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Chapter 796 Great Zhou Qing Emperor Side

Chapter 796 Great Zhou Qing Emperor's Side (Two in One)

Happy City!
"My lord, you exchanged the Hundred People's Kill and the grenade with Xiqin Nanming. This may pose a threat to our future advances in the Longteng Continent." Xu Shu couldn't understand.

The Nanming and the Western Qin were stronger, and after the unification of the Great Zhou Dynasty, it would be troublesome for Donglai to expand.

Xu Ding smiled and said, "Yuan Zhi, what do you think we are in the eyes of Xi Qin and Nan Ming?"

"It's an ant. Both Xiqin and Nanming are superior, and they look down on Da Zhou at all." Xu Shu replied.

Xu Ding said: "That's right, they are ants, they look down on them, so when they have one of the hundreds of people and grenades, their strength is further improved, and they look down on Da Zhou, and their desire and ambition expand, which is bound to break the balance. At that time, who is the finger pointing at?" , annex who?"

Only then did Xu Shu suddenly realize.

"My lord, what you mean is to purposely make the Western Qin and Nanming stronger, and then attack the Eastern Tang, breaking the stability among the Three Kingdoms."

The unique formations and inscriptions of the Eastern Tang Dynasty made it the best defense in the world, so the Western Qin and Nanming generally did not provoke him to attack him.

What if there are hundreds of people and grenades.

These melee weapons will be an impact of the formation.

After all, the formation requires stability, and grenades can shake the formation and weaken its stability.

Moreover, the formation is extremely limited, and Nanming, who has the strength of melee combat, can completely bypass it and attack its rear.

Collapse its defenses.

Therefore, the rift between Nanming and Dongtang will become wider and wider, and the scale of the war will also become bigger and bigger, and the border between the two countries will naturally undergo major changes.

At that time, it will be an opportunity for Da Zhou to rise again.

What Da Zhou needs most now is time.

Weapons or something is secondary.

It is most beneficial for Xiqin and Nanming to focus on Beiman and Dongtang for the time being.

And once the weapons and strength of the big man are raised, the killing of hundreds of people and grenades are nothing.


"Okay, Yuan Zhi, let's not talk about this. I'll ask you to investigate the city lords of the cities in detail. Next, we should solve them first, which is the most important thing." The city lord near Xiaoyao City is the current stage. The threat that should be eliminated most, so he helped Da Zhou negotiate the three-nation agreement, and he needs to strengthen the strength of Happy City.

Then Xu Shu reported the collected information to him.

And the plan to deal with these city lords.

Ten days later!
In a certain house in Haojing, which used to be a glorious place, the important civil and military ministers in the Great Zhou Dynasty Hall, as well as nobles from aristocratic families gathered together.

"Guys, we can't wait any longer. Time is running out. Let the Eight Wise Kings and that Xu Ding get on with it, and there will be no day for us to turn around in the future."

"That's right, Wang Baxian asked us to get out of the court and put his people everywhere. The current court is no longer the original court, and the scriptures are already in a mess. It's time to stand on the side of the Qing emperor."

"That's right, that little bastard Xu Ding, relying on his own martial arts, engaged in engineering, medicine, and agriculture, and let them become officials, it really humiliated us and our ancestors. Killed the Eight Sage Kings, elected Mingjun, and sent troops to encircle Xiaoyao City."

"I agree. Then Xu Ding has received the weapons from Xiqin and Nanming and is currently training. If he succeeds in training, then we will have difficulty killing him, and we can't even move the Eight Sage Kings. The current plan is to just Can disregard personal gains and losses, and cut through the mess quickly."

"Okay, let's act in the early morning. This time we have the support of the Eastern Tang Kingdom, accompanied by the master of the formation, and the mere royal guards are vulnerable."

After discussing with each other, everyone went home.

In the early hours of the morning, every household came out with private soldiers.

Three or four hundred less, and one thousand or eight hundred more.

Soon, the small streams gathered and formed an army of [-] to [-] people.

On Suzaku Street, the main entrance of the Great Zhou Palace, under the cold night, the sparks of the stars are listlessly holding on.

"Who dares to charge into the palace in the middle of the night?"

Soon the defenders discovered the densely packed armored men on Suzaku Street.

"Kill! Break through the palace, on the side of the Qing emperor!"

"Kill! Break through the palace, on the side of the Qing emperor!"

"Go in, there will be a lot of rewards!"

Hula, an army of 4 to [-] people swarmed towards the main entrance.

However, the gatekeepers immediately mobilized the sergeants to go up the palace wall.

Numerous men and soldiers with bows and crossbows aimed their spears at the enemies below.

"Fire arrows!"

With an order, countless arrows flew down.

There are too many people below, like ants.

Every arrow shot down can almost hit, no need to aim, just shoot wildly.

"Attack, attack, don't be afraid!"

The people who commanded these private soldiers also shouted crazily.

