." Xu Ding and the Eight Sage Kings came out to give the order.

Soon Ji Wuji gave the two objects that symbolized power, and issued an imperial edict, which was sent to the whole country.

The next day, Ji Wuji did not go to court, but the imperial edicts were issued one after another.

Countless messengers came out from the palace, and then out of the capital city.

The notice was posted all over the country in a short time, and the Great Zhou Empire was suddenly shrouded in a haze of tension.

"According to the emperor's decree, from now on, our Great Zhou will implement a compulsory military system for the whole people. Anyone who is over 46 to [-] years old, regardless of meritorious merchants, kings, princes and common people will all serve in the military, so as to strengthen our Great Zhou army and strengthen our Great Zhou. , To resist the threat of the northern barbarians, to protect the peace of Zhou.

The empire urgently expanded its army by 20, giving priority to the young and strong. The salary is temporarily raised to ten times the original level. Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. I hope that my good man will join the army, guard the frontier, and bless his wife..."

Seeing the decree posted on the notice wall, the people onlookers were all shocked.

"It seems that the rumors are true. The Eastern Tang Empire has really betrayed us. It's really messed up."

"Eastern Tang Empire ignores our life and death. This is because they want my Great Zhou to perish. His Majesty was so sad that he had no choice but to recruit and expand the army. I hope that our Great Zhou will unite as one and resist the barbarians together..."

"Eight Sage Kings are in charge of this matter. I heard that Yijing has set up a camp outside the city. Anyone who is willing to join the army can get a settlement allowance. Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. I will go first..."

The excitement here has not been finished, the information has not been digested, and Xu Ding has a new announcement over there.

"According to the emperor's decree, when the country is in crisis, the lord of Xiaoyao City Xu Ding is responsible for selecting talents for the country. From now on, the imperial examination system will be implemented in the Zhou Dynasty, which will be divided into six categories: liberal arts, martial arts, engineering, medicine, agriculture, and business. Those who are capable, regardless of their background, regardless of their nationality, can be awarded official positions and serve the country if they pass the examination!"

"What? Our Great Zhou will also learn from Nanming and Dongtang, and we will only promote talents. Well, my Great Zhou has hope."

"However, there are more subjects in our Great Zhou Dynasty. Martial arts people can also take imperial examinations, and there are also business examinations..."

"What's the matter, Xiaoyaohou is also a doctor. Not only is he superior in literature and martial arts, he is also proficient in medicine. If he can cure the third princess, who can't be cured by anyone in the world, if Xiaoyao is in charge, he will definitely not lie."

"So, I have to hurry up and tell that kid in my family, let him wipe it..."

"I don't ask about my background, I don't ask about my country. When I understand it, I want to write to Nanming and tell my cousin that his chance to make a fortune has come..."

"I also want to write a letter to Xiqin. My old brother who can only play with instruments should be able to secure the first place. The number one in engineering is my cousin..."

The announcements went on one after another, and the whole city of Haojing boiled.

Soon this enthusiasm swept across the other three countries, and the entire East was also boiling, discussing the matter of Zhong Zhou everywhere.

Nanjing City, the imperial capital of the Southern Ming Empire.

Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of the empire, stood firmly outside the dragon chair, stared at the officials below, and asked calmly, "I heard that there was another trouble in Zhongzhou. You can find out what Ji Wuji's real intention is."

At this time, a capable young man stood up and said: "Return to Your Majesty, according to the news from our Jinyi Guards, Ji Wuji started to prepare for the relocation of the capital, with a large amount of money and food transferred to Xiaoyao City, and most of the royal family's women and children were sent away quietly." Went to Xiaoyao City, it is said that Xiaoyao City is being expanded, so there must be signs of turning it into a companion capital."

"Huh! Ji Gang, check it out and report it to me. I don't want to hear the word "said", so I immediately send someone to Xiaoyao City." Zhu Yuanzhang snorted coldly and blamed him with some dissatisfaction.

Ji Gang, the commander of Jinyiwei, bowed in fear and respect: "It's Your Majesty, it's my minister who missed the investigation, and the people of Jinyiwei went to Xiaoyao City with scriptures."

"Get back!" Zhu Yuanzhang cast a glance, waved his sleeves, Ji Gang retreated to his position, and then secretly glanced at the Fourth Highness Zhu Di.

