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Chapter 797 Sweeping the City Lord

Chapter 797 Sweeping the City Lord (Two in One)

"Yuan Zhi, how is the training of the new army doing now?" Xu Ding asked Xu Shu as soon as he returned to Xiaoyao City, and gave him the edict to seek thieves.

After Xu Shu took the edict to seek thieves and read it, he replied confidently: "My lord, there is basically no problem. In terms of military discipline, the new army has a preliminary combat effectiveness. The firearms of the Southern Ming Dynasty and the ordnance of the Western Qin Dynasty are easy to operate. , as soon as you learn it.

There must be a gap with the three major powers, but it is more than enough to deal with the guards of these city lord's mansions. "

"Okay! Then draw up a plan and start to eliminate the city lords of my Xiaoyao City. Push me city by city. There is no need to show mercy." Xu Ding was extremely relieved when he heard the words, and also looked forward to the combat effectiveness of the new army.

This is a local army formed from the Longteng Continent. He has no idea how strong it is, and it needs to be tested in actual combat.

If training the guards of the city lord's mansion can't solve it, then how can they fight against the northern barbarian army on the battlefield.

Xu Shu had already planned the direction.

He pointed to the map and said, "My lord, first of all, let's divide our troops into two groups, attack the left and right wings of my Xiaoyao City, seize all the cities and towns that enter the Wanmo Mountain, and lock the Wanmo Mountain firmly in our hands. Push, form two forces with the Eight Sage Kings, one south and one north, to attack and kill all the city lords who disobey the order."

"Okay, let's follow this plan. The strategy I discussed with the Eight Sage Kings is the same. But don't use the name of the imperial court at first, but use the banner of my Xiaoyao City. First, distinguish it from the imperial court. How long have you been confused." Xu Ding affirmed the plan and did not propose a new one.

Soon, the 300 new troops were divided into three batches, each with [-], [-] people. Together with the cavalry from the Han Dynasty, there were about [-] troops on the way, and then they attacked from the left and right, and defended Xiaoyao City all the way.

East of Happy City!Jifang City, City Lord's Mansion.

"Report, something is wrong with the city lord. Eight thousand soldiers and horses from Xiaoyao City rushed towards us to worship Fangcheng."

The lord of Jifang City raised his brows slightly when he heard the words, and said with displeasure: "Don't be alarmed, did Xiaoyao City really come to my Jifang City? It's not going to other places."

"City Lord, the army of Xiaoyao City is indeed coming towards us. They have passed through all the paths, so it is impossible for them to go to other cities. Moreover, they are coming fiercely. They are a new army that has not long been established. Weapons, there are Nanming firearms, and the city lord will make preparations in the morning."

The Lord of Jifang City pondered for a while, took a few steps back and forth, and then said: "Beat the drums and gather the generals, transfer all the soldiers and horses to the city gate, and at the same time issue orders to the major mercenary organizations to assist in defending the city. If Xu Ding really comes If you are looking for trouble, resolutely fight back."

"Here!" The subordinates immediately went down to communicate.

Soon the gates of Jifang City were closed, and the people were also frightened and went home to hide.

About half an hour later, the army of Happy City finally arrived.

Xu Ding deliberately delayed the time, just to put more pressure on Jifang City and let the owner of Jifang City think more wildly.

Let his city lord's mansion guards be more worried.

"Shut up!"

The crowd stopped, and Xu Dingdan stepped forward.

The city lord Xiong Ba asked in a peaceful tone, "The person here is the lord of Xiaoyao City, Xiaoyaohou."

"Exactly." Xu Ding replied concisely.

Xiong Ba was a little annoyed, and he answered casually, and he didn't take him seriously, so Xiong Ba asked again: "Dare to ask why Xiaoyao Hou brought an army to my sacrifice to Fangcheng?"

"Seize the city!" Xu Ding still replied two words.

This time Xiong Ba's nose was crooked.

What a domineering word.

Seize the city, not even a cover-up.

Really underestimate him, Xiong Ba.

"Xiaoyaohou, I have nothing against Xiaoyao City and your Xiaoyao City, and I, Xiongba, have nothing against you. Why did you come to take my city?" Xiong Ba was very puzzled, and said with resentment in his heart.

Xu Ding said coldly: "I want it!"

"Ahem..." Xiong Ba was so angry that he didn't cough up any blood.

Listen, is this what people say?

If your sister wants it, hit me if she wants it. This is too domineering and unruly.

"Xiaoyaohou, my Jifang City is not so easy to fight. You used to have Xiaoyao City, and you can't manage it if you take my Jifang City. Why bother yourself." Xiong Ba glanced at Xu Ding from a distance. The new army behind him then said:

"How can you be free like this? It's not easy for your army to come from afar. I am willing to offer 10 taels of silver and [-] shi of grain. From then on, I will become an ally with Xiaoyao City and jointly maintain the stability of the south."

Xiong Ba's condition is also extremely high, it belongs to cutting flesh.