"Hmph, you are so stubborn, someone comes with a grenade."

The grenade that had been prepared earlier was pulled off the lead rope, and then smoke burst out.

Then it fell from the top of the city.

"Boom boom boom...!"

Countless grenades exploded, and the private soldiers who didn't know what they were at first were violently bombed.

A large area was killed, and a large area was injured, and countless howls were issued.

This time the private army was terrified.

What kind of thing is this? It can explode, just like the cannons of the Nanming Empire.

"Throwing, frying!"

Dozens more grenades were dropped from the city, ravaging the crowd that hadn't been hit.

This time there was no organization or discipline, and the private soldiers who had never even been on the battlefield collapsed completely.

Countless people began to flee.

There is no way to fight this battle, there are firearms of Ming Dynasty in the palace, so it cannot be won.

At this time, there were hey-ha-heh-ha voices from both ends of Suzaku Avenue.

Two armed armies appeared slowly, one on the left and one on the right, shouting chant.

"No, it's the Eight Sage King's army, when did they enter the city?"


At this time, everyone knew that they had been fooled.

The Eight Sage Kings and Ji Wuji had prepared very early, but someone leaked the secret, and they were betrayed.

"Kill, kill the country's traitors, eliminate the rebel party, promote the country's prestige, and protect the emperor loyally!"

"Kill the country's thieves, eliminate the rebel party, promote the country's prestige, and protect the emperor loyally!"

Two large armies armed to the teeth launched an attack with sharp knives in their hands, slashing and stabbing at the frightened private army.

At the same time, the same thing happened to the thieves who tried to attack and kill the eight sage kings in front of the mansion of the eight sage kings.

First, they were bombarded by a burst of grenades, and the masters of the Eastern Tang National Formation they carried were bombarded to death. The rhythm of the attacking team was interrupted, and then a regular new army appeared, launching a fatal blow, encircling and killing them all.

Of course, this night's fight was not limited to these two places, but also the embassy of the Eastern Tang Kingdom and the residences of the princes and ministers who participated in the rebellion.

After a noisy night, the corpses on the street have been cleaned up, but the blood residue has not been cleaned up. The people in Haojing found that the embassy of the Eastern Tang Kingdom had been burned, leaving only the coke residue after fighting the fire.

"What happened last night? I seem to hear the sound of a large army entering the city and fighting."

"You don't know yet, last night there were thieves who attacked the palace, wanted to kill His Majesty, and even beat the Eight Worthy Kings, but they were all killed."

"What, dare to be so arrogant and cause chaos in the capital, who are they?"

"Who else can they be, those nobles who have lost power and power, have no ability, rely entirely on the sinful virtues of their ancestors, and only give money and bribes to flatter, don't know how to do practical things, and have been dismissed by the Eight Wise Kings. "

"Hmph, a group of rebels, they don't want to be loyal to the country at this time of crisis, even if they commit rebellion, they deserve to die!"

"I heard that the masterminds of these rebellious parties are people from Dongtang."

"What, it was made by a group of eight princes in Dongtang, the heart of killing me is not dead!"

Inside the Great Zhou Dynasty Hall.

Ji Wuji was extremely happy listening to the reports from the Eight Sage Kings and the generals, the results of last night's battle were brilliant.

Not only did they kill these rebellious ministers, but they also confiscated a huge amount of money to fill the treasury.

This gave him the confidence to carry this year's Nanban south.

"I heard that the son-in-law got it, the grenade is very useful?" Ji Wuji asked with a smile.

"Returning to Your Majesty, the grenades sent by Xu's concubine are really useful. It only takes a few dozen to blow up 4 or [-] enemies. The enemy thought we were equipped with Nanming's artillery, and they were all frightened. Brilliant results." A general guarding the palace wall stood up and replied.

The Baxian King also said: "I also used dozens of them when guarding the mansion. They are really easy to use. They can break through the magic circle of the Eastern Tang Dynasty at close range. It is really a miracle."

"Hahaha, as long as it is easy to use, then my Dazhou can be regarded as having a sharp weapon that can stand shoulder to shoulder with other countries, and the son-in-law should take the lead." Ji Wu said with a hearty smile.

The grenade can break through Dongtang's magic circle, so it should be very good against the northern barbarians.

"Your Majesty, the suppression of the rebellion depends entirely on the dedicated efforts of the generals. These small things from the minister can only be regarded as trivial achievements." Xu Ding stood up and said.

Ji Wuji said: "You don't need to be humble, son-in-law. This matter is also thanks to your precautions. I and the Eight Worthy Kings will be poisoned by these rebellious ministers. When my Great Zhou court is overthrown by them, I will be sorry for the ancestors." Zong and the people of Dazhou are dead, and no one can take away your first merit."

All the civil and military ministers also said: "Your son-in-law has made great achievements, and you should be the leader!"

Even the Eighth Sage King said: "The son-in-law has made great contributions to our Great Zhou, and he really deserves a big reward. Your Majesty, please grant him a title."

