Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 793 Leave them alone

Chapter 793 Leave them alone (two in one)

Zhu Yuanzhang only had four words for Zhu Yunqi's words. He was boastful, unrealistic, corrupt Confucian and weak, and didn't know what to feed him.


Did Daming want this false name?

Overlord's career is what Daming needs.

But when he thought that Zhu Yunqi's teachers were all a group of scribes, and they were also selected by him, Zhu Yuanzhang didn't criticize him.

Only said: "Well! Grandson, go down, your grandpa is a little tired."

Zhu Yunwen was taken aback for a moment, and thought to himself, am I wrong?

Didn't you feel satisfied just now?

However, always intimidated by Zhu Yuanzhang's majesty, Zhu Yunqi didn't dare to say anything, let alone disobey, so he respectfully retreated and left.

After Zhu Yunwen left, Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head slightly: "Be the same as Biaoer."

Seeing that Zhu Yuanzhang was a little disappointed, the eunuch on the side interjected with his eyeballs rolling: "Your Majesty, the grandson is still young, and he still doesn't understand many things and principles. He needs to be reminded, especially His Majesty's teachings. I believe it will be easier to grow up slowly." He will be as wise and powerful as His Majesty."

"Hmph!" Zhu Yuanzhang's expression was solemn and stern when he heard the words, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he ordered repeatedly: "Come here, take Li Lianying out and cut him down, eunuchs are not allowed to be involved in politics, do I need to say it a second time? "

At that moment, a guard came in with a knife.

Li Lianying was so frightened that his face was as pale as blood, and he knelt down and begged for mercy: "Your Majesty's old servant was wrong, and His Majesty is so angry that he is guilty."

Zhu Yuanzhang had a cold face, only murderous but not polite.

The two guards didn't stop and dragged Li Lianying outside.

They don't know how many eunuchs they have killed.

The son of heaven is wise and decisive, and he will never be soft when he says to kill.

They are the ones who dare to delay and lose their heads.


The camp set up by the Baxian King outside the city was quickly completed, and the Baxian Ba ​​immediately pulled out the forces he had previously hidden outside the dark, and filled them all into the army. In just a few days, a 5-strong army The army came out, and the subordinates from all over the country were still gathering strength to rush to Haojing.

This allowed Ji Wuji and Xu Ding to see the strength of the Eight Sage Kings.

At the same time, the people sent by the city lords of each city also quickly took their positions, but were disrupted by the Eight Wise Kings and rearranged.

As a result, an army of [-] people gathered outside the city at once.

Almost half of the planned goal has been completed.

This made Ji Wu extremely happy.

It turns out that Da Zhou still has such a great heritage, and Da Zhou is still what people want.

So the eight wise kings asked to send generals to control these troops.

Ji Wuji asked Xu Ding for someone.

Xu Ding had no choice but to follow Donglai's previous good method to make Wuba in batches.

Five days a batch, for screening.

The ring is set up well, and there are a lot of people in the martial arts test.

Every day, there are people competing in the competition to conduct layer-by-layer assessments.

Xu Ding didn't hide any secrets, but those who passed the selection were sent to the Eight Sage Kings.

The days passed quickly, and in the midst of tension and busyness, the Eight Sage Kings were reorganizing the army, and at the same time selecting officials from the court to reform the internal affairs.

While Xu Ding was busy with the martial arts, he was also busy with other types of assessments.

"My son-in-law, Your Majesty asked me to inform you that the envoys from Nanming and Xiqin have arrived. Your Majesty would like to ask if you are free to attend court tomorrow." Ji Wuji's envoy came over and asked.

Xu Ding said: "In this way, tell Your Majesty to rest for three days, do not go to the court, and do not talk to the envoys of Nanming and Western Qin. I will summon them in the court in three days. I will be free then."

"Here!" The emperor's envoy was a little taken aback, but he knew that the son-in-law's thinking was always jumping and confusing, so he didn't ask any more questions and returned to his command.

Ji Wuji summoned the Eight Sage Kings and asked, "Eight Brother, what does Xu Ding mean by this? I heard that the envoys from Nanming and Xiqin were Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di, and they came with the attitude of protecting me in the middle Zhou Dynasty." Yes, it doesn't seem very good for us to dry them like this for three days.

In case Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di feel that we have neglected them and go back to the country directly, wouldn't it be self-defeating and the loss outweighs the gain. "

Of course Ji Wuji knew that Xu Ding was trying to discourage the two countries, lest Nan Ming and Xi Qin raise their prices.

The Baxian King said: "Brother Huang, if other people come to Haojing, it is naturally inappropriate to use Xu Ding's method, but Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di have lost to Xu Ding, so if you suppress their spirit, nothing will happen. , I think if the two of you can't see Brother Huang, you must go to invite Xu Ding first, and then you will naturally test my Zhong Zhou's attitude.

If an agreement is reached at that time, it will save His Majesty the embarrassment of being coerced by foreign ministers in the court, and it will also save our Da Zhou courtiers from thinking wildly and rushing to the doctor in a hurry. "

The Eighth Sage King saw through Xu Ding's idea at a glance, so he supported it with great agreement.