But when he thought of Xu Ding's new army's equipment, he could only bow his head.

The army in Xiaoyao City has weapons from the Western Qin Dynasty and firearms from the Southern Ming Dynasty.

In this fight, the priest will be beaten to pieces, and even if he defends in the end, his vitality will be greatly injured.

What is lost is profit.

"To take down Jifang City, the money is mine, and the city is also mine. You don't need others to give it to you. If you want, you can take 10 taels of silver and leave with the guards with [-] shi of grain. I won't stop you." Xu Ding He raised his head and said flatly.

"Damn it! I promise you don't bully people too much." Xiong Ba drew his sword and slashed at the wall, but couldn't help it anymore.

Let me take 10 taels of silver and [-] shi of grain.

This city is mine, why should I leave, this money is also mine, I can take as much as I want.

Xiong Ba knew that this matter could not be discussed, so he stopped being hypocritical and showed his true colors.

"What's wrong with bullying you, if you want to protect Jifang City, you can come out and fight with me, defeat me, I will go, if you can't win, give up Jifang City.

Or if you are not in Hucheng for the lives of the people and guards, then we will have an offensive and defensive battle in an upright manner, and use blood and knives to compete for the final winner. "Xu Ding said:

"This is my Da Zhou's rule. I don't think I violated the rule."

Xiong Ba was so refuted that he was powerless to refute.

This is the case with the city lord system of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Whoever can win and kill the city lord will be the new city lord.

Everyone owes their allegiance to whom.

It is normal for Xu Ding to propose a duel, and there is nothing wrong with it.

There is no justice or injustice in the battle to seize the city, and there is no logic.

Challenge as long as you dare to think.

If you win, you have everything, if you lose, you lose your life.

So all the soldiers in Jifang City turned to Xiong Ba.

Even the members of the pending mercenary organization below the inner city listened quietly.

If you can avoid gang wars, of course it is better not to fight.

No one wants to die for this.

This can be regarded as pushing Xiong Ba into a corner.

At this age and status, who would still be willing to fight alone.

So he sneered and shook his head again and again: "Xu Dingxiu tried to trick me out of the city, you think I don't know what kind of crazy idea you are planning, so just attack the city if you have the ability, I'll come to see how powerful your new army is, it's your new army The army is powerful, but the soldiers in my sacrifice to Fangcheng are the most powerful."

Xu Ding stared at Xiong Ba for a few times, didn't speak, then turned around and urged his horse back to the army formation.

When I came back, I only issued a password: "Siege the city!"


The drums of war drummed loudly.

The ministries of Happy City immediately unfolded in line.

The firearms soldiers and the army crossbow troops were scattered on both sides, and the artillery troops pushed the artillery and slowly approached the city gate.

"The artillery, that is Nanming's artillery, my God, Xiaoyao City has all the equipment of Nanming."

The guards of Jifang City began to feel a little flustered, and their throats kept choking.

Whether the little festival city can stop it is a question worth discussing.

"Don't be afraid, it is impossible for Nanming to give the best equipment to Xiaoyao City. These artillery are not powerful at all. Everyone, do your best to avoid them and listen to my orders." Xiong Ba himself was a little timid, but he still waved the sword in his hand.

"Report, the artillery is ready to reload and fire!"

"Fill and fire, I bombarded my mother's sacrifice city." Hong Sheng, the general in command of the artillery team, ordered.

The gunners of each gun immediately cooperated, stuffed the primer powder pack into the barrel, then pushed the plug in and compacted it, and then pushed the shells in.

Next came the ignition.

"Boom boom boom..."

A cannon made a loud noise and emitted countless black smoke.

Then, the city wall and the gate tower of Jifang City also exploded with loud noises, and countless bricks, stones, and sawdust were splashed.

The guards of the city lord's mansion on the city were also blown away, bloody and bloody...


The artillery bombarded continuously.

The city lord, Xiong Ba, and the others hurriedly evaded, and many soldiers in the city were hit. They were either directly killed by the bomb, or injured by stray bullets, and lost their combat effectiveness.

Even the city walls were crumbling.

"Boom!" There was another loud bang, and the city gate under the city cave was also blown up.

The Jifang City was blasted open.

The defenders above and below the city were frightened.

The artillery is too powerful.

In this short period of time, hundreds of people were killed and injured, and no one dared to go up the city wall.

"Strong crossbow army attack!"

The troops equipped with Western Qin armaments followed the order and launched an attack on Jifang City.

The whole army ran to the city at a high speed.

The artillery on the other side stopped firing, and the Musketeers also began to step forward slowly and kick forward.

Aim firmly at the top of the city.

As long as there is an enemy that rises, shoot and kill immediately.

"Damn it, come back, guard the city gate for me, and kill me!" Seeing the fleeing mercenaries, Xiong Ba yelled and cursed loudly, pulled the captain of the personal guard, and led the guards to the inner city gate.