Ji Wuji nodded slightly: "What the Eight Sage Kings said is reasonable, so let's make Xu Ding the Marquis of Xiaoyao, with eight thousand households in Shiyi. After Xuan'er's illness is cured, they will get married."

"Your Majesty is wise!" All the ministers bowed.

This time, Xu Ding was not humble, but accepted the order and said: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Soon the court dispersed, and everyone left happily.

Xu Ding went to the emperor's study with the Eight Sage Kings.

Ji Wu was very happy to let people serve tea, and then encouraged Xu Ding: "My son-in-law, now you are the free prince of my Great Zhou, you must continue to work hard for the revival of Great Zhou."

Xu Ding naturally agreed.

Ji Wuji took a sip of tea, smashed his mouth, and then said with a little worry: "My son-in-law, can you make more grenades so that my royal guards and 20 troops of Dazhou can equip them? Our Da Zhou will not be afraid of the other Three Kingdoms and the Northern Man."

Xu Ding said: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid this is not possible, because the base gunpowder for making grenades is in Nanming's hands, and the output is completely restricted by him. They can only be equipped in small batches, and cannot be equipped on a large scale. They can only be used during critical battles."

"Hey! I'm still under the control of others, so I can only spend more money to buy the base medicine." Ji Wuji's heart that had just been ignited was suddenly frustrated, and he vomited a little unwillingly.

Gunpowder!Live, it's still Nanming's stuff, why can't we make it.

Xu Ding and the Eight Sage Kings looked at each other.

Eight Wise Kings said: "Your Majesty, everything will be fine. Take your time. Our Da Zhou's foundation is too weak and we need to develop slowly. I believe that according to the plan of the son-in-law, our Da Zhou will finally have the weapons of Western Qin one day." , there are firearms from Nanming, and formations from Dongtang."

"Your Majesty! After solving these judges, our next step is to clean up the city lords everywhere. Only a country with centripetal force can withstand all disasters." Xu Ding didn't want to talk about this topic anymore, Ji Wuji is a complicated person. People, talking too much about ideals is unrealistic.

Nor did he want to expose the fact that he could make gunpowder.

Mentioning these city lords who were holding back, Ji Wuji's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he asked, "My son-in-law, how do you want to get rid of them."

Eight Sage Kings also looked at Xu Ding curiously.

Xu Ding said: "Simple, there are many people involved in the rebellion this time, and many of them should be related to the city lords from various places. There will be letters and collusion in the family to do illegal things. Just act according to the law."

"This...isn't so good. There are too many people involved in this way. If the cities unite, there will be civil war in Da Zhou." Ji Wuji understood what Xu Ding meant, and took advantage of this turmoil to directly wipe out the cities. The city lord fully implements the system of prefectures and counties, and gathers local government and financial power.

Xu Ding said: "Your Majesty, which one do you think is more difficult to accept than the civil war and the southern barbarians. Which one will cause more damage to the Great Zhou?"

"Of course it's the northern barbarians going south." Ji Wuji said without thinking.

The northern barbarians, who were unreasonable and moral, really came in, and Da Zhou would be devastated, and the smoke would be everywhere, and Da Zhou would be looted and riddled with holes.

The city lords of the various cities are also from the Great Zhou Dynasty, and they still follow some rules when fighting and killing, and they will not do some things that exceed the bottom line.

Everyone will leave some room.

And it won't involve all the people.

"So, Your Majesty, there is nothing to hesitate. Now we have an army of 20. If the central government doesn't even have this courage, how can we revitalize the Great Zhou?" Xu Ding bowed to Ji Wu extremely respectfully, and then looked at the eight sages king.

Ji Wuji was still a little confused, isn't he eager to take back his power?
But these city lords are not easy to deal with.

The Eight Wise Kings said: "Your Majesty, what the son-in-law said is reasonable, if you miss this opportunity, it will be difficult in the future; if you don't break it, you can't build it, if you break it, you can build it, if you break it, you break it, if you don't stop it, you will be chaotic."

"Is 20 enough?" Ji Wuji still asked with some uncertainty.

Xu Ding and the Baxian King looked at each other and said in unison: "That's enough, as long as His Majesty is ambitious and determined, that's enough."

Seeing the two of them swearing in their vows, one is his good brother, the virtuous king, supported by the old school.

One is my good son-in-law, Xiaoyaohou, the pillar of the new school.

Ji Wuji clenched his fist and slapped the dragon chair, "Okay! Then deal with these thieves according to the laws of the Great Zhou."

Xu Ding and the Eight Sage Kings smiled knowingly, and then sorted out the city lords who could be cleaned up, and convicted anyone who was involved.

The three of them talked for a whole day, and they didn't leave the palace until midnight.

The next day Xu Ding left Haojing with his troops.

And also brought the edict issued by Ji Wuji to seek thieves.

(End of this chapter)

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