Ji Wuji then nodded knowingly and said: "Okay! If that's the case, let's see how far the son-in-law, Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di can talk."

Turning passive into active is the best way for him, Ji Wuji.

Thinking of the scene of being accepted with a sword around his neck, Ji Wuji felt a little disgusted.

Now with Xu Ding, everything seems to be easier.

The point is that this son-in-law knew how to advance and retreat, he didn't seize power, and he didn't use the military power of the Ji family.

In comparison, the eldest son-in-law and the second son-in-law are simply one in the sky and the other in the ground.

Unknowingly, Ji Wu recognized Xu Ding more and more.

This is indeed a candidate for his future successor.

Of course, it would be great if he had a son like the Eighth Sage King. Ji Wuji always felt a little disappointed when he saw an eighth younger brother who was better than himself.

The next day, Zhu Di and Zhao Zheng received the news that Dazhou did not go to court and was not in good order, and the whole country was busy expanding the army, selecting and reforming the internal system.

The mood is also becoming more and more anxious.

Originally, they were able to hold their breath, and they wanted to deliberately delay for Zhong Zhou to beg them.

In the middle of the week, it turned out that Da Zhou and Ji seemed to be playing for real.

More than [-] people have gathered outside the city of Haojing.

Wuba is also opened, liberal arts is still going on, Dazhou is undergoing reforms, and some people have really begun to migrate to Xiaoyao City.

Everything is going towards the worst, they are not calm,

So the two invited Xu Ding to a banquet at Baihualou.

Xu Ding came late that night.

"Your Highness, we meet again. We are really destined." Xu Ding said with a smile:
"Xu hasn't thanked the two highnesses for the things they gave to Xiaoyao City. Today, I will be the host, and I will definitely have a good drink with the two highnesses."

"Hehe, it's really an honor that Consort Xu still remembers the two of us, how dare you spend the money." Zhu Di laughed and said:
"At first, I thought that Prince Xu was busy with government affairs and didn't have time to come here. It seems that the two of us still have a lot of face. Let's toast the prince and congratulate him on his bright future and prosperous journey."

"You're welcome! You're welcome, the words of your Highnesses are justified. You and I are friends at the end of the world. How dare your Highnesses refuse an invitation? Xu Mou made the Sanbei cup by himself, which is regarded as a welcome for the two Highnesses. "Xu Ding picked up the wine glass and drank it down.

After drinking three cups in a row, Zhao Zheng said: "Heartless, I didn't have a good drink with Brother Bokang last time, I will definitely not get drunk today, come back!"

"Come on!" Judy also showed approval.

You must know that the wine this time is not the Xiqin wine from last time, but the high-grade liquor produced in Xiaoyao City.

Strong and mellow, so easy to get drunk.

He didn't expect Xu Ding to drink so much.

The three of them toasted and drank, and then talked about the old days, each talking about what happened around them after the separation.

As he talked, he was drawn to Dong Tang and Zhong Zhou.

But when it came to this point, Xu Ding almost started the topic, and resolutely did not mention Zhong Zhou's affairs, let alone Zhong Zhou's attitude.

This made Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di's hearts itch like shoes, which was very uncomfortable.

Finally, Zhu Di gave Zhao Zheng a wink, and Zhao Zheng put his hand on Xu Ding's shoulder, raised his glass and said, "Bokang, I heard that you have been making big moves in Zhongzhou recently. The change is all made by you alone, which is really enviable and admirable."

"Your Highness, don't be joking. My country is about to perish in Da Zhou. Where is the change? I, Xu Bokang, am just a small city lord. Besides, I cannot serve the country at the top, and I cannot comfort the people at the bottom." Xu Ding drank the wine in his glass again. , and murmured:
"Ashamed! Ashamed!"

"Bokang is really humble. Now everyone in the world doesn't know the king. Who doesn't know that Bokang led the reform of the Great Zhou Empire. Bokang is busy with various imperial examinations every day, selecting generals for the Great Zhou, evaluating civil servants, selecting workers and doctors. , business, and other talents, Bokang's virtuous name has spread all over the country, and Zhongzhou will definitely belong to Bokang in the future." Zhu Di tentatively said with a smile.

Xu Ding shook his head like a rattle, and muttered: "No, no, no! Your highnesses are just kidding. I just received some small errands. I rely on your majesty's trust. The future Zhongzhou belongs to the whole world. It's a pity that Beiman is about to go south, and my country is about to perish in Dazhou, so I won't be able to have a drink with the two Highnesses in Haojing from now on."

Xu Ding shook his head and sighed for a while, then stood up, looking like he was about to fall, but he still stabilized his body with Zhao Zheng's shoulders, and then said:

"If there is still a chance, I think the two Highnesses can go to Xiaoyao City in the future. I hope that my companions in Dazhou will not fall. God is not open, my people in Dazhou have always been aloof from the world. , yearning for peace, has always been the place where people in the world yearn to live, but now it is about to be destroyed, hey..."

With a long sigh, before Zhu Di and Zhao Zheng could answer, Xu Ding suddenly fell down and fell asleep on the wooden floor.

