Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 794 Abnormal Xu Ding

Chapter 794 Abnormal Xu Ding (Two in One)

"Bokang, although you have pulled out 20 troops in the Great Zhou Dynasty, these are mobs who have just been formed and have no combat effectiveness at all. Letting them go to war will be death." Zhao Zheng said with some disdain:

"Let's not say that they are so ugly now, even if they have been trained for a year and a half, with the strength of the Royal Guard, they are far from the opponents of the Northern Man tribe.

I believe that Bokang has also been to the arena, knowing the physical fitness of the northern barbarians, it is extremely difficult and disadvantageous to fight with them.

Believe me, as long as there are 3000 northern barbarians, it is enough to kill the 20 troops of Da Zhou. "

In terms of enmity with the northern barbarians, it must be the West Qin Dynasty.

There are wars almost every year, and people die every year.

Fight each other, countless.

So Zhao Zheng has the most say.

The northern barbarians are really powerful.

If it weren't for the fact that the northern barbarians did not have a unified regime, they attacked each other, and the living environment was harsh and the population was small.

It is hard to say whether the southern countries can still be as stable as they are now.

So the northern barbarians are not easy to deal with.

The Eastern Tang Dynasty and the Western Qin Dynasty were basically suppressing and wooing at the same time.

The relationship with the various tribes of the northern barbarians is like an enemy or a friend. In short, the relationship is complicated, erratic, and the attitude is not very clear.

Xu Ding suddenly stared seriously at Zhao Zheng, then tilted his head and said, "Your Highness, didn't I just say that if you can't beat him, can you run away? I have an escort in Dazhou, and I don't believe that the northern barbarians dare to go to Wanmo Mountain. "

Zhao Zheng's face twitched slightly when he mentioned Wanmo Mountain and Xiaoyao City.

You Da Zhou really want to abandon the capital.

But abandoning the capital on the first day of the lunar new year is to let the devil, the northern barbarian, in. This is to mix the Eastern Tang, Western Qin, and Southern Ming together to cause chaos.

How about being so mean and shameless.

"Why, Your Highness doesn't believe that our emperor will go to accompany the capital, why don't we go into the palace and ask His Majesty now." Xu Ding said to pull Zhao Zheng up,

Judy hurriedly stopped and said: "Bokang, Bokang, don't get excited, we believe, we have 1 letters."

"Just believe it. I'm afraid you won't believe it. I'm the most honest person. If I say one is one, if I say two is two." Xu Ding just sat back and then picked up tea and started drinking.

Both Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di were stunned, and they kept slandering in their hearts.

I have seen shameless ones, but I have never seen such high-sounding ones, and they are not ashamed to lie.

"Bokang, even if you move south, it won't be a long time. The northern barbarians are crazy but they can do anything. Even they dare to break into the Wanmo Mountain. It's not safe to go anywhere." Bitterly said:

"Bokang's own homeland cannot be given up just by giving up, and all forces should be united, and now you Da Zhou has not yet reached the end of the mountain, you still have me, Da Ming and Da Qin, and our friendship will last forever.

Da Zhou is in trouble, we Da Ming and Da Qin will definitely help you get through it.

With us, you are not alone. "

"The love and love of the two highnesses, I take it seriously, this is my business, how can I bother you two countries, and I don't have anything to give back to Da Ming and Da Qin, if We have money and food, and we can grit our teeth and repay one or two, but unfortunately, I have nothing left in Dazhou now.

Forget it, I will thank the two Highnesses for their concern here, and I will take care of my Da Zhou's affairs by myself, at worst, I will die with the Northern Barbarian, and we will all die together. "

I'm stupid, can your hint be more obvious?

What is fish death and net breaking, you clearly want to drag us to die together, okay?

If you really want to let the northern barbarians in, we will suffer far more losses than you Zhongzhou.

The most important thing you don't need is money, so why don't you have the ability to return it.

Talk nonsense with your eyes open.

You want to whore for nothing.

Damn, this guy doesn't want to pay.

This problem is tricky, Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di looked at each other.

It is okay to let them make a move, but it must be well paid.

Now Da Zhou doesn't want to pay, and whether he will send out troops or help Da Zhou.

The two couldn't make up their minds for a while.

If you promise rashly, you will be sprayed after returning home.

If it is not handled well, it will damage your reputation, which is extremely detrimental to the competition for the crown prince.

Seeing that the two were hesitant, Xu Ding shook his head slightly and sighed, "Hehe, Da Zhou, there is no hope, there is no hope, it's over once and for all..."

"Brother Bokang, don't worry, everything will pass. We Da Ming and Da Qin have always been your solid backing for Da Zhou. If the Bei Man comes, we will send troops to help you." Zhu Di agreed immediately, and then changed the subject again. road:
"However, my Ming Dynasty's finances are tight, and the supplies can't keep up. Otherwise, most of the army will be pulled over, and the mere barbarians will not dare to look south."

Zhao Zheng followed suit and said, "That's right, Great Qin is located in a barren land, fighting against the northern barbarians every year, the supplies are even more scarce, money and food are insufficient, otherwise one-third of the army would go east to support.