Judy gave him a sneering look, the corners of her mouth curved slightly.

It turned out that this Ji Gang belonged to the second prince, and he was not on the same side as the fourth prince Zhu Di.

So after Zhu Di came back, Ji Gang didn't take Xu Ding seriously, and didn't send anyone to understand Xu Ding.

This also counts as negligence.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked calmly: "What do you think I, Daming, should do?"

"Your Majesty, I feel that I should send people to Haojing to tell Ji Wuji not to mess around. Without Dongtang, I, Nanming and Xiqin, can keep them safe. There is no need to expand the army. When necessary, we can hint that we can send More troops were stationed in Zhongzhou and even the northern border.

But you need to pay more money in the middle of the week. "Prime Minister Hu Weiyong stood up and said.

Zhu Yuanzhang did not speak, and a group of civil and military ministers stood up and said: "The ministers and others agree with what the prime minister said, there is no need to expand the army in the mid-week, and my Ming Dynasty can keep it safe."

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't change his expression at all, and asked all the ministers to wait for a while before he said: "Since all the Aiqing agree, let's do what Hu Aiqing said."

"Your Majesty is wise!" All the ministers immediately sent compliments.

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Since you have been to Zhongzhou, then you can talk about it."

He is still sure of the ability of the fourth son, among all the sons he is considered capable of both literature and martial arts.

"It's the royal father, and the son is taking the order!" Zhu Di stood up and took the order.

Ji Gang and the second prince looked at each other, and then looked at Zhu Di with murderous intent in his eyes.

The Fourth Highness is too capable, and his strategy is no worse than that of the current emperor. He is the biggest threat to the contenders for the throne.

If it weren't for being ranked fourth, the emperor would have conferred him the crown prince by the scriptures.

It's just that the emperor is still young, and the former prince Zhu Biaoyi has the eldest son Zhu Yunqi, and Zhu Yunqi is especially liked by Zhu Yuanzhang, so he is vacillating about not choosing the prince.

After retiring from the court, grandson Zhu Yunqi will definitely go to pay Zhu Yuanzhang a routine.

Today is no exception, Zhu Yunqi has long been waiting for Zhu Yuanzhang in the Palace of Qinzheng.

Zhu Yunwen routinely reported yesterday's studies to Zhu Yuanzhang.

As usual, Zhu Yuanzhang will check to see if Taisun has learned it and recorded it.

But today he didn't comment on these, but asked: "My dear grandson, have you heard about Zhong Zhou?"
Zhu Yunwen was taken aback, what does grandpa mean by this, why did he ask about Zhong Zhou.

When he came back to his senses, Zhu Yunwen thought for a while, and then added a diskette: "Grandfather, my grandson has also heard a little about the removal of the magic circle from the city in the northern part of the Mid-Zhou Dynasty by the Eastern Tang Dynasty."

Zhu Yuanzhang stared at his grandson Zhu Yunqi and waited for a while. Seeing that he did not continue talking, his expression darkened a little, and he asked again: "Then what do you think about this matter? What do you think our Daming should do."

Zhu Yunwen didn't even think about it, or he had thought about it a long time ago, and he said proudly after taking the words: "Grandfather, Dongtang Kingdom's behavior is really out of the style of a big country, it's too petty, isn't it because Li Yuanji lost to that man in Haojing?" Does the owner of Happy City agree?
Regardless of the life and death of the people of the Central Zhou Dynasty, it is really unethical to withdraw the large formation protecting the border and let the northern barbarians go south to plunder.

It will be cast aside by the people of the world, and the Eastern Tang Kingdom will lose the hearts of the people, and sooner or later it will decline. "

Speaking of this, Zhu Yunwen saw Zhu Yuanzhang nodded slightly without interrupting, and was secretly happy, so he went on to say: "My grandson thinks that my Ming Dynasty should condemn Dongtang, and my Ming Dynasty should show the momentum of a great country, weed out the strong and help the weak, and help the middle and Zhou dynasties." , win the hearts of the people.

If the Eastern Tang Dynasty wants to raise ten times the old currency, we will lower it by ten times. In this way, my Ming Dynasty will be supported by people from all over the East. My Ming Dynasty is the first to follow the lead, and there is a foundation for the unification of the world. "

(End of this chapter)

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