To be honest, Zhu Di and Zhao Zheng also drank a little too much, and their heads were also dizzy.

Seeing Xu Ding fell down, shaking his head, the two looked at each other and smiled wryly.

After drinking so much wine tonight, my stomach was about to vomit, but in the end I still couldn't make out what I promised.

I don't know if what Xu Ding said is true or false, or if it is both true and false.

The next day, the two held a simple meeting, and then asked for an appointment at night, but it was not in Baihualou, but in the embassy.

Xu Ding did not refuse, and still came on time.

This time, the two of them did not dare to serve wine, but to drink tea.

"Your Highnesses are really good-natured." Seeing that it was tea, Xu Ding smiled brightly. To be honest, drinking too much alcohol hurt his stomach.

Working so hard for Da Zhou is also a lot of work.

Zhu Di said: "We are just borrowing flowers to offer Buddha. This tea is also produced in Bokang, your Xiaoyao City."

Zhu Di personally made tea for the two of them, looking like a veteran, it can be seen that after the new tea came out, Zhu Di really put in a lot of effort.

After taking a sip of tea, Xu Ding said: "Your Highness is very skilled. This tea is like endowing a soul in His Highness's hands. The originally bitter tea is like drinking honey water. It really makes people feel at ease."

"Um... Bokang just laughed at me." Zhu Di was taken aback, he had never seen such a brazen person, this flattery was not sincere at all, so he could only laugh awkwardly.

Zhao Zheng on the side almost couldn't hold back.

However, he also looked puzzled. Today's Xu Ding is a little different. Compared with yesterday, the difference is too great.

"No smile, no smile." Xu Ding sat down his teacup, waited for Judy to refill the tea for him, and then said:
"I know that your highnesses have come all the way from their respective countries. There must be something important. I don't know if your highnesses are here. I can help you. I drank a lot yesterday, so I forgot to ask. Feel sorry."

Damn, did you really forget, or did you deliberately leave us alone.

Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di slandered for a while, and they could tell that this must be an old fox.

But the two of them would not show it, Zhu Di said: "The two of us are here... In fact, there is nothing important. First, I miss Brother Bokang. Second, I heard that there was a big event in Zhongzhou. Come and have a look. , I, Da Ming and Da Qin are both Shang Kingdoms, and we have always been good neighbors and friends with Da Zhou, knowing that Da Zhou has changed, I come here to express my condolences."

"Hehe, I must thank the two Highnesses for your concern here. I, Xu Ding, and Da Zhou are doing well." Xu Ding patted his chest and said:
"The Great Zhou is peaceful and the people are stable. The so-called prosperity of the country and the people's safety are really due to the concern of Da Ming and Da Qin. Your two highnesses can go back and report to His Majesty the Emperor of your country with peace of mind. Let them rest assured that the Great Zhou is still the Great Zhou. We will always be in the same place." He is the friend and admirer of Da Ming and Da Qin."

Damn, yesterday you said that your country was going to perish in Dazhou, and you were crying.

Today, it is said that the country is peaceful and the people are safe.

Believe me, you bastard, you are a very bad old man.

Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di couldn't understand Xu Ding's routine for a while.

What is this guy trying to do?
"Hehe, as long as it's okay, as long as it's okay!" Zhu Di and Zhao Zheng laughed perfunctorily.

Xu Ding said: "Why, the two Highnesses don't believe it?"

Zhao Zheng finally couldn't bear it and said: "Bokang and the Tang Kingdom have withdrawn the northern protective formation. You Dazhou are really fine. Tell us, don't wrong yourself. If there is anything we can help, we must be busy. The Eastern Tang Empire is petty, but I, Daqin, are very magnanimous, and the worst thing I can do is to see my friends in trouble."

Zhao Zheng said it swearingly, with the look of a friend who is in trouble, and we will attack both sides.

Xu Ding shook his head and said: "Your Highness is really fine, isn't it just a big formation to protect the city? If there is no one, there will be nothing. Our Dazhou Dadu doesn't care about Dongtang, and we have quickly formed an army of 20, so we can go north to fill the border. crisis caused by instability.

Besides, there are some barbarians going south, can they run away if they can't beat them?Anyway, the northern barbarians can't occupy our land, and they will naturally retreat if they can't grab something. When we return to Haojing in Dazhou, Dazhou will still be Dazhou, and it will never change in Zhou. "

An army of 20 people was pulled up in Zhou Dynasty, so fast.

This is completely beyond the imagination of Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di.

In their original thinking, it would be good for Da Zhou to only settle [-] yuan.

Now that they have actually pulled out 20 yuan, they can't help but doubt it.

But when they heard Xu Ding say that he could run if he couldn't fight, and he said it convincingly, they knew that what Xu Ding said was true.

Da Zhou Ji Gao might really do this.

With Xiaoyao City as the accompanying capital, he abandoned Haojing and let the northern barbarians plunder Daming, Western Qin and Eastern Tang.

It was a good calculation.

Is Da Zhou trying to break the can?

It is not good to coerce Da Zhou, and it is not good for Da Zhou to increase the mercenary expenses.

(End of this chapter)

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