His mansion guards also have weapons in their hands, and they were also made by Xiqin, and their power is equally astonishing.

Just not many.

It is usually used to deter the city and make the major mercenary organizations surrender.

"Find the enemy and shoot the arrows." The general wearing the binoculars saw an enemy in the cave who was also holding Qin soldiers, estimated the distance, and then asked the bowmen to shoot arrows.

A hundred or so bows and arrows shot at the same time.

It's completely blind shooting, the distance is a bit far, and the eyesight of ordinary people can't reach that far.

So the hundred or so arrows shot past, very scattered.

But it is enough to kill.

The guards, who hadn't had time to fight back, were shot through in an instant and nailed to the inner city gate or wall.

Xiong Ba rolled on the ground and hid there. Seeing another hundred arrows shot from outside the city, he quickly climbed up the female wall, then ran down the wall from the other side, and ran into the city.

Xiong Ba ran away, and the others didn't even bother to defend the city, so they also flocked away.

The army of Xiaoyao City entered slowly, cautiously.

After taking down the city gate, he found that Xiongba was about to run away, so he started to pursue him.

After taking down the city gate, the large army quickly entered the city, and then attacked the main treasuries.

Xiong Ba fled out of Beicheng with a small number of elites and a small amount of property, but was quickly overtaken by Xu Ding's cavalry, and was shot through the back by a strong crossbow, causing the entire army to collapse.

Jifang City was taken down so easily.

After a simple two-hour rest, the troops continued to attack the next city.

The manpower to manage the city was handed over to Xu Shu's people.

With the Western Qin ordnance and Nanming firearms.

Xu Ding's process of seizing the city went extremely smoothly.

Every city must be fought, and if it is fought, it must be defeated.

One by one, the city lords were either killed or ran away.

In just eight days, Xu Ding took down more than ten cities including Chong, Huo, Kun, Li, and Lu.

Bie's journey was quite smooth, with successive battles and victories, beheading tens of thousands of enemies and capturing nine cities.

The direct sphere of influence of Happy City suddenly expanded.

The actions of Xiaoyao City caused panic among the other city owners, so they contacted and conspired one after another, and asked Hao Jingshen for a ruling, expressing that Xu Ding would give everyone justice.

Such a domineering annexation of various cities, there is no law of the king and the law of heaven.

But soon they were reprimanded by Hao Jing.

"As the city lord of the Great Zhou, you don't want to be loyal to the country, and you don't want to rule Liming under the T-shirt. You should be killed if you collude with the traitors and communicate with the enemy country to buy the interests of the Great Zhou.

If you repent and repent, you only need to hand over the city under your rule, you can avoid death, and you will be given a title, and you will rest with the country..."

Basically every city’s reply and approval is like this.

At the same time, the news that the Eight Sage Kings ordered to attack Nicheng also came from Haojing.

Of the 20 troops, [-] were left to guard the capital, and the rest marched southward.

Killed all the city lords along the way.

They are all defined as colluding with rebel bandits and dealing with traitors who buy out the country.

Of course, although the Eight Sage Kings had an army of 16, their siege speed was far slower than Xu Ding.

After all, the 16 army is just a huge number, but its combat effectiveness is low.

However, the Eight Sage Kings are capable, and have already deployed manpower in each city.

It is reasonable to cooperate with outsiders, and they succeed every time, and they also take cities into their pockets.

At this time, Xu Ding continued to launch the battle to seize the city, advancing northward and joining the north-south attack of the Eight Sage Kings.

At this time, the cities wanted to form an alliance to fight against the Eight Sage Kings and Xu Ding, but the time was not ripe, and there were no conditions and sufficient trust.

Some city lords knew that they were weak, so they surrendered to Xu Ding and the Eight Sage Kings in exchange for becoming rich.

Seal father city!
Xu Ding's army and the Baxian King finally joined forces in victory. The two eliminated more than 60 cities successively, and wiped out all the city lords from Haojing to Xiaoyao City.

The remaining dozens of cities in the east and west could not be violated. Under the leadership of the eldest son-in-law and the second son-in-law, they also petitioned for the removal of the city lord system and were willing to accept the county system.

But the condition is that they serve as county magistrates and retain their military power in the local area.

At this time, Xiqin and Nanming also reacted and sent envoys to interfere with Dazhou's annexation of the two directions.

And give weapon support.

Considering that the army had been conquering for almost a month and wasted a lot, Xu Ding and the Eight Wise Kings decided to temporarily suspend their march to the east and west, and agreed to the conditions of the two ministries.

After all, the Beiman will go south in a few months, so it's not good to tear yourself apart with Xiqin Nanming.

At this point, the Great Zhou War ended, the system of prefectures and counties began to be implemented, new national policies were implemented, and comprehensive efforts were made to develop the economy and deepen reforms.

After the war, Xu Ding ended the experience of the new army, and then brought it back to Dahan as a training template for the new army on Dahan's side.

(End of this chapter)

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