But Bokang is assured that Daqin will not sit back and watch Dazhou be ravaged and bullied by the northern barbarians. "

"Then I would like to thank the two highnesses on behalf of the people of Dazhou. I believe that with the help of Daming and Daqin, Dazhou will be able to escape with less people and less suffering." Xu Ding toasted Tea ceremony:

"Forget it, it was a pleasure for us to meet each other, why bother to talk about these frustrating and annoying things, come and drink tea, taste tea."

Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di toasted and drank, and it was not easy to talk about it.

Half an hour later, Xu Ding left, leaving the two of them staring at each other and filling their stomachs with tea.

"It seems that Da Zhou has made enough plans to move the capital, and he just wants to avoid chaos." Zhao Zheng said with a dark face, a little worried.

Zhu Di said: "Da Zhou really didn't intend to endure it this time, and broke the boat. I'm afraid he really wanted to change the world pattern. If Dongtang doesn't come out and take care of this matter, I'm afraid the troubles of our Three Kingdoms will be even worse in the future. big."

"Otherwise, what if our three kingdoms carve up the Great Zhou together?" Zhao Zheng glanced outside the door and asked ambitiously.

But Judy didn't like his tricks, and said coldly: "Now that the big week is divided, people in the world will think that we have made trouble, and our reputation will be rotten.

Even if the land of the Great Zhou is taken over, the people here will not surrender. The land of the Great Zhou is full of subjugated people. At that time, a concentrated outbreak of incidents may cause domestic unrest. You and I cannot take this responsibility. "

Zhao Zheng didn't answer, because what Judy said was true and right.

The territory of Dazhou is not only the people of Dazhou, but also other hiding places for the remnants of the Western Qin Dynasty, Nanming Dynasty, and Eastern Tang Dynasty who were annihilated after the expansion.

These people fled to Zai Zhou because they liked the loose and inclusive system of Da Zhou.

I don't want to be a native of West Qin, Nanming, and Eastern Tang, and I don't want to serve these three countries and become their captive slaves.

Once the Great Zhou was partitioned by the Three Kingdoms, these subjugated families would inevitably rise up to resist.

This is also one of the reasons why the Three Kingdoms obviously have the strength to take over the Great Zhou, but they do not move.

And after eating the Great Zhou, the three countries will not have the slightest trust. In the future, they will attack each other, military expenditure will suddenly increase, and the national economy will become weaker and depressed.

The cost far outweighs the gain.

So everyone is not stupid.

"Then what should we do?" Zhao Zheng asked.

Zhu Di said: "Wait for the court meeting of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and at the same time write a letter and send it back to the capital immediately, and hand it over to His Majesty."

The next day!

The Great Zhou Dynasty Conference is held routinely.

Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di finally had the opportunity to meet Ji Wuji and the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs of Da Zhou.

This time, going to court made the two of them feel in a trance.

In the past, when the two countries came to envoys, the Dazhou side always received them warmly, for fear of being left out in the cold.

Even the emperor was polite and humble to them.

Now on the way into the main hall, when they met the courtiers of Da Zhou, they stopped saying hello to the two of them.

After entering the main hall, seeing the civil and military officials lined up on both sides, the two found that most of them were unfamiliar faces.

The court hall of the Great Zhou Dynasty has changed its appearance.

And Ji Wuji also came late, looked at everyone in the audience, and then signaled the eunuch Si Li to speak.

"If you have something to play early, if you have nothing to do, retreat!"

The eunuch in charge of ceremonies opened his mouth, and then the civil and military ministers played their duties, and those who had nothing to do stood up obediently.

The Eight Sage Kings stood in front, closing their eyes and meditating.

Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di searched for a long time but did not see Xu Ding's shadow.

He couldn't help frowning.

What does this mean, Xu Ding didn't come.

When the state affairs were almost discussed, the eunuch in charge of rites said again: "Please play if you have something to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do."

This is the retreat, and the two of us haven't spoken yet.

Zhao Zheng couldn't help being angry, and took a step forward: "Emperor Zhou, my prince has something to say."

Ji Wuji said: "Oh, it's His Highness Zhao Zheng, I don't know why His Highness is here?"

Not even a word of remorse?

Is this really going to give up treatment?
Zhao Zhengdao: "Emperor Zhou, I'm here only for the life and death of the Great Zhou, and for the sake of the millennium community of the Great Zhou. Why doesn't the Emperor Zhou talk about the northern border?"

"There's nothing to talk about." Ji Wuji replied six words extremely coldly, although his face was calm, but his heart was filled with anxiety and tension.

Ignoring Shangguo for the first time, I was really excited and scared.

"Nothing to talk about?" Zhao Zheng was slightly taken aback, what kind of stupid talk was that.

Ji Wuji said: "Yes, there is nothing to talk about. The withdrawal of the Eastern Tang Dynasty cannot be changed. It is useless to talk about it. I am preparing for the war with the Great Zhou Dynasty. If Daqin and Daming are willing to support us free of charge, we will be happy. If not If we are willing, then we can only fight against the southern criminals alone."

"Free support! Emperor Zhou, you all think too well." Zhu Di stood up and sneered.

Xu Ding can give him face, and the Eight Sage Kings may also give it, but Emperor Zhou is not qualified enough.

Because he was not in the right position, he was supported by the Three Kingdoms. Although he has been the emperor for more than ten years, his popularity is not high and his ability is not strong.

So Zhu Di didn't give him a good face, but said with a hint of anger: "Da Ming and Da Qin are willing to send troops to help in Da Zhou's troubles. Some necessary expenses? Such a big Zhou is really going to perish."

"Hahaha, Your Highness Zhu Di is really good at joking. When will my country be rich and the people rich and have enough money and food? My country is weak and small, and I have to pay tribute every year. The annual coins given to the Three Kingdoms are worth half of the countries. Taxation, let me ask the world, is there anyone poorer than me, Da Zhou?" Ji Wuji got angry when he heard it, and didn't need to remember Xu Ding's confession, and said directly:

"Anyway, my Great Zhou is about to perish. It doesn't matter if it's earlier or later. The people of my Great Zhou have long been miserable, and they have been squeezed to live in dire straits for hundreds of years. They have already lived through this kind of sunless life , today we will pass, and we will die, it is not a big deal.”

"Sir, I'm terrified!"

"I wait for sinners!"

"The ministers are willing to die generously with Da Zhou!"

The Eight Sage Kings led the crowd to bow down one after another, shouting in unison.

Each sound is louder than the sound, and the sound is more shocking than the sound.

Both Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di were a little confused.

What is this for?
What do you want to do big week.

I don't want to live anymore.

"You are not guilty, but I am guilty." Ji Wuji suddenly said in grief and indignation:

"I have passed on my decree that Xiaoyao City will be the accompanying capital of my Great Zhou from now on. From now on, the whole people of my Great Zhou will prepare for war and vow to fight the Northern Man to the end. All the innocent people will be relocated to the accompanying capital. If we die unfortunately, we will choose another talented person to reorganize the court."

"Respect His Majesty's will!"


Hula, the emperor and the civil and military ministers all dispersed.

Before even Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di could react, everything ended in a hurry.

It was almost too late for them to respond.

Everyone was at a loss, the situation in Dazhou was weird.

Next, they speculated about Da Zhou's true thoughts. Da Zhou continued to rest, and the ministers of civil and military affairs went about their own affairs. Under the leadership of the eight sage kings, they arrived in an orderly manner.

Xu Ding also continued to be busy with his own tasks and ignored the two of them.

The capital city of Da Zhou also began to decline, and Zhao Zheng and Zhu Di found that more and more people began to move south.

The signs are getting bigger and bigger.

Soon the reply letters from Emperor Qin and Emperor Ming arrived in Haojing.

"What's your attitude, Great Qin?" Zhu Di came to Zhao Zheng after reading Zhu Yuanzhang's letter.

Zhao Zheng didn't have as much fuss as Zhu Di, or he didn't bother to do these things, and replied directly: "Daqin can send troops, if Zhou Guo is willing to pay a huge amount of military expenses, he will send a large number of soldiers to join the war.

If Da Zhou is unwilling to spend a huge amount of military expenses, he will only send [-] to [-] horses to join the battle, and then strengthen the protection of border towns.

Since the beginning of the Great Qin Dynasty, we have dispatched millions of civilians to build the pass city in the east, and collected a large amount of ordnance from the capital to each city. "

It can be said that Daqin's attitude is also very decisive and clear.

Zhu Di said: "My Ming Dynasty is similar. My father said that he can send up to 3 people to help Zhou Guo. If there are more, Zhou Guo will pay the corresponding military expenses and pensions. At the same time, we are also strengthening the passes and cities in the western border."

"In this way, our two countries are similar, but I don't know what will happen to those bastards in Dongtang?" Zhao Zheng gritted his teeth and said angrily.

The matter was caused by the East Tang Kingdom, there is no reason for Xiqin and Nanming to take the blame.

Judy's face turned cold, and he said with the same enemy: "Naturally, you can't be alone in this matter. You have to pay the price when Dongtang is in power. In the end, Dongtang will make this matter happy, so everyone will save trouble."

"Then our two countries put pressure on Dongtang, and these bastards want to increase the annual currency by ten times, why don't they all die." Zhao Zheng thought that the money that could have been spent in vain went to West Qin, maybe because It is a heartache to reduce or even consume the resources of the Western Qin due to the reasons of the Eastern Tang.

Among the Three Kingdoms, Western Qin is the poorest. Because of their location, Eastern Tang and Nanming have relatively fertile land, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and also relying on the sea, so resources are already abundant.

Without Zhou as an economic hub, this would definitely be a disaster for Xiqin.

Xiqin is the most inseparable trade link from Zhou.

Zhu Di nodded and replied: "Then let's meet with the Dongtang envoy together and convey the meaning of our two countries. If Dongtang still goes its own way, then we are going to have an open and honest discussion with Xu Ding in detail!